Blackjack, an incompetent security mare from the dystopian Stable 99, suddenly has her monotonous life turned upside down when the stable is invaded by vicious raiders. Blackjack flees the stable with EC-1101, with the wasteland in hot pursuit.
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Starts off good, then after Blackjack's first death the bullshit starts and it gets worse and worse, the story then drags and drags becoming unbearable. I gave up when Blackjack became a cyber-alicorn and I think was pregnant for 3 months after that...
What makes me go what the fuck the most is that Blackjack dies like 3 times. I can forgive the first death as she was cybernetically augmented to save her. But the second or third times, no, you can't do that it just doesn't work.
7319546 If you want to split hairs, she only dies once. after 33, she would be in a coma while on Rampage life support. After Hightower, her body was alive but her soul was temporarily removed from it. The only real death would be the last one.
5th longest story.
I'm almost afraid of seeing the 1s.
I've reread this about five times. I'm waiting for all the chapters to come out so I can download the epub and read it on my phone. I don't wanna read the gdoc cause I have to scroll through all the text everytime.
Blackjack has left a serious impression on my life and I just wanna say thanks for writing such a compelling character! I can already guess the ending from all the spoilers(especially the description from the sequal. That really depressed me cause I decided to wait for the epub to come out instead of finishing it in one go.) But Im still anxiously awaiting the completion the fimfic version so I can finish it. Once again thank you for such a gem, even now I constantly repeat my mantra "be kind, be generous" whenever I need it. Have a good one friend.
Ooooh, hmm... alright, thanks for clarifying!
What timing. I clarify the story is being uploaded here still and lo' and behold three new chapters to read now. Yes! Thank you thank you thank you Somber & co.
4th, actually
: some of those statistics don't update right away, at least out of published stories, or something? It seems there's something longer than The Catch that doesn't show up on the search-by-words feature.As for the longest (out of the ones caught by the search) . . . well, it's here, and almost 900,000 words longer.
PH might, might overtake MLP Time Loops for #3 depending on exactly how FIMFic counts words and provided MLPTL basically never updates again before PH gets fully uploaded.
7320920 Don't be longer. Be better. See what I did wrong; the mistakes I made, and avoid them. Write the best damned story you can.
Then, write another one. And other. And another. And even if they fail, make them the best you can. You'll have nothing to be ashamed of if you do.
7322721 More like a 30mm anti-anything you're pointing it at or 30 feet from the target shell
Congratulations Project Horizons, you have just been put on my list of the Ten best damn stories on FimFic. List is here:
1. Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons, by Somber
2. Fallout Equestria, by kkat
3. Past Sins, by Pen Stroke
4. Symphony of the Damned, by Lord Benjamin Moorington
5. The Railway Ponies: Highball, by The Descendant
6. The Torch be Ours, by The 24th Pegisus
7. The Things We Leave Behind, by theswimmingbrony
8. Of the Hive, by Law Abiding Pony
9. The Mare of the Equestrian 8th, by The 24th Pegisus
10. Rekindling, by Tealea-and-Cody
This is my opinion. You are entitled to your own opinion of what is best. That being said, I would recommend reading all of these stories at some point.
7322381 Damn well said!
I gotta say man... you are a monster when you update :rainbowdetermind2: Yes I know the story is completed elsewhere, but wheeeeeew... this is one hell of a story and I mean every word I've said in a good way.
Damn good show man, damn good show.
You'll find out in time if you read the later chapters.
then we need to get out of here
Formatting spaces between words seems unusual. Or intended.
It began to smash down with its barb,
that's where I would be. ?
Leave it to a password to be a obstacle with accessing a program Hahahahahahaha
I'd like to move us to a new location.
What, playing Star Wars Death Star beam destruction like Alderann for information? What.
would be able to do much to EC-1101.
as he peered at her through a pair of opera glasses. Because Discord is in his normal draconequus state of being yes?
And believe me, that’s saying something.” ?
My sides at that old-but-gold reference "oh, come on!" I say the same thing, frequently.
My mind is full of what the fuck just happened, did I think it really happened (with side settlements being destroyed) and who the hell is Cognitum exactly? Arghhh. I want to jump ship with reading this chapter. But no, I am so hooked to read on to the very end of this crazy ride.
You don't seem to know basic quoting rules. The comma is there because there's a "s/he said" behind it.
In wasteland Equestria 4th wall breaks you.
“An alien device of immense complexity that may also be an eldritch abomination of mind-shocking power projecting a field that liquefies flesh causing that flesh to transform and alter into monsters of grotesque magnificence?” Discord gushed, her red and yellow eyes growing by the second as she leaned towards me. Then she gave a dismissive wave of her hoof. “Nah. Couldn’t be. Personally, I think there’s something in the water. Fluoridation. Look it up.”
Wooow.... Dead Space much ?
Taste my cum!
That's it. I am officially naming Boo the best chaos pony.
Move out the way, Skrewball! You're getting replaced with a pony that has truesight AND immortality!
Holy Frihole! New chaos god incoming!
Coming to your local Wasteland soon!
Lol. But how much can it handle is the real question.
Lol. Goldie is still screwing them over, even after death.
That's the Goldenblood we all know and love!
Still...I would very much like to see BJ reunited with her original body. She's been through so much, doenst she deserve it?
Still...go to the moon?
"It will be easy"? Wow. Talk about overzealous indivisuals.
Lastyly, u really thought Luna's soul would bring everything back to goodness. I wasn't expectations a Nightmare Moon Mk2.
I also wasn't expecting Discord to die.
How terrible.
Dat footnote tho :V You sneaky sneak.
Lots of great reveals this time around. I'll admit, I was figuring that Boo would be somehow genetically descended from Blackjack, owing to DNA in the blank-machine or somesuch; that was the only real disappointment. The rest was just not wanting to see Discord again after the first time, but he worked out far better.
I do love hostage scenarios like the one Cognitum puts BJ into. I mean, if you think about it, the "Only you have the power to stop this" is bullshit; I mean, the hero can give in, or the villain can stop it. They have the power to, after all, or else the hero wouldn't be able to cave to their demands. It's all bullshit! :V Fucking gambits.
And as to the reveal of Blackjack's talent, I only have this to say:
Oh, the end of that footnote dredges up some unpleasant memories. >:(
Timing for the Boo/Blackjack connection wouldn't have worked out that well anyway; created before then, and apparently wandering around a long time. But an interesting idea. There were parts of Discord's appearance here I liked a lot, others less so; bringing in the whole thing about what was supposed to happen (especially the script thing, which might be the most 4th-wally thing in the story) was a major low point on the first read. Got over it quite a bit since, but still not something I see as positive.
On the talent, I've always been inclined to see Cogs's and the Legate's interpretation as a mistake. But that's something that's kind of open to each person's interpretation.
Has anyone done a version of that for Cloudkicker? I hear that's what she's all about (even if I've been warned away from that particular story...).
Honestly, I'd call that a good fourth wall break, even as blatant as it is, because it raises an interesting question and asserts that FoE spawns from an AU for the show. Addressing that directly is thus considerably less asinine than your after 4WB tends to be.
Cognitum using Sweetie Bot's body made me think of this video:
Oh hi Luna.
This has been an interesting chapter indeed -- SO MUCH INFORMATION!!! O.O
The whole part with getting to Cog, then the conversation with Coffee, and then dying... that was... really something. I really want to read on to see what happens... but alas, I must sleep.
I've enjoyed Discord in particular. He's been written so well that he is just such fun. Oh! And seeing Blackjack's cutie mark explained was very intriguing.
Nearly three years later, PH is the 7th longest story on the site. 4th place is now held by An Extended Holiday, which is at 2.1 million words, and according to the author, only about 25% complete.
Interesting list. I'm gonna have to check out those ones I have not yet read.
Here is my list:
1) Fallout: Equestria - Kkat
2) Project Horizons - Somber
3) Rites of Ascension - CvBrony
4) Diplomatic Security - Georg
5) The Night is Passing - Cynewulf
6) Message in a Bottle - Starscribe
7) Blue Angel - V-Pony
8) Five Score, Divided by Four - TwistedSpectrum
9) Background Pony - shortskirtsandexplosions
10) An Extended Holiday - Commander_Pensword
These ten had a real emotional impact for me in some way, shape or form.
I think this is the chapter that Broke me. Not because of the information dumps or the body stealing or the destruction reaped across all those settlements. What broke me, was Rampages betrayal. She was undeniably my favourite character and for her to turn on Blackjack like that. All for the selfish desire to die, even at the cost of so may other lives.
I'm going to finsh the story, but another death? Death becomes cheap if shit like this keeps happen, making it worthless. This story is an good example for that. Every time Blackjack dies, after the first time, it becomes worthless way of adding drama.
And Rampage betrayal was done as an dumb way, like 'Oh look at me' bullshit.
This story is a good example of 2012 stories, all dark and sadness, with no happiness.
I would love to hear John De Lancie speak these lines.
Yup! Small penis!
Oh shit!!! My guess was right!!
You traitorous bastard!!!!!😱😡😭
My god this was a rollercoaster
Her betrayal doesn't make sense to me
I was gonna try defending her but yeah... She fucked up to big for that. I just hope she comes to her senses and actually helps stop Nightmare Mecha aka Cognitum.
It's because Blackjack had something that might kill her (Trottenheimer's Folly) but didn't use it. Rampage wanted to die. Blackjack MIGHT have been able to but didn't because of something BLACKJACK wanted. Cognitum used that to promise once she had Blackjack's body, she'd end Rampage's pain. she also guaranteed that Blackjack would be "okay" with the blank body. Of course she had no serious commitment to any of it.
Rest in peace Discord. I hope Boo is fine without him. But why does his sacrifice feel in vain. Just feels like it he merged Luna's soul but she's still evil?
This is the chapter where, for the sake of my own sanity, I'll have to stop taking the fic seriously. Out of respect for the craft, I'll still finish the story, but this is really the point where I can't let myself be invested anymore.
Mild spoilers ahead, if you're seeing this and it's your first time reading PH.
This is the point where the fic goes all in and turns the "hurt BJ in any conceivable way, as hard as possible" knob up to eleven, and it becomes blatantly obvious in this chapter if you know how the fic ends. The fic becomes utter misery porn near the end, and this is the point where it really starts to get bad. And this is coming from someone who absolutely adored the tragedy of Stable 99, as well as BJ's first death and its circumstances.
And don't get me wrong, I understand why it's all happening, but it ultimately feels forced. Cognitum doesn't feel like a villain that exists within the world, she feels like a plot device whose sole reason for existing is to torment BJ. Starting from here, the fic as a whole gets that vibe. Like everything only exists and happens to torment her.
I definitely understand the artistic vision, but it shatters my suspension of disbelief, and I end up seeing PH as just a story.
I read Horizons for the third time, re-reading several paragraphs several times, but I still have trouble imagining Tokomare.
Best line ever
at his side?
Was it intentional, Discord confirming which of the two the Tokomare was? Becase if it was, then holy shit my brain just exploded.
6 jars, if I rememer correctly: Dawn, Charm, Echo, Blankjack, Snails and Horse.
No, I was wrong, it was: Dawn, Charm, Echo, Blankjack,Snips , Horse and Sanguine. Wait, that's 7! What the hay?
I don't know why this thought didn't occur to me sooner, but how would Blackjack's cutiemark work with her Go Fish name? I wonder if she started calling herself Blackjack before or after getting her mark.
Somber has a bad habit of killing characters that are not needed anymore. There were these six unicorns that were killed the moment they fullfilled their purpose, just so they were out of the picture. There wasn't any easy way to dispose of them in that scene, but then why not replace their role with some machine, maybe a big silver ring holding the soul in place. It would be less dramatic this way I guess, but the alternative of just disposing of them seems lazy.
Satelite-Stamped Sisters - oh, that's gold. Gotta rememer that.
A lot of feels in this chapter. I hate how violated Blackjack is being, I care so much. I don't show much emotion and I tend to bottle it up, despite that these scenes get my blood boiling.
This hurts. It’s the most painful moment since Lacunae’s death.
Ok, this is a relief! I wasn’t sure if Boo’s developing personality was real or just a prank by Discord.
That has to be it! Actually, I’m only half joking (maybe even quarter joking). Considering how important music and song is to this universe, Discord might be onto something here. Perhaps Twilight sings The Failure Song in D minor and all of a sudden, BAM! You’ve got A Fail Indeed!
We’ve got a two for the price of one special on betrayals today! Objectively, this probably isn’t any worse than Rampage’s betrayal. But after all the sanctimonious preaching Blackjack has had to put up with from him, it does feel just a tad more hypocritical.
Ok, I was wrong about her getting a surrogacy spell. Except, I wasn’t entirely wrong. But this is not the kind of surrogacy I was thinking of! “I have your baby!” No. No, that’s too tame for this story. “I’m carrying your baby!”
She is so close to realizing it…