• Member Since 14th May, 2022
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Scriblits Talo

Publishing Stories of varied pony content Weekly:} Hear them read at : https://www.youtube.com/@QuothScrib


This story is a sequel to Don't Look

A sequel to Don't Look but should easily be enjoyed on its own.

Ponieville's primer aviator, (Cherry Berry) after testing her new invitation (an Aircraft named Buttercup) discovers she has a relative she doesn't know and would likely like to meet her. Shenanigans ensue, in the first chapter Derpy's (yes, the old name, but she is what she is and we love her) near death.

Many more chapters to write and look forward to. Intended to be and become a light-hearted adventure story with bits of Aviation, Science, and engineering mixed in for the fun of it. Much inspired by Magic Tree House and Guardians of Ga Hool in this way.

Be sure to check out the review for Don't Look by Mad About the Pony of Harmony Reviews


Chapters (1)

Trixie becomes a foal and looks for help, but it's the busiest time of year for all Ponydom , and who would help Trixie
Written for OKepicbro for Jinglemas 2024

Special thanks to Visharo for editing prowess

Be sure to check them out

Chapters (5)

An ancient tradition among the ponies of Equestrea(From long before the printing- press or even paper) Is the telling of stories. Often these stories would be told again and again, they would be told as songs, as pomes, so as to not be forgotten, so that the heroes that gave them birth would not fade.

This is one such pome, an ode as old as time, an alicorn who gave something precious, to save every-pony, every-creature, to save her friends.

It is an ancient chant much worn for time and poor translation, but not forgotten.

Chapters (10)

Hooves in What +++__)_)+_+)_+ reality would I have hooves!

Yet another story in which Annon finds out he is a horse.

Chapters (1)

A story originally written entirely in the comment section of a story that did not explode, a Canterlot Weather report has its wires crossed with the web and horrible things began to happen.

Special thanks to my friend PsedudoBob Delightsus whos hard work was the true inspiration for this story.

Published for the 1000 words Contest 3

Chapters (11)

Basil Burst, the Kirin, is dealing with some dangerous feelings, weather luckily or unluckily a certain pink pony arrives to distract her.

Originally Written for the 2023 Everfree Northwest Iron Author contest,
Also an examination of how editing and rewriting can make a story better.

Chapters (6)

When Daybreaker rules Equestria only one pony... er Dragon has the courage to stand up to her.

Proofreading by: Silk Rose
Special thanks to Shirlendra,
as well as to ThePeer

Chapters (1)

 In the frozen north there is little separating life from death, however there are things that are far worse than death.

A lone wanderer finds an Alicorn, alone, injured in the snow. The old gods are soon renewed.

Chapters (7)

Written for the 2024 wonderbolts site-wide contest
Sequel coming soon!

A story of loss, of love, of betrayal? Who knows?
History is vague and unforgiving.

Rainbow dash and Twilight dwell over ancient manuscripts trying to uncover the secrets of Princess Celestia's favorite Wonderbolt maneuver.

I must apologize, at some point I managed to accidentally unpublish this story, gladly I was able to catch the err before the end of the month, the submission deadline for the contest.

Chapters (1)

Ponyville's verry own baloonest :pinkiecrazy:
No! not that one, aviation balloons not party balloons.

Chery berry considers flight for earthponys beyond just the balloon.

Chapters (1)