Twilight Sparkle once heard an old wives' tale that warned against eating two bananas.
Twilight Sparkle is going to prove that wrong by eating exactly two bananas.
Or, at least she thinks she is.
We’ve got dents and we’ve got quirks, but it’s our flaws that make us work.
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This speaks to me.
Like this?
Very...bananan-y. Cool though, made me chuckle. Nice job!
7384486 Not quite, no.
I'm glad you liked it, though!
7384489 That was the intended purpose of this story, yeah.
7384499 Did you just come up with this after eating exactly two bananas since this story is bananas?
7384504 No, it was before the OC panel and someone brought up that you shouldn't eat two bananas and we got into this whole ten minute digression about why two bananas and what would constitute two bananas and this is my interpretation of why you don't eat two bananas in Equestria.
Nice little story. Just creepy enough for me to never eat two bananas ever.
Good job.
7384506 The OC panel was great.
That was me, and it was the Legends of Equestria panel. One of the loading screen messages that the game has is something like "It had been scientifically proven that you cannot eat two bananas."
No reasons. No explanations. Just that.
I'm also glad that Biscuit isn't the only one who vomits crazy all over his documents.
2 savg 4 mi
cant handl u m8
7384533 Yeah, I figured why not have fun with it?
I also wanted to experiment with a bit of magical realism in my writing and I figured what better venue than going bananas?
*potassium intensifies*
7384516 Thank you!
Everyone should know the dangers of eating two bananas.
Goddamit, Syeekoh.
You know what have been worse than eating exactly two bananas? Eating exactly two bananas and drinking one liter of Sprite. If you want melty walls, that will give you slippery corn.
*Logic walks in* No. *throws Logic out* You're not welcome here. This is where the fun people hang out.
Did Pinkie ever eat two bananas?
If so, did she manage to eat a third one in time?
7384733 One would assume so.
Unless she's forever two bananas.
Bananas are radioactive, you know.
Just my two bits.
7384758 I will keep that in mind, good sir.
This all makes perfect sense.
7384849 Doesn't it?
“Pinkie Pie.”
“Just what is it exactly do you think the big fella likes to eat?”
“Well duh... He’s made out of metal! Therefore, I can only postulate that he comes from a world where everything is metal. Maybe not even a world at all! If a star were to eventually burn itself out, and leave nothing but a hot core of degenerate matter with a surface of heavy metals floating on top, that could be where he’s from! Oooh, wouldn’t that be exciting! He might even feel like he could fly here, given how much lighter everything would be! And maybe he can see with X-rays too, because all other forms of in-falling light would be blue-shifted towards the high energy end of the spectrum!”
Applejack and Fluttershy winced painfully.
“And, based on all that gobbledygook, you think that he eats...”
“Arrrghhh... Pinkie, did it not occur to you that he was here, just this morning? And he didn’t eat the silverware for breakfast.”
“Whaaat? When was he here?”
“He was with that other officer pony - the first one that you scared away with your stupid mountain of cupcakes.”
“You mean that tall mostly hairless monkey thing in a wool suit that could balance itself on two legs?”
“One and the same.”
“Then that metal thing...”
“Was him, wearing some kinda suit of armor.”
“So he...”
“Probably won’t eat these!” Applejack slapped her hoof down on the pile of cast iron cookies with high carbon steel chips.
I love bananas, and when I heard that you couldn't eat more than one I was confused.
I then realized that I had at no point eaten more than one banana in one sitting before then.
I tried to eat two bananas.
I failed.
Not only radioactive, but shares an 11% overlap with Human DNA.
So potentially she could become 11% Spider Man.
im not sure. She has only half of the required legs to become spiderpone.
7384758 but who can eat the literally, literally 10,000,000 bananas at once it would take for that to kill you? Or the 274 per day over 10 years for mild chronic side effects?
(Just busting your chops. Thanks for the tee shirt )
I liked this a bunch. Gj maj
7385159 Thanks!
It was fun to write.
And this is the point in which twilight realises why pinkie is the way she is and jams a banana down her throat
Pinkie Pie knows what happens when you eat two bananas. When she was ten, she ate exactly two bananas and hasn't touched one since.
She's learned to cope. Though the loss of banana cream pie and banana bread was at first difficult, she's soldiered on.
Unless Twilight is assumed to never have eaten any bananas before, the problem is clearly not eating two bananas; it's consciously eating two bananas. Since any number of bananas eaten after your first three contains multiple sets of two bananas.
(Let's not tell Twilight.)
No, this was fun to write.
The hot humid musk of Baltimore suffocates you like God's enormous unwashed ballsack the moment you step out the door. A sea of brick beckons the journey of a thousand steps between the gleaming glass zoo of migratory humans and the organic hive of stone and streets known as Charm City. You put your best foot forward, feeling it stick slightly against the pervasive brownish ichor of regurgitated alcohol and caramelized human waste. Once more unto the breech, you think sympathetically of your emaciated wallet. Once more, we shall feast together, guided by the electronic whim of our silicon leash, boldly striding forward with your compatriots in tow, ignoring the predatory growls of the steel beasts that sit and swelter in furious impotent rage. The group trails behind like the stretching swirling arc of a doomed star orbiting the cusp of matters doom. They will find their way regardless, driven by primal urges more base than feeding or fornication. The final hours are at hand. The sixty dollar meal is but a garnish next to the consummation that will slake our true hunger. We take our seats at the table in the same manner of fish returning to spawn and mate. We are an eclectic orgy of Venn diagrams. Minds fertile, with ideas ready to pollinate.
"Hey, I was wondering if you want to read this story I wrote."
Such madness and nonsense
Holy synaesthesia, batman!
This was funny.
7385840 Yay, someone noticed!
7386284 I'm going to frame this comment on my wall.
The word "What" is the only thing I've said since reading this title.
Like and favorited. I've lived a good life having read this.
7386503 Perfect.
7386728 Exactly.
As son as i saw the title i realised that THIS is what my life has been leading to.
I'm not sure what just happened.... but it tasted delicious
7386999 I'm glad that you realized your purpose in life.
7387097 Feelsgreen.jpg
I can think of no one better suited to guide Twilight away from the shores of madness. A beautiful study of synesthesia and friendship. Thank you for it.
You're welcome!
I'm not sure what i read, but it feels like you have experience in this sort of field of quackery. I'll leave the advanced things up to you, I like my sanity.
7387396 ...I concede that maybe Celestia could. Well done.
That was appealing. *gives you a hand*