• Published 28th Jul 2015
  • 3,163 Views, 64 Comments

The Tenth Anniversary of the Death of Jonagold Apple - Titanium Dragon

After learning that it is the anniversary of the death of Applejack's father, Pinkie Pie decides to throw her friend a party to cheer her up. Too bad Applejack has no clue what's going on.

  • ...

The Tenth Anniversary of the Death of Jonagold Apple

“We’ve got a problem,” Twilight said as she slunk over and sank into her seat at Sugarcube Corner.

“Is this the ‘One of our friends is in trouble’ kind of problem, or ‘All of Equestria is in danger from a rampaging monster’ kind of problem?” Rarity asked as she nonchalantly levitated a tea cake up in front of her snout before taking a single delicate bite.

“The first one.”

“Ooh! Does it have something to do with why Applejack was so grouchy this morning?” Pinkie Pie asked as she pronked over to the table from her spot behind the counter.

Twilight nodded mournfully.

Rarity frowned. “Forgive me. She was a little… short when I spoke to her in the marketplace this morning, but I thought it was simply the stress of having all three of the Cutie Mark Crusaders over at Sweet Apple Acres last night.”

“It isn’t that.” Twilight shook her head. “I went down to town hall to look through the records on a hunch, and I found this.” She levitated a yellowed sheet of paper up onto the table.

Rarity’s horn lit up as she picked up the paper in her own magic before she gasped. “Twilight! This is a death certificate! They let you take it?”

“Er… I kind of forgot I had it, to be honest.” Twilight rubbed her leg. “But that’s not important. Look at the date!”

“May 17th... oh dear, that’s today, isn’t it?”

Twilight nodded. “Yeah. It’s been ten years since her father passed away.”

“No wonder she was so upset.” Rarity recoiled as water splashed onto her hoof. “What is that? Is it… Pinkie Pie?”

Pinkie Pie sobbed freely onto the table. “It’s just so sad!”

Twilight rubbed her own mane awkwardly. “Yeah, it kind of is. I just… don’t know what to do about it. I mean, should I say something?”

“I don’t know, dear. I would hate to pry.”

“I know!” Pinkie Pie shouted, slamming her hoof onto the table. “I’ll throw her a party!”

Rarity winced. “Pinkie Pie, I don’t think that is exactly the sort of thing one wishes to celebrate.”

“I know that, silly!” The pink pony smiled, all trace of her tears gone. “It’s just a party to make her feel better that happens to be on the same day! She can’t be sad about that.”

“Pinkie, I’m not sure that’s such a good idea,” Twilight said carefully.

“Actually… I think it might be.”

Twilight blinked. “Really, Rarity?”

Rarity nodded. “Yes. Applejack doesn’t like to let others see her cry. Getting her mind off things with a little party with just the four of us might be exactly what the doctor ordered.”

“Yes! I’ll need ribbons, and balloons, and confetti, and a banner…”

Twilight laughed as Pinkie Pie began to zip around the room. “Well, at least someone’s feeling better.”


Applejack blinked at the chorus of voices that greeted her as she stepped into Sugarcube Corner. She paused in the middle of the doorway, glancing back over her shoulder. “I think you got the wrong pony.”

“Nope!” Pinkie Pie said as she bounded over to her friend, putting a hoof over her withers as she dragged her inside. “This party really is for you!”

“What for?” Applejack asked, blinking. “It ain’t my birthday for another three months.”

“Oh, it isn’t that, darling,” Rarity said, smiling. “We simply thought you seemed a bit under the weather this morning, and thought we would do a little something to show we cared.”

“Aw, shucks. You didn’t need to do nothin’.” Applejack stepped over to the nearest table, glancing dubiously at the tray of cookies on top. “Are these… tombstones? They ain’t left over from Nightmare Night, are they?”

“Pinkie!” Rarity hissed.

“Nope! Made ’em fresh for you just this afternoon!” Pinkie Pie smiled brightly.

“Well, they’re uh, real nice,” Applejack said, picking one up and eyeing it for a moment before she bit into it, her face brightening. “But they sure taste good. Bit morbid though, don’t ya think?”

“Nah. What would be really morbid would be dead ponies!”

“Er, right.” Applejack glanced over at Twilight. “Does any of this make a lick of sense to you?”

Twilight smiled gently, stepping up to put a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “Sorry, Applejack. We were just worried about you after the way you were acting this morning, and thought this might make you feel better.” She paused. “The cookies were Pinkie’s idea.”

“Well, Celestia knows I like a good pastry.” Applejack hesitated before taking another bite. “Was I really that bad this mornin’?”

Twilight and Rarity exchanged a glance.

“Shoot, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I was so short. I wasn’t upset at y’all.” Applejack shook her head. “I must have been a right terror if you’re all throwin’ me a party.”

Rarity nodded. “It’s quite alright, dear.”

“We just thought you might like some cheering up,” Twilight added.

“And what better way to cheer up a pony than a party?” Pinkie shouted.

“Heh, you got that right.” Applejack reached up to lower her hat over her face. “Still, I feel bad y’all went to so much trouble just for this.”

“It wasn’t any trouble at all, darling. Though I must admit, I’m a bit surprised you didn’t tell us sooner.”

Applejack chuckled. “Well, I figured after all the shoutin’ I did at Apple Bloom and her friends for tracking in tree sap all over the house and makin’ em scrape the floors there weren’t nothin’ more to tell.” She shifted her hat. “Sides, I didn’t want to embarrass ’em by tellin’ everypony that they were slobs.”

Rarity exchanged another glance with Twilight.

“What?” Applejack tilted her head.

“Is that all?” Rarity asked.

“Eyup. I mean, it was a pretty big mess. They snuck in through the window, so it was near glued shut when I got up this mornin’.”

“There… isn’t anything else that is bothering you?”

Applejack stared blankly at Rarity. “Should there be?”

“Nope! Nothing at all!” Rarity backed away, fanning herself with her hoof.

“What Rarity meant to say is that she was worried you were keeping something back that you might want to tell us. Though if you don’t want to talk about it with us, that’s okay too.”

“Yup!” Pinkie Pie grinned. “We’re totally okay if you don’t want to tell us what is bothering you, and we won’t mention it.”

“Alright, now I’m worried,” Applejack said, glancing between her three friends. “What’d I miss?”

“You mean you really don’t know?” Rarity asked, her ears falling.

“Know what?”

Twilight looked away. “I uhm… went through the death records at City Hall and I found your dad’s death certificate.”

Applejack’s jaw fell open. “You mean y’all didn’t realize that my pa was dead? Rarity, you lived here in Ponyville!”

“Of course I knew he was dead, darling! The date had just… slipped my mind, that’s all.”

“The date?” Applejack scrunched her snout. “Okay, now I’m real confused.”

“Today’s the tenth anniversary of his death, isn’t it?” Twilight asked quietly.

“It is?” Applejack looked down at her hooves and counted silently. “Well, I’ll be darned. Sure is.”

Applejack shrugged, then lowered her head to bite into another cookie, her loud chewing the only sound in the room. She swallowed after a few moments, glancing up at her silent friends. “What?”

“You mean you forgot?” Rarity shrieked.

“Er, yeah. I mean, it ain’t like I got it marked on the calendar or nothin’. Bit morbid, ain’t it?”

“But… but… aren’t you… sad?”

Applejack set her half-eaten cookie back down on the tray. “Now why would I be sad? That happened like ten years ago.” She glanced up at the brim of her hat. “Well, ‘xactly ten years ago, apparently. So what?”

Twilight edged forward. “Well, a lot of ponies are sad on days that remind them of deceased loved ones.”

Applejack shrugged. “Way I figure it, ain’t no reason to pick out a day to be sad on. ‘Sides, like my pa always said, no point in feelin’ bad ’bout things you can’t change. ’T’ain’t like feelin’ sad’s gonna bring him back, and it ain’t like he ain’t gone every other day of the year, neither.”

“Really? That sounds like something Granny Pie would have said!” Pinkie Pie said as she bounced over to the far side of the table, reaching down to gobble up a cookie of her own.

“Then she was a wise pony,” Applejack said, bobbing her head. “Pa always used to say, don’t have no regrets, cause there ain’t no point in carryin’ the extra weight when you’re plowin’ the field.” She paused. “Ma used to say the same thing, too. And then give pa a little poke in the ribs.”

Rarity coughed.

“Wow,” Twilight said, smiling. “Your dad sounded like a really great pony.”

“Sure was. Told me he never had a regret in his life,” Applejack said as she retrieved her cookie from the tray.

“Not a single one?” Twilight asked, tilting her head.

Applejack paused with her cookie halfway to her mouth. “Now that you mention it, there was one thing he mentioned when he was lyin’ in bed in the hospital.”

“Oh? What was that?” Rarity asked warily.

Applejack smirked as she put her cookie in her mouth and began to chew. “Havin’ a tree fall on him.”

Author's Note:

Thanks to The Writeoff Association and their help with this entry after the "I Regret Nothing" writeoff.

I'd also like to thank Horizon and Bribri for their help editing this story's final form.

Comments ( 64 )

Nicely done. Didn't quite see that coming. :ajsmug:

Huh. I'd forgotten you'd written this one. Still, good to see it on Fimfiction. It's still a very enjoyable story of Applejack being the voice of reason, with a good message about grief. Mourning is only natural, but it shouldn't consume every waking moment from then on.

Reading the blurb and seeing the tags left me :applejackunsure:

After reading I went :rainbowlaugh:

This was quite well done. Have a fave and upvote.

Neither did Applejack. :ajsmug:

Glad you liked it!

Yeah, a lot of stories about death are very melodramatic, even long after the fact, when in reality people have a variety of responses, and most people do heal.

Glad you liked it!

Also, when did you change your user icon? I hadn't noticed it before.

Hehe, thanks. Glad you liked it! :twilightsmile:

Maybe that's what I wanted you to think! :trixieshiftright:

Well at least there is coping, I'm impressed. :ajsmug:

Applejack knows what's what. :ajsmug:


You don't pay me to think. :derpytongue2:

I know! You just give your thoughts away!

Heartwarming and thoughtful, with just a bit of wackiness. Loved it, dude! :pinkiehappy:

Just what I was aiming for. Glad you enjoyed it!

A few days ago, the evening of the 25th.

This is an amazing story. And actually, my grandpa would have said Applajack's dad's advice as well. If he would have. He didn't, but it sure sounded like something he would say.

At first I thought they had the wrong date, but this proved to be better :pinkiehappy: Liked how it kept it's lightheartedness on a dark topic...Applejack's a rock, for sure :heart:

I'm glad. That's exactly the sort of thing I was shooting for with it. :twilightsmile:

Yeah she is. :ajsmug:

Just as long as the animators remember she's a metaphorical rock, and not a piece of the scenery. :trixieshiftright:

I'm glad you liked it!

her parents are not dead

Applejack stepped over to the nearest table, glancing dubiously at the tray of cookies on top. “Are these… tombstones? They ain’t left over from Nightmare Night, are they?”


“Havin’ a tree fall on him.”


Okay that came completely out of the left field :rainbowlaugh:
Good job

Hehe, thank you! I'm glad it made you laugh. :ajsmug:

"You mean y’all didn’t realize that my pa was dead?" oh my god this is too funny
this story is adorable! I was wary clicking this, flummoxed at how you'd turn this into a comedy, but lo and behold: it is done! Applejack's confusion is palpable and her reactions are brilliant.
that ending though... :rainbowlaugh:

Applejack has enormous comedic potential, and I'm always sad the show doesn't play it up a bit more. I'm glad this managed to make you grin despite your initial trepidation over the premise. :ajsmug:

6258998 I don't like to rule things out if I can help it, that's how we all grow as individuals. I agree, AJ is shafted that they pretty much deign to only give her semi non-sequitur one-liners and deadpan responses :ajsleepy:

Rarity nodded. “Yes. Applejack doesn’t like to let others see her cry. Getting her mind off things with a little party with just the four of us might be exactly what the doctor ordered.”

a little party with just the four of us

just the four of us

Rarity just made Rainbow and Fluttershy sad. :fluttercry::rainbowhuh:

Insert anti-pegasus "THAT'S RACIST!" joke here.

One thing that really stuck out to me was this line:

“Yes. Applejack doesn’t like to let others see her cry. Getting her mind off things with a little party with just the four of us might be exactly what the doctor ordered.”

What happened to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash?

Well, anyways, keep up the good work! I like reading stuff like this.

:moustache: Oh wow dragon scones!

:pinkiegasp::ajsmug::raritystarry: tomb stone cookies!?!

:moustache: Wut?

:facehoof: dragon scones. . .:raritywink: and Tea.

:moustache: wut they said.

:pinkiehappy: It's a DEATHIVERSARY ! :twilightoops::ajbemused::raritystarry::moustache:

Not wanting to crowd the poor pony in mourning, clearly. :trixieshiftright:

I had briefly contemplated titling the story "Happy Deathiversary, Applejack!" but ended up going with the present title.

6260250 Deathiversary would be a bit awkward (Bet Pinkie would try anyway)

:pinkiehappy:* HAPPY DEATHIVERSARY ! *??????

And people wonder why ponies prefer cremation... :trixieshiftright:

Hah! Great punchline! :rainbowlaugh:

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! :heart:

Great story. One typo:

“Er… I kind of forget I had it, to be honest.”

I think that should be 'forgot,' rather than 'forget.'

Thanks! Glad you liked it!

And thanks for the catch. Fixed it.

One can only hope. Thanks for the vote of confidence!

He, that was fun. I always like to see how people handle AJ's parents' death.

This is supposed to be a comedy? I have a hard time believe that when everything is played so, straight. :unsuresweetie:

Don't get me wrong; it's a very good story with an insightful take on how Applejack deals with grief. And subversion is a very useful tool in comedy. But I'm sorry, this simply doesn't feel like a joke. Just because something defies expectations doesn't automatically make it funny. What's more, I'm not sure if there's any way to make it funny. Maybe if Pinkie was just completely tactless about her intentions instead of being reined in by Twilight and Rarity, that would've gotten a little bit of a laugh from me. But even then, everything else is just so straight-laced that I don't really see anything funny about it.

So, yeah. As a little Slice of Life story, this is an excellent character study for Applejack. As a comedy, it doesn't really work for me. :applejackunsure:

I tagged it the same as KitsuneRisu's Barreled Up, which is a similarly slice-of-lifeish thing which is about a character's... well, character, and which ends on a punchline. But it isn't really a comedy in the same sense as something like Dying to Get There.

It is a character study on Applejack; you're right about that.

I took the advice of my editors and tagged it comedy as they felt that was the best choice, given what it was. And, as you'll note in the comments, people did find it funny.

I doubt anyone would have blinked had I tagged it the other way.

They can hang out with Spike for once if they're that fucking devastated.

" Applejack stepped over to the nearest table, glancing dubiously at the tray of cookies on top. “Are these… tombstones? They ain’t left over from Nightmare Night, are they?” "

When Applejack did this I cracked up x3.
This is a really great story! Heart-warming and funny! Loved it. :heart:

I really love writing Applejack; I'm glad you liked reading her antics just as much. :heart:

Oh god. That last line was brilliant, and I love this little story.

Rarity asked as she nonchalantly levitated a tea cake up in front of her snout before taking a single delicate bite.

I read this twice as "Rarity asked as she nonchalantly levitated a tea cup up in front of her snout before taking a single delicate bite." And I am somewhat ashamed to admit that this was what made me laugh the hardest, with the very last line being a close second.

Pinkie Pie asked as she pronked over to the table from her spot behind the counter.

I had no idea that pronk is a word, but it's so fitting and perfect. I thought you had coined it until I looked it up and found it's a loan word from Afrikaans of all languages. Neat.

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! :heart:

I read this twice as "Rarity asked as she nonchalantly levitated a tea cup up in front of her snout before taking a single delicate bite." And I am somewhat ashamed to admit that this was what made me laugh the hardest, with the very last line being a close second.

Clearly you must be onto something here. :duck:

Look at you, Shakespeare. Coining new words. To pronk. Pronking. Pronks. Pronk pronk pronk. What a wonderful verb.

It is a great verb, and is actually one of favorites! Alas, I cannot claim credit for it; it is an actual verb meaning... well, exactly what it sounds like. It is like they knew Pinkie Pie was going to come along and made a word just for her.

Comment posted by thecheshirecat1 deleted Aug 30th, 2015

They are dead. they got murdered by an angry dragon now shut up and enjoy the story about applejack who is best apple. Dash and best yellow one can't be in all stories since yellow quiet and colour wheel have so many stories they are in. so why are you bitching about one story that doesnt have them in it?

That was awesome.

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