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OtaNP chapter 6 · 9:56pm Sep 21st, 2014

Hey guys, chapter 6 of "On to a New Plane" is finally up. Sorry if this one took longer than the others but I've had schoolwork, and a bit of a writers block as of late.

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Thank you for the favorites of my new story and I hope you enjoy it very much

Soooo.... no more updates?:raritydespair:

Thanks for the favourite on Pokémon Red and Purple!

Thanks for faving Unlike Any Other!

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OtaNP chapter 6 · 9:56pm Sep 21st, 2014

Hey guys, chapter 6 of "On to a New Plane" is finally up. Sorry if this one took longer than the others but I've had schoolwork, and a bit of a writers block as of late.

Report random reader · 384 views · Story: On to a New Plane ·

OtaNP chapter 6 · 9:56pm Sep 21st, 2014

Hey guys, chapter 6 of "On to a New Plane" is finally up. Sorry if this one took longer than the others but I've had schoolwork, and a bit of a writers block as of late.

Report random reader · 384 views · Story: On to a New Plane ·