• Member Since 30th Dec, 2014

Architect Ironturtle

Just a scientist who's working through the six levels of writing in her spare time. Currently attacking number four, Structure.

Architect's Ratings, 7-9 947 stories
Found 894 stories in 75ms

Total Words: 20,756,867
Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



  • Featured 24720 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 241 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Rarity doesn't see anything wrong with dreaming of things that will never happen. Especially not when they involve the friend she harbors secret feelings for.

Princess Luna knows better.

Featured from 11-15 to 11-17-21, peaking at #1. Thanks, everypony.

Chapters (1)

Sunset is certain Adagio hates her. She's both wrong and right about that, and is about to learn a thing or two about sirens and romance.

Adagio is certain Sunset wants her. She's wrong about that. For now.

Winner of the Sunset x Adagio competition.

Chapters (1)

CelestAI deals with a mischievous intruder in Equestria.

Inspired by and contains spoilers from: Untitled Goose Game (its really fun, go play it)
Cover Sauce

A (silly) entry to the Friendship is Optimal Writing Contest

Thanks yall, featured 4/25/2021, and got to the number 1 spot for a minute!

Chapters (1)

It is the middle of the night. Sweetie Belle cannot sleep. She thirsts for a glass of water.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer, who is catastrophically out of Wallflower Blush's league, has come back to town for the summer. Sunset is very kind and attentive. She likes hugs. She keeps coming up with cute little inside jokes. She stares, piningly, when she thinks Wallflower isn't looking.

So, it would just be very easy for Wallflower to get the wrong impression.

Which is why she was happy when she stumbled across a way to know the objective truth about how she and Sunset measure up against one another.

A last-second entry in the Sunflower Shipping Contest.

Chapters (2)

~~~You asked, you receive. Bonus chapter up~~~

Twilight has successfully created fake government jobs to help her terminally broke friends be less, uh, terminally broke. All they have to do is pass a simple little background check, just an easy little formality really. Should be no problem for these national heroes, right?



I guess the constituent parts of the cover art might be property of the federal gubbermint, but, honestly, I feel like I've spent enough on ATF tax stamps to make me stealing their crisp PNGs an equal exchange.

Chapters (2)

Twilight is showing Celestia her new invention – an advanced lie detector. Without her knowledge, Luna and James asked her friends to join the presentation. But that shouldn't be a problem. After all, the mane six has nothing to hide! … right?


Cover based on the images from: https://derpibooru.org/images/1517277 and https://www.deviantart.com/estories/art/Background-Twilight-s-Castle-Library-2-781634544
Proofread by Ginger and Grammarly :duck:
Now with YT reading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBl1VIyvcS4 (all thanks goes to StraightToThePointStudio for his awesome work:raritywink:)

Another one to get into the feature box. Thank you, dear readers, I hope you enjoyed it :twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)

Believing it to be an easy job, two thieves broke into Princess Twilight Sparkle's castle. With no Royal Guards protecting the castle and Twilight herself gone, her valuable possessions were as good as theirs.

Or so they thought.

Last but far from least, special thanks to Little Tigress for drawing the great cover art.

EDIT: Featured through 09/09/20--09/14/20!!
#1 story with mature mode enabled on 09/09/20
#1 story w/o mature mode through 09/09/20--09/11/20

EDIT on 10/19/20: Has an audio reading done by the youtuber Enharmonic!


Chapters (1)

After fighting off the alien fleet that menaced Earth, XCOM turns their focus to warning other worlds of the possible threat. When Doctor Moira Vahlen is accidentally sent to one of those worlds, she learns that the the invaders have attacked Equestria. Who will protect them from the horrors they're about to face?

Sorry, I should clarify that last bit. Who will protect the aliens from what they've just gotten themselves into?

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Don invent a scale that determines where on the evolutionary cycle ponies fall. Some like their results more than others.

Inspiration sauce: Shydale

Featured 5/28/20!
With a reading by StraightToThePointStudios!

Chapters (1)