• Member Since 8th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 17th, 2015


Female || Teenager || English



"The sun's gonna die some day!"

Celestia finds out that the sun will die but the moon won't. Grabbing her awesome sidekick, Twilight Sparkle, she heads out to stop Luna this catastrophe from happening.

(AU tag added as OOC speech/thoughts will be shown. It's also non-canon.)

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 99 )

Aw shit, Celestia. Ya dun bucked up now.

Well it's a yellow star so technically it won't explode, just balloon up into a red giant, then contract back to a 'smaller' size, then convulse four times 100,000 years apart before wafting away in the interstellar wind, leaving behind a white dwarf.

By the laws of physics, Celestia's life being tied to the sun is impossible.


Also, Celestia moving the sun is impossible. Also, the moon taking on a pony face because Luna has been banished there is impossible. Also, Luna moving the moon is impossible.

However, talking horses with magic is totally probable!


Actually this is DIFFERENT... This isn't the sun running out of life -- this is a nearby supergiant blowing up and causing significant problems for their sun. Of course Tia could hide the sun behind equestria at that point BUT anything that would damage the sun would really not be good for equestria either.

4198595 The size Spike described isn't a supergiant, it's a star similar to our sun. As near as I can tell, Twilight picked up on a star that was going to die really close to their sun, but upon further investigation realized it was their sun.

... author plz correct?


"Anything is possible, Spike," Twilight mumbled, carefully inspecting the sheet of paper. "Hmm, the locations of where this humongous star is are vague, but it looks as if it's close to the sun."

Spike raised an eyebrow. "So does that mean that if this weirdo star explodes, the sun will, you know, die?"


Looks like two separate things to me -- the humongous star and the sun.


Silence filled the basement as Twilight squinted at the papers. She squinted closer. Was that...? No, it was impossible...but anything was impossible...she had to alert the
Princess at once!
The Alicorn got to her hooves, urgency in her eyes. "Spike, take a letter to Princess Celestia! The sun's going to explode!"

"Like, how the heck can a star be 864938 miles in diameter?" That star is extremely small. Less than 25 times bigger than our planet. Probably the size around Jupiter. So at most it's a dwarf star but that is highly unlikely. But other than that good story!:twilightsmile:

Well if Celestia stopped eating so much cake then maybe the sun won't turn into a red giant.

If the star was strong enough to destroy the sun wouldn't it be plausible that said star's death could also destroy Equestria before most if not all of life is wiped out by lack of sunlight?:trixieshiftright:
I want to know more, keep it coming.:pinkiecrazy:

4198661 Maybe their sun and planets are smaller.

4198515 The amount and variation of xenos would surprise you.

4198661 Thats actually around the diameter of OUR sun, 865k.

You had my interest sir, now you have my attention.

Ok, I have to see more of this! Up voted and faved!:twilightsmile:

>>>"Like, how the heck can a star be 864938 miles in diameter?">>>

That's not a very big star, actually. Sounds like a regular class G main sequence in diameter, similar to the Sun.

The BIG stars are the diameter of Mars' orbit or larger. They make our Sun look like a pea sitting next to a beach ball. :twistnerd:


Don't look at me I hate science

Ahh, but maybe those stars don't exist in Equestria. :rainbowwild:

4198805 If the supernova was strong enough to destroy Equestria's sun, the planet itself would be reduced to irradiated vapor screaming through space within the explosion shock front at nearly a quarter the speed of light almost instantly.

I should note that there are some stellar co-orbiting pairs of giant stars and neutron stars, meaning one of the pair already underwent a supernova without destroying the companion star.

This would be akin to a case where a Sun-like star was very close to a star like Eta Carinae.

However, due to the immense mass loss and solar wind from such a hypergiant, the planet orbiting the low-mass star would be irradiated into utter lifelessness, and likely have a super-heated surface from the intense particle bombardment. To say nothing of what a direct impact from the stellar mass ejections from such giant stars would do to said planet.

Equestria could be in danger from a wandering neutron star or black hole, jettisoned at high velocity from an asymmetic core-collapse type supernova. :twistnerd::twistnerd::twistnerd:

Of course, Earth is also in danger from such an event. So, since we're all doomed, you should all go out and gorge yourselves and screw anything and everything you feel like because WE'RE DOOMED, MAN!!! IT'S ALL OVER!!! *jumps off cliff in despair* :raritydespair:


4203195 >>>Don't look at me I hate science>>>






Uhh, this is not cannon. We know from the Hearth's Warming Eve play, that a bunch of unicorns were the ones controlling the sun before Celestia was born.

And whoever said this was canon?

4203555 What was your first clue it wasn't canon?

Also, AU tag.

4199225 Oh sorry, well it's still pretty small and it shouldn't affect Equestria too much. Yea I'm bad at comparing sizes.:twilightblush:


You're thinking too small.

VY Canis Majoris.

Estimates put the star large enough to cover Jupiter's or Saturn's orbit, depending on its exact size.

4203212 To the TARDIS!
*Runs away screaming.*

4204037 Note: 'or larger'.

I was just generally noting the group of the largest stars. We may not have even found the biggest yet!

We have several hundred billion to measure after all just in our galaxy. :derpyderp2:

4204283 But then the Tardis cracks open and destroys the universe.


Wait... *goes back to old-generation Doctor Who TARDIS, which had the Eye of Harmony open... and then looks at the new Doctor Who... and notes that the Daleks could easily destroy Tardises and that didn't destroy the universe when they did it... and notes that Tardises could be decommissioned and taken apart... so how could one breaking destroy the entire... gahhhh... GAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!*

HOW THE HELL DOES THAT EVEN MAKE SENSE?! *is mad at that episode now* :flutterrage:


Maybe the Doctor's TARDIS is powered by a box containing our own universe! So when the other TARDISes were destroyed they only destroyed other universes.


It's the best I got.

4205104 Seek not to know the madness that is Alondro, for if you glimpse the true form of the madness, it shall consume you... as it did me... *Alondro is not the original Alondro.. that being a dark elder god with lots of tentacles for the molestation and the hentai.*


This looks like it will be a good one. Please continue.

just replace it with one at a specific stage in its life(and a specific energy output) every few thousand years and you will be fine.

4204548 It's pretty confusing. Maybe it didn't blow up because Dalek death lasers kill instantly and maybe the energy died out instead of being released. While outright blowing one up tends to destroy everything letting it die out and having the energy leaked slowly like nuclear fuel either through time or disassembly seems possible.

Oh well, plan B.

*Rides a DeLorean*


Uh, did you even look at the tags?

4206940 Yeah, but... the universe is really big.

I kinda hate it when they make things so OP that one character suddenly becomes the Be-All, End-All of the entire omniverse.

I liked it better when the Doctor was just an meddling do-gooder in his blue box, who often won against much stronger foes by a combination of luck and cleverness rather than being this mythic figure who makes people crap their pants if his name is about to be spoken.

It forces the show to constantly one-up itself in scope... which is unsustainable.

The Day of the Doctor was a nice refreshing sort of turn. He didn't do anything God-like. Instead, he found a little temporal loop-hole and got some help from a clever Doomsday device to save the day.

THAT'S the sort of thing that made Doctor Who such a hit in the first place, not god-moding. I would point out that the original incarnation of the series suffered terribly once they started throwing in bizarre powers and crap under Sylvester McCoy, which was a shame because I rather liked his Doctor. The stories were just absurd.

The legend of the Doctor in the universe worked when no one really knew why he was legendary, and the Doctor played on that when he could to save things (such as in "Silence in the Library") even when the reality was if the bad guys or bad carnivorous germ things called his bluff, he'd be stripped to bones or blown up.

Essentially, it was better when he was an alien Everyman battling gods rather than being a god himself.

4207423 A toast to that! Gods fight with power but when a man fights a powerful enemy he does it in style.:coolphoto:
OP characters are okay but I like the more relatable ones better. More plot and less Deus Ex Machina/"I win button."/Holy Swiss knife of ownage.:twilightsheepish:

Oh my God. Oh my Goooooood.

I fucking LOVE this Celestia. I fucking LOVE her! This had me giggling like a dumbass for so long. Finally a Celestia that isn't a Mother Hen that farts rainbows.

4207646 There's something to be said, however, about a badass God who just pwns everyone because, "I'M GOD, BEEYATCH!! DEAL WITH IT!!"

Ah, Old Testament God, how I miss your wrath and fire and brimstone.

Those were the days.



That comment made my day. :heart:

Expect some more badass Celestia stories in the future.

'Luna, I am going to murder you?'

Oh wait, question mark?:rainbowhuh:

Celestia had a pink coat and mane. Her hair was poofy and three balloons adorned her flank. Her blue eyes were half lidded and flashed in annoyance.


I meant why blame Luna who controls the moon instead of Discord who can control both the sun and the moon.:twilightsheepish:

"Don't Worry, We All Know She's Mental"

Oh. Nevermind.:facehoof:

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