• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2018
  • offline last seen 19 minutes ago


I am a polish male born in 2001. I interest myself mostly in reading Fallout Equestria. My journey with this fandom started in August 2016

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Blog Posts

  • 37 weeks
    [OUTDATED] Vote for my next story!

    Update: I'm not proud of these, just keeping it for the record.

    I have no idea why you have followed me. I told you I was not planning on writing any more clop. But you didn't listen and you followed me anyway, so let me reward you.

    I have been sitting on some stories written in notes:
    Fallout Equestria: Yellow - a harsh story with non-sexual rape.

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    0 comments · 100 views
  • 61 weeks
    Rant about the clopfic

    You said you weren't coming!
    Cover done by me

    TABLE OF CONTENTS - it's a long-ass blog post.
    [1] - Why clop/foalcon;
    [2] - Writing without looking at the keyboard;
    [3] - Tone of the story;
    [4] - Character interactions;
    [5] - Self-imposed challenges;
    [6] - Personification of inanimate objects;
    [7] - Write the way I like to read;

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    6 comments · 565 views
  • 150 weeks
    My thoughts on the Rainbow Factory fic

    I am talking about:
    Rainbow Factory: a mystery unsolved

    So I have just written my first fanfic and it felt amazing! It turned out so much better than I expected! All I was aiming for was writing something that wasn't just a reeking pile of words, something that would show Aurora how much I appreciate their work.

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    0 comments · 209 views

[OUTDATED] Vote for my next story! · 11:29pm Nov 8th, 2023

Update: I'm not proud of these, just keeping it for the record.

I have no idea why you have followed me. I told you I was not planning on writing any more clop. But you didn't listen and you followed me anyway, so let me reward you.

I have been sitting on some stories written in notes:
Fallout Equestria: Yellow - a harsh story with non-sexual rape.

Read More

Report Resu · 100 views ·
Comments ( 13 )
  • Viewing 9 - 13 of 13

Thanks for the follow!

I have just noticed you on Fiaura's profile. You are like, the embodiment of kindness, can I have some?

  • Dwindling Party: It would actually be easier to count all of Blackjack's friends and allies who don't die.


  • Viewing 9 - 13 of 13
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