• Published 14th Mar 2016
  • 16,360 Views, 226 Comments

Why No One Messes With Luna - scion

The Reapers are invading Equestria, intent upon destroying and enslaving the upstart ponies before they can affect the rest of the cycle. Unfortunately for them, Luna stands in their way.

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Luna appeared in her bedroom in the Canterlot Palace in a flash of light.

Fighting had gone on for several more hours, both in space and on the ground, but it was nearly over now. The end was in sight.

Every Ascended ship in orbit of Equestria, from the smallest Oculi to the largest of dreadnoughts, had been destroyed or had fled the field. Some were now clouds of debris, others were drifting hulks, and more than a few lay broken upon her celestial body, something she was NOT happy about. Necessary it may have been, but it would take her years to clean the hulks off her Moon, something that she was not looking forward to. But, Equestria was safe, the Ascended had retreated, and her stars informed her that no more ships had come through the relay.

She had kept abreast of the situation on the ground as well, and was gladdened to see that her trust in Commander Shepard had not been misplaced. Shepard had carved through their enemies like a knife through butter, destroying the Ascended general with relative ease before assisting in the cleanup of the rest of the cybernetic monstrosities in the area. With their direction gone, the remaining slaves were being pushed back at a rapid pace on all fronts. Many areas were now nearly free of the vermin.

“Ganon,” she called out.

A illusionary pony appeared near the door, dipping his head respectfully to her. Black coated, with a fiery orange mane and golden eyes, the well built earth pony stallion Arcane Intelligence was Luna’s personal assistant. Celestia preferred using ponies as her assistants, and had often badgered her about her decision to use an AI, saying it would be a more personal touch to have a flesh and blood assistant, but Luna found that the knowledge and utility of an AI assistant with access to Canterlot’s computers outweighed the public appearance benefits of a real pony.

“Princess,” he greeted smoothly.

“Has Shepard's team arrived at the palace?” she asked, heading to her private wash chambers. While one would be hard pressed to say that she had just spent the last twenty hours fighting nearly non-stop, she was not, in her opinion, ready to receive visitors. Not that she thought that Shepard, who wore armor when not in combat, would mind, but Luna would mind. If she was to be representing the Diarchy, she would do so at her best.

“They have, my Princess,” Ganon informed her through the door. “They are currently awaiting you in the palace foyer. I have taken the liberty of having a variety of refreshments sent to them while they wait.”

“Excellent,” she replied. Luna looked longingly at the bath before removing her armor and stepping into the shower. Mindful that she was on a clock, she was quick to cleanse herself, and was out of the shower in under five minutes. Upon stepping out, she was met with a number of maids, summoned by Ganon no doubt, who quickly set to work with brush, makeup, clippers, and other beauty products. Ten minutes later, Luna stepped out of the washroom looking every inch the regal sovereign of a nation.

Slipping on her royal adornments, Luna paused to check herself in the mirror. Satisfied, she stepped out of her suite and headed towards the throne room, Ganon quick to fall into step just slightly behind her.

“Has my sister been informed of our victory and our guests?”

“Yes. However, she has informed us that she intends to remain in the Badlands until we are certain there are no more Ascended coming. She says that she has full confidence in your diplomatic abilities.”

The butterflies returned in full force to her stomach, but she forced them down. She was both flattered at the confidence and mildly annoyed that her sister would leave such important negotiations to her alone when it should have been both of them; Luna had no doubt that her sister was staying out at her shield station more out of the desire to let Luna handle the negotiations than she was concerned about further attack.

“Very well,” she replied. “I assume that Doctor Mind is still safe?”

“Yes, the Royal Guard evacuated her and her work prior to her laboratory being overrun in Ponyville. She is currently in the palace, and has continued to refine her work.”

“Excellent. Please inform Doctor Mind that I request her presence in the throne room in half an hour, that should give me sufficient time to greet our guests. I feel that our anti-Indoctrination research could prove valuable in securing their assistance.”

She paused for a moment, thinking.

“Additionally, please inform our allied ambassadors that we are entertaining friendly alien guests. I do not wish for them to intrude upon our initial discussion, but invite them all to dinner and begin preparations for such a banquet. I do not know if Shepard can afford to stay so long but they must be informed, with or without Shepard’s presence.”

“You know the griffons and yaks both will consider this an insult, your highness.”

Luna rolled her eyes. “Yes, yes. And I know the minotaurs will have sharp words with us as well. But we have all agreed to the terms of the alliance, and thus they can all be assured that we both speak for them and speak in their best interests. I shall deal with them later as needed.”

Ganon’s eyes narrowed. “Do not blame me when you cannot be rid of them so easily.”

“Of course not,” Luna replied.

Luna’s magic opened the side doors, allowing them into the throne room. She was quick to trot up to the thrones and to take hers, settling herself upon the cushion. Ganon took a seat below the dias and to her left, ready to provide any input or perform any service she requested.

Casting one last look at her sister’s empty throne, Luna nodded to the door guard, and began Equestria’s first steps into the galactic community.

Author's Note:

Equestria Military Assets: 100
While unable to contribute to combat or muster a fleet, Equestria nonetheless offers an important contribution to the war effort: the eventual de-indoctrination of any individual that has not been augmented by Reaper cybernetics. It will take time and extensive study to provide a cure for each species, but the knowledge that such a cure is now possible has bolstered morale across the galaxy.

Well, there it is. I hope you enjoyed the short story.

I've posted some additional blogs to fill in a bit more background, and to show some of the miscellaneous thoughts that I wrote down about this story and its predecessor. For those looking for information on the nature and portrayal of Celestia and Luna, head over here. For additional universe background information and other miscellaneous thoughts, go here.

Final note: there was a lot of vitriol in the comments of the last story. Please keep this one civil, there is no need for personal insults. I will start warning people and deleting posts if it gets out of control again.

Comments ( 151 )

XD jk jk

Nice job. The only issue I have with this fic or its predecessor is the fact that Cadance and Twilight are implied by their absence to not be immortal themselves, but that is hardly a dealbreaker for me. I just like all of my alicorns to be demigods, as you put it. Anyway, this was a fun little romp through Bioware's best franchise.

More. I want more please. I just finished and I'd like more of this storyline.

The thing about ponies is, they only LOOK cute and cuddly. As this proves. Hope to see more.

Alright, that's two of four princess accounted for in the Awesome books! Now if you excuse me, I'm going to steeple my fingers and chuckle with maddening glee at the thought of how the other two can handle the Reapers. :pinkiehappy::facehoof:

Edit: On second thought, I would love to see Spike & Twilight handle Reapers, and Cadance tangle with the Citadel Council.

That was fun. I'm hoping someone will pick this up and run with it. Looking forward to more.
Keep up the good work. Deus tecum.

I know this is just for fun and all but I'm sorry, my suspension of disbelief just cannot handle this.

Celestia and Luna do not have this kind of power, a single Reaper destroyer would absolutely mop the floor with them, and I defy you to give me a canon example that suggests they are capable of so much as scratching a Reaper.

Hell, Tirek and Supercharged!Twilight, the two most powerful beings to have ever appeared on the show, are still nothing compared to what the Reapers are shown and described to be capable of in Mass Effect.

Wow. I have to say, that was pretty awesome! i had always suspected that Celestia and Luna were more -MUCH more- powerful than they let on,
Either way, this had a little suspense, a little action, a little comedy and a satisfying conclusion. Enough reason in my mind to give this 10/10 on the :yay:itude meter! The Reapers are gonna get it now!

Bendy #9 · Mar 14th, 2016 · · 2 ·


This is clearly an alternate universe, so I can roll with it.

What I'd love to see, despite Luna and Celestia being so overpowered is to befriend and come to the aid of the other sapient species across the galaxy against the Reapers.

Topped off with them being sickened by Reapers' genocides of species... and then Luna and Celestia become even more overpowered, fueled by anger and wanting justice for what the Reapers have done to so many species.

Regardless, I shall give this a read when I've got time.

This story is awesome, and I hope you right more in this universe. However, why did you name Luna's AI Ganon?

I'd like to see more, specially the relations that would develop from here onwards. Even if not even a single equestrian left the planet, the 20 odd dreadnaughts destroyed and couple thousand destroyers would be more than most species would have done. Not to mention how magic knowledge might help citadel races get out of the mass effect based tech restriction.

A sequel maybe, telling how it went? No powers or action needed, just the relations would be marvelous.:raritystarry:

Oh i love these stories. I really want to see Discord do some fighting, maybe even Twilight and Cadence. Just maybe have Tirek a good guy and help lol anyone would be awesome to read


Error in the story description.

Ah, always fun to see a roflstomp by the Princesses.

I enjoyed these stories more than I enjoyed playing Mass Effect.

Okay, now we need one titled: "Why no one messes with Discord." That needs to happen. I want to see Discord go absolutely nova and kill everything in sight. We just don't have enough darkfics of that nature out there to satisfy my desire for destruction.

7028735 Nah, you don't mess with Discord because he's impossibly annoying and he knows where you sleep. :rainbowlaugh:

I definitely hope to see more of this crossover in the future. It's delightful to watch the pony princesses deliver well-deserved comeuppances. :pinkiehappy:

7028735 Not to self-promote, but my story King of the Dead might be up your alley

7028802 I'll have a look at it ;)

7028763 ... yeah I'd still read that.

This was fun! Got my fingers crossed for a future installment where the Mane Six (with perhaps a little assistance) join in on the greater fight.

What happened to the Solar Explorer?

I'm gonna echo others here and say I'd love a sequel with Twilight and/or Cadance, though, I don't know how they'd fit in.

I'd also love to see the council's reaction to Shepard.
"So, you know those hundreds of Reapers we followed? Yeah, they're all destroyed. By one person, sorry, one pony, who used a moon as a wrecking ball. Here's a cure for indoctrination that they developed, as well. Oh yeah, we are also interested invited to a banquet."
"..." "..." "..."


The AI of the Solar Explorer was named Epona. A clever Legend of Zelda reference.

A Discord fic like this would be awesome. He would have the Reapers fleeing without actually destroying any of them. :pinkiehappy:

Loved both stories so far, would really like to see a longer story in this universe you created.
Good work. :twilightsmile:

It seemed appropriate, and I wanted to keep the Zelda naming convention for AIs from the last story too. :pinkiehappy:

Whoops.... :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:
You didn't see anything...

I have jokingly thrown that idea around in my head. That being said, right now I'm not completely sure I can write Discord in his proper insanity, so I don't feel comfortable right now.... but maybe.

Well, good news is there is a chance that there are ground-side facilities that could hold both her Solar Explorer and her sister's Veil of the Night. Bad news is, that's a very small chance. What I see as more likely is that they are unfortunately destroyed... if they were in orbit, they were priority targets for the Reapers because they think all Equestrian capital ships can produce a beam of plasma out of nowhere.... sorry :fluttercry:

7029033 well too bad the reapers did not relise that the princess did this herself. personally would love an in-depth description of both ships

Awesome story!
Would love to see it turned into a series

Since Shepard and his friends helped Equestria, the ponies must help Earth and rest of the planets under attack from the Reapers.

The catalyst will be pissing his pants once he faces alicorns.


Excellent job again. This is just as good as the first. I also love the fact that you captured Luna's awkwardness.

It pairs well with Celestia's internal serinty.

Considering the fact that Reapers should have totally won in ME3, judging from the capabilities they demonstrate in previous games? Victory of ponies against Reapers here was no more SoD-breaking for me than victory of Citadel species in the game.

If you want a more serious take on the capabilities of ponies and Reapers - Celestia and Luna either: a) rotate the planet they are on to facilitate artificial day/night cycle, b) move their sun and moon, or c) cast planet-wide illusion capable of providing entire world with enough sunlight/energy to survive without an actual sun. Either way they seem to generate and control more energy and have more power than the entire Reaper fleet.

In case of them moving a sun close to our own in mass - by moving it 'just' at the speed our Earth moves around our sun - they impart upon it kinetic energy only ~12 times less than total mass-energy of our Earth. Trying to compare two entirely different settings by using our laws of physics seems silly to you yet?
(I understand that my example isn't entirely correct - for example, speed that a star would have to be moving at around a planet in order to provide ~24-hour day with the planet not rotating around its axis would be much higher, but it suffices here, I think)

When one crosses an obviously cartoonish setting with actual magic present(and where friendship seems to be a quantifiable physical force) and a somewhat hard sci-fi setting they can interpret power scales in any way they want because one can't make an objective scale for compairson that wouldn't be just silly in some aspects, in my opinion.

Great story! I think you should be writing more of these kinds of stories, they really captured my attention. Especially parts about spacefaring, and the personalities you gave Luna and Celestia. I think it is refreshing to see the two Di-archs completely overpowered, though I think if you do continue this series or start another one like this one, you should give them enemies in similar strength. The descriptions and vocabulary were great and this gets a fave.

7028479 DBZ

Think about it, They become powerful enough to destroy planets in the first season, and every season afterward becomes a progression in both power and control, who's to say that they cannot do such things in large scale, but in small scale they are disadvantaged by that same fact. Magic does not make logical or quantifiable sense, science cannot fully explain its existence. and this story makes the best explanation of how things would go down in this kind of situation.

Looking forward to whether the author continues the series with cadence and Twilight scenarios after this one. Also love luna here.

Did Twilight become a head in a jar like Futurama?

Also it would be awesome to see the ground story from Shepard perspective. You could write two versions one with female pronouns and the other with male.

Posted one day before my birthday, CLOSE ENOUGH!!!

Thank you for this AWSOME birthday present!


I could see the Reapers doing that. Maybe Luna's stars were preventing the Reapers from using the relay the other way?

I know it wasn't expressly mentioned but that could be a possible reason.

If the we're tiny stars it might prevent FTL droves from activating because of the celestial bodies near by. They would have to use the non FTL drives and that could take days to get to an edge of a star system.

I personally would love to see the adorkable side of Liara or Vega.

I wonder what nickname he would give Luna and Celestia?

This story is now at the very TOP of the featured list!

I can't wait for the finale of this: "Why No One Messes With Equestria."

This was so freaking awesome!!!!!
This is Perfect!!! We need this as a DLC for Mass Effect!!!

We should have a follow up...

"Why no one messes with Cadance,"

This will display Cadance's role in developing said cure, and prove she and Chryssie agree that the reapers are going down hard.

7029033 lets just say that the AI onboard was removed and placed in the palace

7029033 You think that the next one should be: "Why no one messes with Twilight"? Or "Why no one messes with Cadence"?

The Shepard side of the story would be an astounding addition.

Still awesome like the prequel. I look forward to the next installment.

-Sanity is overrated

7029375 My thought's this: Luna just shifted the moon's orbit and smashed a big chunk of the fleet. We haven't actually had time to see the Reapers' reaction yet - might be that they'll withdraw after all.

"Have you ever watched two gods fight? I have. You don't want to."

"Ever fought a god?"

Just brings it back around, don't mess with gods, don't anger the gods. You won't survive.

Not going to lie. I loooooooove stories portraying the two sisters overwhelming their foes with righteous indignation. Positively delicious.:pinkiehappy:

I so love these kinds of overwhelming badassery stories.

I wasn't expecting a sequel, but I loved the last one. :twilightsmile: This was just as great! You just earned a follow, my friend. I look forward to reading your next works. I really hope you continue with this universe.

Hydrodynamic liquid metal weapons?

Havent seen that since Arthur C Clarkes Earthlight, and the Darpa announcement back in 2008. Popped up in a couple other fanfics Ive seen, often to the sight of the person mentioned to paling in horror.

Wonder why a 2 km long accelerator is only giving a half megaton yield? Id consider something that low on ships Id want, to be the equivalent of putting a barrel cleaner through. I mean, BOLOs are only a couple tens of metres long, and as related to the Kamchatka nuclear pumped particle beam cannon, they have yields in tens of megatons per shot. And thats even before you add in coherency, Q compression, as used in NIF inertial confinement fusion research, and UWB temporal chirp compression.

Id want to work with Luna on modifying, modulating and integrating her starfield. You would just Wish it was merely mines. And not a Resident Evil class star powered laser grid. :trollestia:


Even simpler, they are related to G0 type stars. Send them in to the centre of the densest mass on the target, then crank up the stellar core temperatures and expand to say a km in size for a few seconds, burning target mass for fuel, then return to normal size? I mean, theres far less than a thousand Reaper ships there and 3000 stars currently.

Wonder if they can be programmed or spelled for Cerberus class guarding and send them through the Mass Relays themselves> With the right property alteration spells their mass would be stellar class internally, just not reacting with the universe or relays, until they do.

Ever thought what happens when you put a small black hole down the barrel of a planet killing weapon? Maybe something like putting a Davy Crocket down the barrel of an artillery gun? :moustache:

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