(The cover image will be added later today as I cannot seem to add it at the moment)

Azure Radiance, an earth pony filly with a rare genetic mutation that makes her look like an alicorn but without the ability to use magic and fly, is thrown into a world of bullies when she goes to school for the first time. Will she be able to find a way to be happy again?

Rated T for references to filly birth and possible suicide mentions later in the story.

Chapters (1)

Here's the story two days early! Let's get into the Halloween spirit! I've got eight different short Halloween stories, all packed into one fan fiction! From Twilight's scary story coming true, to Fluttershy going into the Everfree forest after Rainbow Dash, this fic will always have you guessing...
There is no certain order to read this story in, just read at your own pace in whatever order you want!
Proofread by Crash Bandicoot. Seriously, I never would have gotten this done without him! Maybe leave him a thank you!

Chapters (9)

Nightmare Moon

A mare of legend, a mare of evil, a mare of many sides unexplored.

Fortune hasn't been the kindest to her and after many years of allowing her disreputation to define her as the pony she isn't, Lady Luck takes pity on the Alicorn who tried to bring endless night and gives her a chance to make things right by giving her a special somepony and two runaways who lived in an orphanage.

Will this change be all that she needs or will it be a detrimental step in the wrong direction?

Chapters (2)

After millennia of sleep, a small herd of ponies awaken in the stony depths of Tambelon. As they reach for the surface, however, one might ask if they were left asleep for a reason.

A writing exercise more than anything else. This story consists of one hundred parts, each with no more than one hundred words (hyphenated words and contractions count as two words). Working on linguistic efficiency, I tried to create a reasonably interesting plot and a sizeable number of original characters in the space of ~10,000 words.

With all of that said, reader experience may vary.

Chapters (100)

Ponies get drunk, right? Some of them wake up with a hangover or even next to somepony and then proceed to run for the hills. This may go double if you end up in Las Pegasus...weird things happen there.

Our dear human, Jason is one such being, but his drunk mistake has upped the ante by being with none other than Princess Celestia and by that action alone they are forced to marry soon by a law long forgotten from Celestia's teenage years. But that's not the only surprise in store for the pair of them as many conflicts will be coming over the months ahead.

Whether the two like it or not, they must be together until Jason's mortal life ends and there is no way of getting out of that but to live with it.

Chapters (24)

Five years has passed since Deimos the middle child of Princess Luna and a dragon lord had decided at age ten to leave both his mother and regal life behind to live in a cave near ponyville. Under advice from his uncle spike he has mingled with the residents. Most still fear him but he pays them no mind his too busy trying to survive his day-to-day with his friends, making a name for his self, and trying not to follow to closely in his father footsteps.

Chapters (1)

My friend gave me a ticket to a furry convention that promised a very generous prize for the best costume. I accepted her gift without asking how much it had set her back to acquire the ticket.

Plush is a great fabric for making a fur suit, the material at least is looking like short fur. I chose a character and managed to produce the suit for the big day.

Once at the con, I had signed up and entered the con in high spirits. What came next is a mirror and a flash to where I had ended up. I am certainly not in Kansas anymore.

As the green Unicorn Ruby Blossom, as opposed to the white girl I had been.

Chapters (1)

"I-I don't know how to say this..."

"Sweetie Belle, you can tell me anything! That's what sisters are for!"

Rarity finds a secret hidden deep within her family tree through Sweetie Belle: a secret that would change her life forever. Now, she must travel to parts of Equestria nopony has ever been before, or at least she thinks, to solve the greatest mystery that was ever put into her hooves.

Proofread by Hoops

Takes place before Crusaders of the Lost Mark.

Chapters (3)

I am a nerd, simple as that. I like video games and anime, I will argue for an hour that Han shot first. But what I really like is comic books, specifically anything to do with the Green Lantern Corps. Heck, I managed to memorize all of the oaths for the various Lantern Corps so when I managed to find somebody selling all of the various Lantern rings, each made of silver, of course I immediately bought them. What I didn't expect when I received them was to be taken to another world. So now I'm stuck in a place obsessed with horse puns, lucky me. At least they have comics here or else I think I would go crazy.

This is a displaced/Green lantern story with humanized ponies. You have been warned.

Chapters (1)