• Member Since 30th Dec, 2014

Architect Ironturtle

Just a scientist who's working through the six levels of writing in her spare time. Currently attacking number four, Structure.

Architect's Ratings, 5-7 161 stories



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Sunset is accused of spreading everyone’s secrets on a Mystable page calling itself Anon-a-Miss, losing all of her friends and reputation in the process.

But it seems the school forgot one thing.

Sunset Shimmer isn't one to be easily broken.

A story dearly inspired by wanting something different out of the Anon-a-Miss 'Genre' of fics. Many are wonderful stories, but at the end of the day, most tend to fall into the same couple of tropes with slight alterations, and many of those tropes are ones I'm not terribly fond of.

So with my ever present desire to take a well trod genre and flip it on its head, I present my own take on this story, and one I have not personally seen. So I hope I deliver on giving you something different from the others!

Pre-Read by the Wonderful and Loveable baes: Uria, the Sacred Beast and Sunny Days

Chapters (8)

Thanks to Twilight Sparkle and her friends, Equestria has known its longest period of peace! Except for the reoccurring existential threats. And if you ignore that thousand years when the Elements of Harmony weren't needed.

Well, that time is over. A new villain has come to tame the mythical land of magical horses. Or, well, he's there at least. Equestria has a way of taming itself.

Chapters (3)

Pinkie Pie has a secret that not even she knows about.
What will the truth affect? Well, probably not that much, to be honest.
But it sure makes for a neat party trick!

Filed as "Teen" just to be safe, but all mentionings are very circumspect.
An entry for the Monster Mares Story Contest

Chapters (1)

Benjamin is ready to face the world of Equestria, or so he thinks. Still oblivious to the cultural differences, he accidentally wins the hearts of two mares. Problem is, they aren’t keen on sharing the human. Can two ponies that are as different as the day is to the night be able to come to terms with one another before hearts end up broken?

Credit for the cover goes to ParadigmPizza https://www.deviantart.com/paradigmpizza

Chapters (14)

Ichthyology conferences can be attended on the cheap, if you’re willing to share a hotel room.

With a stranger.

Who you only know from the internet.

Dr. Rose is nice enough online, but in person, she was not at all what I’d expected.

Chapters (1)

Cats are the most adorable creatures to watch when they play. My cats are the best. Puddie, Katydid, Luau, and Tifa... I love them all. No, I am not a crazy cat lady. You are the crazy cat lady!

So I was asked to sort a few things for my nephews, including some boxes with questionable labels. Thinking nothing of it, I slid some of the empty ones into the living room. Tifa crawled into one of the boxes, and it quickly escalated from there.

Sorry, let me start from the beginning.
Perhaps I'm not taking a very serious approach because I actually prefer dogs more often than not. But I digress. Cover image put together by Awalex.

Chapters (1)

A giant mysterious machine/statue is discovered on a remote and deserted island that used to have a thriving civilization. Twilight and the other five Elements have been dispatched to uncover its secrets. The statue does something, but WHAT? After all, nobody goes to the trouble of building an extremely complex piece of equipment that does nothing . . . do they?

Excellent cover art by Mix-up. Also on Deviant Art.

Yeah! Made it to Popular Stories lists on the 17th and 19th-21st, and on Featured Stories for three days (17th-19th)!

Published on the FiMfiction website with the kind forbearance of the copyright owners of My Little Pony (Hasbro).

Chapters (1)

[First Person] [Alternating Perspectives][Stand Alone Story]

After a certain scientist assumes explaining the basics of rocket science to the CMC is harmless since three fillies can't possibly build a rocket, the CMC prove her wrong by building one. Then launching it. Will Apple Bloom finally earn her cutie mark? Or is Ponyville in for another disaster?

This story has been completed before any of it was uploaded for your enjoyment.

Chapters (1)

The Changelings have lost. Their cities destroyed, their Queen dead. Yet the war is not over. A bomber crew is assigned one final mission to remind the Equestrians of this fact: By using a Nuclear bomb to wipe the city of Las Pegasus off the map.

Written for the Equestria at War writing contest.

Chapters (1)

Ever since Rainbow Dash introduced Sunset to the human world’s version of the Daring Do series she has been an active member of the fan community. After spending countless hours in the Daring Do fansite’s Eris server, she’s made many friends, but there is only one that she feels a real connection with. The user who goes by the name “Gr0ss1y Incandescent”. Turns out this same User she’s been crushing happens to be her counterpart.

Punk Rock Prom Queen Presents a tale of self-love taken to its hilariously logical conclusion.

Featured on 2/1/18

My entry into Aragon's Comedy (is serious business) Contest under the prompt we learned something narcissistic.

Chapters (1)