Blackjack, an incompetent security mare from the dystopian Stable 99, suddenly has her monotonous life turned upside down when the stable is invaded by vicious raiders. Blackjack flees the stable with EC-1101, with the wasteland in hot pursuit.
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Damn dude, what a chapter, this prison is one giant clusterfuck of insanity, hahaha.
Nicely done man, nicely done
Shadowbolt Tower eh?
Its not that bad
Well, this was a conga line of insanity... I'm not so sure on how to feel about of what's happened right now and now another road ahead paved for Blackjack to undergo... well, this journey is still not over yet...
as she
LOL That's so perfectly morbid and dark!
And so a balefire bomb goes off, destroying the prison. Oh and Blackjack probably dying again.
I love she was just so nonchalant about death. Like it's an inconvenience for her
Mneh. They got out ahead of the blast (I'm sure that will do wonders for the Wasteland), but BJ died anyway. Not that it matters, since she's already survived that once. I mean, the stakes are pretty much no higher than they've ever been, so I'm not too concerned here. :B
Also, that boss fight couldn't have been more "directly out of a video game" if he'd had a health bar.
Still, for all that Hightower did in fact drag on for three chapters, I was never really bored by any of it. Cerberus shouting "For Equestria!" while dropping out of sight was the funniest shit (major props to VisualPony for pulling that off). Rampage is best pony. The amount of pity I have for Doof is indescribable. :( Snips' sacrifice was great. The explanation for why Blackjack can play bass so well is some good ass-covering. :V And now Psychoshy has a boyfriend. Hooray?
But I swear, by the time I get around to writing my FoE parody, it's gonna look like a PH parody too because you pre-stole all my ideas. :C
It's kind of true. Every now and again, you have something like chapter 43 where there's a real sense that something could happen with Blackjack herself, but ever since 33 and then the cyberization and automatic healing became factors (or even well before then as in your case), I'd found tension to come less from the worry that Blackjack herself would die, and more about what she would lose or what she would become along the way.
Somber has his pattern of doing tragedy and sympathy for his antagonists in the story, and I think he was most successful with Doof. The logic/cause and effect holds tighter than, for example, Gorgon, where what he ended up doing seems fine, but not a fully natural outgrowth of his path like with Doof. And in Doof's case, it's like the flip side of the expression about never meeting your heroes: you knew what he became, and where he was before, but even with the original assault memory it felt to me like there was a separation between Doof the Marauder (for all his obvious problems especially where women were concerned), and Deus the Reaper. But the transition, and the way it was on the one hand unnecessary and on the other it's hard to identify anyone in particular who was entirely wrong in how they handled his key conflict . . . it's depressing.
>>Boss fight
I think there are strong similarities to the fight with Horrigan at the end of Fallout 2. Granted, that might just be one of the more franchise relevant cases of generic boss fight that share things with the scene.
Snips was great, and I thought that Blackjack's reaction, for all that it's basically characteristic of her, was too.
To be fair, if the bass thing was ass-covering, it started a long time ago.
Aww, after the "GODDAMMIT BLACKJACK, DON'T FUCK THE BATPONY" response, this just feels so . . . disappointing. Sigh. Different situations, I guess.
Should that be Snails? I don't think Snips was there at the time.
I think I can characterize my reaction to Psychoshy at this point as "cool". I sort of don't care about her. <.< But not in a bad way? She can fuck the batpony and I won't mind, is what I'm saying.
I find myself reminded of the Scarlet Pumpernickel, a Looney Toons classic from... probably the 50s. Daffy is trying so hard to sell a story to this producer that he just keeps piling on increasingly dark and dramatic plot twists until he gives up and kills himself (cartoonishly, but still). This whole Hightower mess read a lot like that, to both good and bad effect, frankly. Between that and the increasingly demonizing nature of the flashbacks (remember when they were poignant and reminded us that this was a world we cared about? Pepperidge Farm remembers...) I've started skimming in between wandering off. Ah well. It's become a chore to read this for at least the last several chapters, but given the length it was bound to have lulls. Trouble is, this particular lull brought me to the 8 deadly words, at least long enough to consider them rather seriously. 'Why does it all end in tears?' Regrettably, Blackjack, you had the misfortune of existing in a fic written by a fellow that calls himself 'Somber'. So... I'm betting you're pretty well fucked, all in all. Sorry.
I've mentioned in commenting on some other fic that it's no story if the author doesn't owe an apology to at least one character (not my thought, Donaldson, the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant)... but what about the other extreme? When every character gets shit on... heh, if we didn't have Fo:E reminding us that the world doesn't actually suck quite this much, that it's even worth saving... eh.
Uh... not so much, Rampage. Admittedly, you're so unacquainted with good luck that you wouldn't know it if it exploded into caps right in front of you, but seriously...
I'm sure that little Deus ex Machina at the end of this chapter is deep, meaningful, and probably just a sign of something worse... but it was good for a chuckle and an eyeroll in the here and now.
Ah, a timeline question (assuming anyone reads this far into a relatively bitchy comment). From the dream there, it looks like Mac and company are recruited after Littlehorn, and after Celestia has stepped down. That struck me as odd. Mac died protecting Celestia from an assassin at a peace summit after Shattered Hoof... when she still had the authority to arrange or even speak at one. I remember it said that after Littlehorn, peace was no longer an option. As such, didn't Mac die before Littlehorn even happened? There's a lot to dig back through to confirm that between this and Fo:E... but it feels off to me; I'm almost positive I remember reading that Celestia was still in charge at that point, that's what made it an assassination attempt and why it made no sense to me at the time (you're scared of Luna taking control so you shoot at the one whose death would put her there? Wat?)
And so, onward... not too sure about upward... but you can't have everything.
Shadowbolt tower? I wonder how long the lesson she learned here will last....
Achievements Unlocked
Prison Duty: Break into, then escape, from Hightower Prison more or less intact and alive.
not so happily everafter: die, again.
on a more serious note, great chapter man. tho does this mean Blackjack goes back to level one again?
goddamnit BJ feels sloppy after getting that healing talisman melting left and right. pls stap dying
funny how they call him A useless fuckup, as if his name wasn't Doof.
As if he never fought in that war.
doom bunny now makes sense
Now that's irony right there.
The irony has been doubled!
Clean up on isle 4, Cloud Kicker.
Looks like your girlfriend got in a twist.
Special Weapons and Tactics.
Funny, Somber made use of that A.
It should be S.W.A.A.T
Did you know "Deus" means "God"?
I also find it somewhat humorous since he did, indeed, become a "God of pain and misery".
Its so sad, though, because Vanity was judging him as scum.
Its really that mares fault for telling Doof that Twist would like it. He was too stupid to think otherwise.
Yeah. Because that's reassuring...
In other words, she can copy and paste soul B to soul A, but keep A as well. (B is another pony. A is her own, or a blank slate.)
Dammit, Blackjack!
You're not a cat! You don't have 9 lives!
3 strikes, and you. Are. Out, girl!
I have a very clear mental picture of The Warden looking and sounding exactly like Cave Johnson
Rampage: Kick the Blackjack!
Blackjack: Don't kick the Blackjack!
* * *
Blackjack: (Shaking Snails) FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT!
Snails: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-
Blackjack: FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT-
That prison reminded me of a huge temple! Loved the layout and story progression through it.
I was so sad to learn what happened to Octavia, but her instrument still sings for her
Black jack has twenty one lives.
Okay, I had to chuckle when Blackjack and Rampage were yelling into the toilet, as this was word for word what Egon and Peter were yelling at the mood slime in Ghostbusters 2.
Wait... you moved to Vegas???
SONOFABITCH! I was just there last week for a major 8-ball tournament at the Westgate.
I was about to commment that it is not belivable that character as important as Lacunae was killed within 2 sentences. That it was too obvious that she is not dead, but then she says she faked it, so F! I don't get a single chance to comment about bad writing
I would never... ever... kill characters. Nope. >.>
Only Blackjack would die twice in as many chapters.
Damn... she lost both legs
And that was Project Horizons.
Unexpecting ending and there are a few lose ends left but overall, I'll give 10 points out of 10.
Can’t wait for the sequel where Glory and P-21 are forced to pretend to be a couple for tax benefits.
They need to find Snails, more information about the EC-1101 and the stuff Ahuitzotl wants from the crime bosses’ prison cell. All within a very short timeframe. They may not have enough time to get everything and Blackjack wouldn’t be Blackjack if she didn’t prioritize saving Snails over everything else. I foresee a conflict of interests with Carrion who has a different set of priorities.
I was sure Cerberus wouldn’t make it out alive. Looks like I was wrong.
Let’s hope there are no unfortunate scavengers near the prison. This is going to be a big explosion.
Not sure if you can consider that as a compliment or not.
Which sounds nothing like the Griffons from show. But some inconsistencies are to be excepted, since Fallout Equestria was written during Season One when there was almost no lore about Griffons. Wasn’t until Season 5 that we got a closer look at Griffon culture. And while this chapter was written after said episode it makes sense to stick with the original lore established by Fallout: Equestria.
Unfortunately, you’ve met her on a very bad day. Blackjack normally doesn’t want to butcher anyone and tries to avoid killing, sparing even the worst of the worst as long as they surrender or are no longer a threat.
Well, she has a point. We’ve seen Blackjack snapping multiple times and crazy Blackjack is frightening. Littlepip’s Arbu massacre is peanuts compared to Blackjack on a really bad day. But as I said before: Blackjack has proven multiple times that she’s not going to turn into another Deus no matter how bad things turn.
That’s probably going to ruin any chance of her every being able to go back to her people. They’re going to mark her as a traitor and we saw what the Remnants do to Traitors.
Being forced to leave ponies in need of help behind sucks. Especially if you’re Blackjack who always wants to save everyone.
My first thought was, that her plan was to trick the flaming Ghouls into melting the door with their fire. But using the Smooze’s corrosive body to melt the door is brilliant.
And now she’s weaponizing the Smooze to kill the almost indestructible burning Ghouls. Clever girl!
Or maybe it remembered what happened the last time it tried to eat Blackjack and simply was like: “You know what? I’m good. I’m just going back to the basement and let you do your stuff while I do mine.”
Oh okay, so the initial plan wasn’t to use the Smooze to melt the door. It was just to get rid of the Ghouls. Using it on the door was an Eureka moment of Blackjack.
First Cerberus and now her. I guess this is the part where the group is slowly reduced one by one. Which probably means a few more death red shirts along the way.
Probably wondering what she did to deserve being stuck in a prison full of deadly ghouls and robots with two crazy ponies and a balefire bomb about to go off.
Well that’s not something you see every day. Again, it’s a good thing that they’re so far gone that they don’t realize the state they are in.
I love how she completely unfazed by the fact that Blackjack just killed her co-worker. Even if they were on opposing sides and all that.
By the way: Raindrops isn’t going to be added to kill the count since she’s gone completely feral. Same for the other two she put down.
Is that how Ghouls work? Well another thing one the list of things that make no sense about Ghouls.
Sure, being honest has worked surprisingly well for Silver Spoon and turned out to be an instant cure. Still we don’t know if that’s the normal reaction. Telling Blossomforth the truth may actually help her recover or it may drive her over the edge. Better bring her to Meatlocker first an see what they can do for her.
You just admitted being scared of Blackjack going crazy and killing you. So, her not wanting to kill is a good sign and you should encourage that behavior. Even if it’s just for the sake of self-preservation.
That's ten ponies who would’ve died without you. I call that a success. Provided you manage to get them out of Hightower.
Wouldn’t that make them S.W.A.A.T. instead?
Merriweather has been blackmailed by someone to put the prison into lockdown and then she killed herself out of guilty. Ironically sparing her the fate of all the staff and the inmates.
Pretty sure the ones behind this were the O.I.A. although I’m not sure if this was an order from Goldenblood or Horse.
Sounds like a plan. Albeit it also sounds far to easy to work flawlessly.
Not sure what that says about his character. He’s obviously not right in the head, considering how he got tricked into raping someone. But he also seemed to have been a decent guy once who tried to make amends. When that failed he wanted to commit suicide by cops and instead got turned into a living weapon. Sounds awfully similar to Blackjack. Until he gave up and decided to be a monster.
Video game logic at it’s finest. She’s going to get a lot of caps for all that vendor trash.
Can’t believe he fell for that.
He lied. Turns out my suspicion was true and he was fully intending to do a heroic sacrifice to make amends for putting that Death Curse on Blackjack.
Exactly! Then you probably wouldn’t had to rush through the prison before a balefire bomb goes off. But rest assured you’re not the first one who realized that things would’ve been far easier if you had just bee honest to Blackjack. And I doubt you’ll be the last one.
I’m getting the feeling this in no longer about Twist. Doof wants to prove to himself that he’s not a monster. That’s what matters the most to him. He should’ve accepted that Twist is done with him after what he did and try to move on. But no, he wanted to talk to Twist, like if this could magical fix everything he did. What would’ve happened if Twist didn’t accept his apologize? Would’ve have gotten angry at her, too? Probably yes.
Worst possible timing Rampage.
Also, this chapter is now a competition between Blackjack and Rampage about who’s going to snap first. Right now, it looks like Rampage is winning.
As 48 Chapters of PH have shown, the death isn’t even in the Top Ten List of absolutely worst things.
This whole conversation between Fluttershy and Rarity was one of the best moments in Project Horizons. Both mares were written really well and you can even sympathize[with Rarity despite everything she did and understand why she took such drastic actions.
And again, Goldenblood's rule in this was minimal. It was just about Rarity and her obsession with keeping her friends safe. As it should be.
I wonder if this will lead to a situation where Blackjack decides not to go after another clue for the EC-1101 because it would unnecessarily endanger her friends. I know that ithe EC-1101 is the main plot hook for PH and that Blackjack somehow has to get the information but it would be nice to see something like that in the story.
I’m not an expert in souls, but cutting one in half sounds like a very unhealthy thing to do.
At first it looked like she was going to exploit Octavia’s desperate need for money and make her “volunteer” by withholding the money until she agreed. But she was perfectly willing to let her walk away with the cash. That’s very generous.
Great, she just gave that Book of Unspeakable Evil more ideas.
Wait a second, you didn’t tell Octavia that she could’ve died, did you? That’s cold.
Sounds easy enough.
Who aim kidding. This is going to go horribly wrong.
Spot on Rampage. Blackjack can spend hours thinking about the motivations of long death ponies like it’s all one big mystery.
Luckily for her, this is Project Horizons, so there’s really one big mystery than needs to be solving instead of everything just being a bunch of random events.
Still a worse love story than Twilight!
But hey, Stygius is actually contributing something to the story for once. Sure, it’s the only memorable thing he has done in the last three chapters, but beggars can't be choosers .
I was already writing a lengthy comment in my head about how Stygius hasn’t really done anything noteworthy in the last three chapters since the group entered Hightower. He was just kinda there in the background fighting ghouls and giving everyone a concerned/worried/confused look on his face. If this was movie or series he would be the uncredited extra with no lines that dies fifteen minutes into the story to establish how dangerous the place is. We now know more about Graves and Carrion than the guy who has been sticking around with Blackjack for five chapters.
I know he can’t easily communicate with the rest of the group, but there are plenty of fictional “mute” characters. Even Fallout had a temporary company who couldn’t talk in the Dead Money DLC. Stygius needs to interact more with the rest of the group, to give the readers more insight into his personality and how he ticks. Otherwise he's going to remain that guy who's glued to Blackjack and looks concerned.
Obviously, you’ve never played a character with max speech. Nothing is more satisfying than convincing Legate Lanius to abandon his conquest of New Vegas or pointing out all the flaws in the Master’s plan.
Or just playing Planescape: Tourment aka one of the greatest games ever made!
“Why do I suddenly hear boss music?”
Asked Warden Hobble when Blackjack entered his office.
That’s a pretty understandable reaction considering she’s not a badass fighter like Blackjack, Rampage, Carrion or Stygius and that she’s in a room with a giant pony-shaped monstrosity.
It’s Rampage. So she’s going to survive. May take a while for her to regenerate from being burned alive and blown to dust in a balefire explosion but if anypony could walk off something like that it’s her.
I feel bad but that actually made me chuckle. That’s the universe telling Blackjack “I hate you!”
Rescued by a Mysterious Stranger. Guess that one switched out his pistol for something bigger. Because sometimes overkill is the appropriate response.
Yep, this confirms that the EC-1101 is just an elaborate plot to kill whoever stumbled upon it.
Moments like this make me regret that I already know the key plot points of the story. I wasn’t worried about her because already knew that she wouldn't die.
That said even without that knowledge, I'm don't think I would've bought her death. It's a bit hard to explain why, but it didn't feel like a real death scene. Not dramatic enough.
Okay I didn’t expect the curse to actually kill Blackjack. Ah well, she still has a few extra lives so it’s okay.[
Huge respect for you guys. That's some serious commitment.
Even without this comment by Somber, I doubt anybody would’ve believed for a second that Blackjack anti-climatically died to a mere curse. That’s so un-Blackjack like.
Hightower: Three really, really, really fucking long chapters. But it were three very enjoyable chapters. Never felt padding or boring. Sure, you could've cut the Smooze and the fight with the possessed items to streamline the story but I liked both these parts. The sapient scarf was my personal highlight of Hightower and I'm still disappointed that it only appeared in one scene.
Ironically the Ancient Zebra Death Curse felt like something that just kind of happened and didn’t really create any feel of urgency. At least not for me. In fact, the Balefire bomb was a far more effective ticking clock than Blackjack dying to the curse. Especially with the heat and the smoke getting worse by the minute. Of course, I understand why the curse had to be added to the story. We needed a reason why Blackjack couldn't just abort the mission and come back again with better preparation. The curse was a necessary plot device to prevent that.
And speaking of plot device: Are Stygius and Notshy in love? I think they’re supposed to be, but it’s hard to tell. Just a few hours before meeting Notshy, Stygius was casually fucking Blackjack. Then he bumps into her and now they are lovey-dovey? That's just... no... Like I said, if I had a reason to care about Stygius and actually liked him as a character I may be more willing to buy it. But right now it feels like they are in love because the plot demands it and not because it fits with their personalities.
You know what would be a great twist: Shy thinks they are in love - just like she thought Sanguine loved her. Because she's still a teenager who deep-down looks for someone that cares for her while hidding her emotions by acting like the toughest of the toughest. Meanwhile Stygius thinks it's just another causal fling. He doesn't even has any bad intentions. He geniunly believes it's obvious the he doesn't want anything serious and that Shy views their relationship the same way. Classic, tragic miscommunication.
Overall Hightower was a success story. Only two team members died and they not only saved Snails but a couple of other Ghouls as well. Future more they destroyed that wrecked place and put hundreds of Feral Ghouls out of their misery. As far as PH goes this count as victory for Team Blackjack.
When I wrote it it was going to be one massive chapter. Cause yeah, writing short and sweet is totally my style...
Blackjack being saved by Cognitum at the end there makes so much sense in hindsight.
Back in Hippocratic Research she was chasing them as the ultra sentinel screaming "give it to me!", referring to the Pipbuck. It is her, who is putting these ridiculous waypoint in EC-1101 patching route. She is trying to kill Blackjack. If that succeeded in high tower, she would have no problem getting the Pipbuck back, if noone on Blackjack's team would care to take it. Noone else in her crew cares about the program, if Blackjack died in a remotely dangerous area none of them would care enough to rush in for some Pipbuck; they are unlike Blackjack in that regard.
Hightower, however, would be a trickier location to retrieve the Pipbuck from, but not as hard as trying to get it from the living Blackjack. An army of robots could storm the tower. Cognitum is not using them anymore, because she changed her tactics. Blackjack either dies, or gets stronger with every encounter. Cognitum is planning to steal her body eventually, so it's for her benefit. She needs a descendant of a ministry mare, if I remember correctly, but it doesn't have to be Blackjack. Heck, Psychoshy is over here and her body is a much easier plan B for Cognitum in case Blackjack dies. Getting the body from a stronger Blackjack might be tough as hell, or just a case of few EMP grenades. Either way, Cognitum gets what she wants.
She was fine with sending Blackjack to Hightower, there was no threat of the bomb exploding back then. Now, the moment the lockdown is lifted and the Pipbuck is in danger of evaporating in the explosion, Cognitum saves it.
Pointing out that her voice sounds familiar is also a genius hint. Yes, Blackjack knows Sweetie Belle's voice, but it's not the exact match, just simmilar. I don't know if the other encouters with Cognitum talking count, since their speakers might not have been accurate enough. The point I am trying to make is that this is the first time we hear a real voice of Cognitum, because otherwise it wouldn't have been pointed out.
It could be possible for a first-time reader to figure out why a random beam from the Core saves Blackjack if they could keep track of the thousands of moving parts in this story. The hints are all there, it is just hard to connect the correct ones.
That is why I think Project Horizons is so good, almost everything is hinted at. One single adverb can turn out to be a massive one for the future. So many words, yet any single of them could be the important one.
For me, I don't mind Hightower, or any other part, taking its sweet time in terms of chapter count. There is so much to take in, especially in this one, that I need some filler to process it all. I love Horizons the way it is, with its flaws and high word count. Honestly, how can anything be perfect if it's this complicated?
Rampage is gonna be so pissed that Lacunae saved her at the end there.
That's the thing about PH, right? There are so many words that we forget that most of the chapters portray periods of time less than a day
…replace “notes” with “words” and you have PH in a nutshell!
…seriously though there’s barely anything here that I could bear to see cut!
Oh, you regret it? Okay, you're forgiven then. Don't forget to cry with this pitiful look of stray dog, so others pity you more.
Am I the only one who thinks that Fluttershy is the most hypoctritical and hideous character in the whole book?
She literally destroyed the world with her own hooves and says that she regrets it, and have audacity to judge Rarity. Fuckin hilarious.
And even more hilarious how everyone justifies what she did saying "she wanted to do better". Better is not giving megaspells to your opponent so he can destroy you in the future. Did this piece of shit think that circumstances can change and zebras won't stop fighting and will fire megaspells the instant they get them?
"I could not continue doing nothing. I had to do something!" she says. Doing something is not giving megaspells to zebras, idiot.
Is there anyone who loves this infant bitch who can't see more than one step ahead?