• Member Since 18th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen July 6th

Word Worthy

A teller of tales, whenever I can manage to find my quills and inkwell, that is! Send me a PM if you want to chat!



Shortly after the defeat of Tirek, Princess Celestia began conducting a series of controlled and discreet experiments with a diverse family of potion types, one that allowed their alicorn users to safely witness and analyze events of the past. On the eve of the last of these such trials, a particularly potent potion among the others transports the Princess to a mysterious event far earlier in time than she had originally intended. 50,000 years earlier, in fact.

Now she's in the presence of a group of funny-looking hornless minotaurs wearing business suits.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 47 )

Love pinkie pie:pinkiehappy:

Dang, I am kinda wishing there would be more and yet it ends at such a good 'bizarre' note it doesn't need more. Great comical one shot.

so we will return one day to reclaim earth then.:ajbemused:
not sure on how i feel on that point.

4955941 Remember that 50,000 year gulf :twilightsmile:

Most of them actually ended up leaving to settle that mirror world from Equestria Girls permanently. Some Earth folk just couldn't stand the Colonials.

There was an excellent amount of Luna's favorite banana juice that I had carefully snuck from the castle kitchen while sister was sleeping, though.

... But bananas don't have any juice in them.:rainbowhuh:

This isn't right at all.:fluttercry:

Shame this has only one chapter, I can only imagine the sheer panic on Twi's face -if- Celestia decides to indulge her :rainbowlaugh:
Still, this was a great little read!

4957050 Blender + milk + bananas = glass of banana goodness

You know, this Celestia and canon Celestia kind of contradict each other for the simple fact that the former wants to record history while the latter seemingly wanted to cover it up. I come to this conclusion after the fact that Nightmare Moon, Discord, and even the Crystal Empire were all uncommon knowledge in her kingdom; apparently just being myths even though she had personally witnessed these things and could have reminded her subjects or had her accounts recorded. Really, the above mentioned events should have been taught in middle school history classes.

So now you have a Celestia whose going out of her way to record historical events with these potions even though she lived through the majority of them and could have done the task without magical cum... Yay for nit-picking comedies!


You know, this Celestia and canon Celestia kind of contradict each other for the simple fact that the former wants to record history while the latter seemingly wanted to cover it up.

Some in power privately record history so that they know what they need to specifically cover up. In this case, the Royal Archives and its workers are sworn to secrecy with what Celestia will have them put down.

So now you have a Celestia whose going out of her way to record historical events with these potions even though she lived through the majority of them and could have done the task without magical cum...

See above. In addition, she was also looking into events during her earlier years centuries ago that none of Equestria - even her, would have been aware of in the respective era due to geographical factors.

Now she's in the presence of a group of funny-looking hornless minotaurs wearing business suits.

Never before have I wanted to read a human story. That HOOK though.


add some vanilla ice cream and it will be even better:pinkiehappy:

...... dang now i want a banana smoothie lol:pinkiehappy:

Have you ever considered submitting this story to Equestria Daily? You can find out how to do so here.

4959024 I'm not too big on submitting my own work to EQD, actually. Not to stop anybody else though, if they'd be so inclined.

This story explains so much!...:twilightoops::trollestia:

Hehehe. When those humans get back, if they ever do they aren't going to like what they see...

Is it a bad thing that I took this seriously? I mean, it's good fantastic, and it's funny too. It seems to me like you've got a new headcanon thing here :pinkiehappy:

Holy cheesecake and bubblegum... can I use this theory for my story Monster? That would tie everything together absolutely perfectly and set up everything! :pinkiehappy:

4961974 Yeah, I don't know. If they could pull all that crap 50.000 years ago, they're probably hilariously overpowered by now. It's unlikely they'd be bothered.

In fact, I have this mental image of one of them patting Celestia on the head and telling her what a good job they've done while they were away exploring and trolling the cosmos, like she's a little kid he/she's praising for keeping her room clean. :rainbowlaugh:


Which..She kinda is after all.

4966335 By comparison, I guess she would be. I don't think she'd like that thought very much, though :rainbowlaugh:

Celestia is probably used to being the Wise Elder, after all.

sooo your spoofing TF2 which loves the ponies, you got a Meghan in there which spoofs gen 1, and your blowing up the 4th wall with pinkie and Pauline.... Think I got all the refs

So humanity invented the ponies out of boredom? :rainbowlaugh:

4968681 Judging by the massive positive reception thus far, I have no doubt I'll probably end up continuing this "Humans create Equestria" premise in some form in the future.

4968852 Fan. Fucking. *rainbowfy* TASTIC!!!!!

The question is, of course, whether the humans ever intend to come back. I'd say 'no', given that the seed population on the other side of one of the portals (as visited by Twilight Sparkle) have forgotten their origins.

That said... I suspect that this was always the CEO's real plan. "Earth is the cradle of the mind" but humanity had long since outgrown that cradle and there was no real reason to return. I've just got this sinking feeling that Pinkie was recalling events of which she was a personal witness... :pinkiehappy:

4973273 "Earth is the cradle of the mind. But one cannot eternally live in a cradle." I believe the full saying goes. :twilightsmile:

I think I just died. I should really get back to my HOmEwOrk. :derpytongue2:

I'm amazed at how few comments seem to pick up on the fact that Pinkie is clearly Paulina. :pinkiegasp:

Pinkie Pie is Paulina made into an immortal pony... You realize dis shit right?

Wow... this is brilliant! :rainbowlaugh: Also, I'm guessing Paulina is Pinkie Pie.

Because as history taught us, humans only ever do anything amazing for inane and petty reasons.

I wouldn't have it any other way. :trollestia:


If Cave said it then it must be true! If you say or even think otherwise then you're FIRED!!!! Stuff, Box, Parking Lot, Car, Go.

Sandvich was where I immediately stopped taking this story seriously, that's not saying I didn't like it.

Actually, I should've paid better attention to the tags, the random tag would've told me not to take it seriously. Well it's an interesting story, I admit I struggled a little to keep reading once the humans arrived, and Pinkie's sudden appearance was unexpected (didn't read the tags before reading :twilightsheepish: ), as was the Jurassic Park reference. :raritystarry:

To be more honest, I wasn't expecting the story to turn out this way. I was expecting something a little different then the human factor, then again... shoulda read the tags!! :rainbowlaugh:

I have to say, the prospect that the ponies could have been genetically created, or somehow birthed from the ideas many of the humans. That's a scary idea and one I am just now acquainted with. :derpyderp1:

Well, the sum it up: It was a good story, creative, funny. Took me a while to get round to reading it, but I did and I was certainly surprised. :coolphoto: :twilightsmile:

6336022 sandvich make me strong!

Now that I've actually been playing TF2 for a few months and understand all the references here I caught while rereading this, I have only one thing to say.


"It's always Sunny somewhere!"

"Rainbow Dash presents" is back :pinkiegasp:!

The female asked, parting locks of her curly pink hair, allowing me to see her eyes, which were a light cerulean, if I remembered my colors correctly.

Well... colour me surprised! ["rimshot"]. No wonder I thought, that female was somewhat peppy.

I should really get a bookshelf for silly stories...

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