• Member Since 18th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen July 6th

Word Worthy

A teller of tales, whenever I can manage to find my quills and inkwell, that is! Send me a PM if you want to chat!


How is Everyone and the Fandom Doing? (Yes I am not dead! :D) · 11:40pm May 10th, 2018

Been a while! How have you all been?

I have been around but not as busy with my own writing as I'd like, as you can see, due to me being a lazy slacker and rarely finding the time for it. On the bright side I have been very busy lately with joint projects with friends which is a wonderful delight to me, the writing is happening even when it is not!

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Report Word Worthy · 647 views ·

Four Years, Four Long Years! · 2:54am Aug 1st, 2017

That's how long it's been since this account began.

What a ride thus far! As of 18th of July, I have been active on this crazy and awesome site for four whole years. It is true what they say, it goes by so fast!

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It's My Birthday Today! · 5:29pm Feb 14th, 2017

'Tis true! The great twenty-first year is upon me. My sibling's birthday is also on a major North American holiday as well! :rainbowlaugh:

Happy Valentines Day and happy Hearts and Hooves Day, everyone! Go do something to make somebody's day, there's a good bunch of folks, now!


Story Promo: Fallout: Project Necessities · 8:56pm Feb 1st, 2017

In continuing my love of the Fallout series in all its myriad forms and to supplement my work in my FoE collab project by continued exposure to all things glorious and Fallout, I have taken up editing of a new story, and hereby present a non-Fallout Equestria Fallout/MLP crossover by the great Aeluna!

Fallout Equestria: Project Necessities

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Chaos, Chaos Everywhere! (IE Update) · 8:39pm Jan 17th, 2017

As of last night, chapter three of Imperial Equestria's sequel has reached completion! We are aiming for a backlog of chapters before we fully release and publish the second story in the IE series, Pandemonium.

I almost miss this kind of classic Discord, brings back nostalgia it does *sniffles* :raritywink:

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Report Word Worthy · 469 views · #We #are #number #one #hey!

Happy New Year! · 5:11am Jan 1st, 2017

Hope you guys have a great 2017! :twilightsmile:

Report Word Worthy · 350 views ·

Imperial Equestria Concluded, Sequel on the Way! (Plus new collab project announcment!) · 1:51am Dec 15th, 2016

Yep, you read right! After over what, two whole years of revision, Imperial Equestria has finally been completed with the release of a gargantuan epilogue! Wow what a ride, and it was only made possible by you the readers and quite a few people, especially my co-writer Rain Fire of RF & AG who is continuing to work with me on the sequels.

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Urgent Blog: Helping Lyra Alluse · 11:19pm Sep 26th, 2016

For those of you who don't know her, Lyra Alluse is the founder of the Equestrian Writer's Guild here on FiMFiction. But more than that, she is probably one of the most good natured, sweetest, golden-hearted and compassionate human beings not just on this site but the whole damn internet.

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Super Important Imperial Equestria Update! · 11:50pm Sep 12th, 2016

The first story arc of the series is coming to a close very soon and with that comes some noteworthy developments.

First off, I have been debating eventually publishing the five story arcs Imperial Equestria is divided into as standalone sequels to each other here on FiMFiction when the time comes around for each successive one to start.

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New Chapter of Imperial Equestria is Live! · 1:53am Aug 6th, 2016

Chapter 7 has been released just this evening, and I am pleased to report that Rain Fire and myself already have a whole three quarters of chapter 8 already penned out!