• Member Since 20th Apr, 2012
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Editor of several Trixie writers while doing his own stories when possible. Fun Times. Tips are appreciated, but no pressure.


This story is a sequel to Cracks Along the Prism

Their first date. It was meant to be, if not an amazing experience, at least a special one for the two of them. It was...unique. In all the wrong ways.

Now at home, all Maud wants to do is go to her room, sulk a little, and think through the what, where, and why of it all going wrong.

However, behind her back, the three most deranged people in the Canterlot area have banded together to, in their own twisted ways, answer those questions for Maud through the quasi-legal use of resources and favors.

It's family bonding time! Maud's consent is not a factor.

Edited, altered, engineered, and steam pressed by the malodorous Crowscrowcrow.

Featured on 12/11/2020! Huzzah!

Stonewalled at the Spring Fling
Sitting on a Rock
The Quartz Quartette Quarrel
Cracks Along the Prism
Maud's Boulder Holder

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 51 )

Nice to see this Maud/Trixie series updating again.

I just discovered the series with this story. I love how you portray the Pie sisters. I'll check the rest of the stories next.

I love your Pies!

Stop smirking, Marble...

Thank you! Happy this brought the series to your attention. :pinkiehappy:

Never get enough of hearing that. :twilightsmile:

Crazy to think the story has finally caught up chronologically to the FIRST Mauxie story you posted in this series. The next one will actually continue the story then? :trollestia:

Finally got to read it, fun as hell to read. Sad we didn't get to see the date tho (also i caught that tfs reference :D)

Awesome as always.

Been a while since I've seen a Mauxie story. Consider me intrigued.

What did Trixie do? What did Maud do? What did you do?!

Glad this is finally back.

Trixie glared at Marble, holding back the urge to poke the picky girl in the side. Marble was calmer around her now, but it had taken weeks to get to the point where they could casually be in the same room alone like this.

I like how Marble is making SOME progress, and showing more of her snarky side at that. I think she was the true hero of "Quartz Quarette Quarrel", because she was willing to overcome her phobias to mend the divide between her sisters at that. Oddly enough, having someone like Trixie to help her overcome her agoraphobia might actually been her reward for doing that.

Which is more than can be said about Lime. I really don't like how Lime has learned to stop being a belligerent jerkass, despite knowing how much she pissed off Maud.

Which is what made this far more enjoyable.


Limestone instinctively jerked backward, letting go of Trixie’s wrist as something very cold and wet sprayed across her face.

“AHH! What the fuck!?”

She eyed the spray bottle in Trixie’s hand while wiping her face off.

“D-did you seriously just spray me with water like some goddamned cat!?”

Lime paused in what was about to be an entirely justified murder as her hand and face somehow began to sting, distracting her.

It wasn’t pepper spray, she was fairly familiar with how that felt by now. This was much cooler and the feeling was slowly sinking deeper into her skin. She licked her lips.


“Trixie’s not about to explain to Maud that she pepper-sprayed her sister.” She defended, not quite whispering out “Though I doubt she’d mind.” afterwards.

Lime’s glare was met with Trixie’s own. Trixie shook the spray bottle dangerously.

“Plenty more where that came from.” She threatened.

Oh Lime, your lucky your sisters haven't slammed you for what you did.

Yes, next story is set after Camp Everfree, so the first written one has finally found its space in the timeline.

Next week, it's all set up already. :pinkiehappy:

I wrote a story! :pinkiecrazy:

Happy to be back, been fairly enthused about getting on the featured page despite being out of commission for so long. Also how many people have just found the series itself.

Which is more than can be said about Lime. I really don't like how Lime has learned to stop being a belligerent jerkass, despite knowing how much she pissed off Maud.

Yeah, if it helps any, she is more teasing at this point, but Lime's teasing is likely considered low grade bullying to most people. :facehoof:

There is a certain scene in MLP, where Lime sits down at the dinner table with the family to eat, and she is giving this incredibly evil smirk. It comes to mind often when I am writing her, I just see her treating people she likes like a mouse to play with.


I wrote a story!

WRONG! You wrote a really good series of stories! :pinkiegasp:


Yeah canon indicates she is something of a sadist.

The Pie Siblings need to be together in order for them to have an emotionally stable human brain.

Oh, this was good. :D Glad to see you back, Phaoray. :)

I wonder if we’ll ever find out what exactly Marble’s story is. Even if not, Trixie’s brushes with her are always enjoyable. Added bonus, we now get to see how it goes with family.

Oh, and before I forget... Sellout! :trollestia:

You get a brief idea of what happened in Quartz Quartet Quarrel, Lime explains it there.

And yes, I have sold out to myself...I suppose? :rainbowhuh:

“You’re family, I’m not. You can break rocks with your hands while Trixie’s...talents lie elsewhere.” Trixie shrugged, elaborating when Maud didn’t say anything.

“Do you want me to be comfortable around your sisters?” Maud nodded. “Then Trixie needs something to hit Lime back with, since actually hitting her is out of the picture. Trixie refuses to be anyone’s doormat again.”

Maud nodded again, understanding where Trixie was coming from. After her last school and what Sunset did to her in this one, it made a strange sort of sense.

This part it what depresses me the most about your stories: without anyone watching her back, Trixie is pretty much as helpless as a baby. Even her magic tricks don't help Trixie do anything but escape from her enemies, rather than take them down.

And she's accepted the fact that Sunset didn't "crumple" before her during their confrontation. Sunset LET her take revenge. Which only make Sunset look stronger as a person. That honestly was even MORE aggravating to me.

Yeah, revenge isn't something you should strive for. And Trixie should move on. But the way you wrote Sunset made me really want to punch her myself. Not just for how she tormented Trixie and Maud, which was really horrible. But the fact that Sunset didn't actually do anything to make it up to Trixie. In "Cracks Along the Prism", Sunset had the nerve to demand Trixie give up her spot during the Battle of the Bands, without offering any kind of olive branch or sincere apology.

Even "chill" Lime is mean enough, that Trixie feels the need to find a way to defend herself. Even when she's technically welcome in the Pie household, Trixie still can't catch a break.

Gotta agree with this overall. It does get more than a bit... aggravating, how she's treated like a punching bag.


This part it what depresses me the most about your stories: without anyone watching her back, Trixie is pretty much as helpless as a baby. Even her magic tricks don't help Trixie do anything but escape from her enemies, rather than take them down.

I suppose a big thing is that her enemies tend to be more physically fit, like, she has real bad luck in who goes after her. Lime is strong, not Maud levels, but she is physically fit, suppose I should have put more of a description for her, but I was often bad at that in the past and hopefully will be better in the future.

Trixie doesn't work out, she's not strong physically, if you can't fight, then flight is the best option, and throughout the series, it's been shown to be her normal modus operandi unless it comes to Maud. Even in the show she has always been shown to flee unless cornered or someone else's lives are on the line. She is brave for others, and runs when it is just about herself.

I work out 'though it has been...difficult with current circumstances' and I have friends a head taller than me who I could take out, or that I could lift more than. I just don't think it's realistic for Trixie to have a real chance in a fair fight versus her two most antagonistic people.

Sunset you can argue more about her being nearer the level of Trixie, but she also was shown to swing a sledgehammer near the size of her own body around with disturbing ease. I blame Equestrian magic more than anything else, but still it is there. There has never 'to my memory' been a scene of Trixie being that physically adept. Sneaky, agile, crafty, sure, but physically strong? nah.

And she's accepted the fact that Sunset didn't "crumple" before her during their confrontation. Sunset LET her take revenge. Which only make Sunset look stronger as a person. That honestly was even MORE aggravating to me.

Sunset is a strong person in general, but I get what you are saying. Yeah, Trixie was very depressed and emotional after the battle of the bands events, realizing how she acted and what she did/thought during them. Realizing that Sunset let Trixie hit her just further adds to her issue with confronting Sunset, as evidenced in 'i think?' the last story with Sunset trying to talk to Trixie and Trixie finding ways to avoid her at all cost.

Yeah, revenge isn't something you should strive for. And Trixie should move on. But the way you wrote Sunset made me really want to punch her myself.

Happy to hear, actually. I wanted to write her as someone you disliked, though in the first story also someone who wanted an alternative to breaking someone like she did with Trixie. Trixie is just good at pushing buttons, unintentional or not.

Even after she is no longer the bad girl, Sunset didn't really overcome her biggest problems until after her redemption arc with the Sirens more or less. First movie, she was kind of a terrible person to not go into detail. Second movie, she was confused, lost, and desperate in some ways to be part of something. I went with that in "Cracks Along the Prism". Sunset does explain she has been trying to apologize to Trixie, but Trixie has dodged her up to the confrontation.

However, Sunset's mind is more on the Sirens and losing her friends/the school to them, she tends to mix logical with emotional like Twilight often does and so her apology and explanation to Trixie was rather rushed before getting to the crisis at hand. Obviously it didn't pan out for her. Or did, despite Trixie's lack of help.

Even "chill" Lime is mean enough, that Trixie feels the need to find a way to defend herself. Even when she's technically welcome in the Pie household, Trixie still can't catch a break.

Yeah, chill Lime is still a beast, Marble tends to keep a tight leash on her, hopefully that comes across some in this story. And Trixie has found some ways to deal with her without backing down, but that is partly thank to Lime literally being the 'I have to find a way to deal with this for Maud's sake' kind of problem that Trixie has shown to be brave about in past episodes.

Thanks for the comment, and hopefully you enjoyed some of the series despite not being completely thrilled on my interpretation of Trixie as a person. :twilightsheepish:


I suppose a big thing is that her enemies tend to be more physically fit, like, she has real bad luck in who goes after her. Lime is strong, not Maud levels, but she is physically fit, suppose I should have put more of a description for her, but I was often bad at that in the past and hopefully will be better in the future.

I considered Lime's menace comes from her sheer aggression.

Trixie doesn't work out, she's not strong physically, if you can't fight, then flight is the best option, and throughout the series, it's been shown to be her normal modus operandi unless it comes to Maud. Even in the show she has always been shown to flee unless cornered or someone else's lives are on the line. She is brave for others, and runs when it is just about herself.

Well pony Trixie is definitely more bark than bite when it comes to magic. I guess it would make sense for Human Trixie to be vain yet physically weak.

But she could potentially use her magic to ATTACK and not just FLEE?

Sunset you can argue more about her being nearer the level of Trixie, but she also was shown to swing a sledgehammer near the size of her own body around with disturbing ease. I blame Equestrian magic more than anything else, but still it is there. There has never 'to my memory' been a scene of Trixie being that physically adept. Sneaky, agile, crafty, sure, but physically strong? nah.

If she could swing around a sledgehammer, than she might have some physical fitness. And one does not simply intimidate an entire student body through blackmail alone. If Fluttershy was afraid of being pushed around by her, than she might have some physical fitness to back up her threats.

Sunset is a strong person in general, but I get what you are saying. Yeah, Trixie was very depressed and emotional after the battle of the bands events, realizing how she acted and what she did/thought during them. Realizing that Sunset let Trixie hit her just further adds to her issue with confronting Sunset, as evidenced in 'i think?' the last story with Sunset trying to talk to Trixie and Trixie finding ways to avoid her at all cost.

Having some kind of "triumph" against an asshole who made your life miserable is incredibly cathartic. But learning that person let you take their revenge is really, really emasculating and hollow.

At this point, Trixie might have...some conflicting feelings toward Sunset:

* Angry over her torment.

* Frustration at not being able to triumph over Sunset in any many meaningful way, while watching Sunset gain the popularity Trixie always wanted.

* But also, I can see Trixie becoming increasingly conflcited about her vendetta, as she sees Sunset is genuine in her reform.

It would be interesting to explore, to say the least.

Happy to hear, actually. I wanted to write her as someone you disliked, though in the first story also someone who wanted an alternative to breaking someone like she did with Trixie. Trixie is just good at pushing buttons, unintentional or not.

Even after she is no longer the bad girl, Sunset didn't really overcome her biggest problems until after her redemption arc with the Sirens more or less. First movie, she was kind of a terrible person to not go into detail. Second movie, she was confused, lost, and desperate in some ways to be part of something. I went with that in "Cracks Along the Prism". Sunset does explain she has been trying to apologize to Trixie, but Trixie has dodged her up to the confrontation.

However, Sunset's mind is more on the Sirens and losing her friends/the school to them, she tends to mix logical with emotional like Twilight often does and so her apology and explanation to Trixie was rather rushed before getting to the crisis at hand. Obviously it didn't pan out for her. Or did, despite Trixie's lack of help.

I think it was very interesting dynamic to add to say the least: seeing Sunset not only being confronted for her past misdeeds, but also see those misdeeds prevent her from saving the day as easily as she wanted them too added another emotional layer that I felt was missing from Rainbow Rocks.

Yeah I was really conflicted reading Cracks Along the Prism. Although I thought Sunset's apology was clumsy, I can understand that she was not in a good place emotionally speaking, with everything that weighed on her mind. Your talent was a writer was making me feel bad for the both of them and being less than impressed with their behavior.

Yeah, chill Lime is still a beast, Marble tends to keep a tight leash on her, hopefully that comes across some in this story. And Trixie has found some ways to deal with her without backing down, but that is partly thank to Lime literally being the 'I have to find a way to deal with this for Maud's sake' kind of problem that Trixie has shown to be brave about in past episodes.

Thanks for the comment, and hopefully you enjoyed some of the series despite not being completely thrilled on my interpretation of Trixie as a person. :twilightsheepish:

I think that is one aspect where Trixie is strong: she's willing to put up with a lot of torment to help the girl who helped in her time of need.

At least Trixie has Maud's love. And that to me outweighs all the other bad things she's had to endure.

Maybe Pinkie should carry smoke bombs too. She didn’t want to ever have that look.

I think we can all agree that Pinkie Pie would already have this in her arsenal. It'd probably smell like cotton candy too. Also...

Maud... Sweetie, no... Just no. Please no.

I think I both pity and envy Maud for her sisters.

They're definitely loving, but man they seem to make her want to bang her head against a brick wall.

Merry Christmas by the way.

Trixie saw it too, and her look was the ' someone is about to take my Triple Choco-Berry Blasted Butter Biscuit Bundt Cake ' kind.

Hey Trixie recognize this scene....it the part where the girl watches as the one she loves leaves her....Forever.:raritydespair::raritydespair:

Dammit...Maude just...dammit.

I heard of overprotective overkill much but this takes the cake.

Belated Merry Christmas! :pinkiehappy:

And yes, I think Pinkie alone would be difficult to be a sibling of, let alone the other two. They care, but privacy is never going to be a thing. :pinkiecrazy:

Dating was never going to be smooth between these two. :facehoof:

I mean, everyone thinks it's cool that someone cares for you so much they'd help you hide the body of someone you hate, but when you find out they already did without you knowing, suddenly it's all 'Oh God no!' and screaming.


I think Trixie deserves Maud just for putting up with Pinkie alone.

A belated Merry Christmas. good chapter, here.

Merry belated Christmas! Happy to hear from you again and glad you liked the chapter. :twilightsmile:

I am honestly so invested in this story, I can't wait for more

No, Just keep your fucking last name. Maud Lulamoon is fine, but whoever heard of a Trixie Pie?

And that's where I startled my neighbors with out of nowhere laughter...

Cute ending, and I hope to see further adventures of these two.


Too cute. Also, I like how you mentioned how the table was "grounded" before it suddenly became airborne.

I like how you've developed the Mauxie relationship over several stories, you show how there would rocky (HAHAHA!) water in that relationship.

Namely, Maud's pathological stoicism, Trixie's insensitivity, and the lingering ghosts of their pasts.

Trixie looked both ways cautiously, face twisted in a way Maud wasn’t very familiar with but twinged at the back of her memory. Trixie then seemed to listen to make sure she was alone before almost aggressively slamming her back into the wall and slowly sliding down it.

Oh. That’s where Maud remembered that look from. Memories of secretly watching Trixie breaking down in their quiet spot in the quarry came unbidden to her mind. Trixie’s face was mostly hidden, shoved against her scrunched up legs as her shoulders shook occasionally. Maud couldn’t hear, but she could see Trixie taking deep breaths like she did in the past, her way of trying to regain control and keep herself together.

It had never worked in the quarry, but maybe the higher risk of being seen helped here. Trixie’s breaths slowly came back to normal after a few minutes and she brought her face back up, body still pressed firmly against the wall.

Her face wasn’t a mess, but Maud might have been a little biased. Trixie’s eyes were clearly red despite the darkened area making such a detail harder to see, and the light make-up she had put on that day needed a little help, but Maud had seen her worse off than this.

That thought didn’t comfort her much though, knowing she was the cause of it this time.

Reading this reminds me why I really hate your version of Sunset.

She may have stopped being a jerk, but Trixie is still damaged by Sunset's bullying (and she hasn't done a thing to make amends).

It is really depressing that Trixie should feel around Maud the same way she felt around Sunset, and on a date no less. :applecry:

“Look, between the movies, the museum, and the dinner, she definitely spent over a hundred for this date. Trixie’s family is…” Lime shuffled a paper to the side. “Lower middle class by all accounts. Dad sends money but doesn’t live with her, mom’s a social worker with decent enough pay. None of them have anything on their record either, though I would never trust her dad with a loan.”

Pinkie quietly walked over to Lime as her other two sisters gaped at her. Pinkie gave Lime a pat on the head before gently taking the folder away. “So, this is getting burned.” she flatly stated.

After looking at her other two sisters again, Lime wisely didn’t argue.


When Pinkie Pie is anything less than cheerful to you, you've really crossed a line there, Lime.

“What I was trying to say,” Lime continued. “Is that Trixie expected a dinner date that she had some certificates to help with, got saddled with a lot more, and still didn’t call any of it off. She just rolled with it for you. The girl probably gets like, forty bucks a month, so she felt spending some of her savings or whatever was more important than telling you no.”

Lime makes a good point: Trixie is sacrificing for you Maud and you're not even trying. Saying anything is better than saying nothing.

A few seconds of silence passed before Maud monotonically repeated the report out loud. “Blue Slut attempts to open a dialogue with Frock and is denied. Blue Slut attempts dialogue several times after; all are denied. Frock and Blue Slut establish radio silence for the next thirty minutes.”

Marble slinked under the table while Lime’s eyes grew wide like Pinkie’s currently were.

“Oh...fuuuuuuck.” She let out a low whistle. “I totally forgot to change that. That was before me and Trixie had that talk. Yeah, okay. I, I’m gonna go fix that right now.”

The old kitchen table had served many uses to the Pie family throughout its long years there. No one had ever expected its last service to be that of a projectile.


Sunset was horrible, and yet even Maud didn't feel the need to punch her.

(I still don't get why Maud hurt her own hand by punching a locker rather than punching Sunset.)

When Maud throws a table at you, you must've really crossed the line.

“That’s where my dad is working right now,” Maud explained at one point, bringing up a picture on her phone of a dusty brown work site with a huge looking hole in the middle.

It wasn’t quite what she had hoped for in a first date, but it was enough for Trixie to consider a second.

Not the ending I hoped for.

But it's pretty fitting: Trixie may be uneasy around Maud, but she respects the fact that Maud is trying to come out of her shell.

And if that ain't a statement of love, I don't know what love is.

All right, good ending. I liked that a lot.

Just what the hell does the Pie family do!? Investigating colours out of space?

That was a good ending. Maud clearly need more practice at this dating thing. And talking about her family because Trixie is going to flip when she learn her girlfriend is loaded.

I hope we got more story with those two dating. Or doing couple stuff.

Happy that made you laugh. :pinkiehappy: There is meant to be around two more stories in this series, but we'll see how it goes.

Heh, that was unintentional admittedly, but yes, one's world can change on a dime.

Not so much, pretty sure it has come up a bit before this in the Quartz Quintet Quarrel, but if you have a marble countertop in EQG's, it likely came from one of their quarries.

Not read that story in awhile, but if it wasn't for Equestrian magic, it'd be a fair explanation for Pinkie's and Maud's unique abilities.

Outside of Trixie, Maud has not cared about someone outside her family in a long time, and dating was not on the table at all before this for her, so yeah, she is bad at it. :twilightblush:

Not sure how I'll address Trixie finding out about Maud's financial situation, but I'll worry about it when I start planning out the next story.


I like how you've developed the Mauxie relationship over several stories, you show how there would rocky (HAHAHA!) water in that relationship.

Namely, Maud's pathological stoicism, Trixie's insensitivity, and the lingering ghosts of their pasts.

Good to hear, also boo to bad jokes. :pinkiehappy:

I like that this series lets me show a long term relationship without the slight irritation of realizing I have been working on a story for over a year and it's still not finished. Bite-sized pieces that still feel like I finished something each time.

Reading this reminds me why I really hate your version of Sunset.

She may have stopped being a jerk, but Trixie is still damaged by Sunset's bullying (and she hasn't done a thing to make amends).

Trixie doesn't want Sunset to make amends, she just wants Sunset to leave her alone. Trixie made that pretty clear when she went through a window at school she thought was closed when Sunset last tried to talk to her. :twilightoops:

But yes, actions can affect someone so much longer than you expected them to. Thoughts of Sunset are still all negative for Trixie and Maud, and that will likely never change, but become less sore with time.

When Maud throws a table at you, you must've really crossed the line.

If it helps any, Maud purposefully missed?

Not the ending I hoped for.

But it's pretty fitting: Trixie may be uneasy around Maud, but she respects the fact that Maud is trying to come out of her shell.

And if that ain't a statement of love, I don't know what love is.

Yeahh, I redid the ending four times actually. The original became problematic as I made more of the story and got into some of Maud's issues. It was meant to end with Maud deciding to call her mom and introduce Trixie to her, but with Maud's earlier issues of going overboard on her future with Trixie, it seemed too close to her throttling too far ahead again.

Glad you enjoyed it. n.n

Thanks for writing! I love your version of these characters and how you're developing them. Love the way the whole story is divided into these episodes, your sense of pacing is perfect :twilightsmile:
This relationship's great, it's a struggle, but they're actually working through their issues, it makes it such a satisfying read

Im really glad I found this diamond in the rough which is this series. I really enjoyed the bond and history of the pie sisters, something that not usually seen in stories. (Love to see more Lime, one of my fav) As for Trixie,she was something that I never knew I wanted alot of till I got it. I will admit those silly rock puns got me, the way you write her slays me.

Also did you made the cover art, the other stories had different art and artist tagged but I couldn't find it on this story.

I had read the other stories in this series a while ago and I only very recently learned you had written this one. I was very happy to see a continuation and I certainly hope there's more of it. I love this slowly developing Trixie x Maud relationship, these stories have been very cute and enjoyable to read. Hopefully their second date goes better.

Bitch, I’m adorable.

Is that a DBZ Abridged reference?

Are there going to be any more of these? Because I need that, give, give now

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