• Published 7th Jan 2020
  • 10,081 Views, 1,057 Comments

CMC Going Away - PonyJoel

Gabby Gums, once popular now shunned by everypony. No one in town wants to talk or compromise. With a last minute effort and a farewell, no one buys into it until it's too late.

  • ...

Celestia's First Day

Princess Celestia wakes up from her slumber. She raises the sun from her room as Luna lowers the moon from Canterlot. After raising the sun, all Celestia hears is silence. No Royal Guards or Raven to come in, escort, or remind her of her duties for the day. The silence is welcoming as Celestia takes a deep breath.

"This is nice. The peacefulness and privacy," Celestia said to herself. She trots downstairs to the kitchen and starts making pancakes for herself. As she cooks, she couldn't help but wonder how Luna is doing on her first day as a full-time Princess of Canterlot. "Oh, no need to worry about Luna. She can handle it," Princess Celestia continues to make her pancakes. After twenty minutes, she finishes making her breakfast and starts eating. She thought about writing to Luna and Twilight later today. For the first time, she is in no rush. Before leaving Canterlot, Celestia always had a busy schedule; now, she can make time for herself. She finishes eating and cleans her plate. Then she hears a knock on the door. "Coming," She trots to the door and opens it.

"Hi, Princess Celestia," Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo greet with a smile.

"Hello, girls," Celestia said. "How are you three doing today?"

"I'm good. Thanks for asking," Sweetie Belle said.

"Same," Apple Bloom concurs.

"I'm great, Princess," Scootaloo answers.

Princess Celestia smiles. She sees how happy the girls are. "So, what are you three planning today?"

"I'm trying to figure out why I am unable to fly," Scootaloo replies.

"I'm off to gather apples all around the village. It's a chore I like doing, reminds me of home in a way."

"I want to see what you are doing, Celestia. I want to see if we can hang out for a bit or not," Sweetie Belle responds.

"Do any of you miss Ponyville by any chance?" Celestia asks out of curiosity.

"Nope," Scootaloo closes her eyes with an immediate response.

"Not really," Sweetie Belle replies softly.

"I mean.., I do miss the farm and Granny Smith. I haven't seen Granny Smith since I ran away. I," Apple Bloom stutters in her wording. "I.., I do miss Ponyville, in a way."

"Later in the day, I'll be writing a letter to Twilight Sparkle. Would you like to write a letter to your family? I can use my magic to send it to her and, Twilight can give it to Applejack."

"I'll think about it, Celestia. I don't want the letter to spark for Applejack or Big Mac to come here and try to do something."

"I assure you, Applejack has no memory of finding the village. You have nothing to worry about. One more question for the three of you."

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo look up at Celestia. Wondering what she wants to ask them.

"Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle. Will you allow your sisters a chance to redeem themselves?"

"If you ask me about Rainbow Dash, she can go to Tartarus for all I care. I'm done with her," Scootaloo said, walking towards her parent's house.

"No," Sweetie Belle shakes her head. "Rarity made a lot of false promises to me. She puts me aside and hasn't changed. I don't want to go through with another false promise when she has to work and protect all of Equestria. Plus, may I add that she frequently hangs out with her friends more. Her friends are more of a priority than being with me. I rather not go through the lonesome ever again."

"It's kinda hard for me. Big Mac and Applejack were hard on me when they found out the truth of the Gabby Gums incident. My big brother's words still haunt me to this day. I know they want me back home, but the truth is, I don't want to go back. I'm happy here. I know that didn't answer the question so, here it is. If I give Applejack and Big Mac redemption, they will totally nail it. Being a better brother and sister as I will mature as well. Things would go back to normal for the Apple Family. I need time to think it over, to be honest."

Princess Celestia nods in understanding and respects the answers from the trio. She can only imagine the hatred Scootaloo has for Rainbow Dash, the insecurity for Sweetie Belle, and the battle of the minds within Apple Bloom. The two are uncertain as Scootaloo is crystal clear.

"I don't have much going on, Sweetie Belle. You are welcome to come in. You want to join, Apple Bloom?"

"No," Apple Bloom shakes her head. "I need to think things over," Apple Bloom trots to the first apple tree she sees in the village.

Sweetie Belle enters Celestia's home as she closes the door. Celestia sits on a chair as Sweetie Belle sits on a couch in the living room.

"So, are you enjoying your first day in the village?" Ask Sweetie Belle.

"I am. Thank you for asking, Sweetie Belle," Said Celestia.

"You're welcome. So, what is it like being a Princess of Equestria?"

"It's tougher being a Princess than to fantasize as one. Having a whole lot of responsibilities to attend to for the well being of my subjects. Trying to endure the hardships as a Princess. Smiling all day long in front of ponies in Canterlot."

"You mentioned the corruption in Canterlot. What was it like being a Princess before moving to Canterlot?"

Princess Celestia looks at the ceiling. Memorizing her life at the Castle of the Two Sisters. How she used to rule with Luna daily and enjoying the peace they had as sisters. Many years before Nightmare Moon came into existence. Princess Celestia closes her eyes and smiles.

"Before moving to Canterlot, Luna and I resided at a different castle near the Everfree Forest."

"Really?" Sweetie Belle said excitedly.

Celestia nods. "Yes. In those years, Luna and I ruled supreme in peace and harmony. Equestria was different during those years as well. No nobles or wealth. Everypony living life to the fullest."


"However, as the years go by, so did pony kind. Riches became more valuable in terms of owning lots of property. Society grew into a more class structure. Higher, medium, and lower as you know. During those times, I allowed it to grow so I can focus on helping more struggling ponies than wealthy ponies. That turned out to be my downfall. I became attracted to the wealth that I abandoned my purposes of being a true Princess. I wish I didn't vacate the Castle of the Two Sisters all those years ago."

"Well, let's not dwell anymore in the past. We have bright shining futures ahead of us."

"That we do. So, what you have in mind for your future?"

"To be honest, I want to live happily here. Sing to many and comfort those who have been through tough times within their family. Kinda like a counselor without asking for pay."

"Interesting," Celestia smiles.

"How are you feeling overall, Celestia?"

"I'm better. Better in the sense that I'm not as stressed as I would have been. Starting a day in Canterlot is a mess I've grown used to. Now, I'm not in a rush. I can pace myself the way I want to with no one coming to me and informing me of a useless meeting with the nobles. Filling some paperwork that has no real cause now that I think about it. I spent too much time that I didn't keep a keen eye on everything else outside of Canterlot. Now, I am free from that burden and Canterlot now has a better Princess in charge. Better in the sense that Luna is more focused than I can ever be during my time in Canterlot."

"Well, that's good, Celestia."

"Also, being here gives me a second chance to become better. I would like your help, Sweetie Belle."

"Me?" Sweetie Belle asks, she's confused as to why Celestia would want her help.

"I need a real friend. Not one that uses me for benefits and to boast. I genuinely need a friend. Can you be that friend?"

Sweetie Belle takes a deep breath. She nods. "Yes. I'll be that friend. A real friend that helps you in times of need and to create new memories."

"Thank you," Celestia smiles.

"You're welcome. Hey, Celestia."

"Yes, Sweetie Belle?"

Sweetie Belle looks around for a second and sees a chess board game. "Wanna play chess?"

"Uh, sure."

Sweetie Belle trots over to the chessboard she sees. She brings it over to the table. "What color piece you want to be?"

"I'll take the black color piece. Question, do you know how to play?"

"Kinda, I may need some practice, hehe," Sweetie Belle chuckles a bit.

"I'll teach you as we play," Celestia uses her magic to place all the pieces onto the chessboard. "Now, remember. Chess is all about precision. It's not a fast pace game like checkers. It takes strategy to take down the other player's piece. Think you can outsmart a Princess?"

"We're going to find out."

Princess Celestia and Sweetie Belle spent two and a half hours playing three games of chess. In the first game, Celestia taught Sweetie Belle the basics of the game and what each piece represents. How they move accordingly and how to win. The second game took forty-five minutes. Sweetie Belle and Celestia took their time playing and strategizing. The two were having fun with each move they played. The third game took an hour of play. Princess Celestia sees how Sweetie Belle was thinking. Taking her time when making the next move. She thought about going easy on her, but as the game progresses, Sweetie Belle is proving to be a difficult opponent. She likes what she's seeing from Sweetie Belle. Perhaps when she is older, she can work with the Equestrian Protection Unit. Sweetie Belle defeats Celestia in the third game of chess.

"Well done, Sweetie Belle. You've improved as we played."

"Thank you. That was fun playing. We should play another time," Sweetie Belle smiles.

"Indeed we shall."

"I have to get going now, Celestia. I'm going over to Sugar Belle's bakery for a slice of cake. Then I'm meeting up with Party Favor."

"Have fun, Sweetie Belle."

Sweetie Belle leaves Celestia's home. Celestia gets up and trots upstairs to her room. She decides to write a letter to Twilight. To confirm her new living quarters. As she writes her letter, she hears another knock. Celestia trots back downstairs to answer the door. She sees Apple Bloom.

"Hey, Apple Bloom. Need anything?"

"Here," Apple Bloom gives Celestia a letter she wrote a while ago. "Can you send it to Twilight and have her give it to Granny Smith?"

"Sure," Celestia takes the letter. "I'll send it in a while."

"Thank you," Apple Bloom smiles.

"Do you wish to see your family?" Celestia asks.

Apple Bloom takes a deep breath. "I do. I want to live here for the rest of my life but, I miss my family. I miss Granny. I miss Big Mac. I miss Applejack. Sometime this week, the Apple Family Reunion is coming up. I missed last year's because.., well.., you know..,"

"Yes. I do know. You want to go back home and be with them?"

Apple Bloom looks around. Making sure that Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are not listening. Apple Bloom becomes teary.

"Yes, I do but, I'm worried that if I go back, they will prevent me from coming back here."

Celestia thinks for a second then comes up with the solution. "How about I go with you to the Apple Reunion. Then when it's over, I'll make sure you come back with me."

Apple Bloom gasps. "Really?" She smiles.

"Yes," Celestia nods. "Does Starlight know how you are feeling when Apple Family reunions come up?"

"She does, but she didn't have an answer for me to return to the village. That's why I couldn't go last year. Plus, my feelings about how I went through the Gabby Gums incident were still with me."

"I'll talk with Starlight later and things should be sorted out."

"Thank you, Celestia," Apple Bloom graciously said.

"You're welcome. What are friends for?"

Apple Bloom hurries back to Starlight's house to give her the great news. Celestia trots back to her room and continues to write her letter to Twilight. As an hour passes by, Celestia decides to grab a slice of cake from Sugar Belle's bakery. As she steps out, Celestia sees Mane Allgood and Night Glider comforting Scootaloo. Scootaloo pouts as her mom tells her the disheartening news.

"Hey, Scootaloo. What's wrong?" Celestia asks as she approaches the trio.

Scootaloo looks the other way. Mane Allgood turns to Celestia.

"I just told Scootaloo the bad news, Celestia. Night Glider and I found out why Scootaloo is unable to fly."

"Was it due to the injury she suffered by the hooves of Rainbow Dash?"

Mane Allgood shakes her head. "As we saw, Discord healed Scootaloo from that injury. However, it appears that Scootaloo was born with a rare pegasi condition that can't be fixed. Scootaloo wings will never grow fully thus, she will not be able to fly."

"I am a chicken," Scootaloo said in defeat.

"No. You're capable of anything when you set your mind to it. Don't lose hope, Scootaloo."

"You believe I can fly..?"

"One way or another, you will be able to fly. Keep yourself focus and try new ways to fly."

Scootaloo perks up with newfound confidence after hearing what Celestia told her. She hugs Celestia.

"Thank you, Celestia. For believing in me when I didn't believe in myself."

"You're welcome," Celestia hugs Scootaloo with her wings. "What are friends for?"

"Thank you," Mane Allgood said.

"My pleasure," Celestia walks into Sugar Belle's bakery. She orders a slice of cake. Sugar Belle gives Celestia a slice of vanilla creme cake. Celestia is surprised that they don't take bits in exchange. Something in which she will have to get used to. Celestia trots back to her home to enjoy the treat she got herself. "Time to see how good this cake tastes," Celestia takes the first bite and savors the flavor. The cake taste like what heaven would serve. "This is delicious. Sugar Belle would have made a vast fortune if she was in Canterlot. Oh well, glad she's here. Enjoying life the way it should be. The way it should have been without the wealth and riches..," Celestia sighs heavily. "I'm so glad that a piece of history is growing here. I need to make sure it stays like this."

As the day goes by, Celestia enjoys more of herself in private. Reading different books she's been dying to read, jotting down notes to create a better Equestrian Protection Unit, and relaxing. It is now 7:30 at night. Celestia lowers the sun and decides to head over to Starlight's house to have a word with her. After a few minutes, she knocks on Starlight's door.

"Coming," Starlight opens the door. "Celestia, please come in." Celestia walks inside. Starlight navigates Celestia to her office to discuss on behalf of Apple Bloom's situation.

"So, have Apple Bloom tell you what I told her?"

"She has. She told me several times about her Apple Reunions and how she's been missing them. She told me that you're willing to go to Ponyville with her and bring her back."

"Yes. It'll allow me to visit Twilight and tell her what is off-limits and what isn't. Apple Bloom misses her family and has every right to see them. She's afraid that they'll keep her and prevent her from coming back to the village. That's why I suggest that I'll go with her."

"I applaud you for your suggestion. However, if you plan on seeing Twilight, make sure Apple Bloom is with you at all times."

"Of course. She is my friend after all. I have no intentions of ruining a friend's life."

"Thank you," Starlight sighs in relief. "I'm putting a lot of my trust in you, Celestia. For you to become the better Princess you wish to be. I care about Apple Bloom wholeheartedly. I've been like a mother to her for over a year now. She's basically my child and I would hate to see her miserable."

"I understand. Her family in Ponyville would feel the same as well. If Apple Bloom decides to stay in Ponyville, will you let her?"

"Yes. As long as she doesn't tell anypony of my village's location, then we're on good terms. I don't want to bring unwelcomed attention as you know."

"Of course. The whole reasoning of being off the grid," Celestia takes a deep breath. "I want you to know that Apple Bloom will be fine under my watch. There will be nothing that'll distract me."

"Thank you, Celestia."

"You're welcome. I'll be here tomorrow. Late in the afternoon to bring Apple Bloom to the Apple Family Reunion and back."

"See you tomorrow, my friend," Starlight escorts Celestia out of her home. She smiles and waves as Celestia trots home.

Celestia looks at the bright night sky. "Wow, Luna's night is more beautiful here than in Canterlot. I forget that lots of electricity sometimes blind the night sky from seeing its true beauty. Forgive me Luna that I was blind to your night sky for many years. I hope you are doing well on your first day as Princess in Canterlot as I am enjoying my first day in the village. Hope to see you soon when you are available."

Celestia enters her home and goes to her room. She decides to send the letters tomorrow before she leaves with Apple Bloom. Celestia gets in bed. "Night dear sister. Maybe I get to see you in my dreams tonight," Celestia falls asleep.

Author's Note:

Thank you for being patient with this chapter. Sorry that it took so long. The outcomes when I initially wrote this chapter, I didn't like it. That's why it took me longer than expected. Hope you enjoy the chapter.

Comments ( 75 )

Now this is the kind of thing folks have been looking for. The DOWN-TO-EARTH SLICE OF LIFE side of Celestia rarely seen on the actual show & what folks like to see more of in getting to know better beyond her title.

For a second there I thought Starlight would be pissed off if she applebloom wants to go back.

I wonder if Twilight will tell Celestia about what happened to Diamond Tiara and Filthy Rich.

That was beautiful

Scootaloo's inability to fly due to a rare condition is a good piece of writing, it would explain why Scoots has trouble flying while even baby Pound Cake can fly

This Story just keeps getting Better and Better :) It's Great to see you again after a While :) I'm Very Excited for the Future Chapters.


How will Sweetie Belle react if Rarity decided to stay here in Starlight’s village forever?

Rarity doesn't remember how to get to the village


I bet she'll find away. If she follows applebloom back to starlight's village without being seen, she'll remember and will tell her friends where they are and get them to come for a fight. A fight that they must win.


What about fire flier?


What will applejack’s reaction be if she sees applebloom here in Ponyville?

You will have to wait and see. Can't tell you


How many chapters do you have left? (Just asking)

Classified Information. Access Denied


You haven't forgotten about Fire Flier, have you?


That's good. I hope he does come to the village in the near future. He will probably wanna fight Starlight and Snap for his cutie mark.

You will have to wait and see


At least applebloom missed her family.


I don't mean to ask a dark question but if Twilight and her friends died after they got the news, would that make The Cutie Mark Crusaders happy?


If Rainbow Dash dies would that make Scootaloo happy?


If Ponyville dies in a explosion what would be The CMC's reaction?


I'm surprised Applebloom wants to go to Ponyville.

If you think about it. She's born and raised by Apple Family and they're huge. After a while of cooling off, she'll be missing home and an apple family reunion.


You think Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle will be mad if they found out about this?

Defiantly Agree, I can't wait to see Applebloom go to the Apple Reunion to see her Family again 😊👍

We will see how it plays out.

Keep up the Amazing Work, Your Incredible.


Applebloom is afraid that if she tells scootaloo and Sweetie Belle about staying in Ponyville, they won't be happy about it and will hate her until the end.

No. She doesn't know how they would react and what chain of events would follow.


If Rainbow Dash yells at Scootaloo's parents for being a jerk and for not saying sorry for the cutie mark incident after they get another chance for defeating King Sombra (sorry for the possible spoiler), what would their responds be?

There is always Deus Ex Discord to help with the wings

There is. A quick fix and there you go.

Yeah I always hated how the show avoided actually looking into why she couldn't fly and having her throw in the towel when there might have been a treatment.

10765287 Unfortunately most shows nowadays don't focus on serious topics just the show's theme

True probably because everyone is jumping at shadows afraid the kids will be unable to handle reality even in a cartoon. It might years before they face that kids can handle a lot of things and if we give them a chance we might learn something.

10766671 But sheltering them from reality does more harm and we end up with snowflakes if they're not exposed to real topics

True but try convincing 90 % of the world adults that jumping at shadows when it comes to kids is a bad idea. I heard of a cop who thinks his grown daughter can't handle it.

10767826 Seriously? As a cop (if he saw the real darkside of humanity) he should've gone for self-defense classes and should know she needs to be prepared not protected

Yeah apparently he was testifying in a supposed child endangerment case where the father thought making the kid walk home wasn't a huge deal and the cop disagreed and said even if was his adult daughter he wouldn't let her walk home. Maybe one day kids will actually be trusted with responsibility enough for adults to let go.

10767973 *inhales deeply* While there are safety in numbers and it's understandable with a kid thinkin' that way for an adult is ludicrist besides if they can't learn these responsibilities then how will they survive in the real world.

Besides some things should be left up to the parents. Its not like the kid was walking through a blizzard just a block or two. If he couldn't handle that how he going to be able handle it when he grows up. Part of growing up is learning the skills we'll need as adults. It isn't just stuffing brains full of facts to be an adult.

10768125 Very true, experience is vital to survival and ya can only teach basic guidelines

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