• Member Since 19th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen July 10th


Makes ponies cry


Applejack dares Rainbow Dash to dig a hole.

Rainbow Dash digs herself into a hole.

Based on a true story.

Spanish translation

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 34 )

I read it when it was first posted. Now I'm reading it again.

It's still great. Taking a year off didn't hurt you're head too much, I'd think.

I like this one. It's funny.

Well, that took a sudden turn for the bizarre. :rainbowhuh:

Hoofington managed to trick a Hydra into getting its head stuck in a trench like this”

Missing period.
No wonder the Krieg Death Corps are so effective! Step 1: Dig trench. Step 2: ??? Step 3: Profit! :raritystarry:

Despite your long ponywords hiatus Thanq, you have - as I expected - have lost nothing.

Gloriously hysterical!

Good, but it could have been more. I was expecting actual consequences to Dash playing around with the Destiny spell that never materialized, for example.

Still, it was funny.

...How are people finding this funny?


But whats keeping flying opponents from just dropping rocks on the earth ponies hiding in the trench?

It's still just a hole in the ground, but an effective hole in the ground.

The subsequent difficulty in excavating lunch for one thing.

5449801 I'd imagine a few planks of wood over the top.

If they come down to yank the wood off, you jump up and whack 'em with your shovels.

If ya'll are fighting anything much smarter than that then ya'll are in the market for something a mite more robust than a trench.

I don't get what AJ means by the S.L.T. at the end. "Special Lieutenant Trench"?

5458835 try saying it aloud like one word instead of three letters. That's what she meant.

I wrote a review of this story. It can be found here.

That escalated wonderfully.

“Rainbow Dash?” said Princess Celestia. “You’re… early.”


Oy Thanqol.

Welcome back :pinkiegasp: :heart: :rainbowkiss:

*grins* odd but fun, bravo.

This is spectacular.

Always trust the Element of Honesty. :ajsmug:

Good thing Rainbow Dash managed to learn a lesson after realizing how hard it is to dig a trench. :rainbowdetermined2:

I still don't get it! DX
All that comes to mind is explicit and I really doubt she would use words like that in the current situation.

This was fun. Now I want explore the consequences of ponies abusing the starswirl spell.

I didn't know you were back!
It's good to have you back into horseword, Thanqol. This story was fun, and I look forward to what you may do in the future.

This is actually a rarity for me:
A story where RD essentially makes a fool of herself that actually works.

and earth ponies probably have creepy magical dirt powers.

It's been a while since I literally laughed out loud but that line did it! Have an upvote.

Rainbow Dash couldn’t get out of bed until late afternoon, excepting brief passages to and from the ice box to eat anything that looked vaguely organic. She’d never been more tired in her life. This was insane. She was an athlete! She should be able to handle a little dirt!


“From one to another, another to one. A mark of one’s destiny singled out alone, fulfilled…” said Rainbow Dash, reading aloud from the ancient tome of Starswirl the Bearded’s final spell.


“No, really, when did this happen?” said Celestia with concern, horn glowing as she pulled large, floating screens towards her. Rainbow Dash was sure she could see herself in some of them.


This story made me tear up laughing. Especially Celestia's part and Spike's non-reaction to the entire ordeal. Well done.

“I need you to take my wings away!”


“Like the opposite of what you did with Twilight!”

“I -“

“Just for a day!”

“… Why?”

“So I can be an earth pony and beat Applejack at digging…” Rainbow Dash stopped talking. “I guess that was even dumber than it sounded in my head.”

Princess Celestia actually laughed. “Yes, Rainbow Dash. Yes it was. Go home.”


Hilarious. Love AJ keeping cool through Dashie's rainting.

This ws hilarious and adorable. :rainbowlaugh:

I would venture to guess she means "salty", but I ain't sure..

Half expecting a equstria wide trench not for dashie to become the alicorn of stuboness

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