Blackjack, an incompetent security mare from the dystopian Stable 99, suddenly has her monotonous life turned upside down when the stable is invaded by vicious raiders. Blackjack flees the stable with EC-1101, with the wasteland in hot pursuit.
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Somber uploading a chapter of this spurred me to start, then after I read the only chapter here (at the time) I wanted to read more. Found a link on equestria daily to the g docs/drive (can't remember which version) and are now on chapter 60. Worth it.
6461660 I'm glad. I hope it ends well for you. Lots of people don't like it past chapter 33.
Or it was the sprinklers, could have been that too. So many other systems somehow work after 200 years. There was nothing definite. I just feel Luna wouldn't be content with passing on knowing her sister was still around and/or there were ponies in need to assistance.
You know that log flume ride at Universal Studios? This is like that, only a tad more intense.
Holy fricking purple fluffballs of a purple panda.
Challange accepted...
And oh hell, this chapter was full of awesome! Full of good and bad moments that made me smile and cringe, hehehe.
That Flotsam is... a scary place, hehehe eue
Nice job man, nice job!
And the HMS Celestia... good lordy lordy, I hope it gets fixed! And BJ take it for a spin...
then somehow crashes it, 8'D
Nice job!
I thought I could be patient. I thought I could pace myself. That the upload progress would whet my burgeoning appetite and I could be satisfied with timely, large updates.
Boy fucking howdy was I wrong.
I downloaded the whole story and am currently devouring the next chapter. I am glad I did. This was a breaking point; a homecoming that I feel will make or break our little fish.
Cut the deck, Dealer. Security ain't the only pony who's gonna ante up this time around. It's time I stride ahead and see what the Wasteland has in store for Blackjack and Company.
Seriously, half the fun of rereading all this is the dramatic irony from all the details caught after having read the story already. Muh gawd.
Son of a bitch, looks like that revolver ammo can be sold. Though I wonder why Glory moved to stand near BJ, seems like a bad idea.
It is a wild ride going down river through Fallen Towers, but I want to know how the fuck they get back upstream.
The little part of Twilight buried in there that is showing through?
The wiki says it should be Splendid Valley and is incorrectly referred to in this story.
Banged by Big Mac?
Ok, I did laugh at that.
Poor Gin Rummy... She tried to do good.
I have to pace myself or I wouldn't have time for all the other stories I follow and I would never get anything done during the day.
Capital 's'.
RIP Cupcake's revolver. We hardly knew ye.
"It must be so nice to not be a one trick unicorn." ~Blackjack
If link doesn't work go to YouTube and search "One Trick Pony." Or don't, your choice...
Rarity 2.0?
Wow, i don't think a story has ever legitimately made my head twitch before.
I'd say i'm surprised but i'm not your making this predictable if it went her way for once then i'd be surprised!
In the name of the Holy Empress, I hereby declare Exterminatus upon the residents of Stable 99.
Yeah. The hype I had for this story is most definitely back.
Oh dear. D: And here I was thinking it was just going to be like when Littlepip went back to her Stable. Oh dear.
So this whole chapter was pretty great. I love Thrush, really wish Blackjack had fucked her, but I'll take friendship and a promise of seeing her again later instead. (Because c'mon, you don't establish characters like that to use once!) The whitewater trip through the fallen towers was a really great sequence; I mean, just having broken buildings in the river was by itself a really clever setpiece. The flashbacks to BJ's history with Daisy were very welcome. I really appreciate that you're not willing to let your villains just be villainous. "Trail of Broken Diamonds" is extremely unsubtle. <.< I like that Rampage got to bond with P-21 a little. And I'm betting one of her souls was a zebra; I mean, it's p. obvs. :B
I love Glory's "I hope nopony gets hurt". Y'know, after she just dropped a grenade into a raider encampment with the express intent to start a skirmish. She's adorable. :V
This is why she's my waifuBut ARGH YET ANOTHER ALICORN WITH A MINIGUN WHY D:6768745 Nope, coming back to find (another) army bent on conquest invading her stable would just be too cheery for her. You don't want her to get spoiled, do you. D:<
Don't worry, Thrush is coming back. With the flashbacks, one of my favorite parts is how they illustrate the constraints and atmosphere of 99; I'm pretty sure Gin Rummy knew Blackjack was right, but what was there she could do in a situation where not making waves is an important part of keeping everyone alive another few years, and you can't actually prove anything, and even the victim is denying everything? On the Trail, Somber operates on multiple levels of subtlety. Sometimes it's like the expression that tipped you off to Caprice. Sometimes it's Derpy dropping a grand piano on Twilight.
Glory is really sweet. And just because you're intentionally doing something that is probably going to cause something to happen doesn't mean you can't hope it doesn't. It just makes you look a little silly. : ) On the alicorns with miniguns, I think it's related to scale matching: they're big, miniguns are big. Rocket launchers probably have more overlap with the magic arrows, and thus giving one to one of these alicorns might be less of a change. And as far as I remember, the arrows weren't all that great (though this could have just been due to a combination of plot armor and the first person POV), so they need something else.
Well played, Blackjack! well played!
Great. this place belonged to Bronies.
6667428 Exterminatus Now!
I wanted to cry; I’d tried to be good and stay put. I had! Was I really that predictable?"
Did you miss parenthesis
Wait... In a land where pure drinking water is worth killing to have, the Seahorse uses a pair of high-output water talismans for propulsion?? Mind-boggling.
7187414 Funny right? I always imagined in Equestria do not petroleum. as the machines as a cloud jackhammer we saw in (funny mention) cloudsdale work? or also we saw steam engines on the train ponyvile to Canterlot and crystal empire. They could invent fanfics with vehicles with engines but unlike using and enjoying gasoline could exchange for magic stones working as flammable product. not to mention the pedal Helicopter that almost runs over a twilight in ponivile in S04e21 Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3
Well, I've forgotten exactly what BJ's mom's colors were, but I'm pretty sure that was her. Shit is seriously about to go down.
Oh boy this next chapter is gonna be fun
Got the chills at the last sentence.
Achievements Unlocked
Tell Them all I'm Coming... Home...
Return Home
Surprising Turn of Events
Find the Raider Army "near" Stable 99
well there goes my dinner, fucking hell that was messed up
I guess there will be song and murder in the next chapter.
This is beginning to remind me of Stable 2...only without SteelRangers.
I was honestly hoping to find it still intact and everybody just fine, if not a little rattled.
But the Wasteland always delivers in the cruelest of ways.
Dang. I really wanted to get to know Gin Rummy better too
THE OVERMARE, I thought Deus and the raiders killed her, the mare just won't stay dead!
Oh...oh god no...
So it took me a few chapters to realize it but did anyone else notice that she totally had the option to disable the city wall turrets but either ignored or didn't notice it?
Ha, another PoTC reference if I recall. At World's End.
Don't lose your sanity, Blackjack. That scene with the Dealer, you nearly lose yourself. (Spoiler warning for early part of this chapter, but anyone should know that)
I will miss the revolver, but I would miss Glory even more.
This sentence, is this grammatically correct?
reminds me of that place
as an acrid reek made my eyes roll.
In one clearing,
Gin Rummy deserved better.
Apologies ahead of time that the rest of these are out of order, CTRL+F is a life saver.
I dunno, I can't tell if it was Rampage giving a roar, or if she somehow acquired a ripper chainsaw.
Seems like an extra quotation mark is at the end when it is not dialogue.
As Fourpony mentioned first, this is still not fixed.
As previously mentioned, this is not fixed either.
Shouldn't it be hoofful? As PresentPerfect pointed out.
Time to clean house. I think the Dealer can agree to that.
It's kinda awkward, but I believe so.
Handful is used repeatedly, and often "hoofful" wouldn't make sense. The show uses "hand" in expressions from time to time, too. PP likes to make fun of the one time (EQG?) when RD goes "What are hands?" despite everyone previously knowing what they were.
Wait, what?
Is this a Ship of Theseus reference?
No. It's a Blackjack reference. :3
Ooooh FUCK. I did not see that coming!
I think i meant to say this a chapter ago, but...
Dang, Thrush's dad's name was Sparrow! I just now figured that out!
The little part of Twilight buried in there that is showing through?
and maybe some Trixie. she always just wanted ponies to like and admire her. friends are best for that cause unlike audience members who go home at the end of the show and forget about you within a week, true friends go home at the end of the day and come back the next day just happy to see you.
That ending made me :(
I found an error. It's not ''though'' but it should be ''through''.
Why would he go from being a baker to that?
Taking a break in the chapter to comment on the OIA memory orb scene.
Did you plan so far ahead, Somber? Cause if you did it's brilliant.
In hindsight, those 2 paragraphs are perfect:
I can imagine that giving that honest answer to Luna killed him inside:
- Fluttershy chose the worst moment to come visit him. He started to grow attached to Fluttershy as she was taking care of him, maybe he was already feeling love
- He knew that Luna choosing her and her friends would tear them apart, change their lives forever.
- He knew the Ministry Mares would act as fuses to cover Luna's image while they did the worst things necessary to win the war.
- He knew that even if Equestria were to win the war, the Ministry Mares would be universally hated, as the truth of what they had to do with their Ministries was revealed. They could even be executed for that.
- He knew (and said it to her face during that scene) that Luna wasn't Celestia.
- I'd bet that he was aware of the Zebra belief that Luna turned into NMM because she called upon the power of the stars (thanks to his childhood spent in the Zebra lands).
- But even worse than the Zebra theory, he realized that appointing the Mane 6 as Ministry heads would ultimately make them unable to use the Elements of Harmony, the only weapon that could stop Luna/NMM if need be.
- Thus, he knew he'd need to build a contingency (or rather a few...)
I would even go as far as wager that he suspected Luna would immediately think of the Mane 6 when told to choose Ministry heads and that's why he suggested capitulation before telling her she'd need a reorganization to rule the kingdom.