• Member Since 9th Apr, 2014
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Stray thoughts. · 8:47pm Apr 24th, 2015

Sometimes you get these ideas for a story where the idea itself might be good, but the story it'd produce would be rubbish.
It's both infuriating and depressing since it reminds you of how awful a writer you are, but still makes you want to write it and suffer the embarrassment. On the other hand it's a wonderful distraction on a monotonous job

Anyhow. Idea! :raritystarry:

Report Asheram · 422 views ·
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Thank you for having added Welcome Home Soldier to your favorites. I'm really grateful for that, hope you continue to enjoy it sugarcube. :ajsmug: :eeyup:


Thanks for adding CMC4EVR to your favorites. Give it an upvote if you haven’t already. :heart:

2419412 To the shame of my parents, neither. Though I wouldn't say no to a cold glass of milk?

Hiyah! Thanks a bunch for the favorite on The Immortal's Burden. I'm really glad that you liked it! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for adding Blank to your favorites!

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