• Published 14th Apr 2014
  • 5,894 Views, 101 Comments

Big Mac Goes to Therapy - Daedalus Aegle

Sometimes even the most closed and stoic of ponies needs to get things off his chest.

  • ...

Session 3

It had been a week since the second session. Big Mac had deferred making another appointment, saying he'd get in touch when he had the time, knowing as he said it that he had no intention of doing so. He dodged Applejack's questions, and returned to his work.

That night, he could not sleep, and found himself wandering the fields of Sweet Apple Acres. He walked back the west orchard, where the fruit bats took over, and walked under their multi-colored forms, not paying attention as the colors shifted, and the bats turned to flowers, and the trees turned to columns of white marble hung with wreaths and climbing vines. The flutter of wings caught his attention, and he turned to see a dark figure land softly in the grass.

“Good evening to you, Macintosh Apple,” said Princess Luna. “Welcome to my garden.”

Big Mac blinked, his eyes wide in surprise. “Urm. Good evenin', yer highness.” He bit his lip. “Ah didn't mean to intrude. Ah, uh, Ah didn't realize ya had a garden next door to the orchard. Ah'll just be headin' back to mah side of the fence.”

“It was us – I mean, I who brought you here, Big Macintosh. Sir Armor and miss Applejack asked me if I could help you,” the princess said, stepping closer to the earth pony. “We are in our dreams.”

“Well, thats mighty kind of ya, yer highness,” Big Mac said, shuffling uncomfortably. “But there's no need.” He took a step backwards and made to retreat from the garden. “Ah'm just a simple farmer, Ah don't want to take up yer—” Luna placed a hoof against his mouth, silencing him.

“The lowest creature in Equestria is not beneath my notice, or unworthy of my time,” Luna said softly, looking into his eyes, “and you are greater than you imagine, Macintosh Apple. Please stay, and speak with me?”

Big Mac hesitated, but nodded, and was met with a mysterious, ethereal smile. “Walk with me,” she said, and turned, and the two of them walked through the garden.

“Really, though,” the farmer said, looking around awkwardly for any convenient exit. “What y'said was... very kind. But Ah don't know why everypony's going to this trouble. Ah ain't anypony important. That's mah sister's job.”

“It's a strange feeling, to be reminded unexpectedly that those around us care about us, not only in the abstract, but in the most direct and immediate way,” Luna said, nodding. “I forgot that once, as everypony now remembers.” She glanced at the stallion walking beside her. “We go to the trouble, Macintosh Apple, because we care, and because we think you need it. Is that so difficult to believe?”

He blushed, and turned away. “...It ain't no big deal. Ah'll be jus' fine on mah own.”

“You agreed to speak to a therapist,” Luna said. “That is a difficult thing to do, for most. There must have been a pressing cause, was there not?”

Big Mac snorted. “Eeyup. Her name's Applejack.” He shuddered. “...Ah ain't going back to Turner again. Nope.”

“Perhaps you'd prefer to speak to me?” Luna asked. “All due respect to doctor Turner, but I have more experience.”

“That so?” Big Mac raised an eyebrow. “No offense, yer highness, but Ah'm not sure a princess is what Ah need to fix mah busted noggin.”

“I am the guardian of dreams, Macintosh Apple,” Luna said solemnly. “Since the night I earned my crown, it has been my duty to nurture the minds of our little ponies, to ensure that they grow strong and beautiful, and to clear their minds of the things that would prevent their growth. Like a gardener, of sorts.” She stopped their wandering and gestured to the moonlit growth all around them. “Do you like my garden?”

Big Mac looked around, and nodded. “It's nice.”

“Just nice?” Luna raised an eyebrow.

Big Mac shrugged. “Ah don't much care for spendin' mah energy on pretty things, when there's work to be done.”

“There is more to ponies than only their work,” Luna said, conjuring up the image of a rose from the ground between them. “And yet, I find there is a beauty in utility, in seeing our little ponies grow strong and able. Your farm is very beautiful, even if that was not the driving thought behind it. But every pony needs something besides only their work. Every pony needs a garden.” She looked up into his eyes. “Tell me of your garden, Macintosh Apple.”

“Ah...” Big Mac struggled to think of an answer. He thought of Sweet Apple Acres: the largest apple farm for countless miles around, with hundreds of apple trees giving fruit that got shipped out all across Equestria. But that's work, he thought to himself. He thought of evenings spent playing board games with Apple Bloom in front of the fireplace, or summer days spent swimming in the pond with his siblings, Granny Smith watching from behind her knitting on her rocking chair. He thought back to when he was just a foal, carrying baby Applejack on his back, her tiny legs holding tight around his neck as he galloped under the trees, her gurgling baby laugh filling his ears. Then he thought of the nightmares, and he shuddered.

“Ah grow apples,” he said, turning his head away. “That's all Ah do.”

They sat in silence for a minute by a pond, watching silver fish swimming in the moonlight.

“Do you remember when we met?” Luna asked.

“Eeyup,” Big Mac said, thinking back to the Summer Wrap-Up Festival and Hoedown. “The games were fun.”

“Indeed, they were most fun,” Luna said, and smiled. “It was a day most enjoyable to me, and I thank you for agreeing to compete by my side. But in truth, that was not the first time we met.”

“...Nope?” Big Mac answered.

“You may not remember,” Luna said, “but I have visited your dreams before I spoke to you at that festival. Do you know why I chose you to be my partner?”

“Ah think ya said something about me bein' big and strong and likely to win,” Big Mac said, thinking back to the moment when he was trying to escape the crowd and find the hardware store.

“That was a touch duplicitous on my part,” Luna admitted. “I felt you needed a nudge to set you on the right path.”

The farmer halted, blinking as he thought about what he had just heard.

“Y'mean you did that on purpose to keep me at the festival?” He asked, a dangerous undertone to his voice.

She nodded. “I did. I felt there were things you needed more than nails. I wanted you to let go of your work for a night, simply enjoy yourself, and perhaps learn to listen to your own heart—”

“Ah don't like being lied to,” he growled, glaring at her. “Ah'm gonna be headin' home, now, yer highness.” He turned from her shocked face and trotted away.

“I only want to help you,” she said from behind him.

“Ah don't need yer help,” he called back. “Ah didn't ask for any help. Ah can buck mah trees just fine as Ah am... Ah'm sick of ponies thinkin' they need to 'help' me. Jus' leave me alone!”

Luna rolled her eyes. “You think it is weakness to admit that you are in pain?” she cried after him. “Don't be a child!”

“Ah ain't in pain,” Big Mac muttered to himself, glaring down at the path in front of him. Suddenly there were silver-slippered hooves and midnight-blue legs in front of him. He looked up. “Very funny, princess. Where's the way out?”

“I swore to Sir Armor and your sister that I would help you,” she said coldly. “I am patient, my little pony, but not infinitely so. I am asking you to please calm down—”

“Or what?” Big Mac spat. “Or you'll make me? Well if you're gonna do it then do it, but don't ask me to be happy about it. Ah don't need any more magic messin' with mah brain!”

Luna's eyes widened in shock. “You think I would do that?”

“Don't act dumb,” Big Mac grunted. “Yer literally walkin' around inside mah mind. Ya just need ta light up yer horn and ya can make me think or feel anythin' ya want, like yer sister and yer niece did to Shining Armor.” He snorted, and nodded. “Yup, Ah noticed.”

With a thud, Luna fell to her knees, her face bowed down. Big Mac hesitated, and watched her intently.

“The only time such a thought ever wormed its way into my mind, my sister imprisoned me a million miles away,” Luna said, her voice heavy with the sorrow of centuries, “so that I could never harm a living soul.” When she raised her head again Big Mac saw tears in the corners of her eyes. “Do you truly believe we would ever do such a thing?”

Big Mac took a step back, and defensively muttered, “Ah can't be sure... Ah saw...”

“Your own sister bears the Element of Honesty,” Luna said, rising back up onto her hooves. “Do you think she would permit any of us to do such a thing to her kin? I have known her but briefly, but I know she would kick down the gates of Canterlot Castle by herself to challenge us if we ever did. Because she loves you,” Luna looked into his eyes, and the tears were running now. “You, and me, and Shining Armor alike... we have sisters that love us. And when we do not trust even ourselves... we should trust them. I learned that the hard way, as did Shining Armor.” She took a gentle step forward. “Will you trust in those who love you?”

Big Mac shivered softly, closed his eyes, and nodded. “...Alright,” he said. “I'll talk.”

Luna drew closer, slowly, as though approaching a frightened animal that might bolt at any moment. “I only wish to help you,” she said. “Sir Armor told me you fear your own heart.”

Big Mac winced. “...Ah wouldn't put it like that.”

“My pardon if I have offended,” Luna said. “But you have suffered nightmares, have you not?” He nodded. “Will you tell me of them?”

Big Mac gulped. “There's a bunch of different ones. But the main one, Ah guess, is the one with the weddin'.” He paused, nervous. Luna watched him attentively, and nodded for him to continue. “It was... me an' miss Cheerilee, gettin' married. In the town hall, with all of Ponyville there, and all the Apples from all over Equestria, and even yerself, yer highness, and yer sister were there, celebratin'.” His voice was beginning to crack. “And... and I'm standing there, and Mayor Mare asks, do Ah take miss Cherilee to be mah wife, and Ah say yes, but... but it ain't me speakin', Ah'm just staring out from behind mah own eyes, and Ah'm watchin' everythin' happen, but Ah ain't doin' anythin', and Ah ain't feelin' anythin'. And everypony cheers and stomps, and we kiss... an Ah feel nothin'.”

“There's others,” Big Mac continued. “There's the one where we're all at Granny Smith's funeral. There's the one where Rainbow Dash comes walkin', limpin' really, into Sweet Apple Acres with tears runnin' down her face to tell us that Applejack isn't coming home from their latest adventure.” He was looking down at the grassy ground now, unwilling to face her while he spoke. “There's the one where Apple Bloom finally gets her cutie mark, and Ah want to be proud of her, but every time, in every one, Ah can't feel a thing, like Ah'm dead inside mah heart. An' every time, I wake up soaked in cold sweat, and fight to keep from cryin' till sunrise.”

He felt Luna's hoof on his shoulder and looked up into her eyes. “You never open yourself up to anypony, do you?” Luna asked quietly, sadly. “You rarely venture beyond the borders of your farm, and you speak but little. You always work, and never allow yourself to be distracted from your labors. I have seen what waits down that path. You will only find pain there.”

“Ah have t'keep the farm going for mah family,” Mac muttered. “They count on me to get it done. Ah'm the biggest and the strongest.”

“Your nightmares warn you of the cost of sacrificing yourself too much,” Luna said. “If you continue like this, then some day there may be no more left of you to share.”

She sat down in front of him. “Learn to let go. You are safe here.”

Big Mac felt the emotions building up behind his ribs. The little wants, the strange fears, the joys he did not share. The things he kept sealed away, that no other pony knew. The small and inconsequential things that gave him practice, and kept the mask sitting tightly. He felt it pushing against the seal, and he released it.

The tears finally came as Luna took hold of him and held him close, like a mother comforting her child, and he cried.

“There is a seed in your heart, Big Macintosh,” he heard her voice in his ear as he cried. “But it cannot grow while your heart is choked. You have felt a hollow phantasm of love many times, and now you fear that is all there is. Each time, a weed has taken root in your heart, sucking out the life-giving energy that should be feeding your love. I have looked within your heart, and what waits there is beautiful. When the seed blossoms, your love could be the greatest love in all the land, perhaps even the world. But first, the weeds must be cleared away.” She let go of him and sat back.

Big Mac nodded, and wiped his muzzle with his leg. “How can Ah do that?”

“As you would tend to your farm,” Luna said. “With constant labor. Caring for growing things is hard work, and our fears, like weeds, keep coming back to trouble us. But continue to pull the weeds out, and your seed will have time to grow. Go out a-nights, Big Macintosh. Make friends. Dance. Lay your concerns aside for a time, and seek out joy among other ponies. It is not an easy thing to do, but,” she smiled, “I think you can find the strength to do it.”

Something in her voice made Big Mac wary, and he glanced up at her horn, searching for the telltale glow of magic. He pulled back from her, and she looked surprised.

“Thank you for yer time, yer highness,” Big Mac said. “Really. But... it's still only words. If this is a dream, and you're the ruler of dreams, y'can probably spin mah mind around however y'want, make me feel whatever pleases ya. If Ah wake up tomorrow happy and refreshed, and feel Ah can suddenly do everythin' Ah usually couldn't, then Ah'm just gonna think is this real? Or is this just Princess Luna's magic, like the love potion, makin' me feel somethin' that aint true?” He looked at her sadly. “How can Ah know for sure? And if Ah can't... then Ah'm afraid yer' just wastin' yer time on me.”

Luna seemed to deflate, her head lowering. “I see,” she said. “Yes, this is a dream. Yes, perhaps you will doubt everything you have seen, upon waking. I would not rob you of your doubt, or force faith on you, even if it were in my power. Your mind is your own. But I want you to promise me something, Big Macintosh.”

“What's that?”

“Never give up hope,” Luna said, locking her sight with his. “If you feel tempted to do so, speak of it. Remember that even if it is difficult for you to feel love, you have others who love you. You, like Shining Armor, and I... all of us have family who love us.”

Their path had let them around the garden, and now they stood at the archway above the gate to Sweet Apple Acres. A bright glow surrounded it, which Big Mac had never seen before. “What's that?”

“Love,” Luna said simply. “All those who came here before you have planted it, and watched it grow. Your parents laid their hearts in the soil, and through it, you see it grow every year.”

They looked up at it. “It is only an image in a dream,” Luna said, “but the love is true. It is only waiting for you to feel it.”

Big Mac nodded, and followed the path to his home.

Author's Note:

They say the Director's Cut ending implies Big Mac is a replicant.

My thanks to my editor, finderofstuff, and to Devas, Keam, and Digital Media Disk who read and commented on my drafts as I was writing them.

Comments ( 72 )

This is actually pretty good. You've got an interesting plot and concept here.

The only issue is your formatting. Everything's just this giant wall of text.

Wait, just what exactly the story implied they did to Shining?

Poor Mac, I hope he finds peace

You really nailed the formula of three unique scenes and themes working together. The whole loss of control and superficiality of love from these catastrophes, not to mention trenderhoof, make sense to have done a number on mac's mind.



That was a very good fic. Loved it!

Thanks all for reads and comments :)

Duly noted. Big block paragraphs are hard to avoid when it's just one guy sitting and telling his story in his own words, I'm afraid. Unless you mean that literally everything is in one big paragraph, in which case that must be a bug in the website =|

4234303 4234837 4234929 4235319
Sounds like it worked then :) Thank you all, I'm glad you liked it :twilightsmile:

4234656 4235194
I'm not sure I should say, really. I have a theory, but it could be wrong. They don't always tell me these things. But I'd be curious to hear what you think?

Hope you like it :)

Any story that breaks away from tradtional ideas is great in my book :twistnerd: good work

congrats on the Feature. good story.

Great work! I must say, I was surpised when I saw that you published it, but nonless happy! This story deserve to be read by all Bronies and Pegasisters out there!

Awwww, you credited me for readign it and giving you my thought on it before publish!
I'm honored! You'l gonna make me cry!:fluttercry:
P.S Just send new chapters my way, and I'll read and comment them for you!:scootangel:

Well done. Ambiguous yet satisfactory endings can be hard to pull off, but you did a great job with this one. Big Mac has had a lot of crap heaped on his plate, and it's going to take more than just a few comforting words to clear it off. I hope he can move past it, and he may, but waving a magic wand (or horn) to make all the badness go away would be selling his journey short.

In any case, thank you for this. :twilightsmile: (And Mac is totally a Cylon.)

Well done, kind sir. Well done. :twilightsmile:


My theory is this:

You have a Captain of the Guard who is a victim of brainwashing. Your niece still loves him, but Shining feels all guilty. The solution? More brainwashing. He's happy. Your niece's magic means she can keep him on leash and prevent him from being brainwashed by the changelings again.

Also remember, even though Twilight mind farked the town, notice how she wasn't really punished. I wouldn't put it past Celestia to use magic to keep her society happy and stable.

Or she doesn't know and only Cadence is keeping Shining under spell control because she fears he will get brainwashed by Cryssi again.

Now all we need is Mac asking Luna about her own feelings, get her to open up, soothe her fears, and then a Lucintosh ending.
"Even if just for one mortal lifetime."

This is a great introspective story. Please do continue.

Interesting for such a foreign concept.

I wonder if perhaps this may chain into a "Big Mac finds a hobby" sort of fic. After all, how else do you meet women, if not through activities that you enjoy? Maybe if he ever got out a little, even for a few days, if he figured out something fun to do with himself he might make friends and lovers faster than he might expect.

This is going in my favorites so I can read when it updates. :twilightsmile:

Lovely story. I heard a guy choke up with Big Mac while read it, but you don't heard this from me:rainbowderp:

And this shows the dangers of Big Mac's intellect: he's more than smart enough that he can find ways to talk himself out of getting better.

This story looks deeper. And its main character does so as well -- everywhere but himself.

One of the most deservedly featured stories I've seen in a long time. Greatly enjoyed reading your take on things.
Not quite sure I agree with everything Luna says or parts of her character here but otherwise a splendid job sir!

I think he meant line breaks, to help the reader distinguish between paragraphs.

Like this.

But not like this.
This can get hard to read sometimes.

Excellent job on this.

I really enjoyed it, and it showed to be well grounded in the show without being "Behold all these moments in the show, I am so clever!" which is good :twilightsmile:

i would read more!

I really liked your portrayal of Mac! The Apple family is such fertile ground (no pun intended, I swear!) for fics like this! The idea that nearly everyone in ponyville would need therapy after all they've been through seems fairly obvious. It's a wonder (but a welcome relief) that you were the first to do it so well! Congrats!

Really a quite enjoyable read.
I could definitely sink my teeth into more of this type of stuff.

4240852 You made me have the dirty thoughts. . .*shivers* :fluttershyouch:

I kinda got the brainwashing one thing, but it seems awfully dark. Makes me think about all the magical mechanics all about the eye color things and suchs.Since the story didn't say how it should be, now I'm torn between whether this is supposed to be happy or tragic ending,

4241402 I like other dirty thoughts. . . .but not these ones! :fluttershbad:

This one resonates strongly with me. Thank you!


I am now considerably terrified by the implications of this fic. Brainwashing, mind control, and the more permanent versions of hypnosis are inherently terrifying to me, unless it's between a consenting "victim" who knows the risks, the possible outcomes, and trusts/loves (in an un-coerced state) the hypnotist so much that they agree anyway.

Luna's point of having loving sisters is a fallacy. If Big Mac and Shining have been brainwashed, then what's to say their sisters are going to notice something wrong with them? Besides Shining's dedication to Cadence (Cadence, speaking to Twilight: He's just punishing himself for what happened, pressing himself harder than he needs to. It's adorable, really.) and Big Mac suddenly feeling better and living a lie (Which is somewhat what Applejack wanted in the first place - not the lie part, obviously, but if he's lying to himself and he actually believes the lie on a conscious level, will she recognize it as a lie?). It's really based on the skill and deviousness of the caster, which Luna has heaps of both. Covering your tracks properly results in not being caught until someone decides to investigate their heads - which won't happen if there doesn't seem to be anything wrong.

Luna's little sob story just blows her credibility with me, as does her little rage when he's refusing to let her 'help' him. If he doesn't want your help - especially in a dream construct where he's actually right about the damage/tweaking you could do to his mind with amazing ease (cough cough Raise and lower the moon cough cough) and in a very short time (cough cough admitting to doing this often cough cough) - then agree to disagree, and tell him that if he ever wants to talk, you (or a certified therapist) will be there to listen.

Sure, there's times when you might need to push him harder for him to heal, but you should do that in pony, and preferably it should be Applejack, who doesn't have a horn, taking the very concept of that off the table. Or, if he really won't open up to Applejack, do it as a group, where there's witnesses to prove that nothing happened.

4238419 This almost sounds like a build up to Lines and Webs :twilightoops:


I was about to comment on that, you beat me to it. The implications are very scary indeed. They could screw with his mind to make him fit whatever behavior they want him to, or feel what they want.. for his own good, really. Feel the love.:pinkiecrazy:

I mean, in that land emotion and magic are real physical forces that can be manipulated by people, spells and potions.. no wonder BM have doubts about everything now, since he got manipulated by all of these. Where is the truth when the only truth accepted in this land is the "fun, love, friendship" one? They (everypony else) didn't waste time ganging up on him when it got apparent he didn't fit that anymore. The even got one of the princesses involved..

So it could be genuinely cute and friendly. Or absolutely terrifying. Love that ambiguity.

But all in all, loved that story. BM is smart and aware, the help is super creepy but cute at the same time.

Dis is aewsome. :pinkiegasp: I love it! Awesome story!

this is amazing work, you should feel proud to be a writer. I can only tell you that there are thousands of writerstrying to accomplish what you have in three or 3 chapters.
you made me feel. and that means more then any definition will ever mean.

Very good work and a unique look on Big Macintosh that surprisingly doesn't counter the canon.
The style was a little telling, but forgiveable.
I anxiously await the next Education of Clover the Clever chapter :pinkiesmile:

This is an amazing piece of writing. The pacing was perfect and Big Mac showed a emotional depth and complexity.

Very good story! Keep writing!;):moustache:

Amazing, it was so beautiful! :fluttercry:


Wait.... that's it?! NO! There must be more!

This needs a sequel. It didn't end. The central conflict is still unresolved.
...but what you've got so far is awesome!
Please at least consider continuing this.

So... what was the sudden change of colour in Shining Armor's eyes? That has never been revealed. You know, if you say "A", you have to say "B" too.

This is an amazingly well-written story. However, I'm not sure that it needs the "Sex" tag on it. Yes, there are some sexual references in the first chapter, and a couple little hints... particularly at Winona, However, nothing of that nature actually happens in this story. For me, the sex tag implies that the story is going to have direct sexual themes, and that one or more characters is going to engage in a sexual act. Obviously, none of this actually happened in the story, and so I think that the sex tag is going to give some people the wrong idea about this story.

As I was reading this, I fell into a little bit of a habit of mine, which is I read out the character's spoken lines aloud in (As good as I can do) their voices, and something that never happens happened.. particularly in the final chapter... I actually felt what Big Macintosh was feeling. And I was shedding genuine tears. However, when I moved on to the next bit, I was able to stop immediately. You have relayed the emotions experienced in this story in such a way that gets the reader to feel them, but not for an extended period of time, which is good. With fics like My Little Dashie for example, the first time I read that, I actually had to get up from the computer, and go somewhere else, just to cry... With this, I didn't need to do that... Just a little sob, and then on with the story. I like stories that can pull this off... which isn't an easy thing to do.

I think that you are a fantastic writer, this is a great story, and I'll defenately check your profile for some more of your other works.
For this story, I rate it :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:.5 / 10

>>>They say the Director's Cut ending implies Big Mac is a replicant.>>>

I rather thought it implied that he was a clone. :derpytongue2:

So, my story got into the featured box and became hugely successful, getting more likes in a day than my previous most popular story had gotten since last July :rainbowhuh: I'm not sure how to respond to this, and while I truly want to give personal thanks and a substantive reply to each and every person who commented here, there are so many of you that I don't know where to start O_O But thank you all so much :yay:


Well done. Ambiguous yet satisfactory endings can be hard to pull off, but you did a great job with this one.

Thanks :twilightsmile: it was a difficult balancing act, but it seems like it worked, judging by the response I've gotten :)

Big Mac has had a lot of crap heaped on his plate, and it's going to take more than just a few comforting words to clear it off. I hope he can move past it, and he may, but waving a magic wand (or horn) to make all the badness go away would be selling his journey short.

Indeed. I like to think he's gonna be alright, in the end. But as we've seen in the show, learning a lesson doesn't always mean that you'll never make the same mistake, or fall into the same behavior pattern again later. I suspect it'll be a struggle.

4238197 4238553 4243751
I do enjoy peppering my stories with references to specific details from episodes of the show, and I love the comics :)

Thank you, and yes, everyone in Ponyville probably needs to at least have a checkup of some kind. Big Mac's reclusive and tight-lipped nature stood out to me, and when I started thinking about all the stuff that's happened to him, I felt this needed to be explored in more detail.

4241738 4244008
All of this is quite fair, and... actually, as a lit major/writer I don't think I should interfere in reader interpretation at all so I'll just say: that's quite fair, and thank you for the interesting comment.

Thank you very much :twilightsmile: And that's fine. I'm not 100% sure myself, for that matter.

4247667 4246775 4245584 4239014
I'm overjoyed that so many people liked my story so well and want to see more of it :twilightsmile: Thank you all.
...Buuuuut I'm afraid I have no plans for a followup, or for providing authoritative answers to any of the questions this story raised but didn't answer. Partly because I think that just wouldn't be as interesting, and partly because I don't think I'm the right person to write that story.
This story was always going to be all about the questions. The answers, I leave to you.
...If anyone does want to write that story themselves I would, however, be very interested to read it. I want to see Big Mac be happy as much as anyone.


For me, the sex tag implies that the story is going to have direct sexual themes, and that one or more characters is going to engage in a sexual act. Obviously, none of this actually happened in the story, and so I think that the sex tag is going to give some people the wrong idea about this story.

Maybe. I figured I would err on the side of caution, since even though the sex references are few, the big one is, well, a line implying that Big Mac had sex with a dog. I actually thought there was a greater than zero chance I'd be asked to up the rating to Mature because of that.
Thank you very much for the praise ^^ it's probably obvious by now, but I'm really not accustomed to this great response and it's pretty overwhelming :twilightblush:

To everyone else I didn't get around to: thank you all for your kind words, me and Big Mac are both amazed and grateful, and overjoyed that you were so moved by our work :twilightsmile: :eeyup:
Hope to see you all again,



This story was always going to be all about the questions. The answers, I leave to you.

Gaaah, that last sentence. I despise when writers do that! :twilightangry2:



4250150 Lies! Thou art not repentant! A pox on thy house!

*My house gets the pox.*

But yeah, that sentence was badly phrased. I'd rewrite it, but now it's already been pointed out and that would just look equally bad.

I can promise you, though, that if I did just write a definite answer to Big Mac's questions, it would be boring and dry by comparison :applejackunsure:

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