Blackjack, an incompetent security mare from the dystopian Stable 99, suddenly has her monotonous life turned upside down when the stable is invaded by vicious raiders. Blackjack flees the stable with EC-1101, with the wasteland in hot pursuit.
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Gonna make them a pickle, eh?
The Angel's death was probably one of the most satisfying things to happen in this story.
Oh, and Tom can talk-
Hoooooooooooooweeeeeeeeee, only one more chapter to go... hot damn man this is one hell of a ride.
From a simple security mare living in a stable... to going to the fucking moon and kicking ass, jeez... who can top Blackjack's insanity?
Nice job!
the promise of an end to her life only for it to be denied to her yet again. ?
“Oh, you have to be shitting me!/. (A question mark seems odd, IMO.)
Worse, it kept me in place long enough for Rampage to pounce.
I just don’t see anything we can reach in that wide-open, empty chamber that could control a megaspell.”
And she fired another burst with renewed vigor.
(It's vigor. Right? Riiiighht? Tell me it's supposed to be vigor. Vinegar makes NO flipping sense! Actually, I just read the FoE PH Ch. 73 subreddit thread. Seems intended for reasons. Disregard this one then. I don't want to contest the reasoning.)
An interesting chapter title. Had to look this one up, astronomy definition is fitting.
Well that didn't take too long for Rampage to be persuaded again. RIP Doctor Comet, hardly knew ye, literally. Although damn, this whole chapter is simply crazy. Of course Tom can talk to Blackjack. Why shouldn't moonstone be able to do that with the 'gifts' Blackjack were bestowed upon by the stars? Oh, and good riddance with that Angel in Rampage. I kept reading Astrostable as Astrolab for some reason. Not only is there a Lunar Palace but a Stable on the Moon.
Actually, the body of an average land animal (such as human or pony) is too efficiently insulated to explode. What would happen is you would bloat before all gases, liquids, and liquids turned gases by the lack of pressure would be violently ejected from your every orifice. This would cause your eyes to burst, your tongue to swell, and your ass to do it's damnest to turn inside out. Eventually you would become a giant piece of jerky-like substance. You'd be dead in fifteen seconds, tops. Assuming you weigh as much as the average American adult, you'd be worth ~125,000 calories.
Also, space tastes metallic. At least, all objects that have been exposed to extraterrestrial vacuum for an extended period of time taste metallic.
7411122 So you're telling me someone stuck something out of a spaceship, completely premeditated, just so they could lick it?
I imagine this Tom sounds like a godly version of this Tom
You'll never be alone, Scotch. You will always have a friend (in me) (or not...just kidding!)
He's thinking of this now!?
Dang. Its always giant god-tier monsters with this story.
The Goddess, Luna, Cognitum, The Eater and now Tom?
My gosh. Why don't we invite Azothoth and Cthulhu while we're at it?
With Thanos his friends too.
Have ourselves a giant deity level fiesta here.
BJ can read minds now... is she going to be able to raise the sun next or something?
It's funny how easy it is to forget about Echo. That's kind of his whole persona, after all.
I want to say, for the record, that when I use the word "bullshit" to describe anything happening in this story, I mean that in the most loving, honored way possible, because all this bullshit is really amazing to behold.
Talon mercs feel woefully underpowered for this level of the game. Why does the fight room smell like burnt candy? The last stand of Charity and Chapel is very Helm's Deep. I like that Echo thinks Cogs is the monster they deserve. And was she talking to Lacunae? I think she was talking to Lacunae.
I can't believe there are only four chapters left, for all that one of them counts for two. Seriously, next chapter is the showdown with Cognitum? What's left after that? D:
When she was in vacuum on the lunar surface? I think she was talking to Tom (there's that text gimmick that seems to match that section and the end with Tom--and I think before that the only colored text was the Eater's green). My original guess was Luna's soul, but Lacunae could make sense too. It's hard to say what works best, since there are issues with what's said there given 1) what Blackjack was thinking about, which seemed to be mostly the world rather than mainly her friends right there on the moon and 2) when you look at what Tom wants on the world level of things, he wants the opposite of what she does: for Horizons to fire at the Core. So giving that pep talk is a bit confusing--either it's not Tom, and someone else is getting purple text; or he's encouraging her to get up to go mess with his own plans; or he's just talking about helping her friends while she's thinking mostly about the larger world.
Good question on the burnt candy. I don't know. Could be a continuing effect of the vacuum on her sensory systems (but what exactly triggered it then, and not really elsewhere?), the moonstone poisoning (again), or I guess an actual smell there for some reason.
Vinegar? How does one shoot with renewed vinegar?
Well.....that's a phrase....not at all inaccurate and it's absolutely hilarious but.....jesus...
oh man, Rampage trying to sing?
because they're already on the moon...
this reminded me of a line in a comic book:
"life doesn't give us purpose, WE give LIFE purpose."
that's from the "Blackest night" super-crossover by DC comics.
Sounds like science to me!
"Sometimes you just have to throw science at the wall and see what sticks!"
It took me way to long to get the reference
Always nice to find a fellow Yogscast fan (Yognaught)
Of course, it isn't until I finished reading this chapter that I realized I didn't comment on the last one; too late now, I guess.
This chapter was great; from the fight with Rampage to the deliriousness...ness. Cogs is next? I can't wait to get to it! The ending has really been excellent!
I've loved the updates with the surface and the wonderful action as a whole. I can only wonder how things will go, and it has me excited to continue.
If I don't end up asleep in the next hour-ish, I might just start the next chapter. Until the next chapter, I hope things go well for you.
From where blackjack could project her thoughts on other ponies is minds, i wonder how the power levels could be measured, on the beginning she could only levitate
Search your feelings, you know it to be true!
Blue font? Motherly? This has to be the real Luna right?
Nevermind guess it was Tom. What a funny name for a giant rock. Wait is that a reference to something from the show? Sounds like it.
Unquoted text should be white.
Second sentence should start with uppercase.
Even on the second read I still want to see Blackjack drop into all that flux, absorb it, and grow in size to the point where she could simply hug Tom out of the way.
The scene where they discover telepathy is one of pure fun.
This was a missed opportunity to coin the term “apohippos.”
Poor Twist
You would think that maybe, after this long I might become desensitized to this kind of emotional trauma.
Enope. Rip my heart out with a fucking spoon, Somber. WITH A SPOON!
The Angel is a presence so evil Blackjack doesn’t even think twice about eradicating it.
Always nice to see Velvet kicking ass.
Yeah, I’m gonna have to side with Triage here.
*Checks my clipboard* Mmm Hmmm Yup! Just a normal day for Blackjack!
I sincerely believe that she would.
The real reason P-21 never changed his name is because the only logical name to take up would be “Chad,” but he’s too humble to do that.
Blackjack the smooth talker strikes again.
I’ll give her this though, she is the master of the understatement.
I can’t even begin to explain how over Echo I am. In a story where it feels like literally every character is trying to one up each other to be the one to claim the lifetime achievement in angst award, this fucker just feels like such a pathetic wannabe in comparison. There is nothing I want more than for Velvet to teleport in and bitch slap the salt right out of him.
Oh. So the star spirit bound to the moonstone wasn’t tricked or ignorant. He wanted to be here. He’s coming for the Eater, and it’s personal. Let me guess, the Eater ate Tom’s star mommy/daddy/brother/sister/all of the above. We’ll find out soon!