Blackjack, an incompetent security mare from the dystopian Stable 99, suddenly has her monotonous life turned upside down when the stable is invaded by vicious raiders. Blackjack flees the stable with EC-1101, with the wasteland in hot pursuit.
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This comment section is going to be one for the ages.
I was wondering if you kept the skip option. Couldn't find it though.
Just reading the title brings back so much pain and sorrow.
When did he lie? Blackjack never wanted to be a hero and she said that a lot so if she got an ending where she became a hero and the queen of the Hoof the ending wouldn't fit the character. The story could have ended with Blackjack becoming the alicorn queen of the hoof with Luna's soul put to rest and all her friends (minus Lacunae) alive with her while chugging down a bottle of whiskey which would be a happy ending and would fit the character but would have been very predictable and quite Cliché. The ending we got was nice enough. No one predicted it and didn't take away from the story. Also, all the character build up for the other main characters just helped to make it feel like Blackjack had lost even more. I was expecting her and Glory to end up living in Star house with Scotch tape, I also expected Blackjack to make her story into a book like little pip did.
Oh, did you think that Scoodle was bad? The 40 foals? Stable 99? The suicide attempt? The enervation tunnel? Bah. Maybe one of those could have been the darkest hour in some lesser story for babies, but this is Project fucking Horizons.
Unless you somehow missed what happened in the chapter... this is a pretty major event. This is the big turning point in the story, from this point on is where things actually start to get crazy. This is the end. But it isn't. This is probably the best place to jump ship, like Blackjack did here, if the first part was a bit too heavy for you, because it hasn't even started yet.
I for one, always found the quote selected for this chapter in particular to be quite chilling and poetic in regards to the chapter itself. I always liked those little quote things, and the occasions where they actually resonated with the chapter instead of being there for the hell of it, but this one was always the most powerful. Just one of those things I like about this chapter.
This is probably the best "despair event horizon" moment I've ever seen pulled off. It's brutal, it's horrific and it's terrible, but the only point where it broke my suspension of disbelief was Blackjack's stupid good moment. And even then upon thinking about it, it's perfectly in character for her. She is an idiot.
Most other event horizons I've seen in fan fiction are either way over the top or simply don't make any sense. With all that in mind, I like this chapter. But I'd gladly not read it again for a long while.
6527758 Yeah. I like a lot of animes and FMA is one of my favorites. I tried to put in Hawkeye and Mustang but my editors wouldn't let me! ::Weeps and sparkles.::
The feels....
Watch out guys, chapter 33 is the saddest fucking thing you will ever read.
This is the heaviest and darkest story I have ever read and I am absolutely loving it! This chapter almost makes me want to get over my hate of google docs and read the rest right now.
The funny thing is that for most of the people I know that dislike Horizons THIS is the point where they choose to end. They stop here and are happy with it.
I think I'll go download this to my e-reader now and then update it every time Fishy dies. So next update will be the tower.
yet some hope.
/shakes head.
definitely have to go watch PFDOR to get some good feelings going.
Well done you sadistic fiend.
I thought it was the end of the trail . . .
I am a horrible person, I know this chapter is sad, my heart hurts from reading it, my stomach is twisting...
no tears... I can feel the and tingles, but no tears are coming... does that make me a bastard?
Okay, at first... it didn't seem as bad, but as I started progressing through the chapter, I could see how it was going bad.
And this story, it does end... in a way, it feels like one. You have the heroine, and her friends all on a boat, heading out to sea, stars are actually seen for once... and she just... let's go... It's chilling and, makes me sad. I've heard this chapter was dark and gritty beyond belief... goddamn it Blackjack, you're.. there are no words for you and how you are...
Damn you for making me feel this way, I want to cry but I can't because I'm a shit.
I'm not sure what else to say beyond this except good job Somber.
I shall await more to this, cause I know there will be more... there simply must be.
Good bye for now, and I shall return.
*clutches pillow and ponders life choices*
Goddamn this fandom and its feels inducing stories...
damn you all.
Spoiler! There are no typos as far as I can see in this chapter, just a regular comment longer than usual! But there is story spoilers below, so beware wandering eyes still not up to Ch. 33!
Ch.33 and this reference pops up
Of course she is now a verb!
Just cracking out the references if any huh?
Is this gonna happen or not..? Oh such foreshadowing. I already went ahead and accidentally spoilered myself reading some random comments so I expect it but I am not looking forward to it.
Ooohhhh that's what they were playing.
Oh nooo... right after the Big Macintosh memory orb, of course.
Of course Glory and co are away and the ship is a sitting duck! Of Goddesses damned course!
Took the words right out of my mind..
..Sweet Celestia fuck me with your horn until I am banished to the moon and back!
(Feels better after a colorful epithet)
Yep, absolutely was not looking forward to it and it has much more impact with reading it now.
Blackjack forgives them that easily? After what those fuckers did not only to just her? Screw those jackasses and not in the pleasure kind of way! She truly is crazy.
So this is the scene noted for the chapter at large, well I would be lying to say what those grudging stallions did was acceptable. No, not okay especially the circumstances. Now I know why image macros about this.. topic even as joke, get downvoted as this is the closest to personal I have encountered in my experience thankfully. Everything just yells 'No' about this. Their fault to engage in such way of life and to expect no one to bat an eye over it. Sure Blackjack could not of barged in being hotshot at Fallen Arch but never have I wished for scum and villainy to have retribution right now. A person's a person but since we're all human, or in the story's sense equine, well people fuck up too, and when they do, someone will come along to state that. "Hey, you fucked up" The arguable truth is no matter how much great and horrible things someone does, perceived any way, no matter how you cut it they are still a person, not less than scum or trash of filth. Justice craves for itself to find it's way and man karma is coming. One can hope.
I'm not raging in this comment, I didn't even cry, how bad I am. Just putting my thoughts down on this matter of chapter. I like swearing a bit much
Too much?
Game over, man! Game over.
But wait there's more!
The end is only the beginning to a new volume. Beginning of the end, where things get even more crazy apparently.
Ante up
This is probably in poor taste but I still find it hilarious in conjunction with this story. Here you go.
6528630 Truth be told I have read more gruesome things... Doesn't mean I liked it but sometimes (almost always really) things have got to get worse before they can get better.
No no, just NO!!! I can not read this chapter again, I am in tears just seeing it uploaded. I hate this chapter, this is the worst thing I have ever read...and it is well written, it is in character, and it breaks my heart.
I've always viewed this point as when Project Horizons stopped being fun. It was no longer a fun, crazy action fic and became something...dark. Maybe we can argue that happened back in chapter 22.....but this......oh god, I can't read it again!
A true testement to you as a writer sir. I care much that I can not stomach this. *leaves while crying eyes out*
"And died"
Is it just me or is that really blunt?
So, re-reading this gave me a different response than I expected, in all truth. Mostly due to this line from Applesnack.
Goddamnit Somber. I knew I'd be depressed, I didn't need mood whiplash.
God the ending is even harder to read the second time. Darn near started crying in the middle of class.
This is the part were you load your last save and try again!
“Any pain… any injury… any indignity… is a small price paid in the defense of an innocent. Remember that,”
This didn't register the first time. Man, Blackjack sure has a Jesus complex huh.
Not bad, not bad at all.
Somehow my feels get ruined by the fact I know Blackjack is gonna survive this, the ones you know of that aren't ever coming back hurt the most.
6529417 6529655 6528236 6529184 6530482 6530045
Am I the only one who isn't bothered by this at all despite it being the one chapter that is the major turning point in the story known for its majorly dark and grim moments? And this is the first time I'm reading this chapter too! Okay, I have a hurting heart for Blackjack and a disgusted look on my face when I got to the rape scene, but otherwise I'm not bothered by it at all. Is this a bad thing everyone?
I think the main reason this chapter hits people hard is because of the narrative — Blackjack is a very empathetic character with a very immersive first person perspective. We know Blackjack, in a sense. Hence, the unpleasantness of this chapter's events is far more palpable. We just watched someone we know experience absolute misery, agony, shame, violation and a helpless, hopeless, hapless death. It's not a lot of fun to see that happen.
It's not a bad thing if this didn't move you, not at all. It just means you weren't quite as enthralled as the rest of us.
The reason I call it a major turning point is because it is, you don't just come back from that and be the same, especially considering the fact that she, y'know, died. The tone of this story shifts considerably after this. Perhaps that's a little more important to me because I already know the impact this has on the future chapters, but it's an undeniably significant event nevertheless.
Thing is I was only slightly bothered by the ending scene, by now it is per usual Blackjack will throw herself into harm's way.
Oh and thanks for the reply, I like being replied to.
Join the club, I guess the desensitization gets to a lot of people reading this. We're all enthralled enough to discuss it ha. Oh, and to add salt to the wound of just letting the attackers go they killed Tarboots those bastards, imagine Scotch Tape's point-of-view at that scene. And speaking of this club, I am also one that does not want to re-read this chapter for a long time coming. Like Nasty Mister Monket said "This is Project fucking Horizons" not for the faint of heart, and here we all crazy enough to read it. Anyone else here gonna read it no matter what? I'm going to read it start to finish no matter how long it takes.
Somber said most don't like it (the story) after Ch.33 and I can see that perspective. It's my first time reading this story and chapter too 1-33. This is a major turning point because we know a couple of things here.
One, Blackjack broke her legs and is now an amputee 'Baton' as she jokes to Scotch Tape. Because her limbs are gone from the demand put on them and torture, it makes a lot of sense in hindsight to look into the augmentation of cyber limbs from the Zodiacs' professor or somebody to help her.
Two, this is where the story apparently gets even crazier than before. Project Horizons is putting the main character to the very limit certainly, how far can she go and at what cost? She may not be the 100% same after this chapter but now that I know the context how and why she needed cyber augmentation after first seeing pictures of her using it, she isn't a heartless monster that she looks like. At first I thought she had cyber limbs because she wanted them for battle augmentation, looking like a warmonger in a lot of art and imposing. Even after this point Blackjack is the same pony to me, the same but different at the same time. She cares, she thinks, and she is really hard to kill. She's on a quest of her own to try to figure everything out. She'll put her life and body on the line to protect her friends and help as many as possible how she can. "You can't save everyone, pisspot" Even so, after her major screw-ups, there is a sense of inspiration of that.
If you read as much as I do you fairly quickly get desensitized to the main characters agony and suffering because you learn that, for the most part, the author has a reason for putting them through that and not just to make them scream or the reader to become squeamish. In this case, for Blackjack this is Tuesday. A really awfull Tuesday but this is probably the Tuesday that sets the bar for upcoming bad days. (Thanks a lot Deviantart... bleh, spoilers. Gotta hate'em.) But no. You are not the only one that is having a hard time feeling bad or bothered about what happened to Blackjack and feeling a little guilty about it.
Speaking of guilty that reminds me. The four ponies that she insisted be let go. One of them was one of the Cannibal ponies from Arbu if I remember correctly. That's beside the point anyway. Right now I can imagine that there are two main roads in front of them, one of damnation and one of salvation and Blackjack just finished blazing the dirt path of the second one for them. When they realize what just happened after they come off their adrenaline high of running for their lives they are going to have to make a choice. One way they will become worse and the next time they meet Blackjack and friends won't be giving them a third chance.
The other path though, the one to their salvation, redemption, whatever, is not going to be straight or easy. They might come to realize that after all the things they did to her and she still convinces her friend to let the go that she is a far better being than they will ever be. After that little sermon they might end up guilt tripping themselves into an epiphany. Not sure what it might be exactly be but I figure it will be important to them. If they follow this path all the people who helped, were helped by, or possibly just listen to DJ Pon3 occasionally will treat them like parriah's if they don't outright kill them after they find out what they did. If they sincerely desire to change they just might make it, they will probably feel it necessary to dedicate themselves to better themselves and helping others.
Anyway, got to agree with Pirate in that I like responses. Apparently I need to apply pictures more often since that seems to be the key to getting people to respond.
(Okay wow, I didn't even mean to write all this! What is it with us and giving you page long responses!?)
You know what they say, a picture's worth a 1000 words. I could use images more often, too. Fair warning spoilers for Ch.33 but you can see it puts it in a perspective of an image.
We probably like to type a lot to express our opinions. Images and videos can help supplement that, and seems a good way to get noticed too.
Deviantart is great for finding art, but not the ideal place to avoid spoilers I know exactly what you mean. Can't tell this early on what's an actual spoiler, what's fanart only in concept, and what's PH specific. It's a confusing place.
Thanks for all of the response guys and girls (Just in case if one of you is either gender)! Well I know we still have a far ways to go before we can officially call this book finished and I actually already expect the next parts to be even crazier from here on out. Well, here's to the next chapters of Blackjack and companies lives!
Yes, here's to the future. It's like a weekly show of Blackjack and company.
Come what may.
6534669 Aw you had to use the clip from the Great Gatsby didn't you!? I loved that scene! Oh yeah, cheers to their future!
Yep, I found it rather fitting to use. One of the most memorable scenes in the movie, old sport!
6534858 Indeed!
I actually know what this is, if you want to know I can tell you it right now. only if you want to know that is
No, its not bad thing, a lot of people just aren't as affected as others are.
I lack the many many words to give you an awesome reply like the others, so I will just say, no it's not a bad thing, some people are just desensitized (like myself seeing how I lack the ability to actually cry) and continue on down this sad sad road that is Project Horizons. //stares at computer screen//
6535150 Heh, well there's something... I too cry at times but not at the depressing stuff to be honest, more into those that have a bittersweet ending or those that just tugs at me heart like My Little Dashie and Snowdrop (Maybe Past Sins to an extent). So yeah, I have a heart but rarely do I ever cry until I feel like whatever I read, watch, or listen to truly deserves my tears to be shed. I'm just that kind of guy
6535239 It takes a lot to make me cry, like... titanic amounts...
its depressing.
Well... Rarity is stuck in soul jars.
Well, there must be some wiggle room with the brother of another Ministry Mare.
From what people were saying, I was expecting the rape section to be worse. Though I know Blackjack has something fucked up in her mind. Rapists can get turned into glue.
While I feel the rape scene itself was a little lackluster, I can see the emotional fallout later being good if handled correctly. Blackjack's death was nice, I liked it. So much so I read that section twice to just see how it all felt to me. Yes it felt cliché, but I can be sappy. Having the character die in a fight would just seem pointless since everyone would feel just put out. At this point, with everything peaceful, it holds a bit more of a punch.
Reading the little pissing fit between Somber and Jaded (come on guys, do better), I know I have some things to keep in mind while judging this story. So far I have enjoyed it, I have had read better (Monsters by JawJoe) but have read far worse as well. The story keeps my attention and I find myself coming back read each new chapter. But, I will be paying closer attention to how Blackjack changes, what she remembers, and how she acts. Also, about the little pissing fest, I have to at least give a little tip of the hat to Somber for not deleting comments. Always sours my opinion of an author that deletes even mean spirited comments. I know I am not linking to comments, but really Jaded, you could have been more focused on the work and not resorting to ad hominems.
6535343 I don't see how that's depressing... Eh, I don't know myself so meh... Maybe this picture should lighten up the mood, oh wait, this is Project Horizons, there is no lighten up the mood in this story!
Project Horizons has it's moments for comical relief, needs a compilation of those moments I'd say. Now I can only wonder with not reading ahead if things pick up immediately after this or a time skip. Please no time skip, like in the nightmare..
6535497 Nope no lighten up in this story :P
heheh eue
6535563 If there was a time skip, I'd rage like crazy! Twice as the matter of fact!
6535570 Yeah, no lightening up the mood indeed... Aw well, I'll show the picture anyway! Note, this is not related to the story at large, but Blackjack oddly reminds me of this character from a game...
6535639 That's an interesting little thing, ehehhee eue
I don't think I could count on one hand - even if I generalize - the reasons I love this story!
Here's a few reasons:
Great plot
Epic writing quality
Good writing quanitity
It's official. We have another master/genius on our hooves!
Okay we all know what happens now, but seriously, who else got their feels bled at this point? That ending hurt!
She's only mostly dead! Which means she's slightly alive!
6535058 i want to know. (does it involve H.P. Lovecraft?)
First, i'd like to thank Hinds for noting that the story isn't done. I almost let this story go.
Second, i'd like to curse Somber for making me cry.
And third, i'd like to congratulate Somber on making me cry. Well done. I respect the author that makes a heartless man cry.
6551695 Well you were not the person I typed that too but close enough! First one, I have no idea what H.P. Lovecraft is so I did a bit of research and to answer that question, no it isn't related to it. Secondly comes in a form of a question, have you ever heard of the creepypasta named Zalgo?