Four years after the fight against Discord, the Elements of Harmony have gone their separate ways. Though they remain friends, very few of them desire for the days when they protected Equestria from certain doom. The meteor shower threatens to change all of that, as monsters from unknown origins begin to attack Equestria. That's not all however.
During one of the monster attacks, Trixie Lulamoon, a star who fell from grace many years ago at the hooves of the elements of harmony, sustains a mortal wound and almost dies. A being of light comes to her aid and revives her, on the condition that she help the entity destroy these monsters.
Trixie, now forced to depend on the very mare who ruined her life, joins the new Canterlot defense force MARES (Monster Annihilation and Recovery Equestrian Squad) in order to combat the monsters, reunite the Elements of Harmony, and possibly redeem herself in the eyes of her peers, secretly defending the world in her own way as the glowing titan, Ultramare.
Cover image by FerGarcia220
Well seeing as Inner Demons went so amazingly well, i just have to check this out as well. Lets hope it's another wild ride, eh?
(Edit: Not bad, i'm gonna have to follow this. I Like what you did with Trixie, her having Octavia and Vinyl as friends, I thought it was part of the inner demons continuity at first.)
I'm interested. It's like you know my mind. I've been reading a few more Trixie fics lately. Consider this favorited. Especially after Inner Demons.
Call my jimmies russtled...
Oh yeah and i found this
Please don't hurt me, i was only trying to help
This was quite good, I believe I saw a few spelling and grammer errors here and there, though not really hindering the story. I did notice one though, that made me wonder. When the scene with Twilight and Celestia at the control panel, and then Celestia getting covered in rubble. Twilight called for gaurds to come help Celestia in the Sun Chamber and then it said later that she was safely removed from the Star Chamber? Perhaps I've missed something, but that was one thing that I noticed. Aside from that, I was rather impressed. You certainly seem to have a way with action scenes. I practically visualised the fight in my head and it looked great. And I rather agree with one of the former commentors, Mintelle, when they say they liked how Trixe was freinds with Vinyl Scratch and Octavia. Interestingly enough it feels right to me, what with them all in a form of entertainment buisness, and I think your handling it quite well. I'd say this bodes well for you to continue past the Pilot Episode, in my humble opinion.
I hope my humble comment is helpful in someway.
Carry on Miss Sapphire. I have very little knowledge on Ultraman, but I'm curious to see how this plays out.
Inner Demons, and now THIS???
if the first chapter is as amazing as this, i can't wait for the other ones
A Second Story?
:Dis Gon Be Gud:
1210488 I love Ultraman with a passion. When it came to the fight scene I actually watched Ultraman Tiga fight Golza so I could have the Ultramare use similar tactics. I think in the end it worked out perfectly. As for Trixie having Octavia and Vinyl Scratch as friends, in my own head canon I see them as alternate choices for a few of the Elements of Harmony. If you remember in Inner Demons, Twilight said that Trixie could have been the Element of Magic had things been different, and I also hinted that Octavia and Vinyl could be the Elements of Generosity and Honesty respectfully.
1210324 To the dungeon with Thee!
Ah yes, I can certainly see that passion through such dedication to the source. A fine job with that. Hmm....Now that you mention it, that part of inner demons is coming back to me. I do recall that now, and as I think on this, I could see that. *rubs chin* An alternate group for the Elements.........I wonder who the others would be? A curious thought indeed, but I like it.
And In regards to your reply to my last comment on Inner Demons, yes, I did like Trixie in the story. But I am also a Trixie fan so it's been nice to read some stories involving her in them with importance and showing a sense of inner growth and maturity since her humiliation to Twilight with the Ursa Minor in the show. And admittedly, i'm also a fan of Octavia and Vinyl as well, so haveing them all as freinds has been enjoyable for me. Though I do rather like your thought on the alternate Elements idea as well.
(edit > >) Also, I just reliesed this and feel silly for asking, but I'm still fairly new here and haven't quite worked out how to use some of the sites features yet. Could you tell me how one links directly to a comment their replying too? Like how you replyied to me and my named showed up at the start of your post. Again sorry if it seems like a silly question to ask, I just wanted to make sure I was actually replying to people here.
1215201 On the comment, you just click on the message bubble option next to the trash can, then you type your comment next to the random number.
I am happy with this though becuse you did Inner Demons this may be compaired to it a little harshly ether way i wish you the best of luck this is a VERY orginal idea i think and i love to see Trix get some good in so happy to see this goign well and am also happy you didnt forget the other elements.
P.S. the kids were cute (Little Pump and Pound cake) also... PINKIEPIE IS GONNA ROCK SOME HEADS WITH HER SEROUSNESS! wish you the best of luck and the best of this BRILLIENT story
1215732 Ah I see now. Very much appreciated Miss Sapphire. Now I can reply properly.
1217168 maybe you can help me then. Whenever I try to use the emoticons, I always see a message at the side. Java script something...
See? Like that. How do I get rid of that and just have the emoticon?
I may have told you this before(I've read Inner Demons), but you, Madam, write quite the story! I've not really had much contact with Ultraman and the like, so I was surprised at how well this worked out.
Regarding your emoticon issue... What you want is the section in between the colons. Everything else can be removed. For example:
: applejackconfused: This one isn't working because of the space I put inside it, but remove the space and you get this
Hope this helps! (Cause that is the extent of my knowledge on the subject... ) Also, is that red light in Twilight's eye on your avatar the Power of the Queen? Just curious.
Thank you! I'm glad that you liked the first episode!
Someone found that picture and I put it up as my avatar because it matched. That red light is actually a Geass.
Is this supposed to continue Inner Demons or not?
Is this supposed to continue Inner Demons or not?1221575
I was specifically pointing out the last sentence:
1221588 No, this happens in a completely different imagining of their world.
1222008 Hello Miss Sapphire.............Hmmm, it would appear I arrived to late to answer your question in return for answering mine. Sorry about that. But I'm glad someone was able to help you with it regardless.
I like the idea of Trixie and Octavia and Vinyl being friends. It's an idea I've not seen before. Great chapter!
Another BRILLIENT chapter to a Very good story since i've never watched 'Ultraman' or what have you this is new to me making me happy to see somthign new I wish you the best of times and other such things!
Ah, another fine chapter in the harrowing and action packed tales of Trixie Lulamoon and Ultramare! I hate that I got so delayed on reading it, but life and work call as they may. *sighs and shrugs* Oh well, at least I got to finally find some time to read it. Yes, an excellent job Miss Sapphire. Very enjoyable. I especially liked this line........
"Don't question Princess Luna's logic," Twilight stated, "Just go with it."
Haha, truer words were never spoken. And I loved that Octavia was, and could use well, the magi-tech equivilent to a bazooka. That was a great mental image, hahaha.
Since I'm here and it seems to have not been noticed yet, I did see a small mistake. If I may, i'll show it with parentheses....
"Are you okay?" a sweet voice asked next to her.  Trixie turned to the source and saw a lavander pony with highlights.  She recognized the pony immediately.  This was Twilight Sparkle, the Element of Magic, and the pony (whoo inadertently) ruined her life.
I didn't notice any others but I just figured I'd point that out, try to be of help. But again a fine chapter. I look forward to the next.
Scootaloo? She's not... dead,right?
1395088 I say nothing.
Not bad at all. Great job. Here's a mustache for you
Well, I'm a little late to the party again it seems, hehehe, oh well.
Another great chapter, Miss Sapphire. This one felt especially good and had me gripped throughout and the "in show" narration, while brief, was an interesting touch. Though, I especially enjoyed the meetup scene for Trixie, Vinyl, and Octavia. I really do enjoy the way you work the characters and their world, and little by little, I feel like a kid happily waiting for the next saturday morning airing of a cool TV show. An excellent job indeed.
I shall anxiously await the next chapter.
What happened with Blueblood?
You are awesome, enough said.
I felt like I had to hit Rarity so much since the begining of the story, thank the stars that you snapped her out of her stupid little rage and selfish aditude. I never did like Rarity to begin ,with she never strunk me as truly generous thankfuly i think Trexie (and you) called her on it, hopfuly she realises being generous is a thankless act and you cant claim the title it is given. (like it or not.) I look forword to more of your work.
Gentle breeze guide you home, Warm smile to see you return.
Very nice chapter there.
I really like the fact that Trixie became the one to call out Rarity's selfishness, that was a moment of perfect bliss for me.
Again, very nice work there, and keep it up!
1738890 Later episodes will reveal exactly why Rarity is like that. I can't wait to get there in the writing of this.
Yes! Awesome chapter!
1751723 Glad you liked it.
Sounds like some massive shit hit the fan during the Equestrian Magic Revolution. Rarity lost Blueblood, Pinkie Pie almost lost the Cake twins, Rainbow Dash apparently lost Scootaloo, and I suspect that Fluttershy lost Angel. (He never made an appearance in any scenes in this chapter)
And Applejack apparently knew that Trixie was Ultramare even back in the last chapter? The Element of Honesty must be responsible for that.
Hoo boy. It's going to be a doozy when the Elements of Harmony reveal what they had to sacrifice way back then.
1742355 Sounds like some massive shit hit and broke the fan during the Equestrian Magic Revolution. Rarity lost Blueblood, Pinkie Pie almost lost the Cake twins, Rainbow Dash apparently lost Scootaloo, and I suspect that Fluttershy lost Angel. (He never made an appearance in any scenes in this chapter)
And Applejack apparently knew that Trixie was Ultramare even back in the last chapter? The Element of Honesty must be responsible for that.
Hoo boy. It's going to be a doozy when the Elements of Harmony reveal what they had to sacrifice way back then.
And once again it took me longer then I liked to finally read the new chapter. *shrugs* Oh well, better late then never right?.
Anyway, once again, Miss Sapphire, you amaze me with another great chapter. The fight scenes were gripping, you could cut the tension with a knife, the heartfelt and sad scenes tugged at me (especially the Pinkie moments), and the suspense as to what happened in the past is killing me. I want to know what happened now so badly.
And I see you made arrangements with what the latest Trixie episode brought about. Good to see it wasn't enough to throw your ideas out of wack. And is that some possible Twixie I see? Very interesting.
Another job well done, Miss Sapphire. Not that I had any doubts really. Keep up the good work. I'll be anxiously awaiting the next chapter in the story of Ultramare.
Carry on and take care.
Sees update.
Has this reaction:
I will now proceed to read!
I'm kind of worried about Rarity. The way she wants to hunt down monsters and kill them makes it seem like she's become something of a Blood Knight!
Also, methinks your version of Hazel is better than Dekomaru's.
After all, she's not insane here.
I'm guessing Trixie was scared because your Hazel likes to tell embarrassing stories about her?
Also, how about having a second Ultramare appear? I even know who could be chosen to bear her power: Twilight! (By the way, I do hope this ends with some Twixie!)
Here, have some badges of pony approval!
2126191 Dekomaru's Hazel isn't insane anymore. Actually she had a really sad past and became insane because she was abandoned and needed a way of protecting her emotions. His Hazel is actually a really good person, and one of my favorite characters in his tumblir.
And I actually have plans for Twilight in the future. I've been thinking of another Ultramare appearing later on, but not as a main character. I want Trixie to be a somewhat special case.
2126362 I know she became sane and good later, but when she first appeared, she was so evil that she would have killed her own pregnant daughter! So I'm glad to see that here she's sane and good from the very beginning!
Also, any plans to allow Ultramare to access new forms?
And are you saying that the new Ultramare will be like Zoffy? Or will she be more like Ultraman Xenon?
Still, no matter what direction you take this story in, I can already tell that it's going to be so deserve a Brohoof, so...
2126674 I'm thinking more like Dark Tiga, and yeah I have plans for Ultramare to get a few new forms later on. As far as I can tell, Ultramare isn't from Nebula M-78 so she won't run into other Ultras before her unless they came from some other place. Tiga might make a cameo for example.
And thanks for the brohoof. It's fans like you that make this story worth writing.
2126717 Have you read my PM that I sent you yet? I do hope the two of us can geek out together in PMs!
I'm curious, are you also going to bring in Shadow Raikou's Checker Monarch, perhaps as the one who becomes the evil Ultramare? If not for that purpose, you could also add her just to give us a chance to see Hazel go all Mama Bear when Trixie is threatened by Checker!
2160163 Sadly no, I have other plans for that plot point.
2164192 I see.
By the way, I have a challenge posted on my profile page for people like you, who are familiar with Tokusatsu! Any chance you'd be willing to try your hand at writing a crpssover between My Little Pony and two Tokusatsu shows that revolve around magic?
I already have someone else who has expressed an interest in this challenge, but it's going to be a while before he's able to get around to actually doing it, since he's already working on another story and won't be able to get around to this fic until he's done with the one he's currently working on! Sounds like a worthy challenge, ne?
Just to be clear in advance, I want it to be a story where the casts from all three shows team up!
2164546 sounds interesting, but I think I'll have to pass on the challenge. When I write these kind of stories, I usually have the mane six and/or somepony else become the heroes. Also, I just started watching magi-ranger, so I don't know enough about it.
Thanks though.
2164811 I see. Do you think you could at least spread the word to other bronies who are into tokusatsu about my challenge?
2164881 Don't know too many, but I'll see what I can do.
2170503 You know, there's someone else who is doing something similar to this, except it's with Kamen Riders. (Kabuto to Wizard, to be precise) It's a story that has a good premise, but is in desperate need of a proofreader. If you're interested in helping, a link can be found here.