• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Just a cat pretending to be a human pretending to be a cat on the internet.


Fluttershy doesn't think much of it when Pinkie Pie asks her and her marefriend, Rainbow Dash, to go on a double date. They have been dating for a while, and so have Pinkie and Twilight, so she is looking forward to a nice day out with her friends where, surely, nothing out of the ordinary is going to happen. Nothing at all.

Pinkie Pie's intentions are entirely the contrary.

Contains: polyamory, lesbian horse smooching, sex is vaguely implied in conversation

Chapters (1)

My name is Vinyl Scratch, I'm a guy, and I DJ for a living.

My name is Vinyl Scratch, I'm a guy, and I have the awesomest marefriend in the world.

My name is Vinyl Scratch, and nopony knows that I'm trans.

Cover by me (stock image source.)

Chapters (1)

When Princess Celestia puts away her crown for the night, her dreaming mind escapes into a secret world. A world of adventure, in which the rules are different and everything is possible.

Usually, those dreams pass by without affecting her daily life. But they usually don't involve kissing her sister, either.

Cover by me.
Proofread by Algorth Ironstone.

Chapters (9)

Why does Star Swirl call Celestia Queen? At first, Twilight assumes a mistake, but the oddities only start there.

A missing book and a chaotic ally lead her to a discovery that could challenge everything she thought she knew about her former mentor.

Chapters (1)

Being a fashion designer is not easy - it takes creativity, dedication, and a lot of work. Rarity knows that, and while she wouldn't trade the life she chose for anything in the world, she still needs a break sometimes. What better opportunity is there than going on a walk with a friend - one who has become dearer to her than she had ever been willing to believe?

Cover artwork by bakki (source).

Reading by Agent Fluffy.

Chapters (1)

Luna, the Princess of the Night, still struggles living in a world that has aged one thousand years in her absence, nagged by the guilt of past mistakes. Derpy Hooves, on the other hoof, would be glad to just get through her day without causing too much damage. When, one fateful evening, they bump into each other, neither of them expects that it would change their lives. What does the future hold for the two of them? At least one thing is certain: whatever happens, there will be muffins.

Cover by me (source).
Proofread by PoisonClaw and SongCoyote.

Chapters (5)

Maud hadn't been aware that the end of the world is only hours away. It is inconvenient, too, because she is out in the field studying rocks.

With only her pet rock Boulder at her side, she has to prevent the inevitable. Will she be able to face the hardest enemy of them all - social interaction - and save the day?

“This is an amazing idea, and it was pulled off very well.” (ocalhoun, official review for the EFNW 2015 Writing Contest)

“This has a nice Terry Pratchett feel about it [...]. Maud is excellent, depicted perfectly, and hilarious in her usual stoic way.” (The Hat Man)

“Did you just make me feel proud of a character I previously didn't even care about?” (PinkiePieIsBestPonyMoFo)

Cover by me.

Chapters (1)

Decorations: CHECK
Snacks: CHECK
The best friends a pony could wish for: CHECK

Everything seems to be in place for a perfect Hearth's Warming Eve. But there's something that just won't let go of Twilight.

The cover art is made by the amazing gign-3208 (source), make sure to check out his stuff!

Chapters (1)

In spring, the land blossoms - just like Fluttershy's heart. She dreams of one pony, night and day. That is, until something gets in the way she isn't prepared for. What will she do? And what will become of her friendships? A time comes for the shy pony to prove how brave she can be.

Cover by me. (source)
Proofread by Desavlos and TheEarthSheep.

Chapters (3)