• Member Since 11th Jul, 2012
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Lucky Seven

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Comments ( 22 )

Nice Story, Nerd :heart:

Pretty cute little story and it is time Glimmy gets a bit more attention in 2nd person stories.

T'was a good read!

To the one guy down voting mine and Priests comment: You only make my penis harder.

A pleasure to read, as always. For someone who isn't used to writing clop, you did a pretty solid job here. Nice going man.

I already texted you my thoughts on this, so I'll spare the details. Either way, I'm glad to see you being so productive on the site. It really inspires me when my friends put out content.

I felt ecstasy while reading this. Thank you for giving me these types of fan fics since Starlight is my waifu. I could even hear my heart giggling.


To the one guy down voting mine and Priests comment: You only make my penis harder.

I'm gonna start saying this :rainbowlaugh:

That was cute. Also hot, but mostly cute

Not bad. Could have used more cuddles though description said lots of cuddling D:

This was a nice little read.:twilightsmile:

Very nice! That was a pleasant read. :twilightsmile:

Only "complaint" was it was fast for me to read. Not saying you wrote it too short, I just read really fast. Left me wanting more. So, yes, excellent read!
I just need to slow down when reading, is all.

Wow! That was really good. I...must have more! :raritystarry:

... Starlight Glimmer? I make sweet sweet love to Starlight Glimmer?... Well, if she's devoted to changing, then I could go with that. I'd also be a massive adjustment for the ponies as well. I'm a human, their ponies. She used to take cutie marks, and now she's trying to change. We'd probably hook up faster than a fish to a fishing pole!

"You are here to Watch Trixie's assistant, Starlight. Your marefriend."

Instant fave and follow ! Starlight best pony ! :heart:

7625746 I had no clue this was even made, as I was inactive on here recently. Thanks for letting me know!

Won't favourite this as I'm trying to maintain plausible deniability as to my connection to the darker side of FimFic, but I enjoyed this a lot. Starlight is my favourite pony and this is the first second person story I've seen with her in it. Little rushed, but then again, 99% of flop is.

Don't tell anyone I was here. Pretty please? :fluttercry:

7813121 It's too late, I've alerted the federation of your transgressions.

7813455 You'll never take me alive!

This is adorable..... and sexy...... you could say it was adorasexy :twilightsmile:

Is this just a one-shot or will there be a sequel?

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