Blackjack, an incompetent security mare from the dystopian Stable 99, suddenly has her monotonous life turned upside down when the stable is invaded by vicious raiders. Blackjack flees the stable with EC-1101, with the wasteland in hot pursuit.
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Sincerely, Rarity.” [i/]
the / should be before the i
6440471 thank you so much
A swell done chapter man, awesome job on this!
After this, everything is in Italics, good lort almighty.
Man oh man, lots of reveal in this, and Blackjack, good god I love her so much xD
Rampage too, she's fuckin great!
Good job!
no problem
I can tell Rampage is the new funny mare.
Least they picked this thing back up.
So Caprice sold Blackjack out then planned to keep her drugged up and locked in the stable so she couldn't "take over" Flank? Everyone seems to assume the worst of BJ and it ends up screwing up everything and leaving bitterness.
You know the worse part of the wasteland? More than anything else? The fact that it steals your hope. Blackjack can't even hope to be happy anymore...
Oh hey, didn't see you there ya mean bastard, we were looking for Caprice.
Man, I was actually kind of liking Caprice...
NOOOOO YOU CAN'T SAY THAT Not when I know what happened to make her quit
I wonder how Rampage got to be regenerative... she's got to be the most OP Reaper of them all if she can't die!
Rampage is like a psychopathic, equestrian Captain Jack Harkness (Doctor Who)
6574743 this I'd my first time reading this, so this is pure speculation, but I'm guessing it has something to do with the pink cloud, from canterlot, now that we know some kind of pink stuff emerges when she regenerates
How does Blackjack know this, anyways? I remember the cause of the war was a fairly big revelation in the original story, but Blackjack somehow knows it already.
Otherwise, a great chapter. Caprice's deception hits pretty hard.
6684176 Back in chapter 14, there was a line from Glory about Equestria's dependence on zebra coal; Glory almost certainly knew long before coming groundside, and could have said even more about it at some point offscreen. Also, it could just be something she managed to pick up in school despite sleeping through 2/3s of her lectures; there were indications they covered and she remembered at least some big-picture military and government history.
The big thing, though, is that there isn't much in-universe reason for it to be a major reveal, especially given the combination of Stable-Tec not being big fans of the M.o.I. and the customization between different stables, which, as vanilla FoE demonstrated, extended to school curricula. Out of universe, making it a big deal for everyone who finds out in every story would be kind of tedious, especially given the near 100% chance it's not a reveal for the reader.
Otherwise . . . yeah, could well have been a slip-up.
Okay, so this is supposedly where everything goes to shit. :V Let's see how bad an idea this is.
Good next chapter, anyway. I'm glad BJ finally got laid (heh, or did she?) and I'm sad she doesn't get a waifu to come home to. :V I guess I understand what I want for her now. So glad I was right about Caprice, though. :D
P-21 got a good moment. I'm less enthused by Glory's new emo name, but I'm sure she'll get over herself eventually. And Rampage finally gets some backstory. For all that it's your standard amnesia gambit, I'm pleased to see that she at least has emotions; that bit with the filly was good, too. I don't think she's a good character yet, but at least I don't mind having her around now. The Pinkie and Octavia arcs seem a little more promising than the Big Macintosh arc, too. Onward!
6741678 I wasn't expecting you back on this so soon. I guess that pretty much eliminates any chance that I'd catch up to you. Oh well.
On the going to shit, I'd say there are two major camps on that. The first is more about the story becoming an emotional black hole and gore-filled shock-fest. There the tipping point could hit in the next few chapters, but I'm guessing is based more on things starting towards the end of chapter 21 or the start of 22. The other goes to shit perspective, I think, has a readily identifiable immediate break at the 33/34 border, where the story changes considerably.
On a happier note, this is a nice rest-and-recuperation break after being on the run so long. And I like how it shows the cast interacting with a community on a semi-sustained basis, and in a more normal way than just coming in and blowing stuff up before leaving after the
queststuff that brought them there is over. A shame it didn't work out better for them, of course.On Caprice, I thought she was fun, and on the surface a great personality for playing off of Blackjack, but what's always stuck with me was the last couple lines of dialog between her and Blackjack. I'm sure it's a commonly used exchange, but I thought the story built up to it well in terms of justifying the immediate motivation, why Caprice actually would like playing it out, and just how unnecessary it all was (for all that her getting the wrong impression was understandable).
Good luck!
6661009 Afraid you're way off there, as you'll eventually see.
But don't worry, there is a lot more to Rampages story than even she knows. And honestly I think it's one of the better character development arcs of the whole story.
I suppose there are some advantages to reading this before the original... sometimes not knowing has its perks.
That said, even easily guessing who Caprice was via comments and whatnot... she was affable. Almost enough to make Blackjack's immediate rejection of her after the reveal seem like sour grapes. But then again, she wouldn't be Blackjack if she didn't still have that "i am not smart" bit of naivete.
I'm going to call her hallusination Old Wasteland. I see Old Wasteland as a father figure to blackjack the father she never had. The wasteland has its own persona and so does her imagenary dad. I think they mixed together to create Old Wasteland
7653204 Lol.
well BlackJack, looks like ya finally got a chance to speak to Caprice in the flesh. i wonder if the character regrets finding out? i know i personally would at least a little for sure, but it was bound to happen eventually. also, Caprice was how he and the others had found out? wow. i must admit, if i was in her shoes i would have probably more or less done the same. it is all she had after all and she didnt want it taken from her.
HAHAHA Throwing her out of the clinic
Plz more FOE references.
I loved the twist in this chapter, I'd never thought that the bartender would be Caprice. But it makes so much sense for Caprice to be fearful for BJ. I thought that BJ actually had someone loving her. (Like a Homage) She also seems really nice, it's just sad to think how the wasteland just fucks over nice people. Like Frisk, that guy looked nice until he fucking raped the ex-slaver. And how fucked up Rampage actually is. This chapter is like a goddamn rollercoaster. Can't wait to read moreeeee!
17 chapters down 60 to go.
If all this is what can happen in the first fifth or the story, i face the rest with trepidation.
So the barpony was Caprice.
Totally called it.
Mr. Horse!? Is that file a platinum chip!?
All these assassination mysteries!
WHO IS RAMPAGE!? What did she find in that place where no living thing can go!?
I do NOT blame him. Taking a wild guess at what was in her stomach, but I wouldn't have hesitated to empty by bag of explosives and pull ALL the pins.
Not a smart pony.
Wow, just take my heart and stomp all over it why don't you?
What the hell are you mare?
Blackjack got The Fool, Justice, Nine of Swords, Eight of Cups and The Hanged Man (or Mare in this case).
The Dealer's got The Moon, The Tower, Six of Swords and The Star. Not sure about the card with the blonde unicorn though.
Does anyone here know enough about tarot to properly interpret those card combantions?
That's got to be some sort of foreshadowing!
I'm curious about this as well. I'd need to look up tarot.
this reminds me of a weird scene in a "sandman" comic book where a superhero-type...i think her name was "metamorpha"...was talking to Death, yes the actual grim reaper (but she looked like a girl with white skin), saying that she wanted to die, but couldn't. "i even considered trying to blow myself up with a nuke, but what if it didn't work? then i'd be radioactive for years, and even more alone."
P-21 stiff as a baseball bat is amusing imagery
Security as melted beverage is also quite amusing imagery
Tent scene introducing Celestia and Luna 'in-person' along with the introduction of Goldenblood.
So coal was taken by force, really who is responsible for such a flawed infrastructure dependent on a foreign resource? And Goldenblood has family issues with abuse and more.
Like the magic.gif
Good, Blackjack retrieved Cupcake's revolver sometime after the battle with Deus. It's a nice revolver after all.
Robronco's not or Robronco is not (or maybe this is just a nitpick)
Ah, Mr. Horse's mechasprite demonstration was secretly sabotaged. Zebra reason?
Ponies are ponies (or is this intended informal speech?)
knick-knacks. (I've never seen it spelled otherwise)
After twice or more instances of the same informal speech, I'll just accept it.
The Sparkle-Cola was drugged for the second time with Barpony, wasn't it? Let's see that's.. two times for sex? Glory was annoyed with the fortifying work as is. I'd be pretty mad too if I was used by somebody playing as a different persona. Caprice really couldn't of made herself more obvious on re-read, she knew way too much knowledge of the place for a simple barpony just working at a bar. Also Rampage's interruption was hilarious, Glory was confounded with Blackjack's stupidity but I guess sometimes ya gotta learn the hard way about the truth. But sheesh, Fixer chem to wake up from the Moon dust's trick? Oookayy. Good thing Caprice's plan to keep on the downlow didn't work, she could of sold Blackjack out if BJ did nothing about it. But everyone assumes the worst out of fear.
Aptly named chapter for a multitude of reasons. As well as quite long for the second volume's first chapter, same as the first for a long length. Good stuff.
I don't think she was trying to hide it. After all, Rampage already knew who she was, and everyone else figured it out right away. I think she ended up using the fact she was lucky just how thickheaded Blackjack was to her advantage.
Oh my god, is that a Tolkien reference I see!?
Here's the LOTR version
Maybe I'm seeing things, but it looks close.
For Blackjack, we have:
The Fool: Beginnings, new undertakings, acting carelessly.
Justice: Fairness, justice, law
Nine of Swords: Sorrow arising from conflict
Eight of Cups: Disappointment, failure, retreat
Hanged Mare: Wisdom through experience, possibly unpleasant
For the Wasteland, we have:
The Moon: Illusions, deceptions, hidden enemies.
The Tower: Sudden change, possibly catastrophic or violent
Six of Swords: Transition and change, leaving behind baggage and the past
The Star: Completion, fulfillment, success
These seem to be fairly straightforward reflections of the characters and story so far. Blackjack is the Fool, rushing in heedless of danger seeking to bring Justice. Her actions cause conflict, giving rise to sorrow and pain and also creating powerful feelings of failure and unworthiness. These experiences, however, offer wisdom through their harsh tutelage.
The Wasteland, and Hoofington itself, are like the Moon on a cloudy night; dark, mysterious, and full of secrets. Enemies lurk concealed in the shadows and the lines between friend and enemy becomes blurry. The Towers of Hoofington, which once rose, have fallen again. However, there is now a period of change where it is conceivable that a better future could be possible.
Goddammit Glory you've really drunk the Kool Aid, huh?
EnClAvE BrAiN WaShInG spooooky
i would love to read her meeting Calamity. learning that lighthooves is not only working with the consent of the enclave but that what he is doing is their general policy.
“You think all ponies are good people, and you want to help them.”
Now we get the proper introduction for rampage: bloody mess maker. We even get that high dose of guts and blood and it gets me to crave pony meat a little
Maybe these lucky moments either reminded that blacjack was not 100 slutty at the beggining or that advice made a hundread
Years BC about the woman that decorates the butt is after your food deposit.
Regarding using coal as the dependant resource maybe is something that kkat should have thought better to make a more fitting equivalent, looking... At it
.. Now.... It feels silly...... ***Shots fired***
While total regeneration happens the caster still feels pain and psicological trauma.
What would happen if rampage dived in a pool of acid? Or in a volcano?
Would she "wake up" millions of years after the rocks cooled down?
It makes me think about the possibility of celestia killing ainnocent pony or zebra with her own hooves, like blacjack, she would have a mental breakdown.
Blackjack also haves the same feeling i have when i look at celestia, i could almost feel the motherly aura
The hallucination is some sort of twisted spirit that was the result of bombs, magical artifacts and souls mashed up. And that it manifests on some ponies that try to change things. That is my headcanon
Aftet all these years, i will finally know what they mean...
What kind of drink is "the price"? Did someone attempt to recreate it? Or it does exists in real life?
I bet that there will be an enemy that will exploit blackjack's mercy and everything will fall apart. But it will not make she lose the mercy.
Because stupid
I can't help but feel a lot of this could have been avoided if the whole world wasn't playing keep-away with Caprice's identity for some reason. Like... how did anyone feel that would be a good idea?
Glory and P-21 clearly knew and they should have realized Blackjack was going to feel betrayed when the pony she'd been with turned out to not be who BJ thought Barpony was. On top of that they know she's been looking for Caprice to turn in quests for days.
Heh, Ponies not knowing what war is, even though Twilight uses the word casually in a season 2 episode.
Heh, 'Epic Pony War.' Great foreshadowing!
Also, lavender unicorn syndrome
To be fair, I wrote this before that episode aired.
9538302 9538413
Yeah, at the time, the peak warlike conflict in the show involved... throwing pies at buffalo. However that was supposed to work.
Wake up juice lite
Deus was working for Sanguine. Sanguine and whoever is behind him, still want the EC-1101. In all likelihood they will put an even higher bounty on Blackjack’s head. Even in the unlikely case of them not announcing a new bounty, there’s still Usury who wants the Pony that goes around killing her slavers death. Not to mention others like Sidewinder or the Enclave who have a personal grudge against her
Sorry Blackjack there are still a lot of ponies that want to mess with you.
Dealer should listen to his own speeches. Just appearing once in a while for a cryptic speech is the opposite of keeping things interesting.
Blackjack is basically me in this scene.
An interesting perspective and I can see where Glory is coming from. She believes the Enclave can change and that their leadership is willing to listen to reason. Therefore the best approach is to change the system from within. The Enclave with all their resources can do more good for the surface, than every single Dashite. Operation Cauterize is going to be a horrible wake-up call for her.
What she also doesn’t realizes is that not every Pegasi has the same protection she has. As the daughter of a hero with a lot of political power, she can get away with more stuff than many other Pegasi. Even Calamity wasn't supported by his father like Glory was. So every Dashite willing to leave his home and family behind, becoming an outcast, just to help the surface is actually a lot braver that Glory gives him or her credit for.
Blackjack really knows how to leave a strong impression.
So the stallions do have real Cutie Marks. They’re just hidden underneath that Stable 99 male symbol. Interesting.
Turning a name that was supposed to make you a lesser being into something to be proud off? I can get behind that. It’s basically one big “Fuck You!” to Stable 99.
Good to see that at least some ponies spent some thoughts about how to ruin the day for Unicorns with ridiculously overpowered levitation magic.
Silly, silly Security… Still hasn’t figured out the most obvious thing.
“Suddenly regretting, not having killed you!”
People like to reform Cozy, Chrysalis and even Sombra in their fanfics. Yet Blueblood, a guy whose only "crime" was being snobby, is often turned in some kind of monster. Is there some explanation behind this, I don't get?
That sounds like a receipt for disaster. When Caprice was first mentioned by Bottlecap, it sounded like she was a rather successful and ruthless business pony. Turns out she’s a pretty bad leader who’s just winging it. Probably would be a lot happier running a bar instead of a whole city.
Unless I missed something, this is the first time Blackjack had sex with somepony else during this story. Speak's BJ is notoriously horny and tries to get under the tail of a lot of ponies. Even after she sobered up, she actively seeks out sex constantly. Supposedly there’s also a ridicules amount of sex in the later chapters. It almost like she was a different pony back then.
Well one way to explain this could be that all the traumatic events that are going to happen to her in this story turned her into a sex addicted. Others drink to forget their sorrows, Blackjack started fucking. Could actually explain a lot about her behavior even if it wasn't Somber's intention.
Glory has a point! In all likelihood barpony just manipulated Blackjack into taking out Caprice’s competition for her. Blackjack, despite her bad experiences with Lancer and the Enclave, is still far too trustworthy. Just because a barpony claims that Caprice actually is an ethical drug dealer, you’re gonna believe her?
Again Blackjack blaming herself for everything! If it hadn’t been for Blackjack he wouldn’t be limping, he would be death. Courtesy of Daisy and Marmalade.
Ooohhh so that’s why she called her Mom in the previous chapter. I guess Bonesaw is dad, then?
So Reapers are basically wandering around the Hoof, picking fights with others? What's the appeal of joining them again?
And in a dark twist Blackjack [[spoiler: would herself eventually become an immortal, badass fighter that can survive getting half her face blown off. And just like Rampage she would hate everything about it.[]
Well when even immortal muderpony doesn’t want to talk about the place, you know it’s bad news.
Calling it now: At some point in the story Blackjack and Co will run into them. Except that somepony has programmed them to ingest meat and bones. Because that’s exactly the kind of “fucked-up stuff from your worst nightmares” I’m expecting from Project Horizons.
Don’t try to figure that one out. It changes with every game. Personally I prefer Ghouls who still need to eat.
A lot of ponies got get killed shortly before the bombs fell. Also I can’t really imagine the Cakes as some kind of spies working for Pinkie. I know, I know, it’s always the ones you except the least but it seems very out of character. Even in Fallout: Equestria.
Nameless slave gang leader was honestly the last person I expected to show up again.
People have criticized Blackjack for letting others get away with terrible crimes unpunished because she couldn’t kill an unarmed pony.
While I share this sentiment, I can understand Blackjack to a degree. She herself has been a rapist, too. Not out of malice but because apathy towards the males of Stable 99. She gave P-21 a gun, fully expecting him to kill her, yet he spared her life. If she got a second chance, how could she deny it somepony else? Especially if that pony has hurt far less ponies than she did?
Blackjack spared a slaver. An evil Pony who ruined the lives of countless others. Then one of the victims wanted revenge and raped her in front of her daughter. The perpetrator became a victim and the victim a perpetrator. Scalpel summed it up perfectly: Ponies is ponies.
Still, I didn’t think Blackjack sparing everypony she comes across is the right thing. It’s what I call the Batman dilemma. Batman refuses to kill, which is a noble thing and objectionably good. Yet he spares the Joker again and again despite him always breaking out of prison causing more death and mayhem. So no matter how you see it, by killing the Joker Batman would ultimately do more good and save countless lives even if it goes against his principles.
In Project Horizons, Blackjack could theoretically come across a gang leader who burned down farms, raped ponies in front of their children and then forced them to work as sex slaves in brothels. Said pony surrenders and begs for mercy. Blackjack lets him go and even thought said pony never harms another pony, he doesn’t feel remorse or tires to make amends. Instead finding a new less dangerous job and lives the rest of his live in peace, never having to answer for his crimes. That’s not justice to me.
Having a moral code is a noble thing that can make the difference between being a good or a bad pony. But a good pony also knows that at some point you may need to break your code to be a good pony.
Took her long enough to figure it out. I think to most readers it was obvious who barpony really was right from the beginning. Then again, I believe this wasn’t supposed to be a shocking surprise for the readers. Instead we were supposed to realize this long before Blackjack to show us that Blackjack is well-meaning but also a little bit dense sometimes.
Caprice is a really interesting character. I can’t help but think that she’s genuinely sorry and secretly would be more happy not being in charge of the town.
Blackjack’s On-screen Body Count: 116
First chapter in which Blackjack killed absolutely no-one. In every other chapter she killed at least some animals or ferals ghouls. She did destroy a few robots but they weren’t sentient and thus don’t count.
Welp she's going goth alot sooner
Oh!!!! They're daft punk!!
Awww.... 😢😢. Why can't she just get a break and relax? I was really hoping for flank to be a steady place that they visit