• Member Since 22nd Jun, 2013


I like to write short comedy things in my spare time. One day I'll write a proper story, I swear. Also lol I'm a bitch yolo

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    - November, 2016
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Out for a pleasant walk through the woods, Princess Celestia takes a break from dealing with Earth politics and finds herself exiting next to a long, black road. As it just so happens, a native comes by and hits her with roughly two tons of steel, plastic, and glass.

Luckily, the vehicle's occupant carries lots of napkins and bandages.


Now translated into Chinese thanks to Nova Twinkle!
Now translated into Spanish thanks to SPANIARD KIWI!

This story is based on true events. Written for my good friend, Admiral Biscuit, as a commission/payment for a set of rear wheel bearing puller heads for a slide hammer. He also pre-read and edited it, because that's how he rolls.

Box of Shame second position 12/25. Bah humbug.

Chapters (1)

Newly-together couple Vinyl Scratch and Octavia have just spent the night out on the town. Vinyl blasted their favourite nightclub with major wubbage while Octavia discovered a new drink at the bar.

Now Vinyl has to escort home a marefriend more drunk than she's ever been, and in her intoxicated state, Octavia says just a little bit too much.

Cover art commissioned from Lou Raccoon.

Go check out the hi-res and landscape versions!

Reading by ObabScribbler and TheLostNarrator
Reading by Astro Brony

UPDATE 09/09/2023: Edited story to fit better with my current writing standard. Original unedited story here!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Dragonfly Lake

Berry Punch and Anon have traveled to Prance, at long last! They've managed to not get sick on the flight, and they've managed to find a place to stay in a small town on the outskirts of a major city. Everything is going great... but then Berry is shown in shocking, glowing color something that her life is missing.

WARNING: Contains discussions of illness and death, inuendo, and thoughts about pregnancy/childbirth. No death or sex actually takes place.

This story is part of the Berry Punch's Broken Love series. You do not need to read the other parts to 'enjoy' this story.

Art by Esc. Go give them some love!!!

Chapters (1)

Modernization, an inevitability every individual in and out of society comes to face, isn't without drawbacks so to speak of: the youth of yesterday and today are no exception, especially considering how vulnerable they're to even the strangest changes as is; even now, mass media has become more decentralized than ever before to and for many a viewer, even for the homeless themselves all the same.

The reason for it is simple - the more aware people are of other worlds, the more it's likely the awareness is reflected back; in this case, a stray individual out in the land of ponies has become a random encounter that many would find unheard of as is: after all, who would want to believe some person from another world had ended up here of all places and in the tired state thereof no less?

Vicissitudes aside, this was supposed to be another event in a seemingly long chain of times in the road of history and reality altogether: of its aspects were two ponies whom had found themselves in the centerpiece of it all, out on a shared outing above all else either way; however, whatever troubled the visitor's mind may as well had wreaked more than enough havoc to shatter the ability to differentiate.

An entry for the A Thousand Words Contest III in the Drama category.

Chapters (1)

Equestria, the heart and soul of the world, has seen better days, all because of the royal sisters and their shared subjects spreading their influences; even now, this was one of those days, especially before their mutual retirement from the millennium throne room overall, a shock to the system: it was, after all, supposed to be a normal school day, especially for today's youth, much like any other so to speak of.

Of course, this wasn't one's ordinary school, at least not the one everyone else knows of by and large, and one town is aware of it: this was that of Friendship, the backbone of this entire homeland being cultivated since over a thousand years ago, before the crown; present day and company in this age alone means as far as anyone is concerned, there would be no problems at all whatsoever.

Still, hijinks in and out of school, even as an involuntary event, are just statistical inevitabilities, not only in life but in society too; in one case, the sheer ambiguity of it all may as well be enough to clarify certain things, hopefully to ensure no future disasters: after all, that's what counsellors are for - to guide them out of trouble before it ever even starts, once and/or again, like before.

An entry for the A Thousand Words Contest III in the Slice of Life category.

Chapters (1)

Tragedy strikes the Summer Sun Celebration in Appleloosa. Somepony has thrown a pie at Princess Celestia just as she was about to raise the sun! Fortunately, the pie merely grazed the princess' ear, striking somepony deeper in the crowd. It's up to Hot Scoop, editor for the Daily Whinny, to read over the varying accounts received from the reporters over the past few hours, and to edit them into the hottest scoop of the day, once Princess Celestia raises the sun that is.

This story was written for the third A Thousand Words Contest.

The cover art is by Hazura Sinner, and temporary until I find a more appropriate image.

Chapters (1)

You've heard all sorts of horror stories about ponies being gripped by the malicious intents of cursed artifacts from other planes. Starlight isn't just some schlub, though: she's been studying magic her whole life! So of course she knows the proper precautions to take when she finds a scary-looking artifact in Twilight's mail pile.

Oh, and Trixie is here too.

bronze medal in thousand words iii (comedy)
reviews: louderyay

Chapters (1)

My name is Celestia, though for much of my existence, you may have known me as Princess Celestia. Rest assured, those days are long behind me. I have lived longer than I care to elaborate on. Seen so much good. Love, joy, wonder. And so much bad as well. So much death, suffering, and pain. The good always prevails, but the bad is never quite held at bay for long. Not that it will be my concern for much longer.

I am about to die.

Cover art courtesy of Loyaldis on DeviantArt.

Reading by Lotus Moon.

My entry for the Experimental category of The A Thousand Words Contest III!

Check out my other entries!
Drama: Fireball
Slice of Life: After the Limelight Fades
Horror: Washed Out
Comedy: Dogsitting
Experimental: You are here!

Chapters (1)

Life on the road is tough. Travelling every day and performing every night is a herculean effort that even somepony like Starlight Glimmer had grossly underestimated. In it, she found a newfound respect for Trixie, for whom this was simply the normal routine to which she lived her life, for years on end.

With another successful performance done, dusted and wrapped up in a bow, Trixie and Starlight retire to Trixie's caravan for a well earned rest.

Trixie, however, has an idea she wants to pitch to Starlight before they go to sleep.

Cover art courtesy of 80653LOUND on Twitter.

My entry for the Slice of Life category of The A Thousand Words Contest III!

Check out my other entries!
Drama: Fireball
Slice of Life: You are here!
Horror: Washed Out
Comedy: Dogsitting
Experimental: With a Whimper

Chapters (1)

Rainbow wants to enter a writing contest sponsored by Daring Do. However, she has the dreaded writer's block! Can Twilight Sparkle offer some good advice? What will Rainbow Dash's story be about?

This is my entry into the 1000 word story contest. I'm sure some people can relate to what happens here.

Chapters (1)