• Member Since 8th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Let ideas and all speech be free. I will respect your ideas, your characters, your ponies. Feel free to ask me anything!


Age magic, only usable by the highest-level unicorns. Twilight's always looking to learn more about magic and after her recent duel with Trixie, Princess Celestia thinks Twilight might be ready for some more advanced spells. But when the princess herself volunteers to be Twilight's first subject, things get really complicated really fast.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 44 )

Your title kinda reminded me of My Little Alicorn but I can tell this story is going to be way different. And I think that the Oracle forgot to mention that Celestia will also become an awful troll.:trollestia::rainbowlaugh: But that ending still made me laugh. Just one thing, don't over do it on the stories. If you think you can handle 4 then go ahead but just don't go over board. Can't wait to see where this story goes.:rainbowdetermined2:

You just earned yourself a fav.

2691276 Eh.......... as I said before, I'm well on my way. Not to frighten you but I could fill a book with my ideas about stories alone and the best, I write and submit right away once they break a thousand words.
But to ease your worries a bit, I'm focusing on Fluttersized and Dusk Shine: TLC. This one and the others I'm planning on adding to at leisure.

The meta description is a turn off but I'll add this to read later.

this chapter was off but ok, also has luna never won a match because the way celestia talked to her it made me think so.

Comment posted by Barrobroadcaster deleted Jun 11th, 2013

2707977 I'm not sure what you mean by 'off'. And she's kinda in the middle, the won a few, lost a few sort of thing.

This may be your most popular story yet. Over 200 views and 20 some likes in just under 4 days:pinkiegasp:. That is freaking amazing. Your story feels surprisingly different then your other stories. Not yet sure what it is though. The humor is top notch as always, maybe it's the fact that the characters feel more like their show counterparts aside from Luna perhaps? IDK.:derpytongue2: Anyways I am really enjoying your story and Congrates on making such really popular story.:rainbowdetermined2:

2709846 lol it's not about popularity, that's too easy to get. This is about capturing the elements of a story. You notice how many stories of mine have the word "Elements" in the title? I'm trying to weave the characters into different situations to prove and illustrate how such amazing characters as the mane 6 and their friends can add to so many different stories.

Interesting, so she is a kid mentally instead of physically...This is a nice change up. Well done. I was not expecting this. Wow.:pinkiehappy:

2728218 Every one of my stories starts out with one or two scenes that I think are funny when I picture them in my head. I build an arc around one point that sets the mood, a framework that supports plot, setting for characters to walk across and then a two points, a beginning and an end that the story branches out to. A story is a bridge from fantasy to reality and the good ones are so believable they make you feel like you're walking across them.

Huh, You know I'm kinda surprised that Luna was silent throughout that whole chapter. If I was here in that situation I would have a lot to say. But then again I might be silent too due to shock, so maybe that is what's going on. Anyways, good chapter.:pinkiehappy:

2766250 Thanks Shadow. And yes, shock has a lot to do with it and Luna's dealing with quite a bit of it. Don't worry, Luna will get more dialogue soon and believe it or not. everything I've gone over in the story so far is entirely relevant and is in no way filler of any kind. Consider every word important.

2829992 Did it make you laugh or did you find it interesting at all? :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Ha ha ha! :placelunaemoticonhere:

Behold, the effects of a mental age regression spell.

This is why you include escape conditions on every spell you cast, so you don't get these unfortunate side effects.

i really like this story hope to ream more soon:twilightsmile:

Just focused on other stuff right now. You know what I want to get finished first, what I'm self-obligated to finish.

Believe me I want to, but I'm working on my Dan Vs. story right now.

I hope you still plan to continue this story at point.

I'm almost finished with Dan Vs. Then, I'll be taking a break from that and I'll be free to work on other stories. I might do a blog and ask what people would like added to next.


"She's going to be a colossal nerd."

I should have expected this when seeing the tags.

Luna almost stopped in her tracks. "My own students?" She'd never considered that. Luna was still getting used to life outside the moon and it had been an adjustment. Meeting Derpy and their other online friends had given her social opportunities she hadn't had in... a long time. But she hadn't thought about taking one into her tutelage.

Or maybe Luna could teach Twilight some things.

Did the spell a actually fail or is it slowly decreasing Celestia's age?

"Why is your room so dark?" Celestia interrupted, sticking her head into Luna's room. "Why is it so dark in here? Are you playing video games in here? Oh my gosh, you are! That is so cool!" the white alicorn strode past Luna and into the room.

Oh. Instead of decreasing Celestia's age, it decreased her maturity and possibly her knowledge. It basically decreased her age every way possible except her body.

The sun princess gasped. "You're right! We should go hang out with Twilie!"

Ok I'm confused if the age spell decreased her knowledge or not, she knows who Twilight is.

Wow that's cool.

I'm gonna use this if you don't mind.


I appreciate the vote of confidence but I'm more writing for myself right now and I'm busy with other life issues.

Oh. But there is a possibility the story will be updated in the future?

My Star Wars crossover and Dan Vs. and other stories are more of a priority at this time.

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