Cut off from Ground Control Canterlot and slowly losing contact with her friends, Twilight Sparkle fights off horrors in deep space.
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or, if you prefer:
Both are quite fitting...
~Skeeter The Lurker
3427878 well no shit one's the song that this is based off of and one is a fabulous cover of said song
...that would take the strength of a full grown miniature...
full grown miniature
Still rather small, I take it?
Need more spellcheck
Worth it for the punchline
I prefer this version.
It may not involve zombies, but it does involve a man in space singing about being lost in space.
3427918 Haha, I'll fix that.
Damnit, now I want to write a story about Tom the Rock going into space.
3428415 do it
ground control to major tom
Have the want, lack the will and the plot.
This is why you put return vehicles on space stations.
I wore no emotion on my face while reading other than the massive bout of laughter I had at the last statement of the story. I thought it was a pleasant read. Simply pleasant.
2.34532435 Abides out of 5.
Abiding like a space Zombie: 'Spaaaaaaaace, Braaaaaaaaains.'
The last line was furnny. Now I want to write a space story...
... yeah...
Do want
3429556 shoot, I'll fix that
I was at first unsure of this story. Fortunatly it did not go neck beard.
3432479 most excellent
Very scary. kind of like in dead space. still sad all of them died though!
3495634 yes, i suppose
3427976 It's also the chapter's title. This is ground control to Major Twi.
This seemed kind of ambiguous or open-ended, Twilight didn't tell Ground Control that she had been bitten, and G.C seemed remarkably accepting of her story to dub both them and her demons right off the bat, did they know something about Astro Zombies beforehoof?
And the implication that Twilight was already a zombie as of her conversation with them implies that she wasn't necessarily mindless, and it'd be interesting to find out what she did.
Furthermore, I wonder why they didn't stay in the same room together, Spike obviously wasn't too far to travel to in the over a week since she lost contact with one of the others.
3542436 Don't worry, like any good author I pass off these plot holes as "mystery", and I will leave everything unanswered in order to preserve the
bad writingambiguity!Hehe. There's one spelling error (minotaur, not minitaur), but otherwise pretty good!
3560093 woo
i'll fix that
I dont know what I expected...
That was me and my friends that attacked the ship. We're called 'necromorphs', not astro zombies.
3656900 nope, pretty sure it was astro zombies
3657030 OK, believe what you want. But we'll still rip you to shreds.
3657605 also pretty sure you're fictional
3657715 Sure, we appeared in the video game franchise 'Dead Space'. That's what we want you to think. If you think we're fictional, you're in big trouble.
3657735 oh well
life is boring anyhow
3657747 Same here. Life on along abandoned space ship is pretty boring. Maybe we'll go eat a different alien race instead. We're still humans, just mutated ones. So we can still feel sympathy.
3657931 what a lonely life you must lead
Found a mistake:
Also, despite the amount of times I looked at this story (but never read it until now), I can't believe I'm only now getting the chapter title.
Nice closer, by the way. Made me laugh.
Nice story. Sorta Dead Space-y in theme and atmosphere, but also brings up thoughts of Moon.
3791227 thanks brah
3657931 lol I honestly wanna chill with you
I dun get it.
I want some moor'.
5644991 sadly, you will not receive what you desire
Ah craip....Oh well,I can have fun re-reading it 50 times,because it is actually fun reading this again.
5645138 Glad you liked it! It's one of the rare few stories of mine that I agree is enjoyable a second time around.
Two things
1: This ground control to Major Rom
2: In space nobody can hear you scream in space
Major Rom.... best typo
all of this to end on a DOOM: Repercussions of Evil reference.
i don't know whether to smirk or be disappointing that i was expecting more