• Member Since 20th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Editor of several Trixie writers while doing his own stories when possible. Fun Times. Tips are appreciated, but no pressure.



This story is a sequel to Sitting on a Rock

The Pie family always had strong bonds with one another. But, a past event continues to hang over some members of the family. They don't speak about it, preferring to let it be buried and forgotten, despite the drastic changes it brought about. For two of them, it brought about isolation. An isolation that Limestone prefers her family stay in.

Well, except for Pinkie. But she's...unique.

For Limestone, those events kindled the desire to keep her family safe from outsiders. Something a certain silver haired magician has started making difficult for her.

Old wounds will be reopened on all sides as Limestone tries to keep the past from repeating.

Edited and story bounced off of the illustrious Crowscrowcrow.

Stonewalled at the Spring Fling
Sitting on a Rock
The Quartz Quartete Quarrel
Cracks Along the Prism
Maud's Boulder Holder

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 68 )

Is this story a one shot? Or is it gonna be continued? I'm okay with either! :trollestia:


I have the suspicion you wrote this story just so you can use that title

Nice, I've been waiting for this.

Well, except for Pinkie. But she's...unique.

Somebody call my name?

*Slow clapping* Nice going Lime you f:yay:ked up this time.

7691251 There is going to be a second chapter to it. Unless it gets too big and turns into a third chapter as well, but I am hoping for that not to happen. :twilightsheepish:

I'm going to shoot myself. I typed out long review and dropped my phone and lost it all. As such, the highlights.

I love seeing Limestone. She makes a good antagonist, but I hope they get along in the end regardless.

I felt like the beginning dragged a bit, though, with Lime's introspection, but that might just be because your characters really came to life while interacting with each other. Also, I know you were trying to stress that something happened to Marble without saying what, but it felt like you were hammering that too hard and it moved from mysterious to frustrating.

The comedy was pretty spot on, because while I remembered that Trixie had issues with clothing, I didn't expect it to happen there. It was pretty funny how oblivious she was too. Almost sweet.

Also, you totally struck me with the revelation at the end that Maud and Marble were both showing signs of knowing that Lime has had some anger issues. I mean, it's obvious in retrospect, but there were some pretty subtle times that Marble was calming Lime. The trust line from Maud really brought it home.

Trixie was adorable. Hooray!

I know that Lime loves her family and it hurts to see them all hurting like this... But I'm going to go read the end again and get bummed out anyways. Gotta love the drama so we can enjoy our catharsis later!

Looking forward to reading more! :twilightsmile:

(also not very subtly hoping to hear some news about the Follies sequel some time)


I'm going to shoot myself. I typed out long review and dropped my phone and lost it all.

Heh, that sucks, I've done that before. Twenty minutes of thinking through and typing to give a meaningful response, and one wrong button press and it's all gone. :facehoof:

I felt like the beginning dragged a bit, though, with Lime's introspection

That was meant for a brief overview of what's happened in the previous stories from another perspective, and to try to make Lime more understandable. I am trying to show that she isn't a villain in this, much like Maud isn't for wishing Marble stayed in school just so Maud wouldn't be alone.

I know you were trying to stress that something happened to Marble without saying what, but it felt like you were hammering that too hard and it moved from mysterious to frustrating.

Sorry, it will get revealed later on. It was difficult trying to balance between revealing too much, but harping on something that the reader's haven't seen yet. I may not have gotten that balance right.

(also not very subtly hoping to hear some news about the Follies sequel some time)

I should prolly make another blog at some point about it. If I didn't have my yearly loss of interest in writing, at least the first chapter of it would be out by now. Currently my goal is to finish this, then finish the rest of the last chapter for Empire, and then get at least the first chapter or two of the Follies sequel out before writing anything else. The entire storyboard is written and each chapter has the main points that happen in them written out. Now I just have to finally write the dang thing.


I should prolly make another blog at some point about it. If I didn't have my yearly loss of interest in writing, at least the first chapter of it would be out by now. Currently my goal is to finish this, then finish the rest of the last chapter for Empire, and then get at least the first chapter or two of the Follies sequel out before writing anything else. The entire storyboard is written and each chapter has the main points that happen in them written out. Now I just have to finally write the dang thing.

And I thought Trixie was supposed to be the tease. :twilightblush:

She soured it up!!!

Limestone Pie demanding that Trixie leave reminded me of this. (She's a hoo-ker!)

I laugh if it turns out Trixie is made of money.

in order to help her learn more about being a inspector.

an inspector

which was firmly held in two of Trixie's own and pressed slightly against her right breast, a squeeze.

'both of Trixie's'
How many arms she got?:rainbowlaugh:
I say it lots but good chapter, heavy emotional content and some serious sibling conflict without coming to blows. Must admit I was waiting for Maud to punch a hole through something.:pinkiehappy:
Why are you so happy Pinkie...it's your sisters?:pinkiegasp:

7691288 The title is often made after the first chapter is almost ready to publish. I often find myself and Crowscrow poking at the chapter for an hour or two trying to find a good title for it. Crow was mostly responsible for this one.


Curses. But, still, if those are the only real typo's, then I am happy. I comb over my chapters in a rather paranoid manner as I prefer that all the comments I get not be about the little flaws I missed. :pinkiehappy:

Happy you liked it, I was a bit worried on Maud showing so much emotion, but, there has to be times when she gets emotional, I just have to avoid overdoing it, I think.

7706454 :pinkiehappy: The emotion she showed for Pinkie on the show smashing that boulder coming at her and the resulting hug session shows she is capable, but it's something she has a tight rein on.

this whole series is great. I would award you an internet, but we'll have to make do with a moustache. :moustache:

Haltingly, Marble turned her face around, freezing Trixie up entirely. Marble's eyes were like two large purple lakes, ready to spill over at the slightest provocation. She moved between biting at her lips and letting them quiver as she squeezed Trixie's hands.
Marble let out a quick sniff as her body softly began to shiver.

Ah, the puppy dog pout. Never fails.

Really good interpretation of the Pie family here, and I love how you wrote all of them (well, to be honest, I'm not too sure about Lime's constant usage of the F-word, but maybe that's just me). And they all seem to have all sorts of psychological issues: Marble has even more anxiety problems than Fluttershy, Limestone has some severe anger management issues, Maud has very few social skills and Pinkie is...Pinkie.

As a person with Asbergers Syndrome myself, I can actually relate to them quite well.

Will Marble meet Big Mac sometime, seeing those two aroudn each other will be adorable!
Also hope to see Trixie confront Susnet, I really don't see them becoming friends...ever unless something can be worked out.
Sunset really hurt Trixie badly, and wold love to see Trixie confront the other Rainbooms and tell them off, it was true the rainboosm were bad friends with her.

So I'm guessing that when they may quartz it up they'll be loud and proud?

That was a good read. I'm assuming Boulder Holder takes place in the near future after this story.

7719476 Thank you. Yeah, I gave Lime more swearing than I first thought she would have. Kinda odd writing a character who swears a lot when I rarely swear myself. Happy you liked it nonetheless. :pinkiehappy:

7719767 A minor confrontation is planned in the future, but, next story goes through the Rainbow Rocks movie since people asked about me doing it awhile ago. But I have to imagine trapping them under the stage to be a cathartic experience for Trixie.

7719814 I imagine that Trixie will, at least. Though it would be kind of amusing for Maud to be the loud one. :trixieshiftright:

7719818 Yep, right after the next story is when Maud's Boulder Holder ties in. Kinda funny since that story was meant to be a one shot, and spawned all of these prequels. :pinkiehappy:

7719853 Out of those two, Trixie is so loud you can hear her from space.

In a flash, pinkie was completely on the ground,


BUT! We are totally going to BECOME friends, or my name isn't Pinkamena Diana Pie!!"

It's not, it's Diane.:pinkiecrazy:

A loud, indignant cry from outside the bathroom confirmed this. Marble sighed and walked out of the stall.

Ummm 'Limestone' ?

Apparently crackers were now Boulder's favorite food.

Yep, usually with Promite and cheese (not blue vein, bleh!)
and not Vegemite (shudder), I might born in OZ but as a Kraut descendant,...my stomach says YUCK!

You're already dating, so quit trying to hard."


That was AWESOME!

Careful Maud , you cool hot rocks too fast, they often crack.

I imagine every time Trixie says Pinkie pie she says it like Timmy's dad says Dinkleberg.

7721205 Bah, so many little errors. You would not believe how many times I switched Lime and Marble around while writing. :facehoof:

Glad you enjoyed it, and expect Trixie to continue to chip away at Maud as the series continues. :pinkiehappy:

7721301 Had to look that up, but was amusing. I can see that too.

Great story! I can hardly wait for new story about amorous sheningans of this strange but SO CUTE couple! :heart:
(Don't know why but I imagined Lime wearing trousers, shirt and vest :applejackunsure:)

Cool, new chapter! Always happy for more!

So this chapter had a lot of people trying to apologize to Trixie for a pretty messed up night along with a bunch of exposition about the Pie family.

We'll start with Pinkie. I feel like that was a pretty solid scene. I can really relate with Trixie over how weird it can be making friends with people like PP who just seem to want to jump straight to friends. PP is sweet and would probably make a good friend for Trixie (PP can be pretty indulgent and supportive of things like Trixie's magic, but they might fight too much for attention) but as usual they are off on the wrong foot and things probably won't get better as Sunset becomes friends with the Six and spends more time around them. It's a real shame. I hope PP actually follows through in future stories and tries to make time to be friends. It seems in her character to be stubborn about that.

I'll skip Lime for a moment and talk about Marble here. Marble is interesting so a voice of reason that doesn't talk. Her character as portrayed in text is pretty interesting and she goes through some serious lengths to get through to Trixie for her sisters. It really highlights how close they all are and how much they all care about one another. I hope we hear more from her (maybe see her adjust a little to Trixie)!

Alright, Lime now. Lime is interesting here to me because I felt so awkward this entire chapter. I also kinda want to point out that (unless I missed it) she never really apologized to Trixie in so many words. She seemed to be trying to show remorse by inviting Trixie back knowing that it would be doing Lime a favor in the face of Maud's anger. I'm not saying she doesn't feel bad, but she never really strikes me as remorseful towards Trixie so much as regretting hurting Maud and (nice touch I have to add) hearing and seeing herself as the abusive person she was becoming. Really, the comment she makes about 'sounding like him' after making desperate promises of change was something I missed the implication of the first time. It really struck me when I got it, though.

I'm interested in seeing how Lime interacts with people she considers friends. It's pretty interesting how quickly she gets comfortable with Trixie after the huge rift they had. She starts calling Trixie by a nickname, gives dating advice and begins insulting Trixie in a way not unlike how she teases Marble (which is interesting that Marble has the same inclination). I would say there is just something naturally disarming about Trixie when you get past how odd she is. If the Pie family wasn't so tight over strangers... Well, no point worrying about that now. Just some thoughts on the situation.

It was cool seeing Trixie being clever and slippery but also sad when the implications are considered. Also, despite Lime calling Trixie a coward, I thought she was pretty level headed. She was able to actually communicate with Lime while LOCKED IN A ROOM WITH HER. That inability to flee is scary.

Oh! Also, it's interesting to read Boulder Holder again. It has some different implications for both Trixie's relationship with Maud and with Lime.

Finally to wrap this up so I don't just keep going, I thought Trixie's approach to seduction was very her. It's kinda funny to see she is oblivious to her natural charm so she feels she has to turn it up to eleven to be considered flirting. Looking forward to the romance that is incoming eventually!

Thank you for the chapter! :twilightsmile:


but as usual they are off on the wrong foot and things probably won't get better as Sunset becomes friends with the Six and spends more time around them. It's a real shame.

Some friends don't mix well together, much like a cake. You can't make a blueberry cake with raisins after all! :pinkiehappy:

So, yeah, I figure Pinkie tries to be friends with many people, and probably understand that some just don't mix well. She'd learn very quickly to talk as little about Sunset as possible.

Her character as portrayed in text is pretty interesting and she goes through some serious lengths to get through to Trixie for her sisters. It really highlights how close they all are and how much they all care about one another.

I am happy that got across well. I liked writing her and going through the difficulty of a character that doesn't talk. Maud is, funny enough, a decent start for practice as she is a character you want to make talk as little as possible most of the time.

I also kinda want to point out that (unless I missed it) she never really apologized to Trixie in so many words.

Oh, she eventually did, but in her own way.

"Trixie, I, fuck, I'm sorry, okay? I go off the handle when it comes to my family. You freak me out, you and Maud became friends so fast that I couldn't trust it to be real. And she's...acting like Marble did. I don't want her hurt like that. I can't let that happen again. But...just come back to the house. I don't want any of my sisters to think they can't have friends because of me."

So, yeah, there was an apology, it came after harassing Trixie several times, and right before she left so she didn't have to talk more on it, but it was an apology.

she never really strikes me as remorseful towards Trixie so much as regretting hurting Maud and (nice touch I have to add) hearing and seeing herself as the abusive person she was becoming.

Yeah, the talk with Trixie in the bathroom helped Lime see that her protection of Maud was getting to the point of abusive. Not physically *for Maud at least*, but, emotionally. I don't picture her as a very remorseful person. She was more trying to own up to her screw up with Trixie than any concerns about her feelings. At least, until Trixie drops that Lime isn't the first one who has attacked her like that.

I would say there is just something naturally disarming about Trixie when you get past how odd she is.

With the way she talks, it just seems like she'd be a fun person to tease, in my opinion. And since Lime and Marble understand that Trixie is surprisingly important to Maud, it seems best/easiest that they try treating her like they do each other.

Also, despite Lime calling Trixie a coward, I thought she was pretty level headed.

Heh, Lime was just pissed. She came all this way to talk things out with Trixie, and Trixie winds up running away right after Lime did all that effort to restrain herself. Rude!

Thanks for the comment, per usual. Long, detailed comments are best comments. :pinkiehappy:

Reread the story, after getting used to the serious parts was able to fully enjoy the sexy humor, and nearly fell off my chair laughing! :pinkiehappy:

Great story I love it love it love it.
On boulder...i wonder with al the magic in that world will it start to effect him more and more?

Grows ups so to speak. http://velinov.deviantart.com/art/Earth-Elemental-163822927

Wait, this is a series?

Is the next chapter out? Oh yeah, of course not, this story's only three weeks old. But holy heck I love it already <3

7772159 Yeah, it's a small series of mine. Happy you like it. It starts with "Stonewalled at the spring fling" and continues from there. : )

7780390 After I realized it was part of a series, I went straight down to the first, and I've enjoyed reading the first two as well. I can't wait for the fourth~

7781101 It's coming along, I am waiting on some cover art and I really need to finish my other story before posting it up or I'll feel bad since people are waiting for it. :twilightblush:

7781271 Fair enough. Can't wait!

Trixie really isn't taking advantage of the whole second ammendment thing, huh?

So I think your portrayal of Marble may just be the best one out there. The sheer difference in her personality between speaking in-person and through text messages. Of course, I may be able to relate a little being pretty much the same way myself ^_^;; (not scared and hiding under covers, but... sociablly awkward, to say the least).

Y'know, it's just occured to me that it's rare to see a character like that in fiction. So, kudos for that :3

loved all of this. Although seriously hating Limestone. And not because it was Trixie. I know you said no to the assault charges, but still, it's playing in my mind.

Okay, finished. good ending. Fully agree with Trixie about Sunset being let back in. Yes, it turned out well with the Dazzling's. But still... eh. At least Sunset's redemption is good.

Well, that sets up the events of Maud's Boulder Holder pretty nicely, we even got a backstory on Boulder eating, which I didn't expect.

It's a shame these stories don't get more views, but the unanimous thumbs up is still pretty impressive.

I missed this one! :pinkiegasp:
Clearly the solution is to follow you. :coolphoto:

"Huh, you're not Maud either. Cute though."

Hehehe. I know there's no actual ship there, but Marble alone makes two halves of a cute couple provided someone is talking to her. Which probably makes me a sadist. :rainbowhuh:

"The dealer said it complimented Trixie perfectly!"
Limestone could literally feel the glare Trixie was leveling at Maud.
"Very funny."
"...I didn't-"
"You were thinking it!"

Luckily, these two are a much cuter couple!

By this point in their friendship, Maud had come to expect this sort of thing from Trixie. She was almost positive Trixie didn't even realize what she was doing to Maud, or what her actions would have meant to anyone who didn't know her by now.
Trixie was, in all aspects, a horrible tease.


After all, she thought. No matter where you dig, eventually you'll find a skeleton.

Um... By that logic, isn't absolutely everyone as innocent as they are guilty?

7815514 Yeah, I am sad at the lack of follows and likes, but I am impressed at how little dislike these stories have. My latest one if the first in the series to actually have dislikes. Sadly, no comments as to why though.


I missed this one! :pinkiegasp:

Clearly the solution is to follow you. :coolphoto:

If only more people on fimfic thought that way. :pinkiehappy:

Suppose it's about time that I put in a link description in the description of them. There is enough now to warrant it.

Why didn't you tell me this was here!?! This is amazing!!

7822192 I'm not sure how you and Eyeswirl missed it, it's been out for a bit, and I put it in ten groups, most of them involving Maud or Trixie. :twilightblush: I guess you just noticed it since it is a prequel to the one I just uploaded yesterday then.

7822229 Funny Story,

I was looking for Stories about Limestone specifically and happened to come across someones comment about this story. After a rather extensive search I managed to find this story where, "Lime says, fuck and shit every sentence". Surprisingly easy to find considering how much she drops the F-Bomb. :twilightsheepish: This is the best Limestone I've ever seen and has inspired me to bring back an old project of Trixie and Limestone shipping in me.

7822344 I would love to see that. Yeah, I actually went back a week ago and toned her down a bit believe it or not. I do like how I did Lime and Marble, but they won't come up very often considering this story isn't really about them. Maybe when I have less projects on my hands I'll try something with them. :pinkiehappy:

7822772 Oh, I'm going to do this. :twilightblush: I will ask one thing. Can I shamelessly rip off you Pie Family behaviors? They're freaking amazing!

I rarely comment, but want to say how much I've enjoyed your story. It's clever, has all of these great setups, and most of all, fun. I love all the characters' interactions, and caught myself going back to reading certain paragraphs again. You have opened my eyes to Maud--looking forward to more!

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