• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2012


A Young Homosexual Alone in The Corner, Crying – Suttree, Cormac McCarthy.

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Spike has a lot on his mind. As a senior at Ponyville High, he's overloaded with classes, buried in stress... and he's been harboring a crush on a certain close friend for longer than he'd care to admit.

Scootaloo has a lot on her mind. As a junior at Ponyville High, she's pouring her focus into the upcoming softball season, dealing with some irritating gossip about her personal life... and can't help but notice a certain dragon constantly looking her way.

Perhaps it's finally time for one of them to do something about all this...

Cover art by https://twitter.com/cassettepunk

Editing assistance graciously provided by https://www.fimfiction.net/user/112079/Daedalus+Aegle

Chapters (7)

College is easy, most of the time. As long as you keep yourself fed, show up to classes every once in a while, and don't help your former best friend through a rough night of over-indulgence and then accidentally imply you're exactly as much of a party animal as she is, you're good to go.

But if you're like Button Mash, and you're dumb enough to do the third thing, you can get through it no problem. All you have to do is go out for fraternity rush week, pretend you're not a socially stunted dork in front of the hardest-partying guys on campus, and keep faking it until you make a girl you've had a crush on since middle school think you're interesting enough to actually be interested in.

It'll probably work out fine. And it definitely won't teach Button exactly who he really is, or who Sweetie Belle has always been, or what both of them could maybe be for each other. Because that would be complicated, and college is supposed to be easy.

A romantic comedy about college, identity, and discovering the second thing through the first one.

Chapters (15)

In the moonlit quiet of Applejack's bedroom, Rarity and Applejack share the joy of a cozy bed. They cuddle, they tease each other, and they talk Apple family history. With every whispered word and shared moment, their love quietly deepens, a testament to the profound connection between them.

It's just a sweet lil' cuddle fic, guys. I wanted to practice my short story skills. I don't normally ship these two, but I recently found an old draft I had started years ago and I decided to finish it on a whim.

Cover art by AbbyTabbys.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Exes Club

Is it weird to write a fan-fiction of a fan-fiction? This is a story I wanted to write that takes place between MarvelandPonder's The Exes Club and Empathy for the Devil of what Flash and Timber were like when they started dating.

Chapters (1)

My name is Trixie. I don't know much besides that. I was traveling once, I think. I do remember getting lost.

I don't know where I am, but it's empty. I call it Nihilos. There's nothing in here but the remains of a world that moved on. This is what it left behind. I'm alone without the warmth of the sun, nor the guide of the moon. Only a mist that never leaves.

All there's left is the ruins of the world that was, and me.

Me, and the monsters.

Chapters (1)

A my little pony pulp anthology of gritty westerns, hard boiled detectives and more. The stories are either pony or anthro.

If anyone wants to write in the anthology please send me a PM for more information.

Chapters (4)

Called to The Crystal Empire by Shining Armor, Sunburst is tasked with interviewing their newest arrival from the north: Former King Sombra.

As he tries to find out the hows and whys of this enigmatic villain's mysterious return, Sunburst finds there's something more lingering beneath the surface.

And despite wanting to be left alone to rot, Sombra finds connection to a past he'd prefer to forget and decisions unable to be taken back.
Art by Rayne the Skunk who is a beautiful soul.

Written for the 2022 M/M contest!

Chapters (9)

When the citizens of Ponyville's Everfree District need their animals cared for, they turn to Doctors Fluttershy and Tree Hugger, veterinarian and herbalist. The two are famed for the kindness and care; something of a rarity in the Everfree District, where poverty and drugs have infiltrated every street.

So when the two notice that Lightning Dust is struggling with a drug addiction, they decide to help; it's their job, after all. But helping the proud mare with a problem she doesn't want to admit she has is not going to be easy, especially since there's more to this diagnosis than simply addiction.

There is no straightforward cure for all hurting mares. But with a bit of love and care, perhaps Fluttershy and Tree Hugger can help Lightning Dust get what she needs.

A side story of the Noireverse, this mini-project of mine is intended to focus on Fluttershy and the lives of the ponies in the Everfree District, as well as introduce my version of Tree Hugger and Lightning Dust to the series. Plus, Flutterhugger is a personal favorite ship of mine, and I wanted to write something about it.

This contains several references to the Noireverse at large: it's best if you're familiar with the Ponyville Noire series before reading this.

Edited by The Red Parade!

Cover art done by Anxiousshadowpetals!

Chapters (4)

The Fall Formal is over. The bully was beaten, and the strange but beloved pony princess girl then went home. A spontaneous sleepover is about to happen at Sweet Apple Acres, and so Rainbow Dash hitches a ride alongside AJ in Big Mac's truck.  Rainbow tries to process her feelings… as much about the events of that night, as other things. It is not an easy thing for her to do. For one thing, she is (after all) Rainbow Dash. But there's also how amped up Rainbow's feelings are in general, from dancing with friends, to trouncing a villain, to missing a new friend already… plus there are other stray and unsolicited notions. Still, Rainbow does her best to muddle through them all.  Meanwhile, the quiet, vigilant(e) romantic that is Big Macintosh is the one behind the wheel…

Chapters (1)

Nobody understands the internet. Not you, not I, not the horses living on another planet billions of years in the future, not your dog.

Written for the One Thousand Word contest by Bicyclette. The runner up with a participation trophy is back in the game!

Chapters (1)