• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 28th, 2021

Golden Script

"Love is friendship set to music." -Joseph Campbell

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"A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on."
—John F. Kennedy

During the changeling attack, a small group of ponies hold out in a semi-collapsed building. While hiding from the threat, they decide to make a last-ditch attempt to get to safety.

They were unprepared for what came next...

All credit for the inspiration for the story goes to Flogging Molly's What's Left of the Flag.

Chapters (2)

Beazley, a young shut-in stallion, goes to a Manehattan club late one night with his friend, Jophiel. Though he was abandoned immediately, his plans of staying at his table all night didn't change much.

Of course, he wasn't accounting for her.

All credit for the inspiration for the story goes to Flogging Molly's Devil's Dance Floor.

Credit for cover goes to Flogging Molly for the theme and Rautakoura's "The Mane 6, Suited and Suave" for the pony.
I, Golden Script, vectored and assembled the two works.

Chapters (1)

Hi, my name's Golden Script. I'm a standard Pony: a job, a marefriend, a life. I had it all, when it came to satisfaction and happiness.... This is my story.

Looking for cover ideas. photos that need minor edits are acceptable.

Romance tag because there will be romantic elements in the story—just like there are romantic aspects to life.

Sex tag because this is meant to be a realistic account of a living, breathing being. Much like romance, sex is a part of life, and it'll be portrayed here (though in a subdued manner. Nothing overt).

More tags may be added later if the story takes me to a point where I think another one is necessary or if someone comments or messages me about a tag they feel applies.

This description will be changed when something regarding the story changes. (i.e. new tags, later plot developments, featured, etc.) Please stay tuned and check in when you can to see if something has happened, if you can.

Chapters (5)

"The worst thing a human can be is alone."

Time, the ever-flowing measure of action. It is not a physical thing that one can touch or feel, but an abstract thought of the difference between now, then, and later. It is the indefinite continued progress of existence. What happens when one has the ability to control time? He is deemed one of the most powerful beings on the planet, for he can stop you in your tracks without any effort at all.

I am this being.

I control Time.

This is a rewrite of the rewrite. The original Time and Time Again has been removed. I hope you all enjoy this version better.

The picture is credited to Shoshin005. I added the words myself with a simple editing tool. (why can't full Pixlr be free anymore?! :raritydespair:)

Chapters (3)

Time, the ever-flowing measure of action. It is not a physical thing that one can touch or feel, but an abstract thought of the difference between now, then, and later; it is the indefinite continued progress of existence. What happens when one has the ability to control time? He is deemed one of the most powerful beings on the planet, for he can stop you in your tracks without any effort at all.

I am this being.

I control Time.

If you're wondering why this story is canceled, check my blogs. I am rewriting it, and will post the new version under a new title. Do not worry.

Featured on 7/6/14 thank you all!!

And featured again on 3/3/15, after it was canceled!!! What has this world come to?!?!

If you're too lazy to read it yourself, (I don't blame you, I do this myself, sometimes) listen to my good friend, The Naive Narrator, read it on his video, Time Ticks on Chapter one! Give him some love!

This is my first LoHAV/LoHAH story. I know how hated the genera is, because it's so overused, but I like the idea of being taken from your home only to be shoved into a world where you don't belong.

Also, some credit is due in the department of the idea. The steampunk theme was inspired by the story Son of Invention, a great story to read if you like this one. The character of Mike goes to this image. I looked for a long time and the closest I could get to the artist was this page.

Thank you for reading and please tell me what you think in the comments.

PS. Any and all chapters in this story are subject to change without notice. I will periodically go back into past chapters and rewrite something that doesn't mach with what is currently going on, so if something seems off, that would be why. Do not PM me telling me how "you didn't tell us that you changed that" or "but it was like this" or any of that stuff. As mentioned before, I will probably not tell anyone about it.

Chapters (24)

a man named Dillon Rogers had a terrible life, he decides the best option is to kill himself, with no friends, family, or reasons to live why not? he's stopped by a small filly and throws himself into a world of hurt, only he now has a reason to live.

co-op effort between me and Jcn840.

cover picture by Salted Pingas

please read all the way through before judging, I start out a little... bad, for lack of a better word. but as I go, I learn how to write decent material. so please, give me the benefit of the doubt when reading.


Chapters (86)