• Member Since 28th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen Dec 9th, 2019

Canyon Light

Fan of FiM and Fallout: Equestria - including the Fallout series

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Important Public Service Announcement: Right now I'm too lazy and busy to update this stuff, but I plan to.

Hello, a male here who uses a female avatar usually. Might as well say that.
To be frank, with the stories I read I am into the more mature themes, as my age appropriate. 20 and going onto the big 2-1 soon, slowly looking forward to it. I'm a big fan of FiM, a out of the closest brony and friendly. I would not refuse to say I am a big fan if someone would approach me about it. Already got praise and groans when a group discovers it online.

I like crude humor, a lot at times. I've read a bit of joke fanfics for the laughs.

Trying to change avatars somewhat more often.

Is this thing above Blog Posts module now? Okay, good. Deleted extra blog post modules, quite new to this site regarding features.


This website redesign though.. · 6:46am Jun 16th, 2017

It's so different, and compact like, scary change at first but slick looking. However, I'm back this time, just need to update my bookmarks to readily access the site more.

Report Canyon Light · 268 views ·
Comments ( 23 )
  • Viewing 19 - 23 of 23

2557240 I'm glad you were one of the ones that enjoyed it :D

You're very welcome, Wand3r3r3! :raritywink: I've been meaning to favorite that story since reading it.

Thank you so much for the favorite for 'Stalker'!

When I get done with seeing to these house repairs completed, I will find the time to read again.

Back just in time for getting used to a website redesign.

  • Viewing 19 - 23 of 23
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