• Published 4th Jan 2016
  • 2,928 Views, 43 Comments

Colts Will Be Colts - Trick Question

A little colt is afraid of everypony except Scootaloo, but what makes her so special?

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Colts Will Be Colts

"Fillies and colts, I'm pleased to announce we have a new student today. This is Sassy Shrimp, and he'll be joining grade one," said Cheerilee.

A tiny cyan head with curly golden locks shyly poked its way out from behind the teacher.

"Pfft, what a runt," giggled Diamond Tiara. Sassy's eyes widened and he quickly cowered back behind Cheerilee.

Scootaloo scowled in Diamond Tiara's direction. "Lay off him, Diamond Tiara," she spat.

"Scootaloo's right," said Apple Bloom. "You're s'poseda try to be nice now, remember?"

"Ugh. Sorry, Sassy," she moaned. "But I was just stating a fact. He's small."

Cheerilee took a deep breath and put on a forced smile. "Yes, he is. But keep in mind, everypony in this room was that small at some point, too," she said.

"Even you, Mith Cheerilee?" gasped Peppermint Twist.

Cheerilee blushed slightly. "Yes, even me, although that was many years ago. Ponies grow up at different speeds, but Sassy recently turned six. That means he's old enough to join grade one now, so he'll be here whenever grade one is scheduled."

Sassy peeked out from behind Cheerilee and locked eyes with Scootaloo, who flashed the little colt a grin to make him feel more comfortable. Wow, she was right—he really is tiny, thought Scootaloo.

"Why don't you go take that empty seat?" asked Cheerilee, motioning Sassy forward with a hoof. The tiny earth pony walked toward the back of the class. Sassy closed his eyes and visibly winced as he passed Diamond Tiara and Apple Bloom.

Sassy Shrimp's seat was in the back half of the class, in the section reserved for grade one students. His seat bordered the grade six section, just one seat behind Scootaloo. Sassy clambered up into his empty seat, almost falling down in the process. Silver Spoon failed to suppress a laugh, and Sassy whined, ears folded back as he set his chin on the desk. Cheerilee flashed Silver Spoon a frown, and she blanched and sat up straight in her chair.

"Alright, class. I have some announcements, and then we'll break into grade groups for math," Cheerilee said.

Scootaloo turned her head around and smiled again at the young colt, and Sassy smiled back. The little guy seemed to be avoiding eye contact with everypony else.

At the start of recess, Sassy hugged the outside wall of the schoolhouse. It looked like he was afraid to venture out onto the playground.

"Wow. That new kid's awfully shy," said Sweetie Belle.

Apple Bloom nodded. "He seemed to warm up to you though, Scootaloo. Maybe you should go, y'know, chew the bit with him? With a little talkin' you might be able to get him to make some friends."

Scootaloo pouted. "I dunno, girls. I'm not worried about being uncool or anything, but I don't wanna be saddled by a pint-sized tagalong forever..."

"Once he opens up, he'll make friends in his own grade," said Sweetie Belle. "Hay, why don't we all go talk to him?"

"Sounds like a plan," said Apple Bloom, with a smile. "He might even want to be a Crusader at some point."

"Eh, his mark's gotta be a long ways off," said Scootaloo. "But yeah, let's go talk to him."

As the Cutie Mark Crusaders approached Sassy, his jaw dropped open wide. Like a flash, he scampered around the corner of the schoolhouse.

"Aw geez, this ain't goin' well. Scoots, maybe you can go talk to him by yourself?" asked Apple Bloom.

Scootaloo sighed heavily. "Fine, whatever. Wait here," she said, then walked around the corner of the schoolhouse by herself. Sassy Shrimp was cowering behind some tall grass.

"Hay, Sassy Shrimp?" said Scootaloo. "My name's Scootaloo. Can I talk to you for a second?"

Sassy peeked over the top of the grass. "S-scootaloo? Oh, it's you! Sure thing," he said, then hopped forward. His eyes lit up brightly and his tiny tail bounced a little.

Scootaloo sat down on the gravel, and Sassy followed suit. "So, Sassy. You're kinda shy, huh?" she asked.

Ugh, I'm really bad at this, thought Scootaloo. Silently, she wished Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were beside her. They'd probably scare him away, though.

"Y-yeah," he said, then smiled. "Oh, thanks ever so much for sticking up for me before! Those girls were really scary."

Scootaloo laughed. "Who, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon? They just have bad manners, they don't bite," she said. "Even if they did, if they laid a hoof on you, they'd have to answer to me."

Sassy Shrimp bounced in place. "You're so cool, Scootaloo!" he said. Scootaloo suppressed a blush.

"Yeah, I guess I am," admitted Scootaloo. "But I'm sure you can learn to be brave just like me. You need to get out there and make some friends in your grade sometime, y'know?"

Sassy's face fell. "Oh. You're too old to be my friend, huh?" he whispered.

Scootaloo grimaced. "No, don't be silly! Of course we can be friends, but you need to make friends your own age, too," she said gently. "You know, friends who like playing all the same games and can help you with your homework. That doesn't mean I'm not your friend too, okay?"

Before Sassy had a chance to answer, the bell rang. "Does that mean recess is over?" asked Sassy.

"Yeah, we'd better get back inside," said Scootaloo.

For the rest of the day, Scootaloo kept a close eye on Sassy to make sure he was okay. To her relief, the little boy started to open up with some of the ponies in his grade. Sassy spoke to the other two colts in grade one several times, but stayed quiet around all the fillies.

After school got out, Sassy walked up to Scootaloo. He looked nervous.

"Hay Scootaloo! Um, I think my dad has the wrong time for picking me up," he said, trotting nervously in place. "He thought he was s'poseda be here at five..."

"Yikes, that's like an hour and a half from now! Well, I guess I can babysit you," she said.

"I'm not a baby!" Sassy pouted.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. "I didn't mean that. I just mean—look, I was going to the clubhouse to meet a couple of my friends. Why don't you come with me, and then I can walk you back here before your dad shows up?" she asked.

Sassy looked excited, then suddenly changed to horrified. Scootaloo turned around. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were standing there with wide grins.

"Ugh, you two again," said Scootaloo.

"Looks like you got a new little friend," teased Diamond Tiara. Silver Spoon giggled.

"So what?" said Scootaloo. "He needs a friend. Can't you see you're scaring him?"

Diamond Tiara sighed. "Okay, fine. Look, Sassy Squirt, or whatever. I'm sorry about teasing you earlier," she said. "Um, you can come out now," she added.

Scootaloo craned her head and noticed Sassy was hiding behind her. "She's trying to be nice, Sassy," she said.

"O-okay," whispered Sassy. "Thank you." He remained hidden behind Scootaloo's flank.

Silver Spoon shrugged. "Hay, we tried," she said. The pair turned and walked away.

Scootaloo reached down with a hoof and scruffed Sassy's mane. "Look, kid. I know ponies can be scary sometimes, but you gotta stand up for yourself a little. I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you," she promised. Scootaloo started walking toward the treehouse, and Sassy walked tightly against her heels.

"Yeah, I know," said Sassy. "But girls are so scary. I've always been afraid," he said.

"What, of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon?" asked Scootaloo. "Did you meet them before school today?"

Sassy shook his head. "No, just fillies in general! They're so weird, and they can be mean, and..."

Scootaloo stopped walking. "Sassy, you know that I'm, um..."

"The awesomest colt in school?" he smiled broadly.

Scootaloo felt her stomach sink.

"Oh horse apples," she mumbled, planting her hoof against her face.

"What's wrong Scootaloo? Are you mad at me?" said Sassy, the edges of his muzzle quivering.

Scootaloo shook her head. "No, it's fine... I just, I guess because you're really young, you don't realize..." she said, unsure of what else to do. "Look, we can talk about this later. Maybe it'll help once you meet my friends."

Both ponies continued their trip toward the Crusaders' treehouse, but Scootaloo's muzzle was scrunched up in worry the entire way. What in Equestria have I gotten myself into, she wondered? How can I break it to him that I'm a filly without scarring the little guy for life?

"A real-live treehouse!" squealed Sassy Shrimp. He followed Scootaloo up the ramp and into the building, and Scootaloo shut the door after them. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were already here. They were building something long and thin from wooden pieces.

"Sassy Shrimp, you remember Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle from class, right? They're my two best friends," said Scootaloo.

"Oh! Hi Apple—" said Sassy, and then he froze in place.

"Did we... break him?" asked Sweetie Belle. As she stepped closer, Sassy yelped and backed into a corner of the treehouse.

"They're fillies!" he whispered, shaking.

"It's okay, Sassy. They're my friends," said Scootaloo.

"Y-you have a fillyfriend? Two fillyfriends?!" gasped Sassy, cowering and shivering in the corner. "Oh wow, you really are cool..."

Scootaloo blushed like fire. "What? No! I mean, they're not fillyfriends, they're just normal friends, that happen to be fillies. It's okay, they won't hurt you. They're good ponies, just like you and me."

Sassy seemed to calm down a little.

"Scootaloo, why doesn't he seem to mind that you're—" said Apple Bloom. Scootaloo's dusty hoof plunked right into Apple Bloom's muzzle, cutting her off mid-sentence.

"He doesn't know yet," whispered Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle nodded. "Ohhhhh. That makes sense," she said.

"What?" said Apple Bloom, removing Scootaloo's hoof. "How does that make any sense?"

Sweetie shrugged. "Well, I didn't know for like, a week after we met."

Scootaloo's jaw dropped, but no words came out.

"Sweetie Belle, you can't be serious," said Apple Bloom, with a very serious face.

"I am! I didn't!" insisted Sweetie Belle. "I mean, she was a couple years younger then, so it was easier to get confused. You know."

Scootaloo still looked shocked. "Seriously?"

"I mean, didn't you even look, Sweetie Belle?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Apple Bloom!" whispered Scootaloo, blushing.

"Look at what? The muzzle doesn't look all that different when you're young," said Sweetie Belle.

"Oh for cryin' out loud. At her hindquarters, Sweetie!" Apple Bloom nearly shouted.

It was Sweetie Belle's turn to blush. "I don't look at ponies there! Rarity says that isn't polite because some ponies might have bad hygiene back there, 'specially foals. Like, with toilet paper and stuff."

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes, and Scootaloo sighed dejectedly.

"What're you all talking about?" said a confused Sassy Shrimp, still cowering in the corner.

Scootaloo took a deep breath, grabbed Apple Bloom by the hoof, and walked her over to Sassy.

"Sassy, this is Apple Bloom. She's a good friend of mine, and she's a filly. C'mon, shake," she directed.

Sassy Shrimp gingerly took her hoof in his hoof and shook. "Um, hi?" he said.

Apple Bloom smiled. "And this is Sweetie Belle," she said. Sweetie approached, and Sassy looked a lot more nervous.

"Are you okay?" asked Sweetie Belle, reaching out to shake hooves.

"Y-yeah, you're just like, really girly," he said.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. "Look, squirt. There's nothing dangerous here, okay? These are just my friends," said Scootaloo.

Sassy seemed to calm down a bit as he looked past the fillies to what they were building. "W-what's that?" he asked meekly.

"Oh, we're buildin' a racetrack for some toy carts," said Apple Bloom, pointing to some toy carts and trains over by the track.

"But... you're girls! Fillies don't play with toy carts, do they?" asked Sassy.

"Of course we—er, I mean, of course fillies do," said Scootaloo.

Sassy looked confused, and Sweetie Belle turned to Scootaloo. "C'mon Scootaloo, you gotta tell him sometime," she said.

Scootaloo took a deep breath. "Okay. Look, Sassy, I gotta come clean about something, but you have to promise me not to be scared."

Sassy nodded. "I'll try real hard but I'm kinda scared right now," he said.

"I'm a girl, Sassy."

Sassy's jaw dropped. "That's not funny!" he said.

"It's not a joke. I'm a filly. Look at my muzzle. I'm in grade six; it'd be pointier than this by now, don't you think?" asked Scootaloo.

"B-but you're so cool! And you act like a colt!" said Sassy. His knees began to tremble.

Scootaloo sat down and the other Crusaders followed suit. Sassy slowly lay down onto the floor with them.

"Look, Sassy, you trust me, right?" asked Scootaloo. "I mean, you trusted me before I told you this."

Sassy nodded. "I'm confused, but yeah, I trust you."

"Then let me tell you a secret about fillies that will help you to get along with us and not be scared. Okay?" said Scootaloo.

Sassy nodded again and bit nervously at his lower lip.

"Okay, here's the secret. Fillies are ponies." Scootaloo spoke slowly and clearly, with emphasis.

Sassy's little brow furrowed up. "Well of course," he said. "I mean, I know that, I'm not stupid."

Apple Bloom shook her head. "She means fillies are people just like you. We girls like to make friends, and play games, and do all the same kinda stuff colts do."

"Like play with trains and stuff?" said Sassy, his ears perking up.

"Sure!" said Sweetie Belle, with a smile. "And we even get scared like you, and we have dreams, and we make-believe, and we get good feelings and bad feelings and everything else."

"We're not that different at all, to be honest," said Scootaloo. "I mean, you thought I was a colt because I was cool, and maybe 'cause of how I talk?"

"Oh, and the scooter! I saw you once doing tricks outside, a couple of weeks ago. Your scooter is really cool," said Sassy.

Scootaloo grinned with a touch of pride. "Well, that doesn't mean I'm a colt. Girls can do those things too, because girls can do anything," said Scootaloo. "Being a filly doesn't mean you have to act a certain way, or only make friends with other fillies."

"And boys can do anything too, of course," added Apple Bloom. "Maybe not become alicorns, but who knows? Someday there might even be an alicorn prince."

"Well, let's not go overboard," said Scootaloo.

Sassy Shrimp exhaled a tremendous sigh of relief. "Oh wow, this is really weird. But I guess if you like doing stuff like this too, maybe... maybe fillies really aren't that different," he realized aloud.

Scootaloo stood up and reached out a hoof. "That's the idea! Now would you like to play with us for a while, before I take you back to the schoolhouse?" she asked.

Sassy looked nervously back and forth at Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. "Okay!" he finally said, and ran over to where the toy carts were.

"That went well," said Sweetie Belle, smiling.

"Um, Scootaloo?" said Sassy Shrimp as he picked up a toy cart.

"Yeah, pint-size?" she said, scruffing him playfully on the top of his mane.

Sassy took a deep swallow of air. "Um, this doesn't mean I'm your coltfriend or something, does it?" he asked nervously.

Apple Bloom giggled, and Scootaloo's cheeks turned bright red.

"Um, no. We're just friends, that's all," said Scootaloo.

"Whew," said Sassy Shrimp, relieved. "You're a good friend, for a filly and all, but havin' a special somepony is kind of gross."

"You said it, champ," said Scootaloo, with a big grin.

Comments ( 43 )

Nice story, could be a episode too :)
And it's true, Scootaloo does act and sound like a boy, just like Rainbow:twilightsmile:

This is the second story of yours that I've liked. Think I'll add you to my 'watch' list, if that's alright with you... :raritywink:

Easy mistake, shrimp. It's the manecut... and the voice... and the attitude....

Scootaloo pouted. "I dunno, girls. I'm not worried about being uncool or anything, but I don't wanna be saddled by a pint-sized tagalong forever..."


am I the only one that noticed the floating olive in the cover photo

It's hard to see, but it is on a toothpick.

6800342 ok, so im not crazy, ok just checkin. also great story so far

Great story as usual, Trick.

This OC's completely adorable. I got diabeetus towards the end over the fillyfriend shtick. :twilightsheepish:

This was a cute one, Trixie.

Sassy Shrimp x Scootaloo...

I call thy ship SassyLoo

Filthy fillies! :derpytongue2:

"And boys can do anything too, of course," added Apple Bloom. "Maybe not become alicorns, but who knows? Someday there might even be an alicorn prince."

"Well, let's not go overboard," said Scootaloo.

Now who's all misandric?


Just kidding. :heart: :rainbowkiss: :heart:

Seriously, though. It was meant as a lighthearted joke about the matriarchy in the show, nothing more.


Seriously, though. It was meant as a lighthearted joke about the matriarchy in the show, nothing more.

I know that, and I wasn't offended, I was just being a smart-ass for the heck of it.

Yeah, it’s going to make it to the feature box. Well done, Trick!

Unfortunately, I don't think it will. It's a little too old already and racking up hits too slowly. It wasn't far off, though.

I hope you're wrong because it deserves it!

Lots of stories do! The Feature Box is a harsh mistress, however. She seems to love unrealistic crossovers and humanized horse porn most of the time. :derpytongue2:

(not that there's anything wrong with that)

I just realised I hadn't upvoted it. Done.
I've adult fics filtered out, so my feature box is much less saucy. I like it this way, and I'd really like your story showing up there!

EDIT: Did you submit to EqD?

There's only one M in the feature box at the moment. It's true that on occasion it dominates the box, but most of the time its presence is small.

It'd actually be kinda nifty if my M story that I just updated somehow caught heat, but I'd probably have to update it every day for a week to get that to happen.

I've never submitted a story to EqD. I don't know how, and nopony encourages me to do it, so my fics are not likely deserving. I wouldn't know which fics to submit, or when to submit them, or what to expect.

Consequently, all the feature box hits I've earned have been done without EqD's involvement.

I can't really help you, but I'm sure Pascoite or Baal B. know, since they're regularly featured. If nopony has ever encouraged you to do so, well I do. You should. I can be a gadfly, too. :pinkiehappy:

That would give you an extra boost, by the way.

Actually, I've been thinking about EqD for that exact reason—not because I want to be #HORSEFAMOUS, but because it would be nice if my stories could reach more people. My only real goal is to touch other people in positive ways that will make the world more interesting or fun. EDIT: But it makes no sense for me to do that unless my submitted works are better than the average quality work that somepony would otherwise see on EqD, because then I'd just be risking supplanting somepony more deserving than I.

I've mentioned the idea around both Baal/Augie and Pascoite (among others), and I've never had any words of encouragement, so I don't think it's in the cards. I appreciate that you like my work, but generally only ponies like yourself who are near-constantly positive about what I do (rather than critical) are the ones suggesting I should submit to EqD. That doesn't mean I value your opinion any less, but it does mean it's less of an objective marker for whether or not my stories are worth the magnetic storage they're printed on. :derpytongue2:

I don't deal with rejection well anyway, so it's just as well. :pinkiesmile: Besides, I'm just as motivated to write stories without popularity, so I won't be stopping anytime soon (maybe I won't be in certain competitions, but I'll still produce and post works under this account).

When I first started watching the show, I was dead certain that Rainbow Dash was a boy for the longest time.

Pretty late here and I feel sleepy. Much to say, though, so I shall answer you tomorrow. Take care.

6803629 Yeah, it can be quite confusing at times, especially how she acts and sounds

You've written some stuff which is good enough, but it is hard to tell, really; I'm not sure about half the stuff I submit to Equestria Daily. They reject a number of things I send them, but accept a number as well; I'm not sure what my overall "hit rate" is.

If you're interested in submitting something, The Price of a Smile won a write-off, and that is often an indication that it is good enough to be submitted to Equestria Daily.

Thanks for the feedback, it's really appreciated.

I didn't know about Price because it has a fair bit of violence and a touch of random sex in it, and it's very dark. So it seemed like it might be too mature for their audience.

I was thinking a story like this one (Colts Will be Colts, I mean) might be more EQD fare: inoffensive and upbeat, and apparently everypony seems to enjoy it for some reason. This is one of those rare stories I can draw from my youth and twist upside-down to make it positive, and the inclusion of foal characters makes it endearing (though is a very lazy moral-telling mechanism, e.g. South Park's preachy child-mouthing).

I suppose the only way to really know is to submit stories and see what happens. If there isn't a deadline for how old a story is (I've never asked) and I have a rush of not-depressed-at-the-moment, I might give it a try someday.

By the way, sorry I haven't finished your gift or left feedback. I know this sounds like BS but it takes a little effort for me to read certain stories and even just the fact that it's a gift has left it at the front of the priority queue but not plucked yet. Still wrestling with stuff unrelated to anything rational or otherwise FF-related. But I'm very appreciative of the work and I know I will enjoy it very much. :heart:

There is no limit on how old a story can be; I've had some very old stories approved.

By the way, sorry I haven't finished your gift or left feedback. I know this sounds like BS but it takes a little effort for me to read certain stories and even just the fact that it's a gift has left it at the front of the priority queue but not plucked yet. Still wrestling with stuff unrelated to anything rational or otherwise FF-related. But I'm very appreciative of the work and I know I will enjoy it very much.

It's alright, kind of figured judging by your blogposts that you were down. Hope stuff gets better for you soon. :twilightsmile:

Came to this story from here. Sometimes it is a good idea to throw those story links out there, eh?

I find stories that're based on rl events in an author's life to quite fascinating. Like, it often feels like the story is more impactful when that little detail somehow slips out. Might be because I got to find out a little tidbit about someone lol.

This was such a cute and heart warming story! And comedic. I could totally see this as an episode. :twilightsmile:

I think this is literally the only story I've written that is lighthearted enough to be an episode. :derpytongue2: But it still touches on something personal for me, and I enjoyed writing it.

Author Interviewer

Nothing like I expected. :) A nice story!

Combined, those two sentences paint a less-than-glowing portrait of me as an author. :raritydespair: :trollestia:

I was prompted to do something lighthearted since this was intended to be a gift, but I still managed to find a topic where I had something very important and personal to say (as with everything I write). Perhaps I shall write a pleasant story again, someday? It could happen. :pinkiecrazy:

Scootaloo pouted. "I dunno, girls. I'm not worried about being uncool or anything, but I don't wanna be saddled by a pint-sized tagalong forever..."

Aw, come on Scots. Rainbow Dash was saddled by a pint-sized tagalong forever. It worked out for her, didn't it?

Seems like Scootaloo and the Crusaders really did this kid some good. He had some messed up ideas on gender.

Yes, there is a difference between men and women. And yes, the typical boy is more prone to playing with toy cars, then the typical girl. But the key words there are “typical” and “prone to”: Not everyone is typical (e.g. Dash and Scoots are quite masculine). And just because boys are more prone too playing with cars, it doesn't mean girls can't.

This kid seemed to have the idea, that there had to be a strict separation between the masculine and the feminine. That men weren't allowed to be the least bit “feminine”, and vice versa. If he hadn't been straightened out, that would have caused him real problems later in life!

Yes, I'm the grossest upvote! (#144)

The whole bit with Sweetie Belle admitting she didn't know was insanely funny and adorable. :rainbowkiss:

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