• Member Since 15th May, 2018
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This is great. I’m going to get a good grade in horsefic, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve,


The planet Equus will be inhospitable in just a few short years. All the creatures on it are preparing to leave for greener pastures. All, that is, except Spitfire.

This fiction is canon compliant. It takes place several years after "The Last Problem".

Second place winner of Science Fiction Contest III.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 42 )

Howdy, hi~!


Anygay, love the start of this. Love a super flawed protag with room to grow. Like the setting and world as well this idea of effectively carbon dioxide in the form of magic. Super cool concepts and loving the direction of this so far. I also like this counterbalance of individual freedom versus collective societal duty and the pain of just being forced into something that you never really had any control over.

Looking forward to more chapters!

Ooo I like where this is going. As a big Spitfire fan it hurts to see her like this but it does make sense. Super intrigued by the premise and this whole destiny counseling thing! It's crazy how you draw so much from little tiny aspects of the show and manage to expand them like this! Will definitely be following this closely!

I like the character driven parts of this so far. Spitfire just being a stubborn fool who refuses to change as the world evolves rapidly around her only to be forced to due to circumstance is compelling. But as an analogy for our current overuse of fossil fuels, it falls flat because in real life the world is also just as stubborn in that regard. We can mitigate and reverse the effects with enough effort and collaboration, but those in power are too selfish to let that happen.

This story really isn't intended to be an analogy about fossil fuels and climate change. It is inspired by climate fiction, yes! But I'm not trying to "say something" about climate change. This worldbiilding is a backdrop for character-driven drama. The problems may be similar in some respects, but are very different in practice - that is the "what if?" question this story is built on.

Oh, I like this a lot.
I love the idea of Spitfire, and maybe some other people, trying to survive and adapt to a world without magic, creating a lot of Human-like technology to replace their lost magic.
Well written, word-smith!

Ah, ok. I've just got too much politics on the brain, I guess, and I was reading into it too deeply. 😅

Comment posted by Perpetually Confused deleted May 10th

Really like this, excited for the remaining chapters


It might not have been intended, but I think almost everyone is gonna read that into it

I'm sure that they will! I mostly want readers to know that this is not the focus of the story, but rather the impetus of the plot. I'm not trying to make a statement about climate change - in fact, Thought Prism's grievances with the analogy are directly addressed in a later chapter. Just don't want anyone disappointed that I'm not tackling the problem directly! I also don't think MLP fanfiction is a supremely productive place to have a conversation about climate change anyway... Lol

Really hoping she fights back every step of the way and doesn’t let herself be bound

Fascinating way of putting Equus in a situation that fairly resembles Earth's troubles.

On the one hand, yeah, don't expect deep conversations in a place like this necessarily.
On the other hand, fanfiction is art, and art is the greatest medium to say something political. Probably even better than politics itself.

While I do think that Spitfire is being rude and selfish, I sympathize with her. And I completely understand why she does not want to go with the counseling, and agree with her reasoning on that particular issue. Changing your cutiemark is literally changing your active skills and talents, your personality. It is like changing your very soul.

Ironic, that she ended up changing it herself.

I wonder how much magic gets burned flipping through hypotheticals of destiny like a rolodex. Mark-manifestation is big magic, divination is big magic, putting the whole entire population through a mulligan sounds like some pretty gorram big magic.

It would be hilarious if this lean magical economy scheme is accelerating the decline.

For that matter, I also appreciate the irony of Apple Bloom espousing an opinion of specific Marks not mattering because a different more convenient one can be gotten just like that. I wonder if she's shuffled her Mark...

mush entered the contest :ajsleepy: everyone pack up. go home. it's over!

Mare Forced into Magic Chastity Cage by Intolerant Left!

*double checks the tags to see if self-harm is there*

Well ok then.

Oooooh, love this character focus. That throughline on the emotional resonance on inertia without the push to change is incredible. Loving this so far and looking forward to the next installment ~!

Love it as always. I really love how the counseling works, it is extremely interesting. Spitfire is just as lovable and stubborn as before.

I did hope we could get away with not shipping any of the main characters together, but it does not seem like it is going to take away from the main story, so it`s fine.

Great job, word-smith!

Ough, this hits. How Fleetfoot and all of them talk to Spitfire really reminds me of how old friends and family talk to addicts. Spitfire keeps just ignoring everything thats wrong and is just so willing to die, and its clear her old team still cares a lot about her, but they just dont know how to get through to her. They want to help her but she keeps ignoring them and they have to watch hopelessly as an old friend basically kills herself slowly by letting herself go

“How is this even legal?” I demanded. “This is magic, isn’t it? It feels like magic.”

Dr. Bloom chuckled tensely. “You can’t feel magic,” she said firmly. “And… yes. There’s a bit of magical waste involved. But it’s an approved part of Last Gasp efforts. We need ponies to prepare us for the next step, and this is the best way to find ‘em.”

Hah, called it.

Just keep mulling, maybe you'll hit a winning hand before you end up with no hand at all.

I also wonder what happens if/when we hit the bricks of Spitfire not having a Talent/future that doesn't involve magically-intensive flying. Because behind all this fancy therapy-talk there's also the implicit demand that whatever the result is it needs to be socially useful. Low-magic too, but useful is the sticking point.

And it will stick too; after all, no pony is going to refuse their own Mark, so when you (Bloom) finds an acceptable Mark the pony who owned that Mark comes along for the ride. Hence the entire Wonderbolts squad being happy and fulfilled going from adrenaline jockeys to physicists.

Loving this so much. Can't wait to see how this all ties up. The different versions of spitfire were so much fun.

What I find really interesting is the one thing that all of these parallel worlds have in common.

None of them are dying of massive thaumaturgical buildup.

Which means that someone in this timeline specifically, kriffed something up. I blame Twilight.

For I adored this. It was so poetic in the end and I love love love that you ended this on such a hopeful message. I also love the resolution of spitfire joy just jumping the bandwagon but actually deciding to take responsibility and help clean the mess they made. This was just banger start to finish. Thanks for the read 😃

Now I have to wonder if in some future all the cutie marks are in a sort of superposition state and ponies just observe themselves a new talent anytime they need one... :rainbowlaugh:

This was a masterpiece. I feel privileged to have read it.

A reminder that I need to comment on your many other stories which I have enjoyed. Thank you.

Spoilers Ahead!!

Contrary to what other readers might think, I enjoyed the mild shipping in this story, and I think it really serves its part well. The contrast between what could have happened vs what actually happened is prevalent in both Spitfire's and Fleetfoot's relationship as well as the ponies' and their planet's relationship. They fucked it up but now they have the chance to restore it. At the end they decide to stay and fix their relationship and their planet :-)

I know my review is a little 'college board reply' but I really enjoyed the fic!!! And I'm always the biggest fucking sucker for love that never was but might be one day.......

Let me put it this way... if this was a movie, I would buy myself a Blu-ray copy and rewatch the heck out of it.

Hell, I'd even buy a Blu-ray player!

Oh, that was a good read! :pinkiehappy:

Spitfire was a bit of an ass at the start, but that's understandable, considering the circumstances. I'm glad that her reason for staying was changed to one of taking responsibility for her home rather than her starting point of grim, fatalistic defiance.

Consider me thoroughly entertained and intimidated!

Hey there, Mushroom! It was great to see a buddy from Q&S also enter this contest, and it looks like you've given us some fierce competition! Here's my review:

The story does a masterful job of characterizing an older Spitfire and portraying a conflict where it's easy to sympathize with her but also to understand everyone else who blames her for not complying with mandates that are there for the good of everyone else. I like to think of myself as anti-authoritarian as well, and her resistance to what she's being asked to do really struck a chord with me, even if I also had to give credit to everyone else who pushed back against her for making a bad situation just that much worse. The story and the dialogue is incredibly engaging and makes use of some great characters that I didn't expect, Apple Bloom in particular, and had excellent pacing that made it so I didn't notice the pretty sizable length of this tale.

I do have a few minor points of criticism, however, if you'll indulge me. I think the last chapter was kind of unnecessary; the real climax of the story hits in the penultimate chapter and leaves the imagination open for a lot of possibilities. The final chapter doesn't really resolve the conflict or show where Spitfire is going to go next, and has a bit too much techno-babble for me. The image of Spitfire and Fleetfoot watching the great ships carrying the planet's population into space is stirring, but I somehow feel like the emotional climax didn't hit me as hard as it should have.

Still, that criticism doesn't keep this from being a real Sci-Fi Gem. You've got a pretty strong contender for the contest, my friend, so best wishes for it! :twilightsmile:

There's a lot of great stories in this contest, but I think Laws of Motion really stands out to me from the way that it keeps things firmly rooted in My Little Pony, with an all-pony cast of show characters that are now thrust into this grim (but not outright dark) new reality. Spitfire and Apple Bloom feel fully realized and make for quite the odd coupling, and the story absorbs us in its world without bogging us down with excessive details. It went in directions i was thoroughly not expecting but kept me hooked all the way through, and if the final chapter doesn't perfectly match the brilliant pacing of the others, it still makes for a fittingly bittersweet coda. First story I've added to my Favorites in a hot minute and a very worthy addition. Best of luck in the judging.

Hi, my friend! Thank you so much for your kind words - there were a lot of things about this piece that I was uncertain about, but the response has been really lovely so far. As far as your criticism, I agree that there were probably better ways to wrap this story up, but I'm honestly just a lover of the time-skip epilogue :twilightsmile: I'm glad the piece still worked for you, despite the pacing hiccup!

Thank you so much! I approached this contest with the desire to write a sci-fi story that was not and AU, just to prove to myself it could be done. I think the result was a really fun world! I already have some thoughts about how I might return to it in the future :raritywink: Thank you so much for reading and sharing these kind words with me!

t has come to our attention that your Cloudsdale home has not yet been grounded, despite repeated reminders that airborne structures dependent upon cloud-walking dynamics are now considered illegal under the new Thaumagenic Radiation Reduction Guidelines (TRRG).

oh wow there is so much worldbuilding going on with so few sentences here i love it. i’m guessing it turns out magic usage is depleting a finite resource or accelerating a developing catastrophe or both, analogous to what carbon emissions are doing for us

The coffee maker beeped. I hauled myself out of my chair by the window moseyed across the pillowy floor to pour myself a cup, every step a frivolous waste of magic. I could practically hear Soarin’s wing-belted voice in my ear telling me to quit it already, to just move into an apartment on the ground—you got that nice new coffee maker, Spits. See? You do like technology. New things are good. This is just new, Spits.

and augh just love how strong Spitfire’s voice is in the narration

I shook my head and took another sip of coffee. “Guess you found a reason, huh?” I set my coffee cup back on the table and gestured to her flared wings. “Who let the girls out? I thought you were the absolute poster child of the wing-belters. Tsk, tsk, Fleets.”

ahaha literally belting the wings to prevent accidentally using magic to fly, and of course that’s just such an on-the-nose visual metaphor (is it still a metaphor if so literal?), of course they’d be called “wing-belters” that is perfect

“Nope.” I used a wing to flip back my robe, revealing my own, un-changed cutie mark. “My flank’s just as stubborn as I am.”

then again what are ponies but a civilization of walking too-literal visual metaphors

“I’m too old to better myself,” I said.

“We’re the same age, you idiot.”

i love this i love them

Second,” she said, “let’s say you’re right. You’re old and you don’t have time to change, so the best option really is to just sit back and let it happen. Fine. But do you really want to alienate all your friends trying to make a statement?”

oh no Spitfire drank the boomer juice

It’s hard not to feel it now; some eddy curling off my primaries and building up in my wake, searching for a place to land, finding nothing. Leaching into the clouds and weighing them down with unplanned storms. Soaking into the earth and springing up as weeds that grab at legs. Making magic less clean, less efficient, less reliable. Spreading like little fingers of chaos through everything, everywhere, always. The whole planet—toast.

and augh just love this description. i’ve had the idea of analogizing magic use and carbon emissions in my head for a while and wow this makes it feel so real

It was some fraction of what it took Celestia to raise the sun—an eighth, I think.

oof! and fantastic use of the fun headcanon that Spitfire and Sunburst are cousins. it totally is him to tell her prematurely lol

“We’re the same age, Spitfire.”

ahaha love that this is becoming a catchphrase. also it is a little strange thinking about what age Spitfire is supposed to be! it seems like from flashbacks she’s the same age as Derpy and Rainbow and thus pretty much most characters, but she is also in a clearly senior position. she would def act like everyone the same age is half a generation younger

He waited another long moment, maybe to see if I would suggest a time or show a little more enthusiasm. I didn’t really want to go out for coffee with my cousin. I didn’t want to see his stupid new cutie mark.

aww, typical Sunburst L

—which they wrote as two words, those pricks—

i mean that is insult to injury but also an accurate description

I pictured my home divided up into five or six modest apartments. Sharing a bathroom with a once-seapony, now hippogriff, who took too-long showers and cried when it rained. Eating breakfast next to a changeling still adjusting to their permanent bug form who chewed with their mandibles open. Rooming with a unicorn who couldn’t even do their mane with their own hooves, and needed help from a more dextrous pony—namely me.

both Spitfire really drinking that boomer juice and great way to give us glimpses of how the other species are adjusting to the new world

There were probably a few boxes full of trophies, actually. And yet, despite the fame and fortune they implied, I had not nearly enough money to actually keep the home I owned.

love this way of showing how the currency of her old life cannot purchase what she wants in the new augh

I packed my old Wonderbolts uniforms and flight plans into a box. I thought about fractions of percentages of magic building up over every unnecessary and frivolous airshow. Over decades.

What a waste.

and oof, what a thing to have to face in retrospect. that Spitfire can’t even see her career and achievements as worthless, but has to see them as a negative thing retroactively really has to be doing a lot to her brain

I didn't exactly know what to do myself. I think I just gaped back at them.

aww the gang getting back together, that’s nice!

That nearly got her to crack a smile. “Just to the textbooks, Captain. Not to, uh… life.” She cleared her throat. “The zero law is that all objects are inherently egotistic. Selfish. They only care about what’s happening to them, and only what’s happening at that exact instant—they don’t have memory, they don’t linger or hold grudges, they don’t act of their own volition. In a physics problem, the objects will only ever react, and only instantaneously.”

ooh love this, is this based on a real thing? 

“You’re being a bit of an object, ma’am.”


“I don’t think it’s your fault,” Fleetfoot went on, her voice low. “I know you’ve had some pretty good reasons to be selfish in the past. And it wasn’t exactly a disservice to the ‘Bolts—you pushed us in ways you wouldn’t have if you were more…” She let the thought trail off there. I guess I was thankful; more what? More kind? More understanding? More empathetic? “Y’know.”


ahaha i love them

Blaze turned to look at me. “Hey! I was hoping the smell would wake you up.” She slipped the spatula under the thing in the pan and deftly flipped it over—an omelet. A really good-looking omelet. “Hungry?”

augh i want to eat the pony eggs they always sound so good

“Must really work or something.” I pulled open a drawer and sifted through silverware. “I remember when you were a cadet and pulled a shift in the galley—gave the entire reserve team food poisoning from raw kidney beans.”

ehehe im sure Spitfire remembers all of the foibles that the rookies got up to

Blaze shook her head and pushed the eggs around the pan. “Right. Makes sense.” She looked over her shoulder at me. “Y’know, there’s a spare room in here, too. The couch thing was a total power move.”

I rolled my eyes and plopped down at the table.


“Ha. That’s exactly what Dr. Bloom told me.” She smiled a little. Mostly to herself, I think. “And… yeah. I happen to think those are some pretty good reasons.”

oh of course the CMC would be in charge of figuring out everyone else’s new cutie marks! that is perfect

“Some ponies would say that a life spent on a spaceship is a life spent flying,” Blaze said.

“Eugh.” I stuck out my tongue in disgust.

yeah that is about the reaction i would expect lol. and yeah oof the existing reality is bad enough for Spitfire!

“Y’know, I bet he’d love to see you!” Blaze clicked off the stovetop and served herself her omelet. “You should come sit in sometime. I mean, who knows? You might be joining the class soon, eh?” She gave me a cheerful wink.

and oof, by holding out on adjusting to the new world for so long Spitfire has to face all of these role reversals at once, going from the top of her old world to like a foal in the new. love this arc

The unicorns wore magic-dampening rings on their horns. The pegasi wore wing-belting vests.

wonder what the earthponies have to do

There was a desk at the back of the lobby, though it looked less like a piece of furniture and more like a giant, white river rock; it was long, low, and flat, every corner rounded, and its bottom edge lifted up and away from the reflective tile floor, making it appear to float.

ugh ultraminimalism!

I sighed as the receptionist pushed a packet of papers towards me. I was honestly jealous for a second that she probably never had to do a stupid consultation, and was adjusting to precisely nothing. Some talents, it seems, are simply timeless—we will always need receptionists. She’ll be doing the same boring crap on the Middle-Equestrian ship. If she lives long enough, she may even be doing the same boring crap on another planet. Good for her.

ahaha yeah that is such a Spitfire thought

She looked up at me and smiled brightly, youthful amber eyes sparkling. “Well, howdy!”

yay Apple Bloom!

Apple Bloom’s smile turned from warm to tense in an instant. “Y’know, I’ve been a fate and destiny scientist for the past decade,” she said. “I’m what they call a pioneer in the field. ‘Specially since the field only got started around, ooh… a decade ago?”

augh i love this for her! and love that she keeps her rustic apple theming in this new job that is so perfect.

At the top of a fresh page, she wrote my name as two separate words: Spit Fire.

love that this keeps coming back

Apple Bloom’s expression changed. “Fine. If you’re gonna act like a foal, I’ll give you the foal talk.”

love it, go get ‘er Apple Bloom! (also great way to do some diegetic worldbuilding exposition)

“You have to ford a lot of rivers. You have to experience a lot of versions of yourself. That can have consequences”

and ooh really great way to think of how cutie marks might work and change. also makes them less of a scary ironclad thing. i guess also maybe makes this analogous to epigenetics?

Apple Bloom offered me possibly the fakest smile I’ve ever seen. “Thank you for explaining my field to me,” she said, her voice treading a razor thin line between saccharine sweetness and utter rage.

love this

“I’m twenty-eight.”

“And I’m fifty-six, so…” I sat back in my chair. “I actually am twice your age.”

huh, so Spitfire was in her late thirties during the run of the show, interesting. math is fun!

I made a dismissive, wordless sound. “If they want me to change, then they don’t really miss me.”

oof. this Spitfire just feels so accurate as a person that exists

So I flew. A short trip, made exhilarating by its illicitness. The air was chilly in the shade. I felt those extra wisps of magic spilling off my primaries and I didn’t care where they landed. In fact, I took a bit of private joy in knowing I had poisoned this perfect place. I was the lone user of magic—the only one brave enough.

and augh yeah of course she is going to double down. this is such a person that exists! and it is nice that in Equestria such people are actually very rare and are Spitfire

“You think I’m acting like a teenager?” I spat back. “You’re the ones living in an actual college dormitory in your fifties!”

“We’re bettering ourselves,” High Winds said flatly.

and augh this whole exchange is so good. you make it so very easy to see what it looks like from both perspectives

The squadron was all yelling over each other. I wasn’t listening. I just looked back at my flank. A golden shimmer still lingered around my new destiny: no longer a flame, but a pile of ash.

well then. i wonder what this means!

It was made of hair, just like the old one. Under that, the mark on my skin had changed, too. Who knows how deep it went. To the bone, probably.

oof, considering how ambiguous it is if cutie marks are on coats or skin or both, i would believe they go all the way to the bone. also, effective imagery!

“Speak for yourself,” High Winds replied softly. Blaze gave her a light smack on the shoulder and a cold glare, though it didn’t phase Winds. She never really liked me anyway.

aww glad High Winds is in this

I scoffed. “Why shouldn’t I? It’s my destiny, after all,” I said, lifting my wing to give her another look at my new cutie mark. “There’s no doubt about it: nothing useful there. Now you all can leave me here to die guilt-free.”

i mean on one hoof that actually does seem to be what her new cutie mark is saying if read literally and that really sucks but on the other dang if she isn’t just leaning into her passive-aggressive schtick everyone is already beyond sick of!

The sunlight crept slowly towards me across each blade, even as they bowed and swayed gently in the breeze. I shuffled backward a half step and kept watching. It kept inching towards me.

symbolism! augh i love it every time

I watched the sunlight bloom onto the young mare’s face. It made her already-yellow fur glow a brilliant gold. I realized that I must be glowing, too—we were practically the same exact shade.

oh right they are both the same shade, i somehow never thought of it before but dang is that really good for the symbolism here haha

“A few years from now, we’ll be on the Middle-Equestrian observation deck, feeling the light of a different star,” Apple Bloom said. She took a sip of her coffee. “Ain’t that amazing? Standing on the edge of a new era like this?”

and augh love that Apple Bloom enthusiasm



“And Rainbow Dash—her wife, I think you may know her—


And… well, it was something to do. So I did it.

aww, and yeah Spitfire recalling that moment of her adolescence earlier was really fitting, that is the stage of life she finds herself in again

Before I knew what was happening, Dr. Bloom was brushing mane away from my temples and pressing little sticky pads into my fur—one on each side of my head, two on my right cutie mark, one on my heart.

love pony medical technology

How would you describe your current cutie mark?”

“I wouldn’t.”

you know Spitfire just needs to find her Statler to do a more mean-spirited Statler and Waldorf routine

“Fire,” I said. “In the shape of a bird.”

“Bird… on… fire…” Dr. Bloom repeated under her breath as she tapped away at the controls.

I nearly corrected her, but decided it probably didn’t make much of a difference.

love that this is just the “Spit Fire” thing again

“I’m an ex-Wonderbolt. My neurons are super plastic,” I hissed.

skill issue

Dr. Bloom looked up at me wearily. I have to admit: in that moment, she looked like she could have been about my age. That sort of tired can only be baked in over decades.

ahaha i can only imagine how many times she has already had to help Spitfire-equivalents over her short career

“She was—yeah. It was my squad. I was captain, and she was my number two,” I said. “And she—she and I used to go to Wonderbolts shows together.”

ooh, that is a cool way for how fording tributaries works! i can imagine that being very taxing on a pony, too

I pictured the happy family breaking bread together. Then I pictured the happy family taking breaks from the bread to scold me. Together.

aww, very pessimistic! but that is def how Spitfire’s mind would be working right now

“Come on, now. You’re coming with.”

yay Apple Bloom!

Dr. Bloom waited a moment. “Could I hear it?”

“No.” I folded my forelegs across my chest. “Why do you care, anyway?”

She shrugged. “You could say it’s my job,” she replied. “Since… it is.”

I rolled my eyes.

ahaha i love their dynamic, i could watch an entire season of this

She shook her head. “No. What I’m doing’s important, y’know? I can’t mess around with other things right now. Equestria needs this,” she said softly. “Or we’re not gonna make it.”

she guides ponies to where she cannot follow…

“My question is why are they called that?” I asked. “Because if destiny does what you say and it all branches off from this one big river, then ‘tributary’ isn’t the right word. Dis-tributary is.”

dang can’t believe just a little magically cramming an entire lifetime of experiences into her memories was all it took to make Spitfire a big ol’ nerd

“We all have to change,” she said. Then she looked at me. “Even you, ma’am. And I think we have to spend our lives changing. Learning about all the things we could be.”

so true bestie

Dr. Bloom had dropped her name as an aside, and a distant part of me had processed it, but that distant part had not managed to communicate it to the front part that did the actual thinking.

i love that she failed to retain Rainbow Dash being mentioned ahaha

Lucky for me, Applejack was the one to answer the door. Her eyes lit up at the sight of her younger sister before turning stone cold at the sight of me.

“Well, well, well,” she drawled as she looked me up and down. “Rainbow will have a field day with you.”

oof i guess Spitfire also definitely had reason to be so pessimistic! considering she spent the last four years the way she did, she’s probably had very negative encounters with all the ponies in her extended social circle by now

“What do you mean it isn’t stabilized?” I asked. “Why do you keep skipping parts of the explanation?!”

“Because you keep telling me you don’t care!” Dr. Bloom snapped back. “Plus, you were supposed to actually read the paperwork you signed at the front desk!”

ahaha love that this just makes perfect sense within the story while letting us readers be surprised along with Spitfire

I did. I knew exactly what I was doing. That was where I’d started, after all—selling restaurant supplies. Then repairing restaurant supplies. I was only in the business through a friend of a friend, otherwise I never would have made it. It took years, but now I was here: head chef. At my restaurant. Mine. But I still knew my way around a flat-top.

i love how this is just going through all of the careers whose vibe is exactly the same thing Spitfire had with the Wonderbolts, i wonder what’s next?

“Your old junk’s in the barn. Go on and get it,” Applejack said with the presence of an EMT. “Now!”

oh yeah that makes perfect sense to be what’s next!

I looked at her. She offered me a genuine smile, and the kindness of it turned my stomach.

ahaha oof, considering how much Spitfire hates change that really must be off-putting

Dr. Bloom hesitated for another long moment, then gingerly removed the runner. I was starting to realize just how young the pony treating me was—still visiting the family homestead for dinner, still nervous about catching flak from her big sister.

though to be fair, i can easily see Dr. Bloom doing both of these things for her whole adult life, too!

I closed my eyes.

oof! but she has to accept the permanence of change somehow!

She was… grounded.

aww, she is the constant!

“Yes, ma’am,” she said firmly. “I know it feels like it in here sometimes, but it’s not you against them. Everyone’s just trying to make this city a better place. If we disagree on how—well, then that’s the time to have a conversation, isn’t it? Not to lie.”

i also love how these little vignettes are glimpses into the climaxes of movies we will never see

“I know,” Fleetfoot replied. “I know you.”`

“That sucks,” I muttered.

Fleetfoot only chuckled.


Dr. Bloom clicked her tongue. “Aw! You were listening!”


Fleetfoot smirked. “Stubborn. Angry,” she said. “But generally for the right reasons. Unlike how you’ve been in the here and now.”


I looked back at my flank. It was familiar, but also new: flame in the shape of a bird.

In other words? A phoenix.

oh daaaaaamn, making Apple Bloom’s words from earlier prophetic, i love it! and augh Spitfire finding her path with a synthesis between her old world and the new one is just so perfect

I just hugged her tighter. “That’s okay. I’ll be brave enough for both of us.”

augh they are so cute

“Now. Destiny entanglement is still a relatively new discovery,” Dr. Bloom said as she turned back to her white board. “So our discussion today is going to be highly theoretical. Just… hang in there, okay?”

ehehe and i’m guessing Apple Bloom and the CMC are themselves a prime example

I looked over at Fleetfoot and mimed tying a noose around my neck. She rolled her eyes and suppressed a snicker.

yeah that’s right Spitfire’s too cool to be a nerd!

“If we could do that—if we could map the tree of destiny for our entire planet—then we stand a very strong chance of being able to change its course,” Dr. Bloom said. I could hear in her voice how hard she was trying to restrain her excitement. It was hard not to get emotional at the possibility, after all. She let it out in a breathy chuckle. “Of course, there are many, many scientific advancements between where we are today and being able to nudge the whole planet into a different timeline. But, theoretically, this is a strong possibility.”

oh dang i love this idea! it also just fits so very well with the themes of the world of the ponies themselves!

Fleetfoot only snickered in response as she jammed her notebook back into her bag. Then she stood and turned, brandishing her newer-than-new cutie mark: a butterfly, its wings a dazzling collage of blue and white. I’m not sure what about it, exactly, made it look like it had only just emerged from its chrysalis, but it seemed fresh. New. Only just born again.


“When you get down to it, I’ve been just as stubborn as Spitfire,” Dr. Bloom grumbled. “Just… in the opposite direction, I guess. I’ve kept my old mark because I thought it was useful. But… I dunno. I think it’s time to be a little selfish.”

aww! and that closes out the parenthesis Apple Bloom opened earlier when she all but made it clear the only reason she hadn’t gone through the process herself was as a sacrifice for others

Dr. Bloom was, apparently, performing destiny counseling on herself. She had neglected to tell me this—when she said ‘support’, she meant it in a very literal manner. She needed me to help her get suited up in the tentacle wires as well as interpret the read-out on the console. I was proficient in neither of these activities.

ahaha that is very cool, like a surgeon performing surgery on herself

Dr. Bloom rolled her eyes. “Well… after Operation Phoenix went live, they both went to counseling. They’re both still counselors, I guess, but less to do with finding, uh… space-oriented talents,” she said carefully. “Scootaloo helps disabled ponies transition to new talents, and Sweetie Belle helps artists get over blocks without changing talents.”

ooh i love this it is so perfect!

I actually remembered Scootaloo, not that Dr. Bloom mentioned it. That seemed like a nice change of pace for her.

ahahaha im glad she remembers the literal child that she physically shook while yelling at her, augh i love this

“Potion-making, too…” Dr. Bloom murmured. “Plus construction… the election…”

ooh and i also love the way this brings in all the other possible Apple Bloom destinies that the show teased us with, and also retroactively makes them all just as meaningful augh that is so good

Talking,” I said. “Ugh. You really are from a different generation.”

pony boomer Spitfire has to ride again one more time before the story’s end!

I sighed. “Listen. I happen to know a bit about your family,” I said. “They’re a bit, uh… duty-bound?”

Dr. Bloom scoffed. “That’s putting it mild.”

ehehe perfect, and augh the contrast between Spitfire and Apple Bloom so far is so good. like they seem really random to put in a story together at first but wow you are drawing out so many great ways for them to contrast and parallel each other

“I know you’re a doctor and everything, but you’re still just a kid,” I told her. “Thirty-two? I had barely even started my life when I was thirty-two. I wasn’t coaching until I was thirty, and I didn’t like it for a few years after that.”

thank you for making me feel at least a little better about my own rapidly advancing age Spitfire :fluttershyouch:

Like so many others’ new marks, it felt almost obvious now. Apple Bloom had been born to help ponies blossom—now she would help the world itself do the same.

and augh i love how full circle this all is! i never expected it to end this way but now that it did i cannot imagine anything else

“Why did you even get a fish, Soarin?” I asked. “You knew you couldn’t take him with you. That was the one rule: no aquatic pets.”

Soarin peered into his little friend’s tank, a hoof resting on the glass. “He just looked so lonely at the store…”

aww love that Soarin’ gets this little moment of bein a silly lil’ sexagenarian guy

Fleetfoot shrugged. “For all I know, he’s got an aerospace degree now,” she said. “I mostly just wanted Winds to stop talking to me about the plants.”

ehehe just love how you make these Wonderbolts come alive in so few words

And then, before we knew it, the last calls to board were ringing out across campus. Across the entire globe.

and, oof. ponykind being physically split like this forever… augh what a bittersweet event to conclude the fic on

“Ah, c’mon, Captain. I promise you’ll like this one!” Fleetfoot said, giving me a gentle nudge. “It goes like this: the application of force changes the energy of an object.”

and augh what a great thing to bring back for the end

I sniffed. “Well. The countdown’s started,” I replied. “Time to get to work on bringing them back.”

and this, and Spitfire and Fleetfoot getting to fly again to close it out, augh. just what a perfect way to stick the landing. 

i’ve been bowled over by the brilliance of your work so many times, Mush, yet you somehow still find ways to reach new heights. the craftsmareship just oozes out of every pore with this one, and it is amazing just how much you fit into just 25kw. brilliant premise, perfectly crafted, and an absolute privilege to read. thank you so much for writing!

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