• Published 5th Sep 2017
  • 13,506 Views, 231 Comments

I Didn't Mean to Kiss Scootaloo - B_25

Spike deals with a growth spurt, as well as a childhood friend attracted to said growth-spurt.

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IV – I've Never Fallen in Love Before

“I've Never Fallen In Love Before.”

Dust gathered atop the chain to the basement door, the key scratching against the metal as I inserted into the lock, before everything slinked to the ground in a heap of metal. I looked back to the basement, where I had been granted a safe place to process my thoughts, where nothing could harm me, but at the same time, nothing could be done or progress.

That basement was my comfort zone, something I stepped out from the moment I opened the door to the library. As I walked into the lobby, all the books and the shelves were bathed in dim light, giving them an alien feel. I didn’t know how much time had passed, only that a second more here, now, would be a waste.

I went to the door, my claw hovering just before the handle, before perspective froze me in place. Anything could be waiting for me outside, from two upset fillies seeking revenge, to a meteor feeling like I had become a traitor, and the whistling mares I still had no clue how to address.

But there was also Scootaloo, who had been braving worse changes by her lonesome, despite swearing I’d always be there for her. My claw gripped the handle to the door on its own, but I was the one who threw the door wide open.

My first step outside was in a dash, wings flaring open at the increased speed, before leaping into the air and taking flight. The side of a building awaited my hurling body, as I hadn’t gained enough height, but I simply flapped my wings all the harder, and soared up, up into the gray sky.

In a few moments, my cramped body was loosened by the thick winds, as I made my return to my second home. My first inhale was the freshest one yet, draining the haze clogging my mind with clarity, as my eyes scanned the horizon for anything bearing orange.

I flew for countless hours, to the point I was shivering and panting due to my lack of practice, but the dread that I somehow missed my opportunity with Scootaloo pained me far worse. I debated giving up for a moment, but I knew that was just my cowardice trying to make a last stand.

I shook my head; I needed to find Scootaloo.

Then, a familiar cloud came into view from below; one usually containing a napping cyan pegasus, but this time around, holding an orange mare that looked more like a filly.

Slowly, I made my descent on the cloud, retracting my wings the moment before my feet made contact on its surface. Scootaloo was huddled on the other end, so...small, that I almost didn’t recognize her.

“Scootaloo...is that you?” I said, stopping a few feet from her. Upon hearing my voice, I watched as the back of her head rose from the cloud, much to my enjoyment. “It is you! I was worried I’d fly the whole day, talk to everypony I could, and still not find you.”

I knew I must have sounded lame. I knew that I should have driven right into the core of what happened between us, of the reason why I was here, but I couldn’t help but still open up with stupid small talk.

Then, Scootaloo looked over her shoulder, staring at me with tears lining the corner of her eyes. My bumblings ceased immediately as I was once again reminded of the price of being a coward.

My face went blank as I stepped forward, reaching a claw out towards her. “Scootaloo...are you...are you crying?”

“Of course I’m not, you idiot!” Scootaloo wiped a hoof across her eyes, turning away from me as she faced the sky ahead. “The winds are just a bit stronger than usual. Those tears weren't from something stupid like me crying or anything like that.”


“Anyway, I got things that gotta be done, so could you kindly buzz off?” Her wings fluttered to life, but I wasn’t going to let things end like this—I was done being a coward that let things happen around me. Before I knew it, my legs were dashing towards her, and in a moment, I was wrapping my arms around her barrel and keeping her locked in place.

She kicked and flared immediately, every struggle pricking my heart, as I tried to keep her wings pinned—something she didn’t like at all. “What in the hay are you doing!? Let. Go of me!”

“Not until you and I talk,” I managed out, loosening my grip enough to show her I meant no harm. For a moment, we panted in silence, before I spoke again. “Just...give me a few moments to apologize, to try and make things right. Then you can fly away to your heart’s content. Even call the Royal Guard on me.”

She never ceased to struggle even as I spoke, leading me to receive a few, well-deserved kicks to the stomach, some even to the groin. Still, I held her close, feeling her movements slowing down, waiting for the moment she became still. Then, I let her hop down onto the cloud, as I lowered myself to my knee, hovering my face just before hers. “Calm?”

“Once I fly away,” Scootaloo said, taking a few steps away from me. “So spit out whatever’s on your mind so we can be done with it.”

I couldn’t help but sigh as I sat back on the cloud. I was particularly happy that I had processed my feelings beforehand, because I don't think I would have been able to deal with my biggest fear coming true before my eyes if I hadn't. What made our relationship special was our ability to reveal our deepest core to each other, but because our cores now had to do with the other, our connection was now locked away at a superficial level.

And it would be up to me to return things back to normal, no matter how all this turned out. But...as eager as I was to cleanse myself of my dread, seeing tears still welling in her eyes was enough to see that whatever was causing them to be cleansed first.

“I know I promised to open up right away, but there's just something I have to know,” I said, injecting the utmost care into my voice while trying to keep it from cracking. “Why were you crying, Scootaloo?”

She didn't budge, but I wouldn't give up.

“You can tell me anything, Scootaloo,” I said once more, trying to scoot closer towards her. “Even if it might make me mad or sad, hurt me or anything like that—you can trust me with anything, and I'll just be a pair of ears if it helps.”

It took a few moments, and just one more time of asking. “Why were you crying, Scootaloo?”

“Because of you, you big dumbo!” She exclaimed as her face lit up in rage, though I was just glad to see it again. “Because I think I meet this guy I can finally trust, that I may actually like, only for him to disappear once things were getting started.”

“So you did like me then.”

“Of course I did! I would've broken the kiss the moment it started if I hadn't,” she said, turning away as her cheeks became pink. “I started to like you even before I took your bandages off, when you were still asleep in your hospital bed, and it would just be you and I silently together in a room—and as a new part of you was revealed, those feelings those intensified.”


“When it came to the stuff you only revealed to me, I felt as special as the day Dash started treating me like I was her younger sister,” Scootaloo said, rising to her hooves and daring to look at me again. “But it just made me so angry when I would see you walking back with those slew of mares, and if it weren't for that knowledge that we had of each other, I would have felt just like one of them.”

“I never knew...”

“That's because I never told you!” Scootaloo said as she came closer towards me, only realizing what she said a moment later as she looked away once again. “I never even told myself, because I'm a big dummy as well.”

“So you needed some time to think as well...”

“That's when I realized that despite our differences in personalities, I'd realized those things didn't really matter in the end,” Scoots said, staring off into the darkened horizon, as I joined her in doing so. It seemed being next to each other, but not seeing each other, always allowed us to communicate the best. “You may be a goof who's a little too insecure for his own good, but that's what I like about you, and how you always come up with the right thing to say to improve my situation, or at least, my mood.”

“Having you around always let me know that I wasn't alone, and your enthusiasm was always enough to give me the confidence I needed to make those post recovery decisions.”

That made her smile, for which, I was glad.

“Despite the girls and my friends, there are still times where I feel so alone, like an imposter among those around me. I feel like I don't belong, yet I find myself thinking of you, a dragon living among ponies, and I realized that you and I just clink on the feelings of being an outsider.”

“It's funny how I don't like such with you around.”

“Cut it with the corn, this is a serious moment.”

“I know," I said, "I'm sorry.”

“But to tell you the truth, hot-stuff, I liked you even before the bandages came off, even before you spoke with that new voice of yours.” She couldn't help but giggle. “Yet I can't lie and say that the looks don't add to the package—they defiantly made me look in the mirror and see if I was worth contending.”

“Trust me, Scoots, the whole messy mane thing has me beat by a long shot.”

“Liar,” she giggled, continuing. “You don't know how much improving I have to do to be worth it to you. There are so many mares out there, so better than me in almost every aspect, that'll take you on, and I wonder if that would be for the best.”

Scootaloo wiped another tear from her one eye. “I was worried, that maybe, you saw that and had already moved on.”

I was quick to wipe the tear from her other eyes. “If that was the reason you were crying, then please, cry no more.”

With a heavy sigh, I threw my arm around her and pulled her close to my side. Together, we sat at the edge of the cloud, and waited for the darkened horizon to clear the way for the light hidden behind it. Our conversation wasn't done, not by a long shot.

“You got me thinking about getting with other mares totally wrong,” I said as I did my best to ignore the warmth of her fur pressing against me. “Maybe it's because I've never been in one before, but actually entering into a relationship is enough to make my heart burst in fear. Seeing you in a new light had made me feel something that I had never seen before, and I was wrong to let that image scare me as much as it did.”

I could feel her body move as she looked up to me, but I struggled to keep looking forth into the clearing horizon. “Before my recovery, I was resistant to change because it made me vulnerable—it's not actually pretty to have wings shoot out of your body in a bloody mess. But it was because of that pain that I was put into that hospital with you, that the aching of my growing body allowed me to become equal with the girls, and that opening up about my fear of change allowed you and I to connect on such a deep level.”

Finally, I could resist it no longer, as I looked left to gaze into her purple eyes. “I was so scared of making myself vulnerable that I forgot that I had already done so before you. You told me yourself you already liked the Spike I had become, and that I had nothing to fear—that discovering our unknown futures would be a lot of fun side by side.”

I chuckled, slowly bringing my head down to hers. “And just like any other greedy dragon, I want more than just that. I want to see what you're like with a bed mane, to be with you with almost any chance I get, and to explore this strange new world with the strength of two hearts acting as one.”


“Usually, I would need months of planning, of practicing before a mirror to try and get myself amped for something like this,” I took a deep sigh, bringing my face but mere inches away from each other. “But I've already made you wait long enough. If it's you, I'm willing to take the fall—but if...this, isn't something you want, then tell me now, and I'll forget about it all.”

My answers were lips touching mine. Deliberate and I guess romantic, if you could count the rays of light shining forth from the parting clouds a romantic touch. My other claw moved on its own to her other shoulder, bringing her close as our mouths opened—creating properly one of the most awkward kisses ever to be known.

But, for the life of us, we could not care less.

Once the sloppiness ceased, my back reclined into the cloud from the weight of my love on my chest. She curled up into a small ball as I held her close to me, both relishing in the contact, as we watch the sky take shape from our relaxed view.

“Hey, Spike?”

“Yeah, Scoots?”

“Let's make a promise.”

“What kind?”

“That we'll help each other improve, and when the day comes, you and I will leave this place to follow that blue sky to wherever it leads.”

“That's some time away.”

She rose a hoof, one I enveloped in the grasp of my claw. “I know, but if we're together, it should pass by rather quickly.”


Just as we were about to cement our promise, a familiar warmth filled my chest as fire expelled out my lips. Scoots was quick to take cover as my flames took shape in the form of a letter, one I was quick to open to find out why our moment had been ruined.

Dear Spike.

I'll be coming in town tomorrow to have supper with you.

Please bring Scootaloo.

Love, Celestia.

“What does it say?”

I tossed her the letter, watching her face sink as she read it, before fixing me with a face that looked as if it was going to be banished. “Umm, so what exactly are we going to do, Spike?”

I fixed her smile that seemed to soothe some of her stress, before looking back up at the blue sky.

“This is just merely part of our promise, our second step.”

Comments ( 76 )

D'aw! That was the cutest ending!

And now, I'm imagining Celestia as the over-protective parent.

Starting off with this: I liked the plot. Storyline was strong, Scootaloo was characterized brilliantly, and overall the quality of writing is fairly good. A few things irk me. You established a conflict early with the doctor and...dropped that completely. Good rule to never give unimportant characters a lot of "screen time" if it's not setting up something for later. I feel like you lost track of Spike a bit in the last 2 chapters, went from how he was in the show trying to accept his new form to...kind of a mess that didn't really follow from where he was after his change to where he ended up. The lack of a plan shows, but there's a lot of potential here. I don't usually go this in depth unless a story makes me care so take that as a good sign :p

I love you.


Don't see too many Spike x Scootaloo ship fics made lately, but I'm glad I saw this one. Now the question is whether it's all over, or if there's a sequel exploring the growth of their newfound relationship... and I wanna see what happens when Scootaloo and Spike have that supper with Celestia. :moustache::scootangel::trollestia:

I want a sequel, too. Or just a continuation of this one, even though it's already marked as complete. It's just too sweet to leave it here.

Gentlemens, it was an honor to have read this beautiful story with you

Its over? Awwww.....:pinkiesad2:

You like Scootaloo?

You're a bee-yetch... that likes Scootaloo?

Well, you WON'T find any Scootaloos to like... on the


But silliness aside, I wonder why Celestia is coming to Ponyville specifically for Spike and to bring Scootaloo. I mean, I don't think it's mentioned once that Spike has met Celestia since his growth spurt, so that part makes sense, but why would she ask to bring Scoots?

And they still haven't actually said their promise!

y u do dis, it no completo

You sir, are amazing.

i think you're better

Ooh! It seems like there will be yet another chapter to this story. Just when I thought you were done you find ways to not only add to it but advance upon it with so much more emotion. You paint a scene so brilliantly it's difficult to not take it all in to its fullest. A single paragraph can feel like an epic moment far more lengthy than the words it contains with how you brilliantly craft the setting, mood, and actions going on during a conversation, awkward moment, or time of letting one's guard down in the name of doing what feels right.

The dialogue between Scoots and Spike was so believable in this chapter. The way Scoots admitted to what she observed as Spike was laid up in the hospital and still starting to learn what it was like to be more than just a cowardly assistant to Twilight. You allowed the reader to recall all that had happened to see 'between the lines' as to what Scootaloo may have been feeling and doing during all that time that brought us to that faithful kiss in the sky. Very well done.

You certainly should be very proud of what you've accomplished with this story. It's honestly the most believable Spikealoo tale I've ever read along with just being an overall great story. Your first person is wonderful and, in my opinion, what draws us even deeper into how emotionally driven this story is meant to be.

OH, COME ON! You can't just leave it like that! This awesome story needs- no, deserves an epilogue! Please!

We don't get enough stories where, Spike and Celestia, get to do the "parent/son dinner date to meet my girlfriend thing". So, PLEASE! Do a epilogue chapter! It would be so much fun.

Plus after, Spike, said he was raised by Celestia, I was wondering why she didn't make a trip to visit before. But this would be so much better!:moustache::scootangel::trollestia:

that was masterful :fluttercry: :raritystarry:

that is all :twilightsmile:

Loved the ending, was sweet yet had abit of funny to it. Any chance of a sequel?

Short but sweet. I like it

if this is the ending, i'm literally gonna end up destroying everything and get sad for a week tops. also school. *sighs*

Can you do another Spike shipping fic?

Which ship would you like?

Of Spike and Gabby.

that one may be hard to do—haven't seen the show since season 2

It's been a great ride, but I really wanted to see that.

see what?

8433545 It's a virus of my own creation.

Soon, we shall be overloaded with Celestia-birds, and ALL WILL CRUMBLE

Supper with Celestia.

When I'm out of the dumps, maybe I'll write a quickie on how their lives panned out.

8433794 Ah, but the virus will make you LOVE COOKIE CRUMBLE! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!

Awwwwww! It’s over. I loved this, it was cute. Sequel possibly?

Tank is best Shipper. :trollestia:

Well that came out of nowhere, couldn't bother to see your own son in the hospital when he was in major pain and heartache but a few days or weeks or months later, that's when you chose to come? What kind of mother are you Celestia? And for that matter where is Luna, Candence or Blueblood? Can't even bother having the whole family show up when he needs it save for his sister huh? Sorry, that just pissed me off, I know it's not about them but important matters like that are no joke. On the other claw, you're doing an amazing job keep Spike and Scootaloo in character and I'm always a huge sucker for this pairing, it's rare since most go for Sweetie Belle or Apple Bloom, both of whom I like as well with Spike but I personally just feel like Spike and Scoots might have more in common and connect more then most people bother to research about the two, you have my full attention.

NO, FUCK- It was so good.

Tank isn't a turtle. He's a tortoise. The difference was a joke that was repeated several times in his introductory episode.

me too dumb to know difference

We all demand a sequel!!

You sir have done well, it's very difficult to catch attention on Fimfiction with short stories (my point of view). I normally read stories along 100.000 words but you catched me with your description and "unique" style of writing. Normally I don't read stories that are explained throughout a diary but like you wrote in the third chapter, you quite well captured the most important and live changing moments in this story in that style of writing. Definitely deserves a spot on the favourite list and I could see myself waiting for a sequel. So have a nice day and keep writing awesome stories like this one ^^

Thank you for the kind words.

What would the sequel be about?

Also demanding a sequel! Maybe since slice of life with these two starting their relationship? That dinner with celestia, talking to the other two CMC's after that mess, talking with some male like big mac about life changes for a stallion perspective, just ordinary days and flying between the two (and drill sergeant dash), maybe scoots graduating? There's plenty of room from here! Your ending has the makings of a grand beginning!

... If you were up to it. This is way easier for me to say than for someone to actually write out. So please take my well of text as suggestions, if you want them at all.

Thanks for the lovely read though, this was a delight:twilightsmile:

Thanks for all the saves and ideas.

I'll see what I can do.

1 of 2 things
A) Spike and Scootaloo get married
B) Spike and Scootaloo have/adopt kid(s)
Or you could do both and make them the same sequel or make multiple sequels.

This is without question the best slice of life story I've ever read. Like, holy shit, this was good. The premise of this story, with Spike going through puberty maybe have seemed like a big question mark to me in the beginning, but I absolutely love how you both answered the question of life for Spike in his new body and the question of the obvious relationship between Scootaloo and Spike. I also didn't think I'd ever read a story that pulled off a Scootaloo and Spike relationship to this level of awesome, but you, my friend, one hundred percent nailed it. 10/10 would read again and again and again.

I've never enjoyed a story so much in my entire life!!

Spike and Scootaloo pork :trollestia:

Seriously, though. This a great read. Quite a few grammar errors and typos, though. I would love to see a sequel about their life together.

I know I've already said it, but this story just brings out so many emotions. The way Spike and Scoots share their feeling of always being stuck in someponies shadow is especially great, since I can sort of relate to that thought myself. Based on my on experiences, I can say that feeling like your just some cheap knock-off of the real deal is one of the worst feelings you will ever feel in your life! But the fact that Spike and Scoots both help each other see past this and grow their relationship from it is beautiful. The fact that spike isn't sure how he feels while being confused about his onw identity is a great twist to the cliché plot of a lover with conflicted feelings. I especially enjoyed the part where Rainbow gives Spike "the talk" and how she plays the overprotective sister role. It made me laugh on multiple occasions. Overall this was just a great story that truly captures the feeling of what its like to be in a relationship with not only a friend u can share your strongest feelings with, but also where you might not completely understand what it is that you're feeling. Now you might be wondering why exactly I wrote this whole summary, but the truth is that this story has made an incredible impact on my life and has helped me get through some situations in my life where I was feeling a bit like Spike in the sense of living in someones shadow to the point where you put yourself down in the process. Again great story and if the creator is reading this than thank you again for writing such a great and emotional story!!!

Thank you for the long comment—one can never get enough of those.

If you ever feel like chatting or anything like that, feel free to PM me.

Until then, keeping it flowing boy-oh.

Well fuck i need more :pinkiecrazy:

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