A new school, a new chance. Trixie's going to be popular this time. And what better way than to be Princess of the Spring Fling? But, Trixie isn't the only new girl. Care to know what happened to the girl who first challenged Sunset's rule?
Oh, and Maud's hanging around by some rocks...somewhere.
Cover art commissioned from IJAB
Proofread and editing done by Crowscrowcrow, like always.
Stonewalled at the Spring Fling
Sitting on a Rock
The Quartz Quartette Quarrel
Cracks Along the Prism
Maud's Boulder Holder
Im hooked already. Carry on!!
Please use the aLternate universe tag in the future, because I really hope you will make things deviate from what happened in the movie..
Heh, evil Sunset Shimmer. Haven't seen her in a while.
Interesting that Trixie is pushing down her baser character instincts to get the win. It's almost like it's physically hurting her to do it. Of course, Maud sees right through it.
Looking forward to the conclusion!
It feels like your building up to ship maud and Trixie especially if you've read your previous stories, but there's no romance tag so I don't know.
Mmm, I like Trixie in this story. I know the implication is supposed to be that she's faking being nice and not being her "true self", but she is trying hard to be someone popular, and she's honestly doing it the rightist way possible. Not everyone can be Fluttershy. Not everyone is just naturally kind and thoughtful. But she's doing a lot of people a lot of good. I'd be surprised if she didn't genuinely start caring for people over time like this. I like her moxie.
That said, if she made friends (or a friend) that she could relax around, it would probably make her even more popular as she would get some genuine down time and off hours.
I guess my point is that I don't think Trixie is doing anything wrong by acting nice to be popular. She can be a nasty little thing on the inside, as long as she doesn't act on it. We all think uncharitable thoughts sometimes.
I get the feeling what Maud likes of the Trixie she met at the quarry was her passion, and if she could see the effort and passion Trixie is putting towards being liked (a lot of which is behind the scenes) she might like the new Trixie too.
Or I could be wrong! I often give Trixie too much credit... But even though I know this story doesn't turn out great for her, I'm rooting for her not to give up. Her current effort would bear real fruit, if given the chance.
So Maude's eyelids are naturally more purple than the rest of her face? Or is that something she hasn't started doing yet?
7130719 Glad you like it so far, but sadly, I have no plans to deviate if I can help it. This has the sad tag for a reason.
Agreed, but, she wasn't evil for very long, just one movie. And I'm sure there are many stories out there that go into her time in this other world when she just arrived, but, I don't think they are really made anymore. Kinda freaky to realize how long ago the first movie was.
Heh, yeah, I feel I get that shown a bit more with how uncomfortable the clothes she's wearing are to her. She just can't get used to this new skin she's decided to don.
That is kind of a mix. On the long term? Yes, I am making this into a Mauxie ship. But, this is the first part. there are several other separate short stories I am planning around them. Maud's Boulder Holder was, funny enough, the fourth part. I just originally didn't plan to make this a long chain of short stories, hence why I am now starting from the beginning of that series. There will be shipping, but, this is the origin of them meeting up more than anything else.
You have quite a good point with this. Alter the way you think, or how you act for long enough, and eventually it will become part of your real nature. Yeah, Trixie is actually lazy, and cares little for those around her except as stepping stones, but, with time, it's likely that helping others could infect her real nature, like it's true for everyone else.
Admittedly, this doesn't end well for her, so...alot of that probably won't factor in. But, looking at how she acts with Maud, and how she acts in Maud's Boulder Holder, perhaps not everything is lost on Trixie.
Huh? What the hell are you... *Looks at Maud's eyelashes"...o-oh..OH! Y-yeah..this was totally before Maud started wearing purple eyeliner. And absolutely not because I missed that.
Gotta admit though, that gives me a very nice little detail to add into the later stories between these two, so, thank you for that.
Well, saw that coming, but it still hurts to see.
It's a small wonder anyone at the school ever forgave Sunset. We only caught a few glimpses of her vicious streak in the movie, but you got the sense that she really dug herself deep.
Heh. Interesting origin story for Boulder.
Ah, Trixie. Always so close to hitting it big, but bigger fish always seem to swim by. Maybe someday you'll get your chance.
Nice one!
Will there be sequel?
Maybe taking place after the first movie? I like to see Trixie confront Celestia on how she let Sunset get away with all this see what her reason was.
Think be neat Story Sunset having to face Trixie and Maude with her, sure Sunset be terrified but still want to apologize for what she did, what ever Trixie forgives her or snaps at her maybe yells at her.
I see what you did here. This is clever.
I know it was Sunset's doing, but, yea, in Rarity's case it really does. If she was planning to run from the start and earnestly meaning to win, apparently before Sunset even arrived, I'm at a loss for wholesome reasons to prod Trixie like she did. Not that Trixie didn't sorta deserve it too, but still.
7141519 Yeah, we are two movies in from her defeat, and people still don't like her despite helping them out on several occasions. I can't imagine how much she had to orchestrate to turn everyone on one another until they just stuck to a small set of cliques like they did. Easy to rule when everyone is divided and afraid.
7141775 This is an ongoing series of small stories I plan to do. Maud's Boulder Holder is the 4th one in this timeline, but I am not linking it to this one until it makes a bit more sense to. The next one will still be before the first movie, the third one will be set immediately after it.
Gotta admit, I don't really have plans on Trixie and Sunset ever making up. At least, at the moment. I do have them meeting up a few times *despite not planning to complete the entire series till near the end of the year, I have the rough background of each story completely done. By rough, I mean about 800-1k in details for each story.* but it's hard to me to think of Trixie as a very forgiven person. I think it'll be entertaining, at least.
Thank you! You can only imagine how many times I had to reword that sentence to be happy with it and what it was meant to imply.
As for Rarity, well, yeah. I suppose she was thinking it could just be a friendly competition between the two of them. She really did think Trixie should try though, and she did think that Trixie had a chance. But, it was a dick move on her part.
Woah.. Cant wait for your next story in this series of yours. Also I agree that after all of this, things would never really be cool between these two. I mean, Trixie got a big ego and all.
I really hope that you put in some bits about Trixie's follower in the 2nd movie, Fuchsia Blush and Lavender Lace. I have soft spot for background characters, haha
I like how you extrapolated early Sunset from what she was like in EG1, flies off the handle with some regularity, nasty when (she thinks) wronged, ruthless and cunning, but not without a degree of sympathy and willingness to give perceived rivals a way out.
And I also agree from the movies that obviously Trixie hadn't forgiven Sunset as of Rainbow Rocks, or the Anon-a-miss incident if we take comic canon.
I do want to quibble a bit about Sunset's physicality though I guess you did show how physically dominant she was over Trixie, and at least Pony Maud was shown to be stronger than Dash. EG (and MLP for that matter) isn't terribly consistent when it comes to physical strength.
A potential problem I see is how Sunset would have reacted to Maud's intervention. There are two long years of revenge and I don't see her just letting it go... and yet in canon at least neither Maud nor Pinkie showed any lasting animosity towards Sunset - hard to conceive if Sunset took revenge.
Oh and lastly I suppose you are playing with the continuity a bit as it is heavily implied that Sunset humiliated Rarity in the last Spring Fling, not the first one she was in. Though of course that is not a direct conflict.
And Celestia apparently slept through all this. Go Tia!
So that's why Boulder doesn't trust Sunset. I wonder how many even remember that she used to act like this.
I am planning to have them mentioned here and there, though not in great detail. I kind of feel bad for those two funny enough, they are named after the color of their skin. That was always weird to me.
It wasn't too hard thankfully to make the villain Sunset, just re-watch the first movie and forget everything else that came afterwards. It's just been so long, and she wasn't a villain for long in the fandom. Still, the hints that she has been ruling the school for years leaves a lot of wiggle room to wonder what happened.
As for the comics, I don't really read them most of the time. And those I do, I don't consider canon at all. They are amusing at times, but, it's not the same writers that do the show, and most of the comic book writers rehash old movies and memes it seems which annoys me. Shining and Cadence's relationship boiled down to a new version of Revenge of the Nerds!? Celestia is in love with a Bizarro Sombra from another dimension!? That's not even going into the age difference the comics establish between Twilight and Sunset. Sunset is, at least, five or more years older than Twilight according to what you see in them. Bah I say, bah!
Huh, you think she could have taken out Maud? She never seemed that strong physically to me. And yes, we haven't seen the EQG Maud do any feats of strength, but I worked with what knowledge I had, that of the MLP Maud. Pinkie's weird powers seem to cross over, so I kind of assumed Maud's probably did too.
I guess that depends on how much Sunset thinks revenge is worth it. She has what she wanted, she's just a bit more bruised and battered than she expected to be. Plus, in the end, it comes down to what you want to write, and I'm more doing this around Maud and Trixie's relationship, not Sunset's. So Sunset will be here and there, but that's probably about it after this until later stories.
Not exactly, she broke up Rarity's group and that took her out of the running this Spring Fling, there is nothing to say that Rarity doesn't try to run again next year.
I assure you, that if Principal Celestia had a trusted and faithful student, she would have immediately delegated things like the Spring Fling to them. But, she doesn't, so her hands are tied.
Heh, the joys of continuity. I knew the backstory to why 'Boulder' doesn't like Sunset before writing that story. I kind of think people remember that Sunset, you just have to rewatch the first movie, but, they don't give her much thought since she is, for all tense and purposes, dead and gone.
Indeed, but I think you got the balance between a mean girl, a queen bee, a magical unicorn from a land of sunshine and rainbows and a lost, lonely girl in an utterly alien world down pat, it's honestly the best 'evil Sunset' I have seen. Most stories tends to exaggerate her remorse or malice and basically see what they want to see instead of what we were actually shown.
Hellfire, Sunset's arcs in the comics are actually some of the less problematic stuff they put in... I only mentioned it because Trixie certainly showed animosity to Sunset both in EG and in the (dubiously) canon comics - which segues quite nicely with your history for them, and the characters of Trixie and Sunset (Trixie obviously couldn't wait to stick her knife in and twist a bit with that 'fit of jealous rage' comment in RR)
Weeeeell, I don't know about TAKING Maud... we haven't seen any feats from human Maud but Pony Maud was ludicrously strong, easily outperforming Rainbow Dash, but that's the crux of the problem, pony physics is all over the dashed place and utterly inconsistent. One episode Fluttershy is outflying Dash, another episode she nearly collapsed from a saddlebag with a few big books... And RARITY of all ponies actually showed some of the most impressive feats of strength both in EG (she pulled herself up a ledge. One-handed. While carrying two other students. I can't do that on a good day and I am no weakling) and in MLP (Tom). And let's not go into pegasus flight's implied requirements in wingpower and structural strength.
That said, there are some circumstantial evidence that Sunset is quite physical - she swung a sledgehammer which by eyeball looks to be a 20lber around; she won a game of keep-away when badly outnumbered 7 to 3 (with AJ and Rainbow on the other side no less); she pushed Applejack around (AJ was shown to be strong AND she was getting visibly incensed, but if Sunset was at all worried she didn't show it) in the presence of Big Mac; her performance in the Friendship Games - it's almost all circumstantial (except the sledgehammer bit, but this IS MLP animation we are talking about here) but it seems to suggest a degree of physical ability and confidence.
I don't really have a problem with extrapolated human-Maud (esp. one with quarrying and stone sculpting as a habit) being stronger, but the way it was shown, she was not just stronger but completely dominant, I mean it is NOT easy keeping a grip on somebody like that while standing still and letting them do what they like, leverage works badly against you here. Ever tried keeping a hold of a child by gripping a wrist? Yeah. Of course, Maud could be using pain compliance techniques, but to do that with a mere grip, and on an arm no less...
She got beaned in the face with a rock, and apparently nearly had her arm broken, from a former-rival and really strong girl who is Pinkie's sister teamed up, it's not a threat she can afford to ignore, if she did end up intimidating the entire school into compliance. And this is to say nothing of her temper... I agree of course that it is absolutely not the story you want to tell here, but speaking strictly from an objective stance point it seems fairly inevitable. If the defeat wasn't so humiliating maybe it won't come to that. Maybe if the struggle was shorter, or maybe if Sunset sucker-punched Maud and then walk away. Or maybe some sort of stand off and then Pinkie came looking for Maud, and Sunset can't really afford to be seen getting into a brawl... Anyway, I won't presume to suggest any further, it's just a fairly irrelevant point, after all, as you say, it's not Sunset's story.
Sure, that's why I said 'played with'. I am sure I wasn't the only reader who came in expecting that Trixie is the humiliated girl who was the subject of Fluttershy's 'just ask the girl who ran against her for Princess of the Spring Fling' comment, but of course you are also write to say that since Sunset was in TWO Spring Flings there could be another one. Poor Rarity, they get you coming and going.
Princess Celestia's apparent indolence is easy to rationalise away - she IS the monarch and has to move a giant (size uncertain but substantial) celestial body around... Principal Celestia not so much, the lazy cake-eating... wait.
We haven't SEEN Principal Celestia eat cake have we?
That explains everything.
Anyway, keep up the good way, I look forward to other installment in the series with abated breath. So if you don't want me to asphyxiate...
Okay, for the strength thing, I can see some potential issues. Heck, Season one puts Fluttershy's strength all over the place. First, she claims to never carry anything around heavier than a bunny. A few episodes later, we see her flying through the sky with a CART filled with frogs strapped to her back!
I suppose I should have had Maud mention being in pain when it turned to her perspective, and not that she just shrugged off what Sunset did to her. Or make it a bit less one-sided than it was. The whole thing between Maud and Sunset is from Trixie's pov, so things can be missed. Since Maud grabbed Sunset's wrist, there is a good chance she took advantage of the pressure point you have there. New body, new world, new level of pain she's not familiar with. I can make that argument for why Sunset folded so easily, but, it wasn't in my mind when I did the scene. I just figured "pony Maud eats rocks, and can break them with her hoof, I can't imagine the force she could apply to someone's arm if she wanted to.".
I suppose if I can work something in next story to show Sunset at least making sure Trixie or Maud aren't really going to cause her any trouble now I should. So long as it doesn't mess up what I am trying to write, which I don't think it will. I'll keep it in mind for next story.
The goal is sometime late next month, sooo...it won't be an excessive amount of time, but, if you have in fact died due to lack of air by then, thank you for the great comments up till now. You will be missed.
One thing about Maud's feats of strength: They're all with rocks. This is a weird thing to get hung up on, but considering the nature of Cutie Marks, I have to wonder if she actually would have had more trouble with equal amounts of weight made of a different material. Her power is obviously partly magical rather than raw physical ability (no amount of exercise makes your teeth strong enough to chew rocks). I was still okay with her dominating Sunset in a contest of raw strength, though.
I don't consider the comics canon, either, and it's probably best. However, I'll argue this point:
Sunset has to be at least four years older than Twilight for the timeline of their mentorships under Celestia to work out at all. Probably older. Otherwise they would have met in Equestria. Twilight appearing the same age when she comes out the portal and any discrepancies in matching this with the amount of time Sunset spent in the human world can simply be attributed to dimensional shenanigans, like the kids from Narnia returning to find that not only has no time passed but they revert to their younger selves upon arrival in their home universe, despite spending decades in another and growing up there. Of course, if 'time passing at different rates in different universes' applies, Sunset might have been born five or more years before Twilight but actually only have aged the same amount.
While this is a interesting point, I shall point out one minor flaw in it: Pinkie Pie. In the season Finale with the time travel that showed us Sombra attacking Equestria, we see both Pinkie and Maud smash through a rock about to fall on Dash in mid air. If Maud's strength is only based on her cutie mark's involvement with rocks, then why is Pinkie, who still has the party balloon cutie mark, able to smash them just as well as Maud? This would indicate it's either a pie family thing, or that Pinkie in this alternate world, also went through whatever Maud did/does to become really, really strong. Although, it is PINKIE, so, sense is not really a fruitful thing to talk about when involving her.
Happy to hear that, and yeah, I think at least part of her strength is magic based, which makes the whole 'Equestria magic now coming through the portal' thing interesting. But, I do not intend to have EQG Maud actually chew up a rock, though that would be damn intimidating.
Yep, I'm always okay with this, her body is just younger in the EQG world maybe, or she just naturally looks young, who knows? Never been too concerned about Sunset being older than Twilight, it's just something that I feel a lot of people do not think about when writing her. That is an interesting theory though, Sunset, after 20 yrs in the EQG universe, goes back to Equestria, and is twenty years younger there.
FINALLY! I put of reading this story because I knew it would make me feel bad, but I'm glad I finally buckled.
I want to start by saying I really liked this story even though it went less well than expected. I want to follow that by saying I disagree with Maud's opinion on changing and how people are. It's not a bad thing to try to change, as I expressed in my previous comment, and pretending is as good a first step as any. That said, Trixie was lacking in perspective anyways. She'll regret how she crumpled under pressure. Some poise and quick thinking and she could have made a big speech about how far she has come (I know that would have been impossible in her current state, given that she hadn't gotten to accept and understand who she was, and Sunset hit low).
Snips and Snails were pretty cruel in this, possibly more so than Sunset. It's one thing to humiliate an enemy, but Trixie was something of a friend. And they went FAR beyond passive involvement. I might find it harder to forgive them than Sunset.
Speaking of, I thought it was interesting how Sunset kept trying to get Trixie to back off. Obviously she has control issues and yadda yadda, but I feel like, based on their interactions, that if they hadn't been direct rivals Sunset might have tried to be friendly. Maybe not buddies, but there was respect in those conversations. That said, I'm sure Sunset only got more out of control from there. Just kinda funny that I could see Sunset reaching out in a way before nosediving. Or sad. Nobody really won here. Just some unhappy girls humiliating each other.
Anyway, I'm going to go reread Boulder Holder and see if I can't understand it a little deeper. At least I'll see a happier Trixie!
Glad to see you enjoyed it. Kinda. If it helps any, the first part of the sequel is going to be out early tomorrow, so you'll get to see the aftermath of this story.
Agreed, Maud was just not happy with the way Trixie was acting, but, Maud is kind of down to earth, and doesn't quite understand the point in changing yourself. At least that's what I go with with her. She accepts all her sister's the way they are, she doesn't yell at Pinkie for her differences. Admittedly, that line of thought also isn't fully correct.
Yeah, they were both working towards a goal that clashed with one another. Sunset wasn't friendly, but she could respect what Trixie was trying to pull off, especially after seeing what her past was like at the last school. Sadly, Trixie wasn't going to be second fiddle, and was unaware of what was in store for her, and Sunset was not going to let herself be pushed aside either.
Sunset would have been fine with Trixie as her minion, I wouldn't say accomplice, considering Sunset was thinking about a much bigger plan than Trixie had. Nor would Sunset at that time ever consider a magicless human her equal.
Yeah, you won't see a happier Trixie in this series for awhile yet. Prolly July if I stay on schedule.
Hey, also, I just didn't want you to misunderstand. I really like this story, and I'm good with sad or rough plots. I fully support that it's good for people to be knocked down so they can get back up (even though that's so hard to admit when you're the one teetering on the edge of embarrassing failure), I just feel so bad watching people get embarrassed... Especially when they can't see it coming. That isn't a failure of this story, I'm just a wuss.
I also see your point about Sunset. I dunno, I just want everyone to get along!
I'm looking forward to the next story! And despite everything I've said about embarrassment and failure, I can't wait for the next chapter of Griffin Kingdom. So maybe I'm just fickle.
Such is a reader's heart.
So TAHT"S where he came from! I was wondering about that! You sneaky dog hiding Boulder in plain sight so cleverly. Sunset what a bitch. Can't belive I missed this. Granted I've been studying for a while so I guess I was bound to miss a good fic here and there. Nicely done. Looking forward to the sequel you made.
I liked Sunset's attempts at talking Trixie out of things, it humanized her to an extent, even if she's horrible.
The main issue I can see is that Sunset's plan just wouldn't work. Not after Trixie was already declared the winner and walked up on stage. Certainly not with Sunset yelling instructions to Snips and Snails in plain sight of everyone, including whatever chaperones were present. They're not going to approve of a transfer of the crown to someone who ordered another student doused in milk in front of them. Even her fairly simplistic plans in the Equestria Girls movie had at least a modicum of deniability. Here Sunset's obviously orchestrating things openly. It would have made more sense to have plastered the Gym with those images before the dance. Then to have Snips and Snails dump stuff on Trixie before she was on-stage(but after she saw the pictures). Then after she runs off Sunset can win by default (can't be Prom Princess if you're not at the Prom). And that's just me trying to rework what you have here. It'd be even easier to just lock Trixie up somewhere (which would make Trixie's choice of tactics against the Rainbooms nicely ironic).
But if Sunset did this, all that would happen is she'd be suspended.
7194374 Well, you read the sequel, so that took care of the chaperone issue. I suppose I can consent that Sunset yelling to Snips and Snails instead of just making some sort of a signal is a bit over the top. Gives her away much more, even though this is more or less meant to be a demonstration of why you shouldn't cross her to the ones present.
As for plastering the place with Trixie's pics before hand, well, Trixie would probably have just left then and there. She'd be upset, but it wouldn't have been exactly as scarring as the way it goes down in this story. Upset, angry, and mentally stable enough to plan something against Sunset. Not ideal.
And having Snips and Snails dump it on Trixie before she got on stage wouldn't have worked much in a logical sense without the pictures or video clips. Sure, Trixie'd be upset, but it wouldn't exactly be run off and cry material all on its own. The pictures and video's were kind of key to starting the 'deer in the headlight's' scenario. Also not ideal.
Many things would have been easier, but, they wouldn't have messed with Trixie like they did. And having Trixie locked in a locker or something isn't quite as dramatic, I think. I mean, there is a ton of logic loopholes in EQG's involving Sunset, the school openly knows what she did at the Spring Fling in the movie. She openly assaults people in the movie as well, glaring at them and making them run away, claiming she can do whatever she wants in the school around other students,etc,etc. Plus the students at this school rally behind or turn against someone at the drop of a hat it seems.
It is partly why there was, at best, half the normal people at the Spring Fling. It is also why she worked it so that the half present were most under her control, or the most stressed due to friend problems so they'd enjoy the schadenfreude of what happens to Trixie as opposed to being horrified.
I'll go over the signal Sunset gives to Snips and Snails, but redoing the whole thing to be less traumatic, or dramatic, would kind of kill the point of it. This was meant to break Trixie, not cause her to lose by default or run away before Sunset fully got her point across to others not to get in her way.
This is a pretty good mini-series, hopefully it'll go on for a while.
Thankyou Trixie for introducing us.
Trixie's start.
Ok, let's begin the rambling: So, first of all I want to say that this story is one of the greatest stories I've ever read that are about Trixie. Yours though, was best at describing her backstory, I would say it's kinda canonical to me. Secondly, I want to apologise to you, because I ignored your story the last few times I've seen the description. I've read your story because there was nothing left to read for me. I'm truly sorry for that. Though, I have a reason for my mistake, you don't have to forgive me for this. Most of the time I look at the upvote score, your story has less than a hundred, that's why I ignored it (I won't do that again, I learned my mistakes). The lack of upvotes is saddening to me, and it will remain a mystery to me, because your story is *ucking GREAT. Sorry...
Anyways, I really liked how you portrayed Trixie. Maud is awesome too ;D. Not to mention that backstory for 'Boulder'. Damn, it was so good I cried. Keep up the good work, man. Thumbs up
Quite happy to hear that, For each of the stories I watched the relevant movies over again and kept them on stand by to make sure I was following what happened in them. I prefer trying to keep this Mauxie series as something that could very well have happened in the background.
Ah, no problem, we all have our own arbitrary system of what we decide to read. I prefer a story to have 3-4 chapters out before I read it, that way I at least know the writer is probably going to finish it *not always the case, sadly*, and if a story is only one or two chapters and hasn't been updated in months, I drop it from my 'read later' list.
Well, Maud and Trixie are side characters, if this was a story about RD and Flutters, I'm sure I'd get a lot more looks. Plus, this series changes some of it's tags each story as over time it fluctuates between tragedy, comedy, and eventually, romance. So, other may not appreciate those jumps all in one series, maybe?
I am sad about the lack of interest in them, but I try for a chapter every three weeks, so I am not the most active of people. But what comments I get help me stay motivated and go to the next one.
But there is one flaw in the plan, one thing Sunset couldn't realistically avoid. Trixie's parents calling the principal.
At the end of the story, Trixie is a complete emotional and physical wreck. I'm sure when she comes home, her parents would notice the mess she is.
But even if Trixie can clean herself up, she would likely break down in tears if they asked her an innocuous question about the Spring Fling (which she would probably boast about to them(, and would press her about what made her so upset.
And even if they didn't notice that, they would notice Trixie's months of depression, caused by Sunset digging the knife deeper, and that all these new "friends" she's made have suddenly vanishing. And she should be able to trust her parents, if she can't trust a teacher enough to complain about Sunset.
So even if no one at that dance had enough of a conscience to tell the principal (and Maud had enough of a conscience to stick up for Trixie), her parents would probably find out about it and scream angrily at Celestia for letting it happen.
But again, good story.
How I miss the evil Sunset Shimmer
She had a short, but interesting career.
Sunset Shimmer has lost her charisma. Hasbro ruined Sunset
You wrote a very cool story.
Sorry for my English, I'm from Russia
I like her, but she is hard to pin down personality-wise for me. I usually have to look over her quite a bit before using her.
Her villainy was interesting, but I always view it as more of a cry for attention or help. Her plan was just terrible...zombie teenagers to fight Celestia? I mean, she had the Element of Magic at least, but her soldiers were crud and weren't even going to know how to function when they went over to the other world.
I say she is easier and funner to write with a bad streak to her, or before she gets blasted by the elements, but that is just me.
Her plan was terrible.But I still love her as a villain and a bully.
Evil Sunset - Best Sunset
When Sunset became kind, it became very similar to Twilight. By the way, I think hasbro was stupid when they took out Midnight Sparkle
Yeah, they did absolutely nothing with Midnight. She had around five minutes of screen time, and then disappeared. There was no struggle for control, or anything. I really expected her to be a big point in the Everfree movie, but nothing came of it besides Twilight being afraid of magic for a little bit while all of her friends learned to enjoy theirs.
A wasted villain in my point of view.
Sci Twi should have stayed in Crystal Prep!
This story and it's sequels are criminally underrated. Some of my favorite work on this website, good stuff.
Happy to hear, I am planning on making at least one more entry to this series before the end of the year.
If it was not so unmotivating to do, I would go through and clean up some issues I learned about as I have progressed in my writing, but I hear that is a problem for most writers when they look at their older works.
I'll gladly wait as long as it takes for a sequel
Now this was an amazing story and was incredibly well written that you could feel the emotions from each Characters and visualize the scenes as if it was a movie being played.
Like others before have said, you truly did justice to showing off the evil side of Sunset Shimmer that we never sadly got to see in official capacity. And this take on the Great and Powerful magician was such good to read and really connect with her and understand why she did what she did and let’s not forget Maud, who I’m sure will be explored more in the sequels but what been done here is still just as good and love her characterization here.