• Member Since 30th Dec, 2014

Architect Ironturtle

Just a scientist who's working through the six levels of writing in her spare time. Currently attacking number four, Structure.

Unratable 34 stories
Found 26 stories in 37ms

Total Words: 161,626
Estimated Reading: 10 hours



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One morning, Flash Sentry wakes up in bed next to Sonata Dusk.

Something very clearly happened between them.

But he's not really sure how or why. And he's kind of freaking out.

In a panic, he turns to the one person he thinks can help him...

His ex.

Good plan, right?

(Inspired by the cover art.)

Chapters (11)

Button Mash finds a video game that kills him in real life if he dies in the game.

He can't stop playing it.

Proofread by BootyPopperzZz and DrOcsid.
Edited by Dreams of Ponies.
Original source image by yuji8sushi, the artistic trashy edits were done by yours truly.

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer wants to fly kites, but the weather is not scheduled for anything conducive to kite flying. Things go awry because the name 'Starlight Glimmer' is in that sentence.


Thanks to Mitch H for an offering that became the paraphrased second paragraph and helping connect two discordant ideas. Also Tired Old Man for his input and edits.


My other fics Sunset Shimmer is MAD about Everything and A Newspaper Solves Everypony's Problem are tied into this, though not strictly required for enjoyment...


...assuming there's any to be had.

Chapters (1)

The most wanted villain in recent memory, having been captured by Starlight Glimmer, has been requested by Cadence to be put up for redemption.

The catch?

Chrysalis has to choose a husband from a list the Princess of Love has crafted after three days and two (mostly) sleepless nights of coffee fueled discussion. Energy drinks were consumed. Donuts suffered inglorious fates. Prince Blueblood was put in charge while the sisters delt with lending a hoof in deciding the fallen changeling queen's fate.

Her other choices?

Celestia wants her turned to stone.

Luna wants to send her to Tartarus.

Stone, Tartarus, or marriage. Those are her choices.

Cadence won't let her choose the first two.

Chapters (4)

Apple Bloom is bringing over her ‘colt friend’ for dinner, but she and the rest of the apple family have some concerns that the Apple's matriarch may not be progressive enough to accept this new relationship.

Inspired by a conversation with Nova Quill.

Wonderful cover art by ALSO by Nova Quill.

Chapters (1)

Seriously. Why?

Now with author Patreon, SubscribeStar, and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

In a parallel universe, there exists an Equestria where the Princess of the Sun is not a pony, but one of the most advanced war machines ever created.

Featured on the front page! Thanks, everyone!

Check out an audio reading of this story by No One and Nobody here!

Chapters (1)

While on a trip to Canterlot to do some research, Twilight happens upon a dust-covered book titled Insane Edicts: A Legal History of Equestria. Sure, the book seem innocuous enough, but when she opens it up she discovers that Celestia is far more eccentric than she'd like to believe.

Chapters (1)

Everyone knows that making friends is hard. Keeping them long enough to defeat several evil villains bent on world domination, and a few ponies who are just jerks, with nothing but the sheer power of friendship and good feelings is even harder.

Wouldn't everything be easier if you just had a gun?

Let's find out.

Coverart and the concept as a whole is from that guy named tjpones, go look at his stuff.

Chapters (4)

Chrysalis has launched her attack on Canterlot. When all hope seems lost, Celestia reveals her secret weapons. They're definitely... something.

Chapters (1)