• Member Since 30th Dec, 2014

Architect Ironturtle

Just a scientist who's working through the six levels of writing in her spare time. Currently attacking number four, Structure.

Architect's Ratings, 3-5 6 stories
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Total Words: 415,836
Estimated Reading: 1 day



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This story is a sequel to Sunset's Crowning Achievement

The last time Twilight saw Starlight Glimmer, she threatened to kill Rainbow Dash when she was just a filly and ruin Twilight's life by going back in time. Only, when she failed to find Starlight in the past and returned home, Equestria wasn't a ruined wasteland, Ponyville was a lot bigger than she remembered, and all these new ponies in the castle were talking about some big pony they call Empress.

Chapters (5)

For many, "Lesson Zero" was the episode where FiM metaphorically "grew the beard", since it established that Twilight's duty to send reports weekly ended.

However, the events could have taken a different direction entirely.

For the example, what if the Mane 5 did the sane thing at the wrong moment? What if Celestia wasn't so merciful towards Twilight? And to make things worse, Celestia got a sadistic sense of humor and an idea for an untraditional punishment?

How will Twilight act during her stay in one of her biggest fears and a total opposite of her usual orderly life?

Find out in this story!

Alright, for the first two chapters the story is for everyone. Starting with the third chapter, however, the rating is "Teem", because of some... Aristophanes-ish humor and some shards of fetish. You have been warned.

Credits: Corwin Freiss for editing

Autumn Breeze for co-Writing (post- Catonian Party Revolt.)

Cover art by TheMillenniumFalsehood

Chapters (43)

"I asked a changeling once why they would think peace with Equestria was possible. Their response was the title to this book. I had asked a question on politics and gotten a calculus equation in response. Changelings are odd like that sometimes. They see things differently than the rest of us. I ended up pondering his response for a long time and even dusted off my old calculus books to look for an answer. One day it just clicked in my head what he was trying to say.

Changelings are capable of change.

It was a somewhat redundant answer, and it was a really bizarre way to give it, but I understood what he meant. Changelings, just like ponies, are capable of both good and bad, We could make peace with them, and help them learn to better themselves. That was what the changelings wanted, and ponies everywhere were fighting it. It is for that reason I began creating this book. Within this tome you will find a collection of essays, more like candid stories really, directly from Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, and Prince Morpheus, leader of the Changeling Hive. These reports detail their lives from the day negotiations began. That is the day the Prince himself began living in Ponyville, and it comes with the story of how he and the little town came to adapt to each other as negotiations were occurring. It is my hope seeing their story will show anypony reading this there is no reason to distrust the changelings so, and, perhaps, it will give you insight into the strange little changelings as well. They truly want peace, and, despite the treaties being signed, we can only truly give it to them when we let go of our distrust."

-Changing Times, Author of dC/dt ≠ 0

Cover Image by Void Heart who's work is awesome.
Currently Editted by: Dreams of Ponies, zimmerwald1915, reprovedhawk, Malefactory
Previously Edited by: Twilight_Scratch, Zeta040, StainlessKey, Flink

Chapters (69)

In the wake of the Canterlot Wedding, Fluttershy has to ask Twilight a very difficult question.

Now available in spanish! Spinoff stories can be found in Would It Matter If I Made This Group?

Now with a TVTropes page.

Chapters (1)