• Member Since 21st May, 2016


Just a guy who loves to read stories and look at or do other things of the Arts. My Quote: "For Every Evil, There Is Good, That Shall Balance It. For Every Darkness There Is A Light."-ArcaneDust

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Twilight is struggling to laminate her marriage certificate, while Rainbow struggles to make coffee. Maybe they just need each other to help out.

Thanks to PseudoBob Delightus for proofreading.

Thanks to Scriblits Talo for pre-reading, and for writing 1/5th of the story.

Thanks to 6-D Pegasus for providing feedback and ideas.

Chapters (1)

After the changeling queen reveals herself at the wedding, the Mane 6's human friend gives his honest opinion and things happen because of it

Chapters (1)

After Jason Wright's death, the only human (or creature for that matter) known to have intentionally used some form of Interdimensional Travel to arrive thereat Equestria. 

Celestia immediately summoned Twilight to Canterlot for a meeting, but it wasn’t anything ordinary, as they were going to meet up in the underground tunnel system.

And that's when Twilight realized that maybe this was probably something bigger than she thought.

And once she came face to face with Celestia for that quick and civil chat, all she could think about was the likely stern talking she'd face, and moreover… What was it going to be about?

Only one thought wandered into her mind, a lost opportunity.

A non-canon sequel to Ending.

Chapters (1)

On a peaceful night, High Princess Twilight Sparkle discovers a thief in her quarters, and while dealing with him, discovers that he is actually in her employ. She insists that he has no place in her Kingdom, and the thief, Night Silk, disagrees. Now, with his job on the line, Night strives to prove that he is exactly who she needs to work the underworld.

After all, he's not just a thief.

He is a Master Thief.

Cover art by ProvolonePone.

Chapters (32)

This is based on the fanfiction "Forever Faithful" By Konseiga. Which can be found on fimfiction.

Princess Celestia starts to write a journal, documenting the strange letters that she has received from her student, Twilight Sparkle. Who died a month ago.

Chapters (15)

~Completely Re-edited as of 06/13/2021~

I was once a woman in her twilight, my children both old and fresh.

Now I am the child.

I was once a mother and a wife, my family held importance above even my own well-being in my heart.

Now I am orphaned.

I was once a respected human being, a woman to treat as an equal.

Now I am simply an assistant.

I was once happy.


... Now I am Barbara The Dragoness.

Barbara the assistant.

Barbara the child.

Barbara the widow.


The Lost Soul.

This is the story of my second childhood, and how I found the strength to keep moving forward.

Chapters (18)

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom both love their friend Sweetie Belle, even though she's a sapient and somewhat canon-contradicting robot. They just wish she made better choices sometimes — especially when it comes to the colt she has a crush on.

For the A Thousand Words III contest, in the Comedy category.

Chapters (1)

I'm a spiteful old man. I've spent my entire life trying to fulfill my wish. The same thing every one of us wants.

The year is 2070. I'm the last brony alive, 82 years old. But I did it. I created the portal. And I'm jumping through. No regrets.

I've actually finished writing this story! Can you believe it? It's also available in book form, Click Here to go to lulu.com

Chapters (14)

It's okay. I'm here. I can remember what happened.

I'm still here.

Written for the Thousand Word Contest III, categories Horror and Experimental.

Thanks to Silk Rose, Scriblits Talo, ThePeer, and MorganaTheNotCat for pre-reading and feedback.

I recommend reading this in a web browser.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Before the Night

A sequel to Before the Night. Bald Ostrich, consort and coltfriend to Princess Luna before her banishment, finds himself in modern day Equestria. Will the Royal Sisters remember him? Will adjusting to modern, Equestrian life be difficult for somepony who was once not a pony? This, is Dawn of a New Day

Chapters (8)