• Published 31st Dec 2016
  • 3,223 Views, 24 Comments

Love You Too, Doofus - Summer Dancer

After a close call on a map mission, Rainbow Dash and Applejack struggle to express how much they care about each other in the most "cool" way possible.

  • ...

"Let's Keep This Between Us, Okay?"

Rainbow Dash glanced back at Applejack’s bandaged leg and stopped for a moment. “You sure you don’t wanna--”

Rainbow,” Applejack huffed, limping past her. “For the umpteenth time, I’m fine. Ya don’t need to slow down for me.”

Rainbow shrugged her shoulders defensively. “I’m just checking.” She easily caught up to the farm mare and fell in step beside her.

A moment of silence passed, and Applejack stole a glance Rainbow’s wing, which was also in a bandage. “So…”

“It’s fine too.”


They continued walking slowly across the field without a word. Eventually, the train station became visible in the far distance. “Almost home,” Applejack said.

Rainbow Dash squinted at the black dot that was thr train station and snorted. “Yeah, almost…” She smiled as best she could through the cut on her lip. “That was some stampede, wasn’t it?”

“It sure was. I reckon I don’t recall so many Timberwolves in one place before.”

“Wait ‘till the others here about it!”

Applejack smirked. “With the scars we’ve got, I’d be surprised if we even get a word in.”

Rainbow Dash grinned. “Ha! Yeah. The map sent the right ponies for the job.”

“Sure did. Rarity would’ve fainted on the spot.”

They shared a chuckle. Suddenly, Applejack’s injured hoof collided with a rock. She gasped sharply and stumbled. “A.J.!” Rainbow Dash shouted, stretching out her good wing to catch and steady her friend. “Are you okay?”

Applejack squeezed her eyes shut tight and bit down on her lip. Then her lips pursed as she nodded. “Mmmhmm.

Rainbow Dash glanced around and nodded her head to the side. “C’mon, let’s sit down for a second.”

“I said I’m alright,” Applejack said stubbornly. “We gotta keep goin' or we’ll miss our train.”

“They’ll be another train,” Rainbow Dash said. “You’re hurt, A.J. If you don't sit down now, you'll only make it worse!”


“I said,” Rainbow's eyes blazed. “Sit. DOWN!”

The two of them stared each other down until Applejack snorted. “Fine.” She sat onto her haunches and crossed her forelegs. “There. You happy now?”

Rainbow smiled in satisfaction and sat down beside her. “Mmmhmm!”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Just don’t go complainin’ to me if we end up waitin’ another hour for the next train to Ponyville.”

“Just sit back and appreciate the fact that I’m right, A.J.”

Applejack did a more exaggerated eye-roll, but said nothing.

They sat in silence. Rainbow flexed out her good wing while Applejack stared at the splotch of red that seeped through the bandage. “That Timberwolf had sharp teeth,” she murmured, turning it over. She looked at Rainbow Dash, smiling jokingly. “Think it makes me look tough?”

“Sure,” the pegasus replied. “But you gotta admit…” She turned around, revealing a deep scratch on her back between her wings. “I think I’ve one-upped you this time.”

Applejack’s smile faded a bit. “Eeyup. I guess you did.” She pointed a hoof. “This time.” Rainbow turned back around. “Ya ought to be more careful next time.”

Rainbow shrugged nonchalantly. “Eh. It happens. I’ve gotten kind of used to it at this point. The real pain in the flank is the hospital bills.” Her mouth turned lopsided. “But you almost never get hurt. If anypony should be more careful, it’s you.”

“What, you think I haven’t gotten into a few tumbles before? This is nothing.” She sighed as she looked at the ground. “The doctor’s probably gonna tell me to take it easy for a while. That means less time on the farm. I just hope it heals fast.”

Rainbow Dash played with her hooves and looked away. “Well, at least you’re...I mean, I’m glad that…” She gently punched Applejack’s good shoulder. “Well, y’know.”

Applejack smiled and gave a nod. “Thanks. Same here.”

They lapsed back into silence. Rainbow wished the conversation wasn't so awkward. She and Applejack didn’t usually get all mushy with each other when it came to these things. It was different with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. They were the kind of ponies that she was more open with, because it was just easier. Twilight always saw right through her feelings, more than Rainbow would like to admit.

Rarity was a little bit harder to communicate with, since they both sent off all sorts of different signals that the other didn’t quite understand, but she was still easy to talk to.

Applejack, however, was a different case. She was a blast to hang out with and a worthy competitor in athletic events. When they weren’t arguing, they actually had a pretty tight bond, although neither of them ever openly mentioned that they did. She and Applejack already knew how they felt about each other. It didn’t need to be said. They just knew.

So Rainbow found it to be more than difficult to try to get the words out.

“I’m uh...I really am glad you’re okay,” Applejack said, breaking her thoughts. “That fight wasn’t easy. You did pretty good out there. I’m really impressed.”

“Thanks.” Rainbow smiled. “You totally saved my flank back there. If it weren’t for you, I probably wouldn't be sitting here right now.” She scratched the back of her neck.

Applejack’s expression crossed between smug and caring. “Awww, lookit you, gettin’ all sentimental.”

“S-Sentimental? Psssh, please. You’re the one going all…” She rung her hooves together and stars appeared in her eyes. “ ‘Oh, Rainbow Dash!" she trilled in a terrible southern accent. "Ahm so glad you’re alright! I don’t know what ah’d do without you, ohhhh!’

The pegasus cackled as Applejack pushed her. “You know what I mean, miss thanks-for-saving-my-life. You’re welcome, by the way!”

“Hey, I did say thank you!”

“I know.” Applejack grunted as she slowly stood back up. “I think I’m okay to walk now.” Rainbow nodded and rose with her. She hesitated before she gave Applejack a hug. The farm pony's eyes widened a little before smiling and hugging her back.“I know we don’t really say this to each other much like the rest of our friends,” she said. “But I just want you to know that I care about ya. And I’m glad we’re friends.”

Rainbow looked a little embarrassed, but the corners of her mouth lifted. “I care about you too….doofus.” As they pulled apart, Rainbow added, “You’re...not gonna say anything to the others are you?”

“‘Course not. We got a reputation to uphold after all.”

“Agreed.” She laughed suddenly. “Because, wow that was sappy.”

Applejack echoed the laugh. "Yeah, it was." They continued down the road. "But I think it's okay to be sappy once in a while."

Author's Note:

Been waiting to write these two. Although they don't interact as much, I can tell they're great friends. I've never seen them hug each other specifically, or have a heart to heart with each other like the rest of the mane six, so I thought it'd be nice to do.

I mean, they're the toughest of the mane six, what's not cool about that? The girl power is strong with these two! :rainbowdetermined2:

Comments ( 24 )

You should go into writing about lesbian shipping. You've already got the dynamic part down.

7831019 Thanks, but I'm not into the ship...though I can see why people like it so much. It holds water.

Interesting! I love how it came out.

At first I thought it was a AppleDash romance story where one of them was a Tsundere or something. Still gonna read it! :ajsmug::rainbowdetermined2:

That was sweet! In a tough, yeah I'm alright kind of way.


7831019 Not everyone wants to write shipping. Not everyone who does write shipping wants to write lesbian shipping. Let people write what they want to write. :twilightsmile:

Being a ship and holding water are generally opposite concepts.

I actually liked that this story wasn't outright romance. These two were actually quite in-character to my eye. You made it seem like they're hiding so much more for each other that they haven't shared and probably won't -- at least, not for a while -- and there was plenty of emotion to be found in there. The fact that the... "romance" was all there but not overt was a breath of fresh air. They didn't need to suck each others' faces off or pull the cliche, "I've always sorta liked you," "Really?" trope. You could just feel the subtext in their words and actions, and that left far more of an impact on me.

I've been waiting for a long time for an AppleDash story just like this one, and I'm glad you shared it. So, thank you for doing so. :twilightsmile:

Set #9 · Dec 31st, 2016 · · 5 ·

Was this an AppleDash fic? Cause im getting the secret-crush-between-two-ponies-that-nopony-realizes vibe here xD

That was very sweet, proof they are good together without a full on ship.

7832392 I'm glad you enjoyed it :twilightsmile::heart:
7832463 Nope!

Love this. My best friend and I have this kind of relationship-we've been friends for over twenty years and we're honestly more like sisters than friends (I'm an only child, and there's a ten year gap between her and her closest sibling). We don't get mushy, but while my husband is my soul mate, she's my person. She's also the one I'd call to bring whiskey, a tarp and a shovel if needed :twilightsmile:

:ajsmug: "Tell the world that you love me, brah."
:rainbowkiss: "I love you, brah."
:applejackunsure: "Why'd you whisper, brah?"
:rainbowdetermined2: "YOU are my world, brah."

i'll admit, i thought it was indeed a lesbian shipping fic...glad i was wrong XD cool story brah

This is exactly how I think they'd express their sentiments for each other.

An engaging exchange between two of the more 'rough and tumble' ponies. Nicely written. Thanks for sharing. :twilightsmile:

Quite well characterized for the both of them. There's a lot that gets said without being said. I have this relationship with a number of my closest friends. It's always refreshing to see such a tight friendship portrayed so well.

Even the little aside where it's noted why it's easier to talk to the others said a lot with few words. I particularly liked the mention that Twilight always seems to see through whatever airs are put on; that's been something that she's been good at since season 1, but people seldom comment on it (at least that I've seen).

That was really sweet. I’m not a fan of romantic AppleDash, but I definitely friendship it. And this story really does capture their friendship.:heart:

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