• Published 22nd Oct 2012
  • 17,429 Views, 715 Comments

The Nightmare Before Nightmare Night - Silent Bob

A slight parody of a Nightmare Before Christmas

  • ...

Poor Soulshard

On the lonely planes of death, Twilight Soulshard sat plump and sulking, occasionally glancing at the golden gates before her apprehensively. They hadn't opened... yet. But they would sometime soon. It was something she could simply feel. However, despite paradise awaiting her on the other side, a lump still sat still in the Lich Queen's throat.

"They're all going to die now..." she sighed softly. "The living that won't be able to enjoy their gift to the fullest... the children of reality. How lucky is it to be those who aren't essentially dreams? Destiny never fully laid out for them... and now, me trying to defy my own has... led to this."

She took another deep, shattered breath.

"What have I done...?

What have I done...?

How could I be so blind?

All is lost, and where was I?

Trying to live a living lie...

As Lovecraft's child crept by my eye...

What have I done...?

What have I done...?

Now I've gone and left them all,

For blackened chimes to make their call...

And in years to come they'll find,

The remains of a selfish sigh..."

At that, her eyes widened, a cold, though sympathetic hoof strung across her back, black smoke dissipating near her.

Two black eyes.

"But you never intended all this madness, never!

And nobody really understood, how could they?

All you wanted was to taste something great!

And for once I truly can say, 'it's never too late!'"

"Rainbow..." Twilight sighed, glancing at her with teary eyes. "I was wondering where you were."

"I don't make a promise I can't keep," she smiled. "But... take a look around..." Her smile widened. "We're alone up here."

Twilight's eyes widened. "Does that mean-"

Rainbow's smile turned into a wicked grin. "He's in a much less... hospitable situation than he was before." She then gave a sigh, however. "Can't say I didn't feel bad for him in the end, though. I have a feeling he was always a bad apple... but love... love can drive you off the deep end."

"Well then," Twilight said, taking a deep, satisfied breath. "With that in mind... I think it's time."

"Heck yeah!" Rainbow grinned. "We're all waiting for you back in Ponyville you know..." She gave a chuckle. "May be a bit sappy, but a happy ending never hurt anyghou-"

"That's... not what I meant, Rainbow," Twilight said whimsically. "I meant... I'm content."


At that, the two golden gates began to creak open, the blinding white light of the afterlife illuminating the darkened planes of death. And standing between the two was a figure cloaked in white, one resembling a living form of Twilight Soulshard.

She merely smiled upon seeing her other half.

Behind her stood docks of wood and gold, beautiful, old-fashioned sail ships in every one of them, with a brilliant, blue bay stretching out from it and towards a setting sun.

"It's the other half of my soul," Soulshard whispered, glancing away from Rainbow as she did so. "I think... it's time we be reunited."

"W-What?!" Death cried. She then began shaking her head frantically. "N-No. Nononono! You can't... it isn't supposed to end like this!"

"What's the point of it all, Rainbow," Twilight said sorrowfully. "I thought I discovered it on the other side... perhaps something that would allow me to believe that we could change. But what if I'm wrong? What if I'm just... stuck in this tedium for eternity? I couldn't just die if I wanted to... Blackblood has given me a unique opportunity..."

She then turned to Rainbow, giving her a warm, tearful smile.

"Sis semper in via caritas," she whispered. "May you always love the journey."

At that, she turned and began walking towards the gates, her other half gazing at her curiously.

"Why do you weep? Isn't this what you wanted?" it asked, gesturing her forward towards the docks leading to eternity’s cry.

Twilight gave a long, heart-felt sigh. "I'm just... not completely sure..."

"Mmmm... I can't blame you I suppose,” she said sympathetically. “I don't think anyone truly is.” She then raised a hoof. "Remember, though, death is just another part of the path... one that we all must one day take."

She then gave a smile, before singing in a heavenly, angelic voice:

"What can you see,

On the horizon?

Why do the white gulls call?

Across the sea,

A pale moon rises,

The ships have come to carry you home."

Rainbow stamped a hoof, narrowing her eyes. "No!" She then began galloping towards Twilight. "Not happening!"

Twilight's other half took a disgruntled breath. "It isn't your part to interfere, Deat-"

"I don't care!" she roared. "Who's to say what's natural and what's not?! Not me, not you, not god, not anyone! The universe may be filled with chaos, chaos we can't defy and paths set by chance at the beginning of all lives, yet we still continuously struggle against its currents... and do you know why?" She slammed a hoof against the ground. "Because those who live within it have the power to chip away at its foundations! We may be ants trying to turn a mountain into a statue, but at least we still can try to make a difference! It's why I chose to punish the wicked! It's why I'm choosing to..." She took a deep breath. "To not let you go... Twilight."

Twilight shook her head, gazing upon her as tears flowed from her face. "R-Rainbow..."

"I am the youngest reaper in history, you know. Guess it’s a good thing, because I'm stuck like this until I lose the scythe...." Death sighed. "I turned down an opportunity to be in the Shadowbolts. You know why? Because... I just happened to be born with this hunger... for... well... you know. However, I wanted to seethe it the honorable way, instead of... Blackblood's way. I... had a small part to play in my destiny, even if it was still essentially set in stone." She then narrowed her eyes. "But you know what? Even if destiny is set for us, that doesn't mean we can't enjoy the long and winding road!"

Twilight narrowed her eyebrows, shaking her head. "W-What are you saying, exactly?"

Death took another deep breath. "I've... seen a lot of ponies and ghouls die happy. Some were rich tycoons, satisfied that they had gotten to where they were without making their consciences weep. Some were the very poor who, though through trial and error, had simply found their inner light. And many others... well let's just say, I wasn't the only one standing by them when they passed. And now..." Her own eyes began to water slightly. "I... don't want to face death alone either: not anymore."

Twilight began to blink rapidly in disbelief. "Rainbow... are you trying to say-"

She quickly nodded. "I... I'm no good at this kind of stuff... emotional stuff. It... just isn't natural for me." She then gave a somewhat sheepish grin. "But like I said, destiny can suck it! I just... want to ask you one thing though... before you go... and well... you've probably already figured it out, haven't you?"

At that, Twilight halted before the gates, staring Rainbow down intently as Death's black eyes continued watering for the first time in her life.

And then... her own eyes widened in realization.

"I think... I think... that you might be onto something there, Rainbow."

Death quickly nodded, gulping slightly.

At that, Twilight turned to the other half of her soul, giving her a nod as she smiled lightly. "I'm sorry... but I think I might like giving this... Half-Life of mine another shot." She then turned back to Rainbow. "Because... even if my new ideas for our side of the gates don't work out... maybe there's one thing I can truly control."

She then smiled warmly before beginning to trot over to Rainbow's side.

The gates then began to close, her other half walking towards the shipyard with a slight smirk on her face, shaking her head incredulously.

"One day, that ghoul..." she whispered.

"You're sure about this, Twilight?" Rainbow asked, smiling warmly as she trotted alongside her, away from the golden gates.

Twilight smiled in return, wiping away the last of her tears. "Yeah, because you wanna know what?"

There's nothing you can do that can't be done,

Nothing you can sing that can't be sung,

Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game,

It's easy!"

Death gave a grin.

"There's nothing you can make that can't be made,

No one you can save that can't be saved,

Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time,

It's easy!"

The two then actually began to skip.

"All you need is love!

All you need is love!

All you need is love, love!

Love is all you need!"

And with a black puff of smoke, they were gone.


Rainbow appeared back in the reality, sitting by Soulshard's side within the graveyard, whose eyes began fluttering open. A group of almost every ghoul and pony had gathered around them, gasping at the sight.

"R-Rainbow... did you..." Twilight Sparkle stuttered.

Death merely smiled. "Everyone who deserves to live lives, Twilight. Everybody lives."

"Hey! That's my line you cheeky ghoul!" the Doctor grunted, though he quickly smirked afterwards. "But it's a bloody good line at least."

"H-How did you manage to-" Flutterfright said.

At that, Soulshard began standing up, shaking a debilitated head. "She just... reminded me of a song I heard a long time ago. Didn't really regard it as much more than dribble from the other side at the time... no offense... but now... I think I get its meaning... at least somewhat."

"What, that all you need is love?" Twilight Sparkle winked.

Death's eyes widened. "How did you-"

The mortal pony shrugged. "Eh, just the way you talked about her... it gave a good few clues."

"Oh you... you friggin' smartass pony!" Death chuckled, before rolling her black eyes and turning back to Soulshard. "But yeah... Twilight... to make it official and everything: do you wanna be my special someghoul?"

Twilight merely smiled. "Of course, Rainbow! I don't think I've had more fun doing what I was born to do than with you! I just wish you had let your feelings for me come out sooner..."

"Yeah... well," she grunted, dragging a hoof across the ground. "You know me... I suck with this kind-"

At that, Twilight wrapped her arms around her.

Death quickly blushed. "W-Well... I guess you don't always have to be Cassanova."

"Awwwwww...." the town cooed.

"So sappy... so night damned sappy..." bone dragon Spike's skull rattled. "But so sweet..." he whispered.

"But wait, er... other Twilight," Applejack called, raising a hoof. "What was that you were saying about having an idea, earlier?"

"I too would like to hear what you have in mind," Zecora smiled. "Will it help deal with the eternal rhyme?"

At that, Twilight released Rainbow from the hug, turning to face the ghouls in the crowd. "Well... earlier, Applejack here had said something along the lines of that 'Nightmare Night was no longer just about scaring.' And before that, I saw Ponyville having fun doing stuff like bobbing for apples and tossing spiders and well... that got me thinking." She then smiled slightly. "Since we are essentially the essence of Nightmare Night... and if Nightmare Night is now about fun and scaring..."

"Then maybe..." bone dragon Spike's skull rattled. "Maybe there's more to our true nature than what we think there is?"

Soulshard turned towards the living ponies in the crowd, a thankful smile on her lips. "I'd like to thank you... all of you. Without your changes to this holiday... we'd be stuck doing the same thing over and over..."

"Nothing better than giggling at the ghosties," Pinkie Pie bounced.

"And even so, I still think you'd be able to change on your own," Twilight Sparkle smiled.

"I don't know, though... I've never had any sort of fun doing anything besides scaring," Octryptia said skeptically. "Are you sure about this, Twilight?"

She quickly gave a shrug. "Nope, but you know what? I don't really care that much anymore." She smiled at Rainbow. "I've got something else to keep me occupied."

Rainbow quickly returned it. "Heh... and what's not to love?"

However, she then narrowed an eyebrow.

"You know, something's missing though..." Her eyes soon widened. "Wait a second, where's Nightmare Moon?! Didn't you go get her, Rotten?"

"I don't know," the ghost said, shrugging. "She said she was going to get the 'fourteen pounders' once we got to this side, whatever that means-"

At that, three thuds could be heard nearby as Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Nightmare Moon landed in the graveyard. Though the entire group stared at them wide eyed, they seemed to have other things in mind besides addressing them...

"Uggggh! I knew we'd be late!" Luna groaned, surveying the scene before glaring at her sister. "You just had to get your coffee, didn't you?!"

Celestia returned the glare. "Oh that's rich! This coming from Ms. 'I Slept Through the Changeling Invasion'!"

"I had my ear muffs on! And only because of all of the racket you usually make during the day listening to your stupid Justin Beiber albums!" Luna growled. "I couldn't hear them knocking at the door!"

"Oh by the night!" Nightmare Moon groaned. "Will you two STOP ALREADY!? You realize where we are, right?!"

At that, the two sisters went wide eyed when they noticed pretty much the entire town of Ponyville were staring at them.

"Oooh, uh..." Princess Celestia said, smiling sheepishly. "Hello, my little ponies. It is nice to see you all!" She then glanced at her faithful student. "And you as well, my faithful student."

Luna gave a cough. "Um... happy Nightmare Night?"

The town continued to stare at the trio blankly.

"Uhhh... why is Nightmare Moon standing beside the princesses?" Pinkie said, cocking her head.

"It's... a long story," Princess Celestia sighed. "It seems by now you're all well aware of the Nightmare Realm? Well... we have been too for some time. To put it bluntly: this is a different Nightmare Moon, one more crazy than evil."

"Yeah, and you two still never send me holiday cards," Nightmare Moon grumbled. However, at that she gave a warm smile her own faithful student's way. "Hello there, though, Twilight!" She then glanced at the pool of black gak sitting nearby. "I see you've been up to some interesting escapades..."

Twilight gave a sigh. "You could say that..."

"By that she means we kicked Blackblood's gooey flank!" Rainbow Death grinned.

"It's been a long time coming," Nightmare Moon sighed. "I'd say he earned it in the end." She then raised an eyebrow. "What was that punishment you had in mind for him, by the way, Death?"

"Ooooh... nothing special," she smirked, opening her locket and bringing it before her face. "How ya doing in there, Blackblood?"


Blackblood stood in an endless void, plopped down upon his flank, bored, as a song echoed all around him continuously:

"I want my baby back baby back,

Baby back baby back baby back,

Baby back baby back baby back...."

"How ya doing in there, Blackblood?" a voice echoed from the heavens.

"Hah! This is the best punishment you could think of for me?" he grinned. "This is nothing!" He then squinted an eyebrow, however. "I do have to wonder though... when are they going to say ribs?"

"Never. They never say ribs."

His eyes then widened in horror. "W-What?! NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO-"


The locket snapped shut.

"Ouch. Sucks to be him," Rainbow Dash said, her eyebrows raised.

"Make that double-suck!" Pinkie Pie bounced, grinning. "Cus I have a way to test out if the ghoulies can have fun... PONYVILLE STYLE!"

"Huh?" the town asked.


"EPIC POST-NIGHTMARE NIGHT PARTY EXTRAVAGANZA OF EPIC AWESOME!" Pinkie roared, finishing the final touches on the town's decorations, her cannon smoking.


"Awwww yeah!" Vinyl Scratch grinned, plopping a record into her player. "And I got just the song for this! Let's hear some Lil' Jon!"

"What?! That's a weird way of saying 'Dave Mathews Band!" Vinyl Screech argued.

"Oh come on, yo! Dave Mathews Band isn't that great for parties..."

"I know! Isn't it horrible?!" Vinyl Screech grinned.

Vinyl Scratch narrowed her eyes. "We're listening to Lil' Jon."

"Dave Mathews Band!"



"Yo dawgs! Cool it!" a quartet of voices called.

"Holy night!" a random ghoul called.

"Is that?!"

"Oh my gosh!" Pinkie Slice beamed. "It's the Baha Ghouls! I thought they died like ten years ago!"

"Well, technically we did," one of their members coughed. "Doesn't mean we ain't still kickin' beyond the grave though! Now, I hear yall wanna try the other side's style of fun out, right?! So how bout we kick off the night with a blast from the past!"

At that, a group of ghouls wearing nineties gear summoned a stage complete with instruments out of nowhere, quickly beginning the party with:

"Who let the dogs out!

Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof!

Who let the dogs out!

Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof!"

At that, Vinyl Scratch nodded towards her counterpart. "Eh, that works too!"

Screechy nodded in agreement, grinning widely. "That's nineties, baby!"

"Awwww yeah!" Pinkie Pie grinned, hitting a summoned dance floor with vigor she rarely showed. That meaning she was essentially a blur upon it.

However, she quickly paused for a second, noting an awkward Pinkie Slice standing at the sidelines.

"Hey, don't be shy! Go ahead and join in!" she beamed.

"I-I don't know," Slicey grumbled. "Dancing isn't really my thing..."

"Oh come on! You can dance if you want to, just never leave your friends behind!" her counterpart beamed.

The rest of the Elements of Fear, save for Rainbow and Twilight blinked.

"Why not give it another shot, dears," Scarity eventually smiled. "For Twilight?"

"I-I don't want to look like a fool, though..." Applemoon peeped.

However, at that, the Slendermare entered the dance floor, motioning for them to follow with a tendril. Lyra Hearstab quickly joined him, letting him use her as a puppet once again.

"Noghoul on this dance floor is going to look like a bigger fool than me. Come and embrace change, for we are more than our natures suggest."

"You know... Slendermare isn't like Blackblood at all, and they're from the same place..." Flutterfright squeaked. "Maybe..."

"Ah screw it! Come on!" Pinkie Slice grinned, trotting onto the dance floor to join her counterpart as Slendermare tried his best attempt at a break dance.

It ended with him crashing down onto the ground.

"Hahaha!" Pinkie Pie giggled. "Come on Slendy, you can do it! All of you can!"

"Heh! You know what, this is actually kind of fun!" Applemoon beamed, actually starting to get into the groove a bit. "I guess dancing is for more than just zombie duels!"

"You said it sister!" Pinkie Slice grinned, now starting to emulate her counterpart to a decent degree.


And as the night drew on, my kind took into their hearts....

As more and more ghouls and ponies began to enter the dance floor, some began to try out the games set up for Nightmare Night around town as well.

"So... I just... toss the spider onto the web? And this is fun?" Death said, cocking her head.

"Indeed! It is a most enjoyable activity of this holiday!" Princess Luna grinned.

"Betcha can't beat my two web hits, Death," Twilight Soulshard winked.

"Ooooh now you're just pressing my buttons," Death grinned competitively, tossing a spider.

"Wooo yeah!" Nightmare Moon cheered beside her, landing a spider on the web. "Beat that, Luna!" she smirked.

"Thou shall not beat thy high score!" Luna growled. "Prepare for the sour taste of defeat, thy vile being!"

"Hey, I thought we were past that," Nightmare Moon frowned.

"Oh, my apologies," Luna peeped. "Still not used to this... it is... somewhat awkward for us."

"Heh, yeah. That's understandable," Nightmare Moon smiled. "But you know what would be totally funny?"



Luna's eyes widened in horror, backing away from the crazed princess.

"Haha, just messing with you! Still would be funny, though!"

"... Get me about 200% more drunk, and maybe we'll work something out," Luna said, gripping a mug of hard cider beside her and taking a sip.

Princess Celestia began shaking her head incredulously. "Someone get me more cider... please. This is going to be a long night..."


That everyghoul and pony could have a fresh start...

"Ugh... I'm so sorry about all of this," Link said, starting to piece together bone dragon Spike. "I just saw you burning stuff in Canterlot and..."

"Hey, no worries," Spike said. "I'd probably have thought the same thing in your place... though I only burn down stuff I know nopony lives in, you know." He then gave a sigh. "I think I'm done with that, though."

"Hey... you can always burn down the Water Temple if you can manage to get inside it! Seriously, that place is so confusing!" Link grinned.

"But it's underwater," Spike said, raising an eyebrow.

"Eh, we'll figure something out."


Both young and old, the wise and the green...

"Hahaha, Derpy! I just remembered! I can dance!" the Doctor said, boogying on the dance floor with his assistant and counterpart on his side.

"Mmmm, haven't done this since I graduated from Bogmorts!" Dr. Whoovenstein beamed.

"Dawww... I love it when you get all nostalgic," Derpy Stitched smirked.

“Yeah well… “ he said, glancing at the stage. “They have some drums I could live with.”

Learned that their nature was more than it seemed...

"Go Slendermare! Go Slendermare! It's yo birthday! It's yo birthday!" a group of ghouls and ponies cheered, the Slendermare now break dancing like a champion.

"Haha! Oh my gosh I don't remember the last time I didn't feel like torturing myself with bad music!" Vinyl Screech grinned, her and her counterpart actually dancing on the stage with the Baha Ghouls.


And it wasn't just my Twilight who learned a thing or two...

"So, now that I'm here, do you have anything you wish to report to me?" Princess Celestia asked the living Twilight.

Twilight gave a warm smile, gazing upon her counterpart and Death as they merrily bobbed for apples. "You bet I did! I learned that sometimes all one needs to do is make small modifications to one's life to find happiness... instead of going all out and trying to change everything." She then squinted in thought. "However, first you might have to fight a giant tar monster... and be dragged to the brink of death... to get the-"

"Ahem," Celestia smiled. "Very nicely stated, my faithful student."


About how to make one lose their gloom...

"Darksong Shadowbane, the most feared creature in all of Edeathstria... is sorry he couldn't help your faithful student in her time of need..." Darksong sighed, glancing at Nightmare Moon.

"Hey, don't worry about it. You just remembered that spell on how to keep the portal open for a decent amount of time like ten seconds ago, right?" Nightmare Moon asked.

"Yes... but Darksong still feels like a failure for not remembering it sooner," he groaned. "He also helped this whole mess begin... he should have told you about your student's intentions...."

"It seems like you simply wanted to see her happy," Nightmare Moon beamed. "And for that, you have my thanks!"


Nightmare Moon then grinned. "How about a dance, Darky? You and I. Two overpowered Alicorns kickin' up the night!"

"Darksong- I mean uh, I would be honored!" he quickly smiled, hearts forming in his eyes.


And even those who had made mistakes,

Found that one could always re-conciliate...

"I don't deserve to be here," Trixie sighed to Twilight Soulshard. "I should just go back to my castle in the west... and sit there. That's what I deserve."

"Hey, like I said," Twilight smiled. "Loss can cause a lot of confusion... but what matters is that you pulled yourself out of it, and did the right thing in the end."

"Yeah!" Death grinned. "Without your help the ghouls around town would probably still be scaring the heck out of everypony! Also, nice use of necromancy during the battle with Blackblood, by the way."

"With that in mind, I have a gift for you," Soulshard smiled. She then turned towards Nightmare Moon, her currently dancing alongside of Princess Luna. "Hey, master! Since my studies are nearly complete... would it be alright for you to take on a second student?"

Nightmare Moon gave a shrug. "Sure, now that Blackblood won't be bugging me thirteen hours a day, maybe I can fit that on my schedule!"

Trixie's jaw nearly fell off her face.


Though things seemed to be well at the time,

Certain parties still watched warily from the sides...

From the outskirts of town, two ponies watched the festivities through binoculars, their eyes gazing at it incredulously.

"Well, what do you think, Captain?" one asked.

"I think I was right," he grunted. "This is the century everything changes." He then smiled slightly, however. "But I believe we're ready, though. Besides, with the Doctor sticking around for once, how could we ever fail?"

The first raised an eyebrow. "But what of Target 23?"

Figure two gave a sigh. "I'm not sure... we'll just have to cross that bridge when we come to it."


However, for now, it was a time to celebrate,

For change was coming to the other side of the gates.

As my student predicted, that when put to the test,

We were much more than creatures of fear and unrest!

Twilight, Death, and Nightmare Moon sat in the latter's private quarters on the other side of the gates, along with two other individuals... one month later.

"Heh! You wouldn't believe it, but I actually got Pinkie to watch Nightmare on Elm Street with me the other night!" Twilight grinned. "And she wasn't rooting for Krueger!"

"Woah!" Death said, her black eyes widening. "Heh, I guess we should have had a second slumber party. Maybe that would have saved a lot of trouble if we just gotten used to the other side's style of fun."

"And I'm glad you figured it out though, my apprentice," Nightmare Moon smiled. "Me and Darksong have been having a blast at the new night clubs just set up! Though I have to ask, how is Bogmorts coming?"

"Slowly..." Twilight groaned. "Though I think it should be ready to take in students at least sometime near the end of winter."

"Eh, well. We can talk about that later," Nightmare Moon winked.

She then glanced down upon her paper and quill, the tale of The Nightmare Before Nightmare Night being written down.

"So, what do you think should be the ending?" she smirked towards Twilight.

"Hmmm... I'm not sure..." she sighed.

"What about our honored guests, any ideas?" she said, turning to the two humanoid figures.

One of them gave a shrug with a wide grin. "It's your story, my dear."

"Hmmm," Twilight pondered. "How about this?"

She then scribbled something down.

And for now, they all lived horribly after ever!

"Haha! Classic," Death grinned.

"So, what do you two think?" Nightmare Moon asked, glancing back at the two figures.

"Not too bad, my dear Night Princess," Jack Skelington smiled, straightening his tie. "Not bad at all."

"Simply wonderous!" Sally said. "Though it did bring about a bit of Deja Vu..."

"Oh?" Nightmare Moon said, raising an eyebrow.

"It just reminded me of something that happened to myself a long, long time ago," Jack sighed nostalgically.

"Well, don't be modest! Let's hear it!" Deathie grinned.

"It's a pretty long story," Sally said, raising a finger.

"Oh come on! I bet it'll be better than the shlock we wrote down," Twilight Soulshard smirked, her eyes twinkling.

Jack took a deep breath. "Well, if you say so... here goes nothing. This is the story of The Nightmare Before Christmas." He then smiled slightly before beginning with:

"It was a long time ago, longer now than it seems...."

Comments ( 105 )

Whelp, that's it everyone. This long, crazy fic that was originally just supposed to be a five chapter piece has grown like a horrible blob monster eating everything in its reach into this monstrosity. Still, I can't say I didn't have fun writing it. Again, thank you all for your comments/support/likes during the fics writing. Nothing better than seeing others satisfied by the story. Anyway, look for the sequel sometime soon. I'll be posting one last update for this giving it a link.

Oh, and the songs ;D. I'm very happy I got to include a Beatles song, they are seriously on my top five of bands. I'm also happy I got to include another Nightmare Before Christmas Song, since I was worried that there wouldn't be one near the end. Luckily, a last minute thought changed that.

To those wondering, the moral of the story was more than 'all you need is love.' I believe that no matter what your position is in life, happiness can always be in reach, it just takes a bit of searching for. It's something I really took to heart when watching The Nightmare Before Christmas. Which is why aside from its quirky, original, dark sense of humor, and simply fun nature, it is on my top ten list of movies.

My mind is not just blowned
It is nuked

Damn this was a hell of a good story, and a sequel in the making? :pinkiehappy:

amazing!!!!!!!! loved it it's now in my *tied for the tops spot* list with "My Roommates A Vampire"..... i hate to see it end but everything worked out so im happy

amazing!!!!!!!! loved it it's now in my *tied for the tops spot* list with "My Roommates A Vampire"..... i hate to see it end but everything worked out so im happy

Awesome story, loved every moment of it.


Why is my brain on the floor thirty feet away? :applejackconfused:

Bloody brilliant, with a side of mind blowingly awesome. With a hint of lavender.

Loved it from start til finish. I am glad I got to be here for it.

Also, this has most likely been already said, but...
Doesn't matter, had TwiDeath. :rainbowwild:

You sir Have done a spectaculacular job in making this fanfiction. Now Allow me to salute you as you are the best Writer ever. Golden stars all around! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Still no me? I'm kidding this was a great story, full of both crack-fic fun and a really good, suspenseful plotline that had me care about the characters, especially Twilight Soulshard.

This story is horrible! I am wickedly eager to see the sequel. :twilightsmile:

Fan-@$%&ing-Tastic. Well done, well done indeed.

*manly tear* ITS OVER?? NUUUU

That sequel hook! :pinkiegasp:
...Why 23 though? :rainbowhuh:

Meh, still a great story, I can't think of any dangling plot threads, besides your sequel hook with Captain Jack Harkness.

However, she then narrowed an eyebrow.

I think the expression you're looking for is 'raised an eyebrow'. Narrowing an eyebrow makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

**after finishing**

I love everything about this fic. IT IS AMAZING.

They say that ten minutes after Death closed Blackblood's locket, he started eating his own face.

Fucking awesome story. However, since there was no hint at Twilight SPARKLE realizing she loves Rainbow DASH...

Props for such an awesome storybook ending. It's funny though, that a storybook ending such as this is so unique, especially considering your case placing little musicals from modern and contemporary music in there. Very well done! You've got another like!

I kinda wanted a 'now kiss' moment for Twilight and Rainbow at the end but I guess we can't get what we want all the time :twilightblush:

but excellent fic none-the-less :heart:

This story was AWESOME. Will there be a sequel?

Such a cool story. Fairly original too.

Great ending to a great story :twilightsmile: Thanks for writing this

Epic story there good sir. and the music choice was epic!
Will there be a sequel however?
A sequel should be placed "here"
:fluttershysad: if its okay with you at least.

good way to end this off!
no vinyl screech and scrach this is the best party music!

now time to kill ya!
time paradoxes, death night.
shit i just killed you... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!

Slightly possible sequal or was the 2 guys in the distance a part in the movie to
Haven't seen it in years:applejackunsure:

Why can I only like and favorite this thing once? :raritydespair: This deserves more love than that!
Well done sir, I salute you. :rainbowdetermined2::twilightsmile::pinkiehappy::yay::derpytongue2::ajsmug::scootangel::eeyup::trollestia:

-Story in general.- :applecry::pinkiegasp::rainbowkiss::rainbowlaugh:
-Story ended.- :fluttercry::ajsleepy::fluttershbad::raritydespair:
-Sequel.- :yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:

Awesome Stor- WaitWaitWait. Where Did Jack And Sally Come From?

Yay! I loved the story, and though I'm sad it's over, I've enjoyed the entire journey.

You do realize with the completion of this you are now obligated to make a sequel, right? Because I think we would all like to see certain ponies in christmas outfits

*pokes the author's blog entry* :twilightsmile:

it said there is a sequel and it should be up this week around wednesday :pinkiehappy:


*poke poke poke poke poke*

1684719 *gives bloodwolf a cookie and a lolipop* :twilightsmile:

1684702 I said

-Sequel.- :yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:

Knowing there IS a sequel >_>

1684744 a bunch of yays is kinda hard to tell if it is a sequel you could just be agreeing with the people that were asking for a sequel before you commented


I'm getting confused now O_o. Do people not like my sequel idea or something?

1684776 we love it and we can't wait for it to be up! :twilightsmile::yay::pinkiehappy::ajsmug::rainbowkiss:

1684878 oh I know you exist :twilightsmile:

Quick question. So was that all not real, and just a story they wrote, or was the story wrote on what actually happened? >.<


The latter ;D. Think of it like what happened in Lord of the Rings, Frodo writing a book on his journey called... The Lord of the Rings.

>Not liking the idea of the sequel PFFFFT
Ohohooooo, I just LOVE the idea of a sequel

...Hey jack and his lady...So did not see you two coming :yay: Man this fic was fun and very musical

This was awesome...though my suggestion for a sequel would be to make The Nightmare Before Hearth's Eve. That would be awesome!

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