• Member Since 19th Jan, 2015
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Meep the Changeling

Channeling insanity into entertaining tales since 2015-01-19.


This story is a sequel to Across the Sea of Time

[First Person] [Alternating Perspectives] [Science Fantasy]
The Sea Series: Book Two (Alpha)

NOTE: You do not need to read the previous book to fully enjoy Beneath the Sea of Sand.

The changelings of the Emerald Hive are known mostly as a highly reclusive bunch of people squatting under a hill in the Equestrian Badlands. Ponies living near their hive have reported strange happenings more often than not, weird lights in the sky at night, strange sounds, and the fact no pony who has visited has ever said more then a few words about their hive at all have made many ponies uneasy over the years.

After an attack on a Diamond Dog mine to seize a large amount of Arcaneite, the Emeralds Queen is revealed to be Phoenix, the AI of an alien starship changeling hive spent generations repairing. To many ponies amazement, Phoenix quickly made an offer of mutual assistance and advanced technology in exchange for food for her changelings.

Celestia decides to accept Queen Phoenix offer, but with one condition: Twilight, her friends, and their immediate families must first live within the Emerald's hive for a year to learn if their cultures are compatible, and what dangers her technology might present.

Beneath the Sea of Sand is a work of Science Fiction, specifically the Science Fantasy genera, which combines tropes and elements from both science fiction and fantasy. You can expect to see magic and all things FiM (made a bit more Swords and Sorcery), and also crashed alien space craft, AIs, high technology, and themes meant to explore the human condition.

Beneath the Sea of Sand is inspired by FiM, my old D&D games, the works of Isaac Asimov, Clive Cussler, and Douglas Adams. While there is a running joke and plot point involving Star Trek, you do not need any knowledge of Trek to enjoy Beneath the Sea of Sand.

Proofread by the Amazing Timuri
Dedicated to NFire, Bringer of Good Fiction, Architect of Legacy.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 440 )

I concede your point sister, we are gods in the eyes of a normal pony, or we would be had we not insisted they not form a religion around us.

Meanwhile in a warehouse in downtown Canterlot, a secret meeting of the Church of Lunar Consciousness is just getting started.

The old Latigo phrase ‘Deus ex machina’ comes to mind.

Okay, I'll bite. How did you go about ponifying Latin in to Latigo? Was it random, or was there a process to it?

The planet Alpha Centauri Bb spun through space just a short distance below us.

Space is truly amazing. A planet that orbits a star that orbits a star.

“Welcome to the stars my children.” I said as I began scanning for an appropriate asteroid to mine.


Luna asked while giving me a look she reserved for dumb statements brought before her in court.

double space

the memory and physically degraded.



Meanwhile in a warehouse in downtown Canterlot, a secret meeting of the Church of Lunar Consciousness is just getting started.

Shhh! Don't give away the plot!

Okay, I'll bite. How did you go about ponifying Latin in to Latigo? Was it random, or was there a process to it?

Well, I looked up a glossary of equestrian (real world horse stuff) terms. A latigo is a leather strap with punched holes, permanently attached in sets of two or three on each side of the tree of a saddle, used to hold and adjust the girth that holds on most types of saddle. Since it is very close to the word Latin, and a horse word, I used it.

Space is truly amazing. A planet that orbits a star that orbits a star.

I know right? Oh and there is another star that orbits Alpha Centari A called Proxima Centari. So that's a planet that orbits a star with another star, that orbits a third star.

6027815 "the Great and Powerful Trixie appreciates your enthusiasm for her story... that she must share with others. Humph."

Once the mining is finished, Heinleins Green Hills Of Earth I think would be appropiate.

What to call the new city of Changelings?


What to play while mining?

Its cold outside, theres no kind of atmosphere, Im all alone, more or less. :moustache:

but we could do a five minute jump to Alpha Centauri.

would be a dream come true....

6028280 Crap I do need a name for it. Um... Somewhereia! No that's stupid...

6029725 We'll have it in 50 years tops. Don't you worry!

Am I the only one who kept hearing the theme from STXI in my head during the take off scene, eh?

*sees everyone scowling and walking towards me with torches and runs to hide behind ant-flame shield to protect self from rage that will surely come from me mentioning that movie*, eh.

6031531 It's ok you can hide in my Fort of Geekdom. That theme song is on my writing playlist.


*runs into Fortress of Geekdom, incredibly slowly mind you, as I must save as much of my collection as possible*, eh.

I managed to save the Mass Effect pony art before the shields failed, eh.


6031821 It's good you ran slowly, it increases dramatic tension. God art by the way! Though... AJ is more like Wrex then Dash and Dash is more like Garrus. Mostly because Garrus is loyal as all hell to Sheppard. Amazingly well done vectors though I couldn't do better myself.


i didn't actually make it, someone sent it to me on my birthday, it's a favorite of mine though, eh. I'm pretty sure Rarity is supposed to be Miranda, however she might be Liara, eh... I've been getting so obsessed with Stargate I haven't had much time for Mass Effect and Star Trek lately, Liara and Miranda wear very similar suits, if memory is fully functional, with great panic, I'm too young to be losing my memory, with annoyance at my own antics, must stop talking like elcor, talk in some other patern, must remedy as soon as possible, no time full sentences anymore, straight to point, saves time, Mordin was onto something with chosen speech patern, must study further, first go binge on DS9 marathon, eh.

With best impression of Burns from Simpsons, excellent, with barely contained humor,oh my Goddess, I'm horrible at doing impressions, eh.

Elcor speech interesting as well, eh. Further thought required on subject, eh.

6031843 You made me read that in an elcor's voice, with some peppy Canadian girl adding 'eh' to the end of his sentences. I needed that laugh so much! I thank you greatly.

Yaay, the Sagan has got an upgrade.

Can Phe work on the Hyperjets next?

Or will there just be a Cuisineart in the galley? :pinkiecrazy:

If the city is in a diamond shape, is that the old boundary of Phe, if so, given she launched, is she in a crafted cavern, or in geosynch orbit or where?

I ship it,

“Well, yeah but it’s rare that mom or Twilight isn’t all over you… I just wanna know what the stuff with the straps and stuff is called so I can-”


There was a squeak as a chair in front of the large window at the front rotated to reveal… an adorable pink furred bipedal unicorn mare with perhaps a touch of feline blood in her! To Trixie's greater shock the mare smelled a bit like a stallion as well as a mare, she also was fully dressed in a black and red skirt and vest outfit. It looked very military-like, but was also quite sexy due to being what looked to be high quality artificial leather.

“The Sagan doesn't have any magic in her. She’s pure tech.” The Blue and Pink Adorable-Alien-Mare said in the cutest singsong voice. Trixie swore she was from a species which had somehow weaponized cuteness. It was almost scary.

I am the force of adorable itself! MWAHAHAHAA!

Let’s resume this conversation never.”


Trixie blinked and looked over at Taylor, “Did you just say we can control the room’s temperature?”

“Yeah. Full climate controls. Beats the hell out of my old trailer.” she replied.

“The great and Powerful Trixie can not wait to land!” Trixie exclaimed happily, comforted immensely by the knowledge that while living with her loves in this shining city she would never have a cold morning again.

still doesn't work that way....

I loled

Not a bad chapter but somehow I feel lost as it seems to have skipped somewhere. maybe its part of other stories I don't know. You suddenly have Twilight and Trixie together, the CMC had vanished for a number of years and they are packing for a trip. In the last chapter Celestia was just putting things together to let them know and Phee had taken the emerald hive into space

Rainbow had rolled herself up into a pony-burrito

New at Taco Bell, the Skittles-flavored Pony Burrito. Don't ask what's in it. $1.99. Runs from the Border.

Silly and Over-thinking Twily

That will never stop being cute.

Cold-making and Blanket-stealing Rainbow

The Great and Powerful Trixie demands you stop stealing her blankets!

You tell her Trixie! Blanket stealing is tantamount to treason in my eyes. I wonder if this is why I'm frequently single...

“Is this seriously just a ‘found your card’ trick?”


“Who wants-” Trixie wished she had her cape for a dramatic swoosh as she spun around on her rear hooves, while producing a tray of pizza rolls, “-pizza rolls?”

Totino's® WOW! Thanks Mom!

The spark of childhood is a wonderful thing no pony should fully extinguish.

Words to live by.

Well, yeah but it’s rare that mom or Twilight isn’t all over you… I just wanna know what the stuff with the straps and stuff is called so I can-

Scoots, you are asking the wrong pony. You don't talk to relatives about that. Trust me when I tell you, there is at least one pony in your non-familial circle that can provide this information to you. For me, it was my best friend that I've known since 1st grade. :twilightsmile:

“The Great and Powerful Trixie was told in magician's college that smoking poison joke would enhance a unicorn’s magical ability.” Trixie answered truthfully. “So she tried it. Now Trixie speaks very distinctly.”

That explains so much. The crazy and willing-to-try-anything-once bri_chan is interested in this. :raritywink:

“What power’s this vehicle?” Twilight asked eagerly, “When we were tracking you guys in the badlands I swore it had a mag-”


Let’s resume this conversation never.

Awwww!!!! :pinkiesad2:

The great and Powerful Trixie can not wait to land!

Neither can the Excited and Impatient bri_chan.

Scoots wined in a perfect Dash impression.

whined - unless she, you know... glug glug, wined.

What power’s this vehicle?


The towers is the living complex.

**character speaking - Ad’ika** Based on how Ad'ika spoke for the rest of that paragraph, I think this correction should stand but I could be wrong:
'are' not 'is'

6033629 helps some still feels like there is sudden gap or jump in time

Great, now I want pizza rolls... I like Gaia as a name though, oddly fitting.

6033695 I secretly think Meep is in cahoots with the pizza roll industry.


You tell her Trixie! Blanket stealing is tantamount to treason in my eyes. I wonder if this is why I'm frequently single...

This is why my girl and I use sleeping bags.

“Is this seriously just a ‘found your card’ trick?”

Check the author's note. That was a real card trick.

Trust me when I tell you, there is at least one pony in your non-familial circle that can provide this information to you.

Funnily enough, both the ponies she wants to do it with could tell her.

That explains so much. The crazy and willing-to-try-anything-once bri_chan is interested in this. :raritywink:

You get he same effect as normal, but there is no way to remove it. It's a mean trick plaid on pones in college.

Let’s resume this conversation never.

Don't worry, she'll get better.

Good catch on the way Addy speaks! I fixdadid it.

6033742 Yeah yeah, I know, Dr. Orpheus, Master of Mysticism. Been a diehard Venture Bros. fan since the beginning. What would even be in an Equestrian pizza roll anyway. Normal pizza rolls are just pepperoni, mozzarella and marinara.


Check the author's note. That was a real card trick.

Oh, I've seen it before. I tend to do a back and forth when creating my comment, so sometimes when I get to the author's note I have to edit my comment. Othertimes, I leave it exactly as I wrote it.

Funnily enough, both the ponies she wants to do it with could tell her.

:rainbowlaugh: Worse part is, it probably won't even cross Scootaloo's mind to ask her lovers. Here's hoping it wont take her too long.

You get he same effect as normal, but there is no way to remove it. It's a mean trick plaid on pones in college.

I don't think I've ever had that level of prank played on me in college, but then I only play a pony on the internet. :raritywink:

Good catch on the way Addy speaks! I fixdadid it.

*whew* I've been trying to be extra cautious on character speech corrections after that last time, hence the red-text and the justification.

6033763 Well some pegasi do eat fish. But in this case it's not actually food, it's shaped and flavored magical essence which vanishes after an hour as per the cantrip Prestidigitation, which Trixie simply casts with the presistant metamagic feat to be able to use the power for the entire day. Though Twilight and co think it was just cheezy maranarie cheesey rolls.

I'm familiar with Dr. Orpheus, but it also seems like you've caused at least a few readers to desire pizza rolls. Hence the comment.

What would even be in an Equestrian pizza roll anyway. Normal pizza rolls are just pepperoni, mozzarella and marinara.

They have hay bacon, so I'm sure there is some substitute for pepperoni involving hay.

6033770 Scoots is a bit derp. She assumes if she docent know something, her friends don't.

6033789 Well some pegasi do eat fish. But in this case it's not actually food, it's shaped and flavored magical essence which vanishes after an hour as per the cantrip Prestidigitation, which Trixie simply casts with the presistant metamagic feat to be able to use the power for the entire day. Though Twilight and co think it was just cheezy maranarie cheesey rolls.

6033789 Hayperoni :pinkiehappy:

*Gets shot for terrible horse pun...*

6033804 :rainbowlaugh: Hours later and I'm still laughing at that. I want my pizza with hayperoni and extra cheese please.

6035408 That's much better! Especially if you top it with Pamarezan cheese too.

“They served their master unwillingly, yes, but their species produced that same monster, and every cruel weapon they fought with! The human species has done nothing but-”
“Megan Williams.” I said loudly.

Well now, mixing a little G1 in here I see.

“That’s a wise precaution.” I said as I accepted the parchment and quill. “But not a word of this to anypony. Twilight is simply visiting a hive which wishes to become a province of the Kingdom.”

I'm sure that will work out just fine.

She nodded, sat straight up in her chair, pointed with a hoof out the bridge window as rock and sand began to slid down to reveal the surface of the badlands, and intoned, “Yamato, ascend!”

Now that's appropriate.

They went all the way to Alpha Centauri just to mine an asteroid? That's kind of overkill, though it was worth it for the reference to the wreckage in orbit around the planet.


Well now, mixing a little G1 in here I see.

I've mixed in G1 since the first story I've written. Nopony's noticed yet besides you just now.

They went all the way to Alpha Centauri just to mine an asteroid? That's kind of overkill,

Nah, that's going to the coner store for a coke. Alpha Centauri is less then 5 LY distant. With her maximum velocity of her secondary FTL drive only of 150c, Phee covers 1,350 trillion kilometers per year at full speed, or 44,968,868,700 meters per second. That 4.3 something LY trip takes her ~18 hours. On her "space hopper" backup drive.

On the primary drive she can cover the distance as soon as she calculates the jump with about 5 minutes of travel time. Huzah for internal mass relay.


I've mixed in G1 since the first story I've written. Nopony's noticed yet besides you just now.

I believe that's because many of us (read: stallions) only know G4. I've read enough stories on here to recognize the name Megan Williams, but that's the extent of my non-G4 knowledge. Probably because if you were male and growing up in the 80's the absolute last thing you'd be interested in was My Little Pony. I'm certain if you told my 6 year-old self that, when I was older, I'd be watching My Little Pony I'd think you were nuts.

Oh, I also know that Rainbow Dash always dresses in style.

6035780 Do you have any skills? From what I understand the Emerald Hive is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Service means Citizenship.

6035653 Heh heh heh... G1 facts dump! The Smooze is a G1 arcane disaster (gray goo nanite equivalent) created by three human witches because fuck those ponies. Triek and Scorpan are huge G1 villeins and Spike was their always fucks it up minion. Humans lived in "Equestria" in G1 but were very very rare and it was implied they were lost or trapped there. G1 plot summeries for episodes read like horrifying evil messages from a hell beast recalling the torments it put out that day

The ponies are on their way to Flutter Valley for the "Sun Tuesday" celebration with the Flutter Ponies. Meanwhile, the Witches from the Volcano of Gloom are busy hatching a plan to destroy Flutter Valley and the ponies, allying with an army of giant bees to get their revenge on the Flutter Ponies. The bees steal the precious Sun Stone, and if the Flutter Ponies can't get it back, their home will be destroyed.


Lavan, a lava demon, kidnaps the Princess Ponies and steals their magic wands. As Lavan grows in power, Ponyland's magic is thrown into chaos. Can he be stopped before everything is destroyed?

Oh and the orgional G1 version of the EoH was called the Rainbow of Light and basically blew motherfuckers to hell. Aside from the terribad music numbers and the occasional filler episode... it was dark and twisted as all hell!

Oh and, G1 episode 55

Spike goes in search of his roots and joins a dragon horde, but finds he does not agree with their bullying ways.

6036087 Funnily enough the city's anthem is:

Popular vote selection can be wierd.

6036858 Look, you don't have to try and sell me & Trixie more reasons to land the ship faster. We're sold already. It's not like I'm looking for reasons to visit the medbay.

Does a papercut count?

6036871 "Oh my! I feel under the weather. Perhapse i need to undergo a medical scan." "Huh? Oh! Yeah! Sure! Psst, size prefrences?"


Psst, size prefrences?

With Phee's quirks, that's a loaded question. Around the same level as asking a djinn for a wish.

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