Vinyl Scratch and Octavia get stuck halfway through riding Sparkle Mountain at the Harmonic Kingdom.

But it's okay. Surely they will be reimbursed for their Fast Passes.


Chapters (1)
Comments ( 27 )

I am serious, and don't call me Shirley.

Wanderer D

Even now, I can barely hear the plebeian groans of the obese tourists two car spaces ahead of us

Effing plebs.:moustache:

I don't know what to expect from you work.
I laugh. I cry.
I begin to question my meaningless existence and wonder when the sweet bliss of eternal sleep will return me to the comic sands of the universe and I can once more fuel the creation of a burning ball of fire resting gently on the fabric of space/time

"We come from nothing, and when we die we return to nothing. It's almost as if the chemicals in our bodies despise being alive, and seek more than anything to return to an inert state. Nopony is ever actually living. We're all simply dying in slow motion.

I think I'll go with the latter this morning. I blame Disney World and Bush Gardens giving me pneumonia when I was a kid.

Thank god they didn't include...

You gotta shaaaaaaare
You gotta caaaaaaare


I have no idea what I'm supposed to feel about this. But I am still amused.

Life is a meaningless slump, emerging screaming from nothingness only to return to it in time. All endeavors are ultimately fruitless, a fist shaken at something that not only does not care about our defiance, but is not even capable of recognizing it.

But pretty pink princesses are nice.

"Uhhh...you okay, 'Tavi? Cuz you're gettin' awfully friendly with that Princess Cadance plush I won for ya. Not that there's anythin' wrong with that..."

"Oh yes, my darling Vinyl, and so much more! I...I'm ecstatic. Chuuuuu~"

"...alrighty then, I'll just check up on ya in a bit, okay?"

What is a plebeian groan, and how does it differ from a Senatorial groan? (I won't even start on the whole Equestrian/Equites thing).

A plebian groan is extra whiny compared to a standard groan.

9/10 but I hate suzy episodes.

Each eardrum is being slaughtered by a continuous salvo of repetitive music loops, and none of them all too inspiring.

What's that sense of déjà vu I'm experiencing?

the repetitive chorus to "It's a Small Whinny After All."

Oh no you didn't

several cast members have shuffled out of the metalwork, and now they're traversing the walkway, approaching each stranded car one by one.

Which is more than what the real cast members did…

Lighten up, Tavi. If life is meaningless, then its meaninglessness itself is meaningless, and any unhappiness or sense of unfairness we experience as a result is tantamount to pouting--a lingering oily residue of our delusions of grandeur. Just shrug it off and enjoy yourself. If you can't do that, you might as well be dead already, and wouldn't that be a rip-off? Kinda like paying all that money to get into Disneigh World and not riding Sparkle Mountain.

Also, now I need to watch that movie again. Twist my arm.

I read this without noticing who the author was, and yet I knew it was SS&E about a third of the way through. The style is very distinctive.

Where are the animajontronics?


His writing style is pretty easy to pick up on once you've read a few of his stories. :twilightsmile:

Pfft, this is nothing. You should see what happened last time Vinyl got stuck on a ride...

Hehehehe, Vinyl, a mare after my own heart.
hnnnnnnng... guuuurl.

Awesome job dude! XD

Epcolt... Hmm... *grins*

Taste the hyper seizure inducing rainbow mother f***er!

I have no idea what just happened but I don't love it.

"We come from nothing, and when we die we return to nothing. It's almost as if the chemicals in our bodies despise being alive, and seek more than anything to return to an inert state. Nopony is ever actually living. We're all simply dying in slow motion. But since it is nothing less than a reunion with the void, then perhaps--beyond the penultimate rush of existential panic--we will all be at peace with ourselves, in that the very concept of 'ourselves' will have dissolved entirely?"

Lyra pls

Sonofabitch!!! Even just reading the damn words to that song puts the whole friggen song back in your head. Uggghhh.

So Tavi's Grump and Vinyl's Not-So-Grump.

Fast passes are for SCUM! Scum y'hear!? Some folks bust their butts working overtime an entire year just to save up enough money to take their kids to an amusement park, stand in ridiculously long lines while knowing full well that there won't be enough time for the kids to see everything only to have some frigging yuppie douchebags or a bunch of airheaded bimbo's out on Daddy Morebuck's wallet zip straight to the front!


Skirts, you goddamn mad genius, I love you.

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