• Member Since 18th Aug, 2011

Dubs Rewatcher

Fandom veteran, journalist, sixteen-time EqD published author. I hope you have a lovely day! Come visit my official website at www.williamantonelli.com

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  • Featured 24822 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Rainbow Dash has managed to get herself into yet more trouble: following a crash that killed stunned the Gift Givers of the Grove, she is being forced to take up the mantle of the Spirit of Hearth's Warming.

Trapped in the hell of delivering gifts for the rest of eternity against her will, she has only one solution: taking the Grand Council of Holidays to court to dispute the Rule of the Clause and free her.

Unfortunately, she doesn't actually know any lawyers.

Also unfortunately, her best bet for a substitute is Starlight Glimmer.

Featured 12/29/2023 - 12/31/2023!

A Breezie story for TheDriderPony as part of Jinglemas 2023!

Featured on Equestria Daily on 2/1/2024 as part of 30 Of The Best Fanfics To Read For Rainbow Dash Day and on 3/20/2024 as part of 20 of the Best Fanfics to Read for Starlight Glimmer Day!

Reviewed by PresentPerfect to earn a rating of Highly Recommended!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Chromatic Aberration

Nearly half a year after the Fall Formal, things are looking up for Sunset. She doesn't feel as lonely, the CHS student body doesn't hate her (as much), and she's finally getting along with her friends.

But tension stirs beneath the surface. Thankfully for Sunset, it's not between her and them, but among the girls themselves. When they all start confiding in Sunset instead of each other, she worries this might spell bad news for the whole group. But what can she do about it?

Edited by EileenSaysHi and NudistSquid

This story takes place some time before the events of the second Equestria Girls movie Rainbow Rocks. This also takes place after the events of Chromatic Aberration, and while this will probably make sense without reading the prequel, there are some details and bits of continuity you'll miss out on if you don't read the previous story.

Chapters (3)

Loading sunsetshimmer.exe...

Commencing system check...

set variable feelings for "Twilight Sparkle" = love


An entry for the Unhappy Yuri Contest.
Category: Doomed/Toxic Yuri
Pet the Koi.

Chapters (1)

There's social unrest in Lunar Equestria. Nothing extreme, just a dispute between a company and its employees over pay and conditions. Only of note as it disrupts some important part of the supply chain. Some would take a side, some need to resolve it above all, most would let it sort itself out.

Yet Nightmare Moon wants it to end. Immediately.

Takes place in my New Lunar Millennium alternate universe. Some original characters from the universe are featured, but extensive knowledge is not required to read. More information can be found here.

Proofread and edited by Izzy Incraft.

Chapters (1)

Five days ago, according to the letter Sandbar just got from Princess Twilight, Silverstream burst into Canterlot Tower, threw herself through some magic mirror she shouldn't even have known existed, and didn't come back.

Four days ago, Gallus went in looking for her. He hasn't returned either.

Even more worrisome? The letter asks if Sandbar could please report to the palace...

This story is an entry in the Verbal Exchange contest.

Chapters (3)

It is a strange thing, to meet a you who is not you. This is especially true for Celestia, whose dimensional twin stands so superior to her.

She is jealous. So is Celestia.

Cover art by Uz Naimat!

Chapters (1)
by RB_

The magical land of Equestria is no more. Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, and Starlight Glimmer just want to know why.

And if that means Sunset has to go back to Equestria, an Equestria she doesn't even recognize... then so be it.

Takes place after Friendship Games, but before Legend of Everfree has a chance to happen.

Chapters (19)

It's a morning like any other, and it will be from now until forever.

For Vinyl, anyway.

Prereading provided by the wonderful Chepa, ChudoJogurt, a_moving_castle, and Math Spook!

Chapters (8)

The Humane Six have to figure out whose element is whose after they come in from Equ- Wait, did they ever hear what their, like, proper elements were in Canon? Shit, okay, uh, they lost their memories too. And... The elements are rocks again, so they can't just look at the symbols.

Whew. Saved it.

Chapters (1)

Sure, everyone but Sunset was in on the joke. But it's all in good fun, right?

This is a very silly thing I wrote a few months ago. Recently got reminded of it from a conversation I had in a group chat. Special thanks to Nudistsquid for pre-reading, and both The Sleepless Beholder and Aklinstar for some additional suggestions.

Featured 9/26-9/27/24 :yay:

Chapters (1)