• Member Since 20th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Editor of several Trixie writers while doing his own stories when possible. Fun Times. Tips are appreciated, but no pressure.


This story is a sequel to Cracks Along the Prism

Their first date. It was meant to be, if not an amazing experience, at least a special one for the two of them. It was...unique. In all the wrong ways.

Now at home, all Maud wants to do is go to her room, sulk a little, and think through the what, where, and why of it all going wrong.

However, behind her back, the three most deranged people in the Canterlot area have banded together to, in their own twisted ways, answer those questions for Maud through the quasi-legal use of resources and favors.

It's family bonding time! Maud's consent is not a factor.

Edited, altered, engineered, and steam pressed by the malodorous Crowscrowcrow.

Featured on 12/11/2020! Huzzah!

Stonewalled at the Spring Fling
Sitting on a Rock
The Quartz Quartette Quarrel
Cracks Along the Prism
Maud's Boulder Holder

Chapters (4)

The Island Nations, a small grouping of islands to Equestria's South West. While on friendly terms, Equestria has never had a reason to involve itself in their affairs or short lived wars with one another.

However, the Storm King's passing left alot of his army to its own devices, and reports now talk of the islands coming under attack. It could be a normal affair as the islands do have their rivalries, but Princess Twilight, sole ruler of Equestria, has some concerns and sends her right hoof out to investigate.

Written for the Season 10 Bingo Writing Contest.

Edited by Crowscrowcrow.

Prompt: (Beware spoilers:)
Pinkie clones, Spike, Queen Novo, Changeling Hive, Windigos

Chapters (8)

There are many rules to a good horror film. Most ponies learn them with time and experience.

Twilight never did. Now, trapped in a desolate inn at the end of a long driveway, far from help, she will learn of them. Or, at least, one of them. The one Rarity, her only surviving friend, insists is keeping Twilight alive.

To everyponies misfortune, Twilight has questions, and fleeing in terror like she should will not get her the answers.

It’s going to be a bad night for the killer.

Edited by the Illustrious and Maleficent Crowscrowcrow...crow...crow...crow

Cover image made by vanillaghosties.

Chapters (1)

Choosing an apartment to live in is important and requires good planning. Location, needs, cost, a lot must be taken into account when looking.

One girl looks to her animals and peace, hoping to have a quiet, fun time with her friends as she goes through high school. For her, the apartment is cheap, comfortable, allows pets, and is close to school. Perfect!

The other is looking to take over a high school, enslave everyone inside, and bring war to another dimension all in the name of proving her mentor wrong. A small, cheap apartment near the school to plan in is all she needs.

Fluttershy really should have met the neighbors before signing her lease...

Set during the year leading up to the first Equestria Girls movie.

Edited and proofread by the illustrious and enigmatic Crowscrowcrow.

Cover image made by baekgup

My entry into the Sunset Shipping contest.

Reviews of the story here, here, and here. :pinkiehappy:

Royal Canterlot Library interview here.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Hopes and Follies

The fallout begins across Equestria as Trixie and Discord's actions become more widespread, forcing a response from the princesses.

Trixie works her way towards Las Pegasus, torn between her desires to be with Twilight and her fears of what their next encounter will truly involve. Does Twilight truly want more, or was she caught up in the spur of the moment?

Fluttershy's changes have forced Discord to try to hunt her down before the princesses do. Yet the former pegasus is lost between rational thought and primal instinct, creating terror across Equestria.

Somehow, Twilight needs to balance between her interest in the newest Alicorn, and her duty to her fellow princesses. To Equestria.

Amidst the myriad of hopes and follies that make up one's actions, can there truly be a happy ending for everyone?

Only one way to find out.

Special thanks to Crowscrow and Ponyponipon3 For pre-reading and ideas. About time I finally got around to this second arc. :facehoof:

Cover art done by MegaBlackOX.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Quartz Quartete Quarrel

Several months have passed since Sunset's control over the school was broken. Much to Trixie's bafflement, she's still coming to school. To make it worse, she has apparently befriended Pinkie Pie; Maud's sister. Nothing has happened yet, but the situation has Trixie on edge. Just what is Sunset still doing in a school that hates her?

For Maud, the last few months have been confusing. Maud has a hard enough time making friends, is she really ready for something more? The thought of anyone else with Trixie though...it's a thought Maud doesn't like to dwell on either.

These questions and concerns, however, will reach a crisis point when three siren's come to school and begin magically working to make students act on simple, darker desires; victory at any cost. Recognition. Fame.

It would have been fine, if only Trixie and Maud didn't have other concerns on their mind as the spells were weaved. If Trixie wasn't paranoid about Sunset and harboring a deep grudge. If Maud wasn't going between her desire to be with Trixie, and her fear of losing her.

If only.

Edited, proofread, directed, and produced by the fetching Crowscrowcrow.

Sketch done by MegaBlackOX

Stonewalled at the Spring Fling
Sitting on a Rock
The Quartz Quartette Quarrel
Cracks Along the Prism
Maud's Boulder Holder

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Sitting on a Rock

The Pie family always had strong bonds with one another. But, a past event continues to hang over some members of the family. They don't speak about it, preferring to let it be buried and forgotten, despite the drastic changes it brought about. For two of them, it brought about isolation. An isolation that Limestone prefers her family stay in.

Well, except for Pinkie. But she's...unique.

For Limestone, those events kindled the desire to keep her family safe from outsiders. Something a certain silver haired magician has started making difficult for her.

Old wounds will be reopened on all sides as Limestone tries to keep the past from repeating.

Edited and story bounced off of the illustrious Crowscrowcrow.

Stonewalled at the Spring Fling
Sitting on a Rock
The Quartz Quartete Quarrel
Cracks Along the Prism
Maud's Boulder Holder

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Stonewalled at the Spring Fling

After the disastrous events at the Spring Fling, Trixie has fallen into a depression. She's eating less, her grades are dropping, and her social life is now non-existent. Adding to this is Sunset, who continues to target her each week.

Can a girl with zero social skills break Trixie out of her depression? Or will Maud's flailing attempts at helping wind up creeping Trixie out?

No one said it couldn't be both.

Editing, tweaking, and plot hole removal thanks to crowscrowcrow Industries.

Stonewalled at the Spring Fling
Sitting on a Rock
The Quartz Quartette Quarrel
Cracks Along the Prism
Maud's Boulder Holder

Chapters (2)

A new school, a new chance. Trixie's going to be popular this time. And what better way than to be Princess of the Spring Fling? But, Trixie isn't the only new girl. Care to know what happened to the girl who first challenged Sunset's rule?

Oh, and Maud's hanging around by some rocks...somewhere.

Cover art commissioned from IJAB

Proofread and editing done by Crowscrowcrow, like always. :pinkiehappy:

Stonewalled at the Spring Fling
Sitting on a Rock
The Quartz Quartette Quarrel
Cracks Along the Prism
Maud's Boulder Holder

Chapters (2)

Maud's family is planning to go on a week long vacation. However, this means Maud needs someone to take care of Boulder while she's gone. And apart from her sisters, Maud has very few friends to ask, or that she trusts with him.

Trixie's available, and more than eager to help her 'Maudie'. But, can Trixie overcome her laziness to properly handle Boulder? Can she think of Boulder as more than just a rock? And will she ever get that kiss she thinks Maud owes her?

No, maybe, and again, no.

Edited, proofread, marginalized, italicized, and lobotomized by Crowscrowcrow.

Stonewalled at the Spring Fling
Sitting on a Rock
The Quartz Quartette Quarrel
Cracks Along the Prism
Maud's Boulder Holder

Chapters (1)