• Member Since 29th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


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Comments ( 40 )

Lol I guess you like it?

For the spoils it's [/spoilers]

I like the idea and I am looking forward to the incest and MILF lovin' to come, but I would suggest finding an editer. This whole first chapter read like a very rough draft and needs a good top to bottom revision.

I'm curious to see where this goes.

Statement: I saw milf. GIVE IT TO ME!

Lol and you shall have it XD in the next chapter you'll be watching a couple of hot milfs XD

Statement: Fall onto the MILF side!

i have to say. The concept here is really intriguing. I do think you should look into an editor, however. The grammar is quite bad during a lot of this chapter, and it hurts a clopfic even more than a regular fic when the reader has to read over the same lines two or three times to figure out what was trying to be said because of run-on sentences or lack of grammar.

Alas. It is at times like this that I wish the artist source also provided a link to the artist, rather than just a name that eludes my googlefu.

Heh sorry though if it helps type in e621 and the name im sure you'll find said artist

One would start having dirty thoughts, but to be frank. I was laughing. Having to know Sunburst's reaction to this event, and his mother to flirt with him. That is funny to me. I do hope to see more.

Comment posted by Rais_Neko deleted Feb 14th, 2019

It's actually Hobbes Maxwell, rather than Hobbs Maxwell. Took me a while to realize that. :P

You have both this story and "Spike and the the Lustful Lamp" set as sequels to one another. Which is the sequel and which is the prequel?

It could be ether way i just set them in the same universe

You really should get an editor, or at least read back over your own story for the numerous grammatical errors. This has real potential, and it's disappointing that it's in an unreadable state due to illiteracy.

I did have an editor edit this

Let me clarify. You should get an editor who speaks English.

#SaveTheGingerDoctor! He will never change again! :rainbowlaugh:

Long live the ginger doctor XD

The last to walk in was someone He know far too well, whom, he would’ve lost his virginity too if he hadn’t met Cadence, whom His father, had given him permission for these meeting’s and in fact brought him to the society that managed to open some opportunity in for Honoring the family legacy. It was His mother, Twilight Velvet.

What? Who gives who permission for what? Did Night light give Shining permission to date Cadance? Did Cadance give permission for Shining to go or did Night Light give his wife permission to go?

It's more like both of them heh somewhat explained in the other chapters

Nevertheless the wording is quite confusing.

Heh sorry ill makr sure to be more clear in thr future

Serves you right Button.

Run Doctor Run! Stay ginger.

yeah... my mom would murder me if i ever pulled that...

Sunny D just looked towards his father seeming rather confused by this as he just couldn’t help but wonder more.

That name XD
*laughs hard*

Should we read this story first and then the one from `` Spike and the Lustful Lamp '' or vice versa?


It's 'pact' with mistakes

Comment posted by Sharpel deleted May 5th
Comment posted by Sharpel deleted May 5th

Wow. The spelling is terrible. Pact, packed and so on. Need a grammar checker.

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