• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).


My name is Silverstream. I don't know where I am. No, that's not right. I do. But this isn't my world anymore. It changed.
The sun hasn't come up for three days now. It's dark. And I am scared. The stars are gone, too. And the moon. There is no light anymore in Ponyville. And everypony is gone. My friends too. I am alone. Alone in the darkness.
I must go looking for them. I need to see if anyone is left. I am recording these messages with my mobile phone. If I don't survive, then someone else needs to know what happened to me... maybe it will help them. And it's easier if I talk to someone, even if that someone is me.
I gotta go. Wish me luck.

This is a list of all the first messages that Silverstream has recorded each day since she left the dorms:

Day 4 in the Apocalypse: Leaving.mp3

Day 5 in the Apocalypse: Morning.mp3

Day 6 in the Apocalypse: Food.mp3

Day 7 in the Apocalypse: Chase.mp3

Day 8 in the Apocalypse: Milk.mp3

Day 9 in the Apocalypse: Goodbye, Flashlight.mp3

Day 18 in the Apocalypse: Only Myself.mp3

Day 19 in the Apocalypse: Confused.mp3

Day 20 in the Apocalypse: Drive.mp3

Day 21 in the Apocalypse: Quiet.mp3

Day 22 in the Apocalypse: Night and Day.mp3

Day 23 in the Apocalypse: Whatever.mp3

Day 24 in the Apocalypse: Clocktower.mp3

Day 25 in the Apocalypse: 3,000.mp3

Day 26 in the Apocalypse: Waiting.mp3

Day 30 in the Apocalypse: Living.mp3

Day 31 in the Apocalypse: Shutters.mp3

Day 32 in the Apocalypse: Movie.mp3

Day 33 in the Apocalypse: Evening.mp3

Day 34 in the Apocalypse: Thirty-one Days.mp3

Day 35 in the Apocalypse: Comfy.mp3

Day 36 in the Apocalypse: Here.mp3

Day 37 in the Apocalypse: Paint.mp3

Day 38 in the Apocalypse: Bells.mp3

Day 39 in the Apocalypse: Morning.mp3

Day 40 in the Apocalypse: Search.mp3

Day 41 in the Apocalypse: Pain.mp3

Day 42 in the Apocalypse: T-&me.mp3

Day 43 in the Apocalypse: Location.mp3

Day 44 in the Apocalypse: Nightmares.mp3

Day 45 in the Apocalypse: Explosions.mp3

Day 46 in the Apocalypse: Charge.mp3

Day 47 in the Apocalypse: Better Morning.mp3

Day 48 in the Apocalypse: Path.mp3

Day 49 in the Apocalypse: Screams.mp3

Day 50 in the Apocalypse: Subdue.mp3

Day 51 in the Apocalypse: Artifacts.mp3

Day 52 in the Apocalypse: Alive.mp3

Day 56 in the Apocalypse: Riddle.mp3

Day 57 in the Apocalypse: Adventure.mp3

Day 58 in the Apocalypse: Holed Up.mp3

Day 59 in the Apocalypse: Question Time.mp3

Day 60 in the Apocalypse: Sleeping.mp3

Day 61 in the Apocalypse: Lack.mp3

Day 62 in the Apocalypse: Yowl.mp3

Day 63 in the Apocalypse: Mirror Room.mp3

Day 64 in the Apocalypse: Healing.mp3

Chapters (980)
Comments ( 132 )

Wow this is really good :pinkiesmile: Keep going!!

What a thoroughly weird story, and I mean this in the best possible way.

Has a nightmare feel to it, half remembered shards of events, monsters that are barely there yet get worse everytime you look. Definitly an experience. I wonder if this will go beyond just the nightmare of a world both too empty and too full.

A story based on - I assume - The Sun Vanished? Color me intrigued


Finally a detailed comment. I was getting worried. This story is very different and I am surprised that the views and upvotes are as high as they are.
I knew a story like this can be immersive, exciting and scary if done right, but I was unsure if my audience here will care about a story that merely consists of a sentence or two in each "chapter". The numbers and especially your comment show that the concept of the story is garnering interest and attention and for that, I'm very glad.

I wonder if this will go beyond just the nightmare of a world both too empty and too full.

It already is, actually. The events here are all real, Silverstream is not dreaming, these are events that actually happen to her. A horror story in which the protagonist only has a nightmare and wakes up from that eventually, in a normal world and in their normal home, would be boring and lame. Especially if the story ends that way. So what Silverstream goes through here is the real deal.


Close. And it's funny you mention that, because I heard about "The Sun Vanished" only yesterday when I googled for my source of inspiration.
This story is inspired by "Where is the Sky". You can find it on TikTok. This is the reason why the "chapters" here are often a little bit longer and why they are more descriptive, to make up for the lack of video and sound here.
I was worried how much attention this unusual idea will get, so I'm glad you enjoy it!

It definitly is an interesting story. Unique through the shortness. But I remember a saying, perfection is not when there is nothing more to add, but rather if there is nothing left to take away.

A story stripped down to the barest components that still work and I feel like partially work because they are just the barest impressions of what is happening, yet tell us more then enough. But also tantalizingly little.

It's a unique style that lends itself well to this nearly dreamlike horror that I at least percieve.

And forgive me my probably overly poetic phrasing, I didn't take the story as a dream, more a waking nightmare, or perhaps nightmares made part of the waking world. Perhaps I am just a bit to fixated on the nightmare imagary I think to see.

What I meant was a question whether the story would stay one of pure survival in this world, or if the discovery of what had happend or perhaps recovery from what has happened. Though then again, not knowing can be quite fun in itself.

Either way, rambling mode off, thank you for tgis quite unique and thoroughly intriguing horror story, I'll definitly keep reading.

I’m not sure how an E rating is compatible with Dark and Horror, to tell the truth.

Why is this story rated E?


A story stripped down to the barest components that still work and I feel like partially work because they are just the barest impressions of what is happening, yet tell us more then enough. But also tantalizingly little.

A nice contrast, is it not? You know enough, but at the same time not enough. You learn what is happening, but you are also left to your own imagination, always mere inches away from seeing the full horror, and only getting glimpses of the things Silverstream is seeing makes them stuck in your mind like a stinger in your flesh. And the stinger always works itself deeper and deeper the longer it stays there.

What I meant was a question whether the story would stay one of pure survival in this world, or if the discovery of what had happend or perhaps recovery from what has happened.

I believe Silverstream will eventually find out what has caused her world to change like that. Even if not everything she has seen and is still going to see will become clear to her. But I don't think a complete recovery of her world from this will be possible. Silverstream will have to adapt and learn how to live in this darkness her world has turned into.

11071095 11071110

You two must think very low of children if you believe they can't handle a horror story. Especially considering that even such a thing as "child-friendly" horror exists.
But if you think this story isn't scary because it doesn't have a Teen rating, don't worry. It's horror told in a different way and unless the short "chapters" aren't your cup of tea, there is plenty here that will give you chills.

Oh really? I assume it's in the same genre (that being ARG ((Alternate Reality Game)) )


It seems to be the same genre, yes.

Azathoth begins to awaken.

Surprisingly adept at finding her way around the darkness without any light.


It is not completely dark. As earlier messages implied, Silverstream has a flashlight in her phone and there are street lamps because the electricity still works.

Getting some SH vibes.

I don't think one sentence chapters work. Merging them would be better.

Eat the monsters.

Well this has taken up my interest.

Poor Silverstream has found herself in a precarious situation, the Sun, Moon and Stars have performed a vanishing act, everycreature has also disappeared, the Hippogriff is completely alone with no Friends, no Family, no Teachers, no Ponies, not even the animals were spared from the catalytic event.

Everycreature has seemingly disappeared without a trace around the nation of Equestria and we have no clue on why, with the Prophecy of Darkness being our only main source of information on why this catastrophe has happened.

The prophecy foretold this.

Equus will become an empty planet, devoid of life, devoid of light. No one will be left to wish that the ultimate darkness could be traded for Nightmare Moon's eternal night. The darkness will come and nothing can stop it.

Obviously the prophet got something wrong here since Silverstream is living proof that there is someone left alive after the emptying of Equus or maybe I'm looking into this too deeply...

Astronomer and Historian, Comet Tail has so been the only other character to show up in the story, although their fate is unknown.

Speaking of fate, what truly did happen to everycreature? they seemed to have vanished into thin air without ever getting a chance to even scream in terror, the evidence for that conclusion seems to be yes and no, Silverstream hasn't come across any crashed vehicles just yet but the evidence points to the event catching everyone without warning, we will never know, until Silverstream is able to get access into a Security Camera network and play the recording back to the day the Darkness began.

The Monsters meanwhile are unnerving, seemingly being the most random of anomalies, from dead bodies, Statues, worms and shadows... so far the best way to deal with them is running or hiding.

I'll wrap this first comment here


Silverstream hasn't come across any crashed vehicles just yet but the evidence points to the event catching everyone without warning, we will never know, until Silverstream is able to get access into a Security Camera network and play the recording back to the day the Darkness began.

I can't comment on that, I know what happened to them and it would spoil the story, but I am overjoyed that you are so invested in the story and that you think so in-depth about everything. New best comment here. :heart:

Challenge the heart to a game of monopoly, it'll leave on its own.

Not sure why you were downvoted, but do you see something I don't?

Ratings are for the use of parents, not children. I wouldn't call blood-stained floors and popped eyeballs "reasonable to see on the show itself", even if flesh melting off bones sort of is.

The last time you mentioned any street lamp in Ponyville was when it went out, and howlers were in the way of replacing the bulb.

They look like monsters to you?

Maybe I should in the pantry.

Should what?

What about it? Wasn't it running on zero battery for days? Did you lose it? Why not use your phone as a flashlight?

Wish we could see your art; or at least know what you drew.

(Apologies to the author. The premise is intriguing, but it's a frustrating read. I trust you won't complain about a handful of comments in sequence when you're posting hundreds of chapters.)

Have you considered asking them?

I thought they were already there. Who filled you?.

(Edit: See 11085148.)

Don't what? Go where?

(Edit: See 11085149.)

How does a heart smile? And how did you see it smile without noticing what it was?

(Edit: See 11085155.)

Are you transmitting or publishing these messages in any way? Can you see our responses to them?

(Edit: See 11085160.)

Same house, or new one? And what convinced you?

What was wrong with the pantry?

I guess my comment was a little absolute. Ratings tell a user what kind of content to expect from a story, regardless of the user’s age or whether they’re evaluating it for theirself or a third party. I don’t think it reveals one’s "thoughts of children" to assume that you want to represent your story accurately. And while I don’t want to snitch on you for mistagging, I don’t want Fimfiction to get in trouble with its hosting provider or a lawsuit-happy parent either.

Also, while I appreciate the replies, do you need to post them all on the latest chapter? I feel like it’d be easier to keep track of discussions if they’re kept attached to the chapters they refer to. That would also notify the other user that you’ve replied.

"Now" and "again" imply that the flashlight and message recording weren’t working previously; presumably for lack of battery power. Attributing "working" to the flashlight itself, and having previously said that she "can’t charge it", implies that it happened spontaneously; following the general pattern/theme of things being spooky and not working the way they should. I’m using "unlimited" loosely; the point is that with the flashlight running on zero battery, Silver could be forgiven for using it freely, and there’s no indication at this point that she isn’t.

That I don’t see the implication that you say was made. She does mention that Canterlot has more lights than Ponyville, which implies that Ponyville has some; but also that it doesn’t have enough.

Edit: And to be fair, the current story description says "There is no light anymore in Ponyville".

In this case, the way it keeps vaguely alluding that something is happening, but then never elaborating (often not even finishing the sentence), or showing any subsequent effects or consequences of the thing. It’s partly lack of communication by Silver, and partly ephemerality of the plot/setting.

Using a phone doesn’t in any way imply that you don’t also have a flashlight, especially when you specifically refer to the latter. There’s also no mention of a flashlight in the description; and a description generally isn’t considered part of the story it describes.

How dark was it? Was there no light through the barred windows? Did her phone stop working? If so, how does she know how much time passed; and how did it end up working again?

I assume there was at least running water in the room.

The use of "house" in Pantry.mp3 made me think she was somewhere else than in the tower. I figured she must have left the tower at some point between 5%.mp3 and Oven.mp3. (I originally thought she'd been forcibly dragged from it by an unknown "they"; but 11085146 clears that up.) I also thought she was already in the house where the food was left; only to feel increasingly unsafe from the floating heart.

Assuming that this is the same house, she said before that there were no shutters. Odd thing to mention if there were curtains that served just as well. Not that I'd think that they would; especially if the heart shone like the moon before it was even this close.

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