• Member Since 22nd Jun, 2013


I like to write short comedy things in my spare time. One day I'll write a proper story, I swear. Also lol I'm a bitch yolo

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The streets of Ponyville are no longer safe. Constantly being bumped into, honked at, and yelled at by an elderly alien has driven the citizens into their homes. All he wants is Denny's, who or what that is no pony knows. Can Twilight and her friends stop this monster from destroying the quiet little town?

Not if his Korean war stories are to be believed...

Rated Teen for language. Proofread and Edited by FlutterPriest and Admiral Biscuit.

Chapters (8)

Humans were always a gamble: a 50/50 split. Brad's horse, however? They were always there 100% of the time. But she proves even she has surprises when she opens doors to another world entirely. This is a tale of their exploration.

Done for a patron, starting at 1/month rate. Let's begin this journey!

Chapters (25)

Scootaloo gets a job at a fried chicken restaurant.

She loves every second of it.

No, that totally wasn't sarcasm!

Special thanks to NorristhePony for giving this a quick pre-read.

Chapters (1)

Gallus doesn't want to go home for summer. With a little gentle persuasion, he gets his friends on board to keep him out of Griffonstone, though none of them are quite sure how to do it; that is, until Silverstream hatches a scheme.

All he has to do is join the Hippogriff Navy. It's not the relaxing summer away from school that he hoped for, but hey, it promises to be interesting! Who knows what three months as a sailor could bring?

Adventure? Certainly.

Self-discovery? For sure.

A sea battle with a band of renegade pirates? Anything's possible.


Pssh. Yeah, right.

Edited by a crew of scallywags who mean the world to me. In no particular order: MissyTheAngle, Freglz, Muggonny, Semillon, FamousLastWords

Special thanks to Pascoite for his assistance.

Cover art commissioned from the incomparable Marenlicious!

Curious about how the next chapter is coming along? Check my user page for regularly updated progress reports!

Chapters (18)

Somehow, I've always known.

Cover artwork courtesy of Cloud-Drawings on DeviantArt.

My entry for the Dialogue-Only Contest!

Reading by Mystery Pony Fiction.

Chapters (1)

Long story short, I was a brony. I woke up one day to find myself in Spike's body. Dream come true, right? I'm in Equestria, I could interact with my favorite ponies, etc.

Well, as it turns out, I just happened to wake up right at the beginning of Season 1. Which could only mean one thing: I can change the future of Equestria. I could solve problems prematurely, prevent disasters from happening, and keep Twilight from going insane.

So now, my mission isn't to hug my favorite ponies, but to make sure everyone gets a happy life.

Chapters (112)

This story is a sequel to Babe, Why Is She Saying That Word?

Cadance was curious as to why a kirin was sitting at her family's dining room table. Shining Armor was too.

What they find out may make Cadance reconsider her approach to family matters, while Shining Armor wonders if he'll survive the remainder of the day. After all, it was all his fault...


Written as a Judge Submission for the Shining Armor Is A Terrible Dad competition.

A spiritual, but not a direct sequel to my story, Babe, Why Is She Saying That Word? Now marked as a sequel because I'm small brained. Vittu.

Sex tag present due to how many sex jokes there are.

Edited by: Muggonny.

He didn't, but he's there in spirit!

Chapters (1)

Captain Magic Barrier is far from home. Almost everything he once held dear is gone—except for a pair of alicorns, the country for which he fought, and his skills as a competent military officer. And it’s all thanks to a certain legend regarding the longest day on the thousandth year.

Professor Tail has got something to prove. A sharp mind and a quick wit in the world of academia, this pegasus is harboring a state secret that could change Equestria’s defenses forever. She just needs to survive basic training first.

Now, a common ally has played her royal hoof to bring these two together. Perhaps she knows that once training is all said and done, the physicist caught in the unfamiliar world of guard service and the captain dragged through the ages will find themselves a bit less displaced.

So, this was a super fun one to write. Well, sorta-write. In truth, I wrote very little. This story is a collaborative effort between myself and this sexy topless Wingly fellow here, and it is based quite heavily off of our characters and their intertwined stories. The amount of work he put into this is staggering, and words can not express how bloody impressive it is/was. I mean, I was there supervising, but he bloody brought it.

Cover art by the amazing dream--chan!
We have a bunch of folks who helped Wing edit that deserve thanks. These are our editors, proofreaders, and coffee slaves!
Editing Slave Word Worthy, Coffee Slave Iryerris, rebellious slave that has to be beaten into submission regularly Doccular, to Shady's Slave Floofy, because typos can suck a knob, and to the Overcute Pet, Sixkiller5, because print runs need typo slaying.

Special thanks to Discount Slave Alticron, for letting us use a certain earth pony we want to crucify.

Wing's magical comments about various story timelines can be found here, but the gist is that NLD and its coming sequels exist in a separate continuity from APD.

Lastly, if you find any typos, please PM them to Wing You should also totally follow him too.

Chapters (30)

Spike takes a sh!t.

Warning!: Nothing makes sense anymore

"Simply brilliant. A work of pure magic rivaling the efforts of Hemingway, Dostoevsky, Shakespeare, and even the philosophies of Jesus Christ himself." - Spinner of Tales

"Dude, what the hell is this?" - Great Red

"This is actually brilliant" - MasaStormyPonez

"What the fuck" - ItsYaBoiSatan

Chapters (1)

There's a new guy. A bit weird. Calls himself "Anonymous", for some reason. Whatever, dude. A bit egg-headed, like my best friend Twi. They talk a lot about this or that. I can't really keep up with their nerd talk. Recently, they've been talking a lot about these things called "fossils". Rocks that used to be bones... or something. Legends about cool monsters that don't exist anymore tends to get lame when you start throwing around nerd words like "Holotypes" or "Taxonomy".

I'm a weather pony, not a paleontologist, paleobotanist, paleo... anything. I just hope Anon doesn't get any weird ideas in his head.

Chapters (1)