• Member Since 27th May, 2017
  • offline last seen August 7th


I think far, far too hard about things. These things include magical ponies.


A passionate geologist talks about rocks with her best friend. There is no form of innuendo or ulterior motive at all.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 24 )

Most enjoyable!

I think you want "throes", though, in "Maud Pie lost in the throws of scholarship was one of the most adorable things in the universe.".

Perhaps I did at that.

WELL THEN... maud pie not the subtle type i see. xD

Eee, another Vernon fan! :pinkiehappy:

This is great! Always nice to see well-written Maud, but Starlight here is fantastic too :twilightsmile:


Well. That was absolutely adorable, and the idea that Cadance has published a book of...THOSE spells is brilliant.

"Subtle" on Maud is invisible to anyone but her sisters. It's fortunate she's quite good at explaining herself.

Spells and extensive, detailed advice. Other highlights include:
Seeing by the light of your partner's love, literally
Sharing senses
Enhancing senses, particularly smell taste and touch
A version of telekinesis with a solid, shapeable aura and rather sensitive feedback
Dial up or down the intensity of your sex drive
Set your orientation, or lack thereof if you feel like being asexual for a bit
A sex change spell in several variations
Restraint spells in several variations, such as levitation or conjured ribbons, which can be dispelled at will by the target
Incapacity spells, such as blindness drunkenness or suggestibility, that can likewise be dispelled at will by the target
Illusory chocolate sauce and whipped cream
Sharing Cutie Mark Talents


Glad you liked them :)

what with starlight already having worked up a sweat... lol

Only Maud could make geology sexy.

I mean, you know. Probably.

Oh my god this was amazing!

Just enough inuendo to keep it going.
And strangely....believable.
I could totally see Maud using something like this to seduce someone.
Have a thumbs up.
And a fave. :D


Does...does Twilight have this book? Does she USE it?

Of course she has it: it's a book! And uses it, since Magical Mingling is a great spell for research and easily dispelable 'curses' are great for practicing dueling. She's also been known to turn her libido off when she wants to concentrate. Anything else she does with it, and with who...*looks nervously at the fourth wall* I'm afraid I haven't asked.

Randel Munroe begs to differ.

Really glad you enjoyed it :)

That's one good chapter name! :rainbowlaugh:

That's the most Maud way of seducing someone I've ever seen.

"for the remained of the evening"
"for the remainder of the evening"?

And, heh, I read Digger ages ago, but I'd forgotten that detail. :)

Oh Cadence in whipped cream

Best curse ever

Next time: Kites...

I'm not sure if I like "Harmony petrify it" or "Cadence in whipped cream" more. Both are great.

She got enough of that from Twilight, and she didn't want to have to drink another textbook to follow along. The ink tasted awful, the information was temporary, and it ruined a perfectly good book.

This is a fantastic casual "Wait, what?" moment.

The Most Special Spellbook, eh? I sense a bit of Estee influence.

In any case, brilliant bit of Starmaud. This is definitely how the latter would seduce someone.

Hehehe... I mean, it IS Starlight. A 'wait what' over the top magical solution to a common problem is just obligatory. And yes, the spell literally involves an enchanted straw that you stick in the book and suck out the ink (and knowledge) with leaving it blank. You get the entire contents like you just skimmed it, but it's all dumped in short term memory and fades rapidly unless you study the heck out of it or make real notes right way.

And yeah I got that from Estee. It's just such a good euphemism and perfectly pony darn it!

I'm gonna read a random Starling fic, I thought. Pick the short one, I thought. Then I read this and just... oh my :twilightblush:

XD Hey, there's an apology right in the author's notes...

I'm so sorry for this. I needed to break my writer's block, and the only cure was geological seduction.

You should not feel sorry. :twilightsmile:

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